Does anybody here work in the medical industry?


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Oh and yes, Shitbag, it IS YOUR FUCKING FAULT. Murd didnt make you pick up the phone. YOU did that. YOU.

I do not care about or buy any of your pathetic, spineless and disgusting cowardly excuses. YOU did it, because you are spiteful, vindictive abuser who only cares about yourself and you dont even give a second fucking thought to the CHILDREN who end up suffering for YOUR need to cause as much pain and destruction as possible to anyone and everyone dumb enough to trust or get involved with your shit bag self.


Just so you know i will never buy anyway you spin this and most no one else is, either. Get help. And leave my family, and this family, alone.

I am disengaging, again. I have no desire to retaliate, just to pick up my peices and move on smarter and tougher. However, if you abuse that person by exploiting them, i WILL make sure you have a meeting with that family.

Explain to them why you waited over a month, threatened to give it to the "media" and posted it on an internet forum.

Good bye, chose wisely, and good luck with your sociopathy.
Stick around we got you...

You're gohdang right we fact their was a woman I do believe in th last season of

THE -A TEAM! !!!
BombomBa babumbamPa


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
Here comes the Dovey Victim Train...

You have four failed marriages, how in the fuck do you know what love is?

As for L**, I made that all up so you didn't stalk her like you did me. And even then, you still did.

See, I saw thru your bullshit. This obviously is fucking with you. I wouldn't let you manipulate me the way you have manipulated every one else.

But hey, I love my kids enough not to do stupid shit against an oath I took, amirite?

I have had a GF for two years. You were a kick. Just deal with it and move on. I wasn't that into you.

I feel sorry for you. I really do. I feel sorry for your kids, too. They deserve better. Even the one you haven't seen in years because of your drug problems.

Let it alone, Dovey. Deal with what you have, not me. You don't have me. You never did.
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Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Here comes the Dovey Victim Train...

You have four failed marriages, how in the fuck do you know what love is?

As for L**, I made that all up so you didn't stalk her like you did me. And even then, you still did.

See, I saw thru your bullshit. This obviously is fucking with you. I wouldn't let you manipulate me the way you have manipulated every one else.

But hey, I love my kids enough not to do stupid shit against an oath I took, amirite?

I have had a GF for two years. You were a kick. Just deal with it and move on. I wasn't that into you.

I feel sorry for you. I really do. I feel sorry for your kids, too. They deserve better. Even the one you haven't seen in years because of your drug problems.

Let it alone, Dovey. Deal with what you have, not me. You don't have me. You never did.
Uh oh, the A-Team are booting up!
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
And everyone, i apologize. He got shunned from the other boards for being obsessive and constantly dragging this up.

Seems like all he does is sit on his miserable ass all day, dreaming up creative ways to destroy peoples lives while making himself think he looks like the "good guy".

He never shuts up. Never drops it. He is a horrible fucking harrassing terrorist who will rurhlessly and obsessively go after women who reject him, while playing the victim and pretending we are all "obsessed" with him and need to "get over him".

Well here is a fucking wake up call. Talking and meeting up couple times isnt shit. I have been in love with someone ELSE for a decade, and it aint you.

And after all the horrible, nasty, embarrassing and heartless shit i have seen from you? Omg. Just go die. You need God, badly. I havent seen such a hateful, vengeful and obsessive heartless loser in all my life. You are selfish and gross.

You lash out and hurt children. You make them pay the price for your anger with their mother. You are lower than a scum bag.

And i will move on, with the love of my family and friends, and one day ill just look back on yoy with pity.

Youll still be a grotesque monstrosity hell bent on destroying anyone who is dumb to fall for your constant bullshit.

Leave people alone, K****. You have hurt me and my family plenty. Just go away and find another way to get board attention.

Im not even reading your bullshit posts with all your convoluted lies and excuses and bullshit.

You victimized my children, you are lying spiteful bag of shit devoid of decency and empathy.

