Got Refused Entry to a Restaurant because I didn't have a Vaccine Passport


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
In the interim… we voted to recall our Governor for not abiding by the same rules he imposed on the entire state…

But then we said Fuck That! When we realized it was a GOP hostile take over attempt:LOL3:


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I haven't contracted it yet, so I must be doing something right, Blurt ;)

Same here, Rave.

Physical distancing, vaccination, masking, avoiding crowds.

Hahahaha, I give hugs, I dont vax, I dont mask, I go to parties. I must be a walking miracle lol.

And giving others covid without knowing it.

Durp durp.

So being vaxxed prevents me from spreading it or getting it?


Do you think not being vaxxed AND not wearing a mask is good protection for OTHER people? You are very selfish.

So you think wearing a mask, and being vaxxed, protects you?

lolol, I've got news for ya, in case you hadnt heard. It does NEITHER!

No, Im not selfish, if Im sick, I stay home. Same thing I've always done, the rare time I am sick.

If Im not sick, Im out in the world, enjoying myself, and spreading hugs and smiles. Something you truly need in your life.... hugs and smiles.

You can have covid and have no symptoms. You can give it to somone else while running around thinking you are free of it. Not wearing a mask is selfish.
That's one of the rare times I agree with you BUT the violence I've seen towards elderly people and people not wearing one in general is disgusting, libtard loons who've no idea why that person isn't wearing one... Tread with caution and tbh if you've got your mask on and use anti-bac regularly why care about anybody else? I still wear one because I've no reson not to, hence why I agree if you can you should but it's nobodies fuckin business...

the argument that people need to be wearing one while outside and maintaining 6ft social distancing requirements is absurd…

and no one has the right to enforce wearing a mask on anyone

But I encourage everyone to wear one especially while in doors at a public establishments. This next wave of outbreak is hitting HARD.
I genuinely don't mind wearing one, it saves hassle and it's the right thing to do... The fucking things are great for beating the cold too, especially the neck warmer ones...

I'll wear one if I'm sick or have been exposed to something.

But I did that before Covid.

Dems/progs jumping on this to make it political and all the hysterical manipulation tactics and GovCo mandates have been the reason people are saying "fuck this".

If the states just led their own states and gave guidelines and info and offered resources to help out the citizens things would have been smoother. The forced lockdowns and the mandates did a lot of unessesary damage and dem/progs are so controling they wont take responsibility for anything. It's always other peoples fault.
Yeah there's been too much shit forced down peoples throats there's of course going to be a backlash but it's not that important to me, I'll keep wearing mine as long as I need to, each to their own and mind your own business...
I cracked up today when new rules about distancing were announced, when indoors in a public place you MUST respect social distancing of 1metre lol it used to be 2 so this new mutation must be pretty lazy, exactly half as lazy as the original lol I swear they make shit up as they go...

this woman was standing too close to me when I was standing in line to pay last week so I asked her if she could give me some space…

She got all crazy about it and was like “I’ll give you some fucking space!” while she backed up 15 feet thinking she was winning the argument.

She didn’t realize this was the best case scenario for me:LOL3:

I want people masked and distanced because I don’t trust them to stay home when they are sick and to not be a disgusting diseased jackass walking around infecting us all.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
I haven't contracted it yet, so I must be doing something right, Blurt ;)

Same here, Rave.

Physical distancing, vaccination, masking, avoiding crowds.

Hahahaha, I give hugs, I dont vax, I dont mask, I go to parties. I must be a walking miracle lol.

And giving others covid without knowing it.

Durp durp.

So being vaxxed prevents me from spreading it or getting it?


Do you think not being vaxxed AND not wearing a mask is good protection for OTHER people? You are very selfish.

So you think wearing a mask, and being vaxxed, protects you?

lolol, I've got news for ya, in case you hadnt heard. It does NEITHER!

No, Im not selfish, if Im sick, I stay home. Same thing I've always done, the rare time I am sick.

If Im not sick, Im out in the world, enjoying myself, and spreading hugs and smiles. Something you truly need in your life.... hugs and smiles.

You can have covid and have no symptoms. You can give it to somone else while running around thinking you are free of it. Not wearing a mask is selfish.

How will I have it Lotus lol? Because of a flaud PCR test that the CDC is revoking next week because it gives too many false positives lol? Is that how? lol sheesh


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
I haven't contracted it yet, so I must be doing something right, Blurt ;)

Same here, Rave.

Physical distancing, vaccination, masking, avoiding crowds.

Hahahaha, I give hugs, I dont vax, I dont mask, I go to parties. I must be a walking miracle lol.

And giving others covid without knowing it.

Durp durp.

