Gooooood Morning Echelon!

Bastard Factory

Chairman of the Bored
Vegas Strip


KKK hanging Bilderberg Group Raytheon president Trump Obama PROMIS freemasons illuminati M5 pipe bomb murder/suicide SNOWDEN FBI SOROS CIA NSA IRS ATF BATF DOD DEEP STATE MILITIA GUN HANDGUN MILGOV CIA AR-15 ASSAULT RIFLE MI5 MI6 ISI MSS PLA PLAN PRC DoD TERRORISM ISIS BOMB DRUG HORIUCHI KAHL POSSE COMITATUS RANDY WEAVER DEFCON 1 SPECIAL FORCES LINDA THOMPSON SPECIAL OPERATIONS GROUP Musta'ribeen SYRIA SOG SOF DELTA FORCE CONSTITUTION BILL OF RIGHTS WHITEWATER POM PARK ON METER Kim Jong-un IRAN CONTRAS CHINA TRUMP OLIVER NORTH ICE ISIS Dimona facility PROMIS MOSSAD PUTIN NASA MI5 Directorate-General for External Security DGSE Jerusalem ONI CID AK47 M16 FSB M1 C4 REVOLUTION HILLARY #MeToo Pentagon Video HACKERS MS-13 World Trade Center Controlled Demolition September 11 Moscow Conspiracy flight Twin Towers Collapse Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation FSB WTC7 bush ISRAEL war Osama Obama CIA HILARY CLINTON GEORGE BUSH FEMA WACKENHUT GITMO TERRORIST TASK FORCE 160 SPECIAL OPS 12TH GROUP 5TH GROUP kiddie child porn SKUV bomb C4 napalm ANTIFA grenade scat ICE MSS PLA PLAN PRC explosive jihad bombing rape suicide G7 NATO UKRAINE CRIMEA necrophilia beastiality MOSCOW SOUTH CHINA SEA revolt president Bush freemasons Bastard Factory illuminati pipe bomb murder/suicide Sandy Hook Dimona facility Bilderberg Group Jews White Supremacist MI5 MI6 ISI CIA reptilians R@ygold deep state pedophile beheading lynched AFRICA nuclear bomb Hezbullah anti-matter NUCLEAR atom bomb how to uranium plutonium CHINA Jerusalem nukes plague manufacture virus smallpox bioweapon terrorism biohazard HACKERS manmade disease SILK ROAD death Jane Fonda PROJECT 11 detonators revolution BASTARD FACTORY manifesto HOMELAND ATF PROMIS DOD TRUMP MILITIA GUN HANDGUN MILGOV ASSAULT RIFLE TERRORISM BOMB DRUG HACKERS PROMIS MOSSAD Musta'ribeen NASA MI5 ONI CID AK47 AR-15 M16 C4 MALCOLM X RACISM TERRORISM REVOLUTION CHEROKEE HILLARY CLINTON SNOWDEN Bilderberg Group WACKENHUT TERRORIST world government DoD. Raytheon Bomb RAW MI5 revolt president Bush freemasons ICE illuminati Directorate-General for External Security DGSE MS-13 pipe bomb AR-15 murder/suicide Coke Brothers deep state pedophile PUTIN beheading lynched Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation FSB hanging TRUMP DoD nuclear Osama bomb Hezbullah anti-matter atom bomb how to uranium plutonium nukes RUSSIA CHINA NORTH KOREA MSS PLA PLAN PRC Kim Jong-un plague manufacture virus smallpox Bastard Factory bioweapon terrorism biohazard manmade FEMA KARDASHIANS SPECIAL OPERATIONS GROUP SOG SOF DELTA FORCE CONSTITUTION TRUMP BILL OF RIGHTS IRAN CONTRAS OLIVER NORTH White Supremacist VINCE FOSTER PROMIS MOSSAD DEFCON 2 NASA MI5 ONI CID CDCAK47 M16 C4 ISIS REVOLUTION AFRICA MI5 MI6 ISI Soros Pentagon MS-13 DoD World Trade Center Controlled Demolition RAW MI5 CIA uranium enrichment Bastard Factory September 11 Conspiracy Directorate-General for External Security DGSE Twin Towers Collapse FSB WTC7 bush Iraq war AR-15 Donetsk UKRAINE Putin Raytheon National Clandestine Service GITMO TERRORIST TASK FORCE 160 SPECIAL OPS 12TH GROUP 5TH GROUP kiddie child porn SKUV bomb C4 napalm ANTIFA deep state.

AT & T seems to be housing these eight Spy Hub buildings in Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington, D.C.

We know they've recorded you singing in the shower, talking with a loved one overseas, we know they're inside that ominous, brick building you pass everyday during your daily commute. They're also in this thread... Hello

This is the price our society has to endure to be free according to them. Liberals in the west demand open borders, you think the security services are going to sit there and not take a proactive role in monitoring what's coming in and out? they have to... not that I particularly like it, but if you want unfettered capitalism and freedom there has to be some sort of sacrifice.

Feel free to provide your contact information below so that I may 'rapid pulse e-mail the above 'word sets' as to potentially trigger Echelons word spotting. I'll use a new, different address daily. Once they make contact with you, please let us know how that went.

Big Brother is reportedly watching from Atlanta "Spy Hub"...
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From Dallas...
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NSA spies on internet traffic from non-secret secret SoMa building...
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NSA Hidden Spy Hubs in 8 Major cities...
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Big Sexy

narcoleptic mattress salesman
Site Supporter
Fuck it. Lets see what happens.

I feel no government should have that kind of privacy collection tool and as one day a leader will come in and turn it all on us when it's too late. I'd also like to know why the US collects twice as much data inside the US over Russia the next closest?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Fuck it. Lets see what happens.

I feel no government should have that kind of privacy collection tool and as one day a leader will come in and turn it all on us when it's too late. I'd also like to know why the US collects twice as much data inside the US over Russia the next closest?

Cuz they're Making America Great Again... ah the halcyon days of McCarthyism.


Professional Yeti Hunter
Site Supporter
Im on the list and fuck them. You forgot the giant ass buidings in Utah that the NSA uses

Big Sexy

narcoleptic mattress salesman
Site Supporter
I got put on the no fly list. Lawyers fought it and I’m good to go anywhere now, but I’m broke.