Fuck off trying to post, im not gonna read your delusional nonstop whiney cowardly "nothings every my fault, i just manipulate and lie and ruin peoples lives and then make dumb fuck excuses and wild stories no one believes on the innerwebz"

Fuck off, i aint listening to you. Fucking NO ONE else wants to either. No one gives a fuck about your offline life. No one wants this bullshit you constantly vomit. Youd have to actually be human to get that clue though.

Again, no one believes you. No one respects you. No one admires you. And no one wants you. No one cares what a scheming, child attacking bag of nasty vapid shit like you has to say.

Go slither your fat worthless ass back in hell and rot.

THANK YOU BASTARD FACTORY. You are grascious hosts. I am retiring this, for public record, i want this psycho completely OUT of my life. I have even left all the boards i was on in effort to remove myself from this obsessive toxic nightmare. If he posts that picture, i will get the POA and family involved. I do not expect this epic peice of attention seeking shit to have any empathy or sense of right and wrong. Im sure he find some mental gymnastic psycho "loophole" in his rotted ass convoluted brain to give himself permission to post it. The bag of molded dicks that he is.

I have people willing to screen shot it and alert me. Thats all i care about, if i could go back in time i would never even spoke to this fuckface but i will always defend the defenseless, even if im the one who fucked up.

I never again, ever trust a new person. It is not worth it at all.

Sorry for the drama, thank you for having me, and i am truly sorry for this crazy fuckers constant bullshit about me everywhere he goes. Hopefully after ive been gone for a long time, he will stop.

Thank you.

Time for me to go hug and reassure my children, dry my tears over the loss of a job i LOVED, pray to God we can keep our home, and pick up my life and move on. Im not going to let his poison hurt us any more than it has.
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Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Here comes the Dovey Victim Train...

You have four failed marriages, how in the fuck do you know what love is?

As for L**, I made that all up so you didn't stalk her like you did me. And even then, you still did.

See, I saw thru your bullshit. This obviously is fucking with you. I wouldn't let you manipulate me the way you have manipulated every one else.

But hey, I love my kids enough not to do stupid shit against an oath I took, amirite?

I have had a GF for two years. You were a kick. Just deal with it and move on. I wasn't that into you.

I feel sorry for you. I really do. I feel sorry for your kids, too. They deserve better. Even the one you haven't seen in years because of your drug problems.

Let it alone, Dovey. Deal with what you have, not me. You don't have me. You never did.
Uh oh, the A-Team are booting up!

I pity the fool! - Mr. T

Speaking of old shows, this is what comes to mind every time I read this drama lately lol....


I hated soap operas as a kid, did I get old all of a sudden lol?
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I really miss MasterBlaster ..fuck you BF
Not really, I was frustrated. .sorry, I lost control ):


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis


Site Supporter
I really miss MasterBlaster ..fuck you BF
Not really, I was frustrated. .sorry, I lost control ):
MB is too busy revving up chainsaws to care about us...

Do you know that site he has Blazor ?

I LOVEEE 8o's rock refarding the vid...I shit when I first heard that song once upon a time

Why not ask me, am I chopped liver?

//// No sir.. Kobe fucking BEEF ! Do you know it ?


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
I really miss MasterBlaster ..fuck you BF
Not really, I was frustrated. .sorry, I lost control ):
MB is too busy revving up chainsaws to care about us...

Do you know that site he has Blazor ?

I LOVEEE 8o's rock refarding the vid...I shit when I first heard that song once upon a time

Nah sure dont lol. Was never invited there.

Right on man! 80s hair metal rocks! They dont make music like that anymore.

I like the sound of the live version of this one....



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Its gross how "people have questions".

Yeah you fucking slimey bag of shit. Because YOU abused my trust and fucking blasted something private that you could have just walked the fuck away from.

You want to fucking violate people, victimize my kids, pretend you are a human being like you are a fucking obligated to keep on running your foul fucking yap when you could just have a bit of human fucking decency and respect peoples privacy?