So being vaxxed prevents me from spreading it or getting it?


Do you think not being vaxxed AND not wearing a mask is good protection for OTHER people? You are very selfish.

So you think wearing a mask, and being vaxxed, protects you?

lolol, I've got news for ya, in case you hadnt heard. It does NEITHER!

No, Im not selfish, if Im sick, I stay home. Same thing I've always done, the rare time I am sick.

If Im not sick, Im out in the world, enjoying myself, and spreading hugs and smiles. Something you truly need in your life.... hugs and smiles.

You can have covid and have no symptoms. You can give it to somone else while running around thinking you are free of it. Not wearing a mask is selfish.
That's one of the rare times I agree with you BUT the violence I've seen towards elderly people and people not wearing one in general is disgusting, libtard loons who've no idea why that person isn't wearing one... Tread with caution and tbh if you've got your mask on and use anti-bac regularly why care about anybody else? I still wear one because I've no reson not to, hence why I agree if you can you should but it's nobodies fuckin business...

the argument that people need to be wearing one while outside and maintaining 6ft social distancing requirements is absurd…

and no one has the right to enforce wearing a mask on anyone

But I encourage everyone to wear one especially while in doors at a public establishments. This next wave of outbreak is hitting HARD.
I genuinely don't mind wearing one, it saves hassle and it's the right thing to do... The fucking things are great for beating the cold too, especially the neck warmer ones...

I'll wear one if I'm sick or have been exposed to something.

But I did that before Covid.

Dems/progs jumping on this to make it political and all the hysterical manipulation tactics and GovCo mandates have been the reason people are saying "fuck this".

If the states just led their own states and gave guidelines and info and offered resources to help out the citizens things would have been smoother. The forced lockdowns and the mandates did a lot of unessesary damage and dem/progs are so controling they wont take responsibility for anything. It's always other peoples fault.
Yeah there's been too much shit forced down peoples throats there's of course going to be a backlash but it's not that important to me, I'll keep wearing mine as long as I need to, each to their own and mind your own business...
I cracked up today when new rules about distancing were announced, when indoors in a public place you MUST respect social distancing of 1metre lol it used to be 2 so this new mutation must be pretty lazy, exactly half as lazy as the original lol I swear they make shit up as they go...

this woman was standing too close to me when I was standing in line to pay last week so I asked her if she could give me some space…

She got all crazy about it and was like “I’ll give you some fucking space!” while she backed up 15 feet thinking she was winning the argument.

She didn’t realize this was the best case scenario for me:LOL3:

I want people masked and distanced because I don’t trust them to stay home when they are sick and to not be a disgusting diseased jackass walking around infecting us all.
Some people when they're shopping are extremely petty, I actually love the distancing to a degree, means there's less bad breath, coughing and sneezing in your PS, fuckin space invaders Grrr!! I never say anything I just give them a "seriously" look if they're trying to mount me...


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
...I forgot to get one even tho I got the shot.

So, I downloaded my record from a government website when I got home after my failed restaurant visit.

They had 2 types .... 1 for 'fully vaxxed' and 'partially vaxxed'

Maybe 2 shots gives a person more access privileges.

I guess this is the 'New Normal', eh?

Need a vaccine passport for everything ya do, everywhere ya go from now on.

Oh well.
Wow, thats pathetic. Thankfully, I've only been in one situation where I had to use my fake vax card. It worked.

you’ll be facing up to a year in prison if you get caught with that thing….

I hope every single person who has one does get caught. That's disgusting.

I get why they are enforcing them… this winter has been brutal and sitting on a patio freezing your ass off is not appealing to restaurant patrons or staff.
No problemo in Florida!!!!! Everyones runing around everywhere except DisneyWorld unmasked and free! You dumb asses are free to suffer through your self imposed idiocy tho!

I choose to responsibly participate in society. Stay home if you don’t want to do the bare minimum requirements.
No thanks. Fuck the rest of the world and its faux hysteria over a cold virus!

I guess God must like Florida more than California since Floridians dont mask and Florida STILL had lower covid numbers than California! KA-POWN3D!

The forced lockdowns that took place had severe consequences for the most vulnerable human beings on the planet. Like 3rd world children.

And as we push forced vaccines here......many impoverished 3rd world citizens still do not have even 1 vaccine yet.

When push came to shove, Americans stomped on the vulnerable. Here in our own country and beyond. Laughing at and mocking anyone who brought it up.

The fear mongering alone caused elderly people to avoid the hospital to the point of death. Like not getting help for a cardiac emergency due to FEAR of catching covid because they believed hospitals were teaming with Covid everywhere.

