If memory serves me, Jiggy trampled Looney in a match and nobody voted for Looney.
Looney was trying to rig the voting behind the scenes but nobody bought into his sob story. He became a laughing stock and quickly ejected from the community a little bit afterwards.
Yes thats credable lol. I dont need to hold hands on forums which is why i quit crew twice. It was a set up for Dra1n etc on that most would fall in line.The attempt was to make me lose my shit, when it finished I just posted "Nice trolling" and left it at that and it died.
This is where double stupid comes in, something you clearly mis given your brawl hall quarantine.
The first mistake for most of the clowns was falling in line with the cunt wrangles, there is no kudos for that but the reeally big take missed all of you........
"Looney was trying to rig the voting behind the scenes....,."
Nice try at projection. I suspected this was going on, the thing is it would only take one poster to break ranks then as now to expose this to gain all the kudos.
you see there are a couple of reasons I look down at you laughing, one is hiding on BH and the other one is, which is a bugbear of mine anyway.....
Even now it would only take one poster to come clean about pm collution to dump you back in the trash in this thread and get kudos, this is why flame forums turned to garbage, weak coallitions because they cant stand alone. Something Dra1n went along with.
I warn you now fagatini, do not try to engage me in logic on that you are a conchi fag.