Oh no, fuck everyone else! Fuck you Doveys three year old daughter! Fuck you innocent outside person! K**** needs ATTENTION, so everyone just go suffer and feel raped so K**** can answer "questions" God fucking forbid this souless fuckbag misses an opportunity to do REAL fucking damage to peoples REAL lives so he can feel fucking popular on Bastard Factory and apparently socail media. May as well feel like a hero to people who dont know any fucking better because Lord knows you aint got a lick of fucking empathy, integrity or personal responsibility for shit. You destroy lives, i have SAVED lives, and i cant do that anymore because of YOUR and spiteful, horrible entitled bullshit. You gonna get off your fat ass and take my place, since you wrecked a public fucking servant? Nope. You sit online getting applauded by mindless idiots. You dont do a single gotdamn thing for anyone but YOURSELF.

THATS the important thing, guys. K**** needs to exploit and hurt and put toddlers on the street cuz yanno....people have questions about shit they NEVER should have known about. Questions that wouldnt exist if not for his lowdown shit baggery. You know my boss, my coworkers cried? What the fuck do you care, though? You only care about yourself.

Its his public duty, yanno. Destroy peoples lives, victimize kids and exploit and violate privacy laws cuz ya gotta look good, yanno. Gotta have that content. K****s gotta stomp on everyone and their children so he can be a dumb ass loser socail media "hero" deeerrrr. What a fucking waste of life you are. A fucking vaccuum of misery and destruction. You aint a hero, no matter how many duckfaced bimbos on socail media mindlessly say you are. When you log off and look in the mirror, that isnt a hero looking back at you. Its a narcisstic, disgusting pig who takes food and shelter away ftom toddlers. Uses vunerable people to cruely exploit to boost his miserable mask he wears on the internet.

Fuck you K****. Fuck you, you disgusting nasty excuse of a man. You aint a man. You are an abusive, selfish pitiful coward who does nothing but hurt people. Let me catch that picture anywhere and you bet your miserable ass youll be dealing with that family in court. Moreso if youve profitted.

Now leave me ALONE. Leave this issue alone.

Seriously go rot in fucking hell.
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If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
Site Supporter
This drama reminds me of a movie with Michael Douglas and Glen Close but in any case think they both fucked up and need to see the pictures in question to decide who fucked who - - - - - - -

PS-What is the switch you are referring about ???


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
I really miss MasterBlaster ..fuck you BF
Not really, I was frustrated. .sorry, I lost control ):
MB is too busy revving up chainsaws to care about us...

Do you know that site he has Blazor ?

I LOVEEE 8o's rock refarding the vid...I shit when I first heard that song once upon a time

Why not ask me, am I chopped liver?

//// No sir.. Kobe fucking BEEF ! Do you know it ?

Yes, it’s the best!


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
This is Friday night, Im not worried about work, Im worried about.... WHO WANTS TO ROCK!!!!! lol



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Hi Martini. I decided to come visit you in exile. What a pain it was getting through customs. They seem to be even more retarded here. Anyways. I made it through. I brought you a case of I.P.A. microbrew. 3 new Apple tablets. 2 pounds of gummy bears. 2-12 packs of Coke. 9 Granny Smith Apples. 1 case of purified drinking water. Three packs of boxer shorts. 2 packs of socks. 20 cartons of Marlboros. A $1000 Fortnite character accessories gift card. $4500 in cash for "incidentals." 1 case of Suave Green Apple scented shampoo. 1 case of Irish Spring bar soap. 1 case of Degree deodorant. 4 notebooks. 1 box of pens.

Let me know if you need anything else before I leave.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Hi Martini. I decided to come visit you in exile. What a pain it was getting through customs. They seem to be even more retarded here. Anyways. I made it through. I brought you a case of I.P.A. microbrew. 3 new Apple tablets. 2 pounds of gummy bears. 2-12 packs of Coke. 9 Granny Smith Apples. 1 case of purified drinking water. Three packs of boxer shorts. 2 packs of socks. 20 cartons of Marlboros. A $1000 Fortnite character accessories gift card. $4500 in cash for "incidentals." 1 case of Suave Green Apple scented shampoo. 1 case of Irish Spring bar soap. 1 case of Degree deodorant. 4 notebooks. 1 box of pens.

Let me know if you need anything else before I leave.
I wish I was you!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Its gross how "people have questions".