There are all kinds of consequences that the same people who want vaccines coerced and masks on everyone refuse to even think about.

It's a partisan tool. It's used as a way to attack "teh right". Its not about genuine care for your fellow man.

They seem to think Covid was going to go away and we ruined that possibility.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I haven't contracted it yet, so I must be doing something right, Blurt ;)

Same here, Rave.

Physical distancing, vaccination, masking, avoiding crowds.

Hahahaha, I give hugs, I dont vax, I dont mask, I go to parties. I must be a walking miracle lol.

And giving others covid without knowing it.

Durp durp.

So being vaxxed prevents me from spreading it or getting it?


Do you think not being vaxxed AND not wearing a mask is good protection for OTHER people? You are very selfish.

So you think wearing a mask, and being vaxxed, protects you?

lolol, I've got news for ya, in case you hadnt heard. It does NEITHER!

No, Im not selfish, if Im sick, I stay home. Same thing I've always done, the rare time I am sick.

If Im not sick, Im out in the world, enjoying myself, and spreading hugs and smiles. Something you truly need in your life.... hugs and smiles.

You can have covid and have no symptoms. You can give it to somone else while running around thinking you are free of it. Not wearing a mask is selfish.
That's one of the rare times I agree with you BUT the violence I've seen towards elderly people and people not wearing one in general is disgusting, libtard loons who've no idea why that person isn't wearing one... Tread with caution and tbh if you've got your mask on and use anti-bac regularly why care about anybody else? I still wear one because I've no reson not to, hence why I agree if you can you should but it's nobodies fuckin business...

the argument that people need to be wearing one while outside and maintaining 6ft social distancing requirements is absurd…

and no one has the right to enforce wearing a mask on anyone

But I encourage everyone to wear one especially while in doors at a public establishments. This next wave of outbreak is hitting HARD.
I genuinely don't mind wearing one, it saves hassle and it's the right thing to do... The fucking things are great for beating the cold too, especially the neck warmer ones...

I'll wear one if I'm sick or have been exposed to something.

But I did that before Covid.

Dems/progs jumping on this to make it political and all the hysterical manipulation tactics and GovCo mandates have been the reason people are saying "fuck this".

If the states just led their own states and gave guidelines and info and offered resources to help out the citizens things would have been smoother. The forced lockdowns and the mandates did a lot of unessesary damage and dem/progs are so controling they wont take responsibility for anything. It's always other peoples fault.
Yeah there's been too much shit forced down peoples throats there's of course going to be a backlash but it's not that important to me, I'll keep wearing mine as long as I need to, each to their own and mind your own business...
I cracked up today when new rules about distancing were announced, when indoors in a public place you MUST respect social distancing of 1metre lol it used to be 2 so this new mutation must be pretty lazy, exactly half as lazy as the original lol I swear they make shit up as they go...

this woman was standing too close to me when I was standing in line to pay last week so I asked her if she could give me some space…

She got all crazy about it and was like “I’ll give you some fucking space!” while she backed up 15 feet thinking she was winning the argument.

She didn’t realize this was the best case scenario for me:LOL3:

I want people masked and distanced because I don’t trust them to stay home when they are sick and to not be a disgusting diseased jackass walking around infecting us all.
Some people when they're shopping are extremely petty, I actually love the distancing to a degree, means there's less bad breath, coughing and sneezing in your PS, fuckin space invaders Grrr!! I never say anything I just give them a "seriously" look if they're trying to mount me...

I’m the exact same way… this place has been overcrowded since I was a kid. The ones who annoy me the most are the ones who crawl up your ass on the sidewalk. I’m always horrified like didn’t your mama teach you any manners?

The knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, heard followers are the WORST.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I haven't contracted it yet, so I must be doing something right, Blurt ;)

Same here, Rave.

Physical distancing, vaccination, masking, avoiding crowds.

Hahahaha, I give hugs, I dont vax, I dont mask, I go to parties. I must be a walking miracle lol.

And giving others covid without knowing it.

Durp durp.

So being vaxxed prevents me from spreading it or getting it?


Do you think not being vaxxed AND not wearing a mask is good protection for OTHER people? You are very selfish.

So you think wearing a mask, and being vaxxed, protects you?

lolol, I've got news for ya, in case you hadnt heard. It does NEITHER!

No, Im not selfish, if Im sick, I stay home. Same thing I've always done, the rare time I am sick.

If Im not sick, Im out in the world, enjoying myself, and spreading hugs and smiles. Something you truly need in your life.... hugs and smiles.

You can have covid and have no symptoms. You can give it to somone else while running around thinking you are free of it. Not wearing a mask is selfish.

