Families of mass shooting victims suing


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Good for them! I hope they win billions.

On Friday, three families who lost loved ones in the Tops massacre
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against the parents of the gunman, online platforms and a body armor manufacturer. The suit alleges that the social media platforms’ algorithms inspired the attack.

“Payton Gendron has pled guilty to these murders, and is no longer a danger to society,” John Elmore, one of the lawyers representing the families, said in a statement. “However, the social media platforms that radicalized him, and the companies that armed him, must still be held accountable for their actions. Our goal, on behalf of our clients, is to make this community and our nation safer and prevent other mass shootings.”

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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The families will most likely win because its a blue state with a governor who is anti gun with a judiciary that is left leaning


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
the social media platforms that radicalized him

Social media platforms don't radicalize people.
Twitter itself doesn't compose every Tweet that appears on that site.

Social media platforms are only publishers, not content "creators". Expecting them to curate and be personally responsible for every post or Tweet or whatever that crosses their servers is unreasonable and flies in the face of not only what these platforms are intended to be but the first amendment as well.

While I empathize with their loss and the pain they must be feeling I can't condone using that or any other tragedy to increase censorship and control over individual expression online.

That won't solve any problems and will only create whole new ones.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Social media platforms don't radicalize people.
Twitter itself doesn't compose every Tweet that appears on that site.

Social media platforms are only publishers, not content "creators". Expecting them to curate and be personally responsible for every post or Tweet or whatever that crosses their servers is unreasonable and flies in the face of not only what these platforms are intended to be but the first amendment as well.

While I empathize with their loss and the pain they must be feeling I can't condone using that or any other tragedy to increase censorship and control over individual expression online.

That won't solve any problems and will only create whole new ones.
Well, in theory I agree with you. But there is so much toxic hatred in the US. How does one deal with it? And it infects people around the world. It's dangerous and ugly, and it spreads. Something needs to change.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
The families will most likely win because its a blue state with a governor who is anti gun with a judiciary that is left leaning
Buffalo is pretty righty, though. We'll see. I hope they win some big dollars and set some meaningful precedents.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Social media platforms don't radicalize people.
Twitter itself doesn't compose every Tweet that appears on that site.

Social media platforms are only publishers, not content "creators". Expecting them to curate and be personally responsible for every post or Tweet or whatever that crosses their servers is unreasonable and flies in the face of not only what these platforms are intended to be but the first amendment as well.

While I empathize with their loss and the pain they must be feeling I can't condone using that or any other tragedy to increase censorship and control over individual expression online.

That won't solve any problems and will only create whole new ones.
Guns over rule everything in Merica. Even critical thinking


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
Well, in theory I agree with you. But there is so much toxic hatred in the US. How does one deal with it? And it infects people around the world. It's dangerous and ugly, and it spreads. Something needs to change.

You can't legislate attitudes.
At best you can only punish certain behaviors which may or may not result in curtailing them and does absolutely nothing to address the root causes of those behaviors.

Rule-by-intimidation only works for as long as you can keep ratcheting up the threats and punishments but eventually people become acclimated and simply aren't afraid any more; that's when things usually turn violent.

We're at the cusp of things turning way more violent in this society because the people have been intimidated too much for too long. The answer isn't new and better threats... it's a better society. Once we have that (if we ever do) the attitudes will adjust themselves.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
You can't legislate attitudes.
At best you can only punish certain behaviors which may or may not result in curtailing them and does absolutely nothing to address the root causes of those behaviors.

Rule-by-intimidation only works for as long as you can keep ratcheting up the threats and punishments but eventually people become acclimated and simply aren't afraid any more; that's when things usually turn violent.

We're at the cusp of things turning way more violent in this society because the people have been intimidated too much for too long. The answer isn't new and better threats... it's a better society. Once we have that (if we ever do) the attitudes will adjust themselves.
You can't legislate attitudes, but legislation can, over time, change attitudes. If it's done correctly. The violence, imo, has nothing to do with intimidation. It has everything to do with a corporate social structure that has run rough shod over people and made money and force the things we worship. Much of this has been accomplished through propaganda. Bread and circuses. The entire basis of US culture has been twisted by money and pwoer.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Well, in theory I agree with you. But there is so much toxic hatred in the US. How does one deal with it? And it infects people around the world. It's dangerous and ugly, and it spreads. Something needs to change.
Imagine that these Red States wanna ban abortion so that they wil produce even more of it in the future.