Yeah you fucking slimey bag of shit. Because YOU abused my trust and fucking blasted something private that you could have just walked the fuck away from.

You want to fucking violate people, victimize my kids, pretend you are a human being like you are a fucking obligated to keep on running your foul fucking yap when you could just have a bit of human fucking decency and respect peoples privacy?

Oh no, fuck everyone else! Fuck you Doveys three year old daughter! Fuck you innocent outside person! K**** needs ATTENTION, so everyone just go suffer and feel raped so KEVIN can answer "questions" God fucking forbid this souless fuckbag misses an opportunity to do REAL fucking damage to peoples REAL lives so he can feel fucking popular on Bastard Factory and apparently socail media. May as well feel like a hero to people who dont know any fucking better because Lord knows you aint got a lick of fucking empathy, integrity or personal responsibility for shit. You destroy lives, i have SAVED lives, and i cant do that anymore because of YOUR and spiteful, horrible entitled bullshit. You gonna get off your fat ass and take my place, since you wrecked a public fucking servant? Nope. You sit online getting applauded by mindless idiots. You dont do a single gotdamn thing for anyone but YOURSELF.

THATS the important thing, guys. K**** needs to exploit and hurt and put toddlers on the street cuz yanno....people have questions about shit they NEVER should have known about. Questions that wouldnt exist if not for his lowdown shit baggery. You know my boss, my coworkers cried? What the fuck do you care, though? You only care about yourself.

Its his public duty, yanno. Destroy peoples lives, victimize kids and exploit and violate privacy laws cuz ya gotta look good, yanno. Gotta have that content. K****s gotta stomp on everyone and their children so he can be a dumb ass loser socail media "hero" deeerrrr. What a fucking waste of life you are. A fucking vaccuum of misery and destruction. You aint a hero, no matter how many duckfaced bimbos on socail media mindlessly say you are. When you log off and look in the mirror, that isnt a hero looking back at you. Its a narcisstic, disgusting pig who takes food and shelter away ftom toddlers. Uses vunerable people to cruely exploit to boost his miserable mask he wears on the internet.

Fuck you K****. Fuck you, you disgusting nasty excuse of a man. You aint a man. You are an abusive, selfish pitiful coward who does nothing but hurt people. Let me catch that picture anywhere and you bet your miserable ass youll be dealing with that family in court. Moreso if youve profitted. Get it through your head, i DONT fucking want you, DIDNT really fucking want you, and if you ever contact me i will call the police. You are DIGUSTING and you will NEVER be good enough for anyone. You are dangerous, untrustworthy shit bag who stomps on children. Fuck the fuck off and die.

Now leave me ALONE. Leave this issue alone.

Seriously go rot in fucking hell.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I messed up editing, sorry ya'll. Anywho, im out for good.

Dont anyone trust this sociopathic loser.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I messed up editing, sorry ya'll. Anywho, im out for good.

Dont anyone trust this sociopathic loser.

Hi Dovey! I came to see you in exile too. For you I just brought straight cash. $10,000.00

I hope you are doing well. I hope that everything works out. I am here visiting over the weekend. Let me know if you need anything.

Val Gina

Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Here comes the Dovey Victim Train...

You have four failed marriages, how in the fuck do you know what love is?

As for L**, I made that all up so you didn't stalk her like you did me. And even then, you still did.

See, I saw thru your bullshit. This obviously is fucking with you. I wouldn't let you manipulate me the way you have manipulated every one else.

But hey, I love my kids enough not to do stupid shit against an oath I took, amirite?

I have had a GF for two years. You were a kick. Just deal with it and move on. I wasn't that into you.

I feel sorry for you. I really do. I feel sorry for your kids, too. They deserve better. Even the one you haven't seen in years because of your drug problems.

Let it alone, Dovey. Deal with what you have, not me. You don't have me. You never did.

So you’re a user and a cheater as well as a snitch and snake... I just wanna know why in fucks name you would show your autistic kid the oic of his console in the dunny for? Are you that shit of a father that you don’t protect him from seeing these sites?