You are wrong. Nonsymptomatic spread is so rare as to be statistically insignificant. Also natural immunity according to 158 studies is one and done for a life time. Lastly, the CDC just admitted last week they have no evidence of reinfection; that was after spending more than a year lying and claiming reinfection happens.

You are extremely uninformed and a fountain of ignorance and disinformation.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I haven't contracted it yet, so I must be doing something right, Blurt ;)

Same here, Rave.

Physical distancing, vaccination, masking, avoiding crowds.

Hahahaha, I give hugs, I dont vax, I dont mask, I go to parties. I must be a walking miracle lol.

And giving others covid without knowing it.

Durp durp.

So being vaxxed prevents me from spreading it or getting it?


Do you think not being vaxxed AND not wearing a mask is good protection for OTHER people? You are very selfish.

So you think wearing a mask, and being vaxxed, protects you?

lolol, I've got news for ya, in case you hadnt heard. It does NEITHER!

No, Im not selfish, if Im sick, I stay home. Same thing I've always done, the rare time I am sick.

If Im not sick, Im out in the world, enjoying myself, and spreading hugs and smiles. Something you truly need in your life.... hugs and smiles.

I think 'boosting' with different vaccines may be a better strategy @Blazor.

What's the point of getting 4 or 5 boosters if the formula is the same as the 1st shot & doesn't protect a person against the new variants?

People could be vaxxING continuasly with Pfizer & it won't do them any good.

Feel free to jab all ya want Joe, but Im no guinea pig. And everyone jabbing is a guinea pig.

I was gonna boost with some traditional vaccines like MMR & TDAP.

They dont protect against COVID but they may help to boost the immunity system a bit.

Nope, it doesnt lol.

It only lessens the symptoms for that one spike protein.

Natural immunity protects you from allllllll the spike proteins.

Turn your tv off, just turn it off! lol

Listen to ol' Blaze!

You are right about natural immunity but that doesnt really benefit the ones that dont survive the virus. You gotta live through it to enjoy that natural immunity lol.

High risk people really should get vaccinated. I wish it wasnt so political. It would figure if this became a democrat battle just to pit off the older Republicans so they wouldnt get protected and would die off easier. I feel like many people would rather die than do anything the other side wants.

The thing about high risk people, I would agree, IF it actually worked, and did no harm. The vax is killing folks though, and its not working. A friend of mine's dad was high risk, he died 2 weeks after the shot. I cant condone this shot.

How do you figure that you wearing a mask does not protect high risk people from the germs that spew from your mouth when you talk or laugh?

If it is not an N95 which is changed every 10 to 15 minutes then its effectiveness is pretty damn low.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@Dove, did u get the JJ booster?

No, no. I was just vaccinated in August. I dont expect to need a booster.

I'll accept getting an annual shot but I'm not taking boosters every few months. I'd rather just catch it again.

You can't get it twice and despite authorities stating otherwise, they haven't been able to show any evidence towards it.
I thought you were full of poo poo when I first read your comment ;).. so I looked it up on the CDC webpage. You're pretty much right on. Thanks :)
From the CDC webpage.VVVVVVVVVVV

"Rare" does not equal "You can't get it twice," though.

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Around 160 million Americans have some level of natural immunity. There is no known examples (according to the CDC) of provable reinfection or of a person with natural immunity spreading the virus to anyone else. Yes, the CDC report is linked in that news report.

Masks are completely pointless for recovered people with natural immunity.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I haven't contracted it yet, so I must be doing something right, Blurt ;)

Same here, Rave.

Physical distancing, vaccination, masking, avoiding crowds.

Hahahaha, I give hugs, I dont vax, I dont mask, I go to parties. I must be a walking miracle lol.

And giving others covid without knowing it.

Durp durp.

So being vaxxed prevents me from spreading it or getting it?


Do you think not being vaxxed AND not wearing a mask is good protection for OTHER people? You are very selfish.

So you think wearing a mask, and being vaxxed, protects you?

lolol, I've got news for ya, in case you hadnt heard. It does NEITHER!

No, Im not selfish, if Im sick, I stay home. Same thing I've always done, the rare time I am sick.

If Im not sick, Im out in the world, enjoying myself, and spreading hugs and smiles. Something you truly need in your life.... hugs and smiles.

You can have covid and have no symptoms. You can give it to somone else while running around thinking you are free of it. Not wearing a mask is selfish.
That's one of the rare times I agree with you BUT the violence I've seen towards elderly people and people not wearing one in general is disgusting, libtard loons who've no idea why that person isn't wearing one... Tread with caution and tbh if you've got your mask on and use anti-bac regularly why care about anybody else? I still wear one because I've no reson not to, hence why I agree if you can you should but it's nobodies fuckin business...

the argument that people need to be wearing one while outside and maintaining 6ft social distancing requirements is absurd…

and no one has the right to enforce wearing a mask on anyone

But I encourage everyone to wear one especially while in doors at a public establishments. This next wave of outbreak is hitting HARD.
Look, if you're in a retardraunt with a bazillion other people, and you wear a mask while entering but not for the 1.5 hours you're eating and drinking, you think the 2 minutes you had that damned mask on protected anyone? Please, continue in your own absurdity.

did you suck on the tailpipe of your 1972 Chevy nova while it warmed up this morning?

You’re only allowed to be sitting unmasked in a restaurant while at a table with people who live in your household… and you’re supposed to be masked while the waiter is taking your order…. so AGAIN, your arguments are asinine.
And see bimbo, you stumbled across my exact point:

At least SOME people in California will wear those dumb masks in between bites of food whereas Florida man is living his best life mask free......and yet STILL California had higher covid numbers by percentage of the population than Florida did!!!!

Oh and BTW, I wouldnt even pimp a hoe like you in my 72 Nova even if you wore your bimbo skirt without any panties!!!! :CooL:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Yea, you libs are gonna be a majority in a billion years if these deaths keep up! Well, unless all the clot jab deaths offset your gains! LOL!
What if Covid was a biological weapon, designed to kill off the Trumptards, how's that fit into your cutesy little civil war fantasy?
Your Chinese saviors need to try harder....or maybe a shitty failure of a virus coming from China makes perfect sense as nothing from China is ever worth a fuk.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Her analysis is both child like and wrong. Though, yes, Newscum did try to paint him getting recalled as a "Republican coupe" as if flowing the state constitution was some how illegal or wrong. Never the less the low I.Q. hyper partisan ate it up. Thus we remain saddled with the worst and most corrupt governor in the last century.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I haven't contracted it yet, so I must be doing something right, Blurt ;)

Same here, Rave.

Physical distancing, vaccination, masking, avoiding crowds.

Hahahaha, I give hugs, I dont vax, I dont mask, I go to parties. I must be a walking miracle lol.

And giving others covid without knowing it.

Durp durp.

So being vaxxed prevents me from spreading it or getting it?


Do you think not being vaxxed AND not wearing a mask is good protection for OTHER people? You are very selfish.

So you think wearing a mask, and being vaxxed, protects you?

lolol, I've got news for ya, in case you hadnt heard. It does NEITHER!

No, Im not selfish, if Im sick, I stay home. Same thing I've always done, the rare time I am sick.

If Im not sick, Im out in the world, enjoying myself, and spreading hugs and smiles. Something you truly need in your life.... hugs and smiles.

I think 'boosting' with different vaccines may be a better strategy @Blazor.

What's the point of getting 4 or 5 boosters if the formula is the same as the 1st shot & doesn't protect a person against the new variants?

People could be vaxxING continuasly with Pfizer & it won't do them any good.

Feel free to jab all ya want Joe, but Im no guinea pig. And everyone jabbing is a guinea pig.

I was gonna boost with some traditional vaccines like MMR & TDAP.

They dont protect against COVID but they may help to boost the immunity system a bit.

Nope, it doesnt lol.

It only lessens the symptoms for that one spike protein.

Natural immunity protects you from allllllll the spike proteins.

Turn your tv off, just turn it off! lol

Listen to ol' Blaze!

You are right about natural immunity but that doesnt really benefit the ones that dont survive the virus. You gotta live through it to enjoy that natural immunity lol.

High risk people really should get vaccinated. I wish it wasnt so political. It would figure if this became a democrat battle just to pit off the older Republicans so they wouldnt get protected and would die off easier. I feel like many people would rather die than do anything the other side wants.

The thing about high risk people, I would agree, IF it actually worked, and did no harm. The vax is killing folks though, and its not working. A friend of mine's dad was high risk, he died 2 weeks after the shot. I cant condone this shot.

How do you figure that you wearing a mask does not protect high risk people from the germs that spew from your mouth when you talk or laugh?

Well you gotta have a procedural mask, you cannot touch it and you have to change it every 15 minutes.

Like how it's done in a hospital where PPE is nessesary.

You would never be allowed as a medical professional on at any patient care level to wear a cloth mask. Ever. Let alone wear it all day while contaminating it.

It kinda puts people at risk because they are grabbing their masks. So all the germs on the hands go right into your mucus membranes. This is why making kids at school is a horrible would put them at MORE of a risk because children are not going to wear them properly.

But the left demands it and would rather everyone get sick as fuck doing what they want done than considering other points and work with other people. Anyone with any opposing point is a "con" and "cons" arent human beings who ever have any valid reasons for anything. Right? Right.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I haven't contracted it yet, so I must be doing something right, Blurt ;)

Same here, Rave.

Physical distancing, vaccination, masking, avoiding crowds.

Hahahaha, I give hugs, I dont vax, I dont mask, I go to parties. I must be a walking miracle lol.

And giving others covid without knowing it.

Durp durp.

So being vaxxed prevents me from spreading it or getting it?


Do you think not being vaxxed AND not wearing a mask is good protection for OTHER people? You are very selfish.

So you think wearing a mask, and being vaxxed, protects you?

lolol, I've got news for ya, in case you hadnt heard. It does NEITHER!

No, Im not selfish, if Im sick, I stay home. Same thing I've always done, the rare time I am sick.

If Im not sick, Im out in the world, enjoying myself, and spreading hugs and smiles. Something you truly need in your life.... hugs and smiles.

You can have covid and have no symptoms. You can give it to somone else while running around thinking you are free of it. Not wearing a mask is selfish.
That's one of the rare times I agree with you BUT the violence I've seen towards elderly people and people not wearing one in general is disgusting, libtard loons who've no idea why that person isn't wearing one... Tread with caution and tbh if you've got your mask on and use anti-bac regularly why care about anybody else? I still wear one because I've no reson not to, hence why I agree if you can you should but it's nobodies fuckin business...

the argument that people need to be wearing one while outside and maintaining 6ft social distancing requirements is absurd…

and no one has the right to enforce wearing a mask on anyone

But I encourage everyone to wear one especially while in doors at a public establishments. This next wave of outbreak is hitting HARD.
Look, if you're in a retardraunt with a bazillion other people, and you wear a mask while entering but not for the 1.5 hours you're eating and drinking, you think the 2 minutes you had that damned mask on protected anyone? Please, continue in your own absurdity.

did you suck on the tailpipe of your 1972 Chevy nova while it warmed up this morning?

You’re only allowed to be sitting unmasked in a restaurant while at a table with people who live in your household… and you’re supposed to be masked while the waiter is taking your order…. so AGAIN, your arguments are asinine.
And see bimbo, you stumbled across my exact point:

At least SOME people in California will wear those dumb masks in between bites of food whereas Florida man is living his best life mask free......and yet STILL California had higher covid numbers by percentage of the population than Florida did!!!!

Oh and BTW, I wouldnt even pimp a hoe like you in my 72 Nova even if you wore your bimbo skirt without any panties!!!! :CooL:

Probably BECAUSE they are wearing germ traps on their faces and touching it with their germy hands.

That's common sense. Cloth masks just trap viruses and press them up against your mucus membranes. And they touch them and adjust them right by the part that's on your face.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
I haven't contracted it yet, so I must be doing something right, Blurt ;)

Same here, Rave.

Physical distancing, vaccination, masking, avoiding crowds.

Hahahaha, I give hugs, I dont vax, I dont mask, I go to parties. I must be a walking miracle lol.

And giving others covid without knowing it.

Durp durp.

So being vaxxed prevents me from spreading it or getting it?


Do you think not being vaxxed AND not wearing a mask is good protection for OTHER people? You are very selfish.

So you think wearing a mask, and being vaxxed, protects you?

lolol, I've got news for ya, in case you hadnt heard. It does NEITHER!

No, Im not selfish, if Im sick, I stay home. Same thing I've always done, the rare time I am sick.

If Im not sick, Im out in the world, enjoying myself, and spreading hugs and smiles. Something you truly need in your life.... hugs and smiles.

You can have covid and have no symptoms. You can give it to somone else while running around thinking you are free of it. Not wearing a mask is selfish.

You really are a stupid fuck.

It doesn't spread when asymptomatic. Nothing does.

And masks don't work on viruses.

They have conditioned you like one of pavlov's dogs to salivate idiocy every time you hear the bell.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Dove said:
Well you gotta have a procedural mask, you cannot touch it and you have to change it every 15 minutes.

Like how it's done in a hospital where PPE is nessesary. guess that's why I can no longer find anymore HN95 masks to buy, eh @Dove? We used to be able to buy them at the drugstore counter but not anymore.

The hospitals must have gulped the remaining supply which used to be available to the public?

At the rate they're using them up they must need every remaining medical grade face mask available, eh?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Dove said:
Well you gotta have a procedural mask, you cannot touch it and you have to change it every 15 minutes.

Like how it's done in a hospital where PPE is nessesary. guess that's why I can no longer find anymore HN95 masks to buy, eh @Dove? We used to be able to buy them at the drugstore counter but not anymore.

The hospitals must have gulped the remaining supply which used to be available to the public?

At the rate they're using them up they must need every remaining medical grade face mask available, eh?

I've never seen N95s being sold at drug stores. It must be different where you are.

I just order them. Mostly for my paranoid mother.


Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
I think the mask mandate while shopping is sorta BS, but I do wear one simply because I don't want to get into an argument with the staff.

There's one guy in the area here that won't wear one in the store... He told the cashier "Fuck you for the last time I didn't wear a mask, fuck you for this time I'm not wearing a mask, and fuck you for the next time I'm not wearing a mask." I don't want to be like that guy.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I haven't contracted it yet, so I must be doing something right, Blurt ;)

Same here, Rave.

Physical distancing, vaccination, masking, avoiding crowds.

Hahahaha, I give hugs, I dont vax, I dont mask, I go to parties. I must be a walking miracle lol.

And giving others covid without knowing it.

Durp durp.

So being vaxxed prevents me from spreading it or getting it?


Do you think not being vaxxed AND not wearing a mask is good protection for OTHER people? You are very selfish.

So you think wearing a mask, and being vaxxed, protects you?

lolol, I've got news for ya, in case you hadnt heard. It does NEITHER!

No, Im not selfish, if Im sick, I stay home. Same thing I've always done, the rare time I am sick.

If Im not sick, Im out in the world, enjoying myself, and spreading hugs and smiles. Something you truly need in your life.... hugs and smiles.

You can have covid and have no symptoms. You can give it to somone else while running around thinking you are free of it. Not wearing a mask is selfish.

You really are a stupid fuck.

It doesn't spread when asymptomatic. Nothing does.

And masks don't work on viruses.

They have conditioned you like one of pavlov's dogs to salivate idiocy every time you hear the bell.

Are you serious? Could you link to your source for the claim that it doesn't spread when asymptomatic, Madame Curie?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I haven't contracted it yet, so I must be doing something right, Blurt ;)

Same here, Rave.

Physical distancing, vaccination, masking, avoiding crowds.

Hahahaha, I give hugs, I dont vax, I dont mask, I go to parties. I must be a walking miracle lol.

And giving others covid without knowing it.

Durp durp.

So being vaxxed prevents me from spreading it or getting it?


Do you think not being vaxxed AND not wearing a mask is good protection for OTHER people? You are very selfish.

So you think wearing a mask, and being vaxxed, protects you?

lolol, I've got news for ya, in case you hadnt heard. It does NEITHER!

No, Im not selfish, if Im sick, I stay home. Same thing I've always done, the rare time I am sick.

If Im not sick, Im out in the world, enjoying myself, and spreading hugs and smiles. Something you truly need in your life.... hugs and smiles.

You can have covid and have no symptoms. You can give it to somone else while running around thinking you are free of it. Not wearing a mask is selfish.

You really are a stupid fuck.

It doesn't spread when asymptomatic. Nothing does.

And masks don't work on viruses.

They have conditioned you like one of pavlov's dogs to salivate idiocy every time you hear the bell.

I think you may be the dumbest cuck on any of the boards I have ever frequented. And the most hateful. You suck, is all, you cuck.

Asymptomatic coronavirus infections contribute to over 50% of spread, according to UChicago study

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Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
What a pile of horse shit.

To be infectious, one has to have symptoms present.... ie virus present in the mucous membranes and bodily fluids and waste.

Asymptomatic people don't have anywhere near the levels that the symptomatic do.

Why are you so fucking dumb?


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
It’s good that as an unvaxxed oxygen breathing person, I can mingle with the crowds in casinos and restaurants. Because the vaxxers spread covid too you know!

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I haven't contracted it yet, so I must be doing something right, Blurt ;)

Same here, Rave.

Physical distancing, vaccination, masking, avoiding crowds.

Hahahaha, I give hugs, I dont vax, I dont mask, I go to parties. I must be a walking miracle lol.

And giving others covid without knowing it.

Durp durp.

So being vaxxed prevents me from spreading it or getting it?


Do you think not being vaxxed AND not wearing a mask is good protection for OTHER people? You are very selfish.

So you think wearing a mask, and being vaxxed, protects you?

lolol, I've got news for ya, in case you hadnt heard. It does NEITHER!

No, Im not selfish, if Im sick, I stay home. Same thing I've always done, the rare time I am sick.

If Im not sick, Im out in the world, enjoying myself, and spreading hugs and smiles. Something you truly need in your life.... hugs and smiles.

You can have covid and have no symptoms. You can give it to somone else while running around thinking you are free of it. Not wearing a mask is selfish.

You really are a stupid fuck.

It doesn't spread when asymptomatic. Nothing does.

And masks don't work on viruses.

They have conditioned you like one of pavlov's dogs to salivate idiocy every time you hear the bell.

I think you may be the dumbest cuck on any of the boards I have ever frequented. And the most hateful. You suck, is all, you cuck.

Asymptomatic coronavirus infections contribute to over 50% of spread, according to UChicago study

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"Can I tell you tonight that there has never been a case when someone without symptoms passed it on to someone else? No, of course I can't say that. But what I can say to you is that I think it's a very, very tiny fraction of the overall problem, if it exists at all. "


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I think the mask mandate while shopping is sorta BS, but I do wear one simply because I don't want to get into an argument with the staff.

There's one guy in the area here that won't wear one in the store... He told the cashier "Fuck you for the last time I didn't wear a mask, fuck you for this time I'm not wearing a mask, and fuck you for the next time I'm not wearing a mask." I don't want to be like that guy.

Around here every business hangs the sign about masks being needed on the front door but most people simply ignore it and no one enforces it as there have been so many fights. For the record we have always had some of the lowest covid rates in the state.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I haven't contracted it yet, so I must be doing something right, Blurt ;)

Same here, Rave.

Physical distancing, vaccination, masking, avoiding crowds.

Hahahaha, I give hugs, I dont vax, I dont mask, I go to parties. I must be a walking miracle lol.

And giving others covid without knowing it.

Durp durp.

So being vaxxed prevents me from spreading it or getting it?


Do you think not being vaxxed AND not wearing a mask is good protection for OTHER people? You are very selfish.

So you think wearing a mask, and being vaxxed, protects you?

lolol, I've got news for ya, in case you hadnt heard. It does NEITHER!

No, Im not selfish, if Im sick, I stay home. Same thing I've always done, the rare time I am sick.

If Im not sick, Im out in the world, enjoying myself, and spreading hugs and smiles. Something you truly need in your life.... hugs and smiles.

You can have covid and have no symptoms. You can give it to somone else while running around thinking you are free of it. Not wearing a mask is selfish.

How will I have it Lotus lol? Because of a flaud PCR test that the CDC is revoking next week because it gives too many false positives lol? Is that how? lol sheesh

What's a "flaud"? Are you saying you get tested every day of your life?


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
I haven't contracted it yet, so I must be doing something right, Blurt ;)

Same here, Rave.

Physical distancing, vaccination, masking, avoiding crowds.

Hahahaha, I give hugs, I dont vax, I dont mask, I go to parties. I must be a walking miracle lol.

And giving others covid without knowing it.

Durp durp.

So being vaxxed prevents me from spreading it or getting it?


Do you think not being vaxxed AND not wearing a mask is good protection for OTHER people? You are very selfish.

So you think wearing a mask, and being vaxxed, protects you?

lolol, I've got news for ya, in case you hadnt heard. It does NEITHER!

No, Im not selfish, if Im sick, I stay home. Same thing I've always done, the rare time I am sick.

If Im not sick, Im out in the world, enjoying myself, and spreading hugs and smiles. Something you truly need in your life.... hugs and smiles.

You can have covid and have no symptoms. You can give it to somone else while running around thinking you are free of it. Not wearing a mask is selfish.

How will I have it Lotus lol? Because of a flaud PCR test that the CDC is revoking next week because it gives too many false positives lol? Is that how? lol sheesh

What's a "flaud"? I you saying you get tested every day of your life?

Engrish please....


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I haven't contracted it yet, so I must be doing something right, Blurt ;)

Same here, Rave.

Physical distancing, vaccination, masking, avoiding crowds.

Hahahaha, I give hugs, I dont vax, I dont mask, I go to parties. I must be a walking miracle lol.

And giving others covid without knowing it.

Durp durp.

So being vaxxed prevents me from spreading it or getting it?


Do you think not being vaxxed AND not wearing a mask is good protection for OTHER people? You are very selfish.

So you think wearing a mask, and being vaxxed, protects you?

lolol, I've got news for ya, in case you hadnt heard. It does NEITHER!

No, Im not selfish, if Im sick, I stay home. Same thing I've always done, the rare time I am sick.

If Im not sick, Im out in the world, enjoying myself, and spreading hugs and smiles. Something you truly need in your life.... hugs and smiles.

You can have covid and have no symptoms. You can give it to somone else while running around thinking you are free of it. Not wearing a mask is selfish.

How will I have it Lotus lol? Because of a flaud PCR test that the CDC is revoking next week because it gives too many false positives lol? Is that how? lol sheesh

What's a "flaud"? I you saying you get tested every day of your life?

Engrish please....

So you don't know what a "flaud" is either.