Happy New Jear Bastard Cracktory


Domestically feral
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United states
Treat her well, as it's what you should do.

Mine left me, but will still communicate. Basically wants nothing to do with me though. I can't blame her.
Say wha wha, KM

Blandscape is the quintessential, "one post is all that is needed" to bury this fucking gyrating spaztic under his own inflated hyperbole.

if this assclown is the new BF influencer and "content creator", then everyone just died in your arms tonight, we keep lookin' for quality but broken syntax blandscape spam lies all around us and I don't see any hope left.
Must have been something you said.

Blandscape is so good at this, it goes over each and every one of youz guyz heads. He completely shits on all of you and you don’t even catch it.

Now, before I was so rudely interrupted by Fortnite, there was some things I have to finish out;

Wait, why the FUCK is Scoundrel admitting on open forum about talking about another man’s penis? Wasn’t Scoundrel laughed off FT for some invisible drug dealers going to kill ppl or something like that? Fucker will fit in perfectly here.

The BF tiktok- I created a bf tiktok that is actually successful and trending upwards. Last time I checked, it had over 15k followers. It’s mostly game play videos tho and I really don’t think anybody on this forum has the skills I do at FN or CoD. The goal was to transition to posting content from this site, but there really isn’t anything good enough to post. Trolling in gaming is one thing, the shit fest that this place has become is another.

The 300 new follower promise- I am going to do a giveaway and the first 300 ppl who register here and post will get a new FN skin. That’s the easiest way to get traffic and I’m shocked nobody thought of that.

“But KM, little kids play Fortnite”

Actually, the age demo has shifted considerably during the pandemic with 18 to 24 being the biggest demo now. If you look on Twitch, that’s pretty much the core.

So much so, I was playing random squads and had a team of adults who truly sucked balls and carried them to a final 1v1 where they all got wiped by actual players and it was me against a bot who I dropped down to 1 hp then ejected from the match. Not giving a bunch of adults trying to tell me, a highly ranked player on the actual rankings, how to play.

I told them, look me up on tracker, I’m ranked in the top 20 while you crumbs are ranked in the millions. Sucks to be them.

And why is it when you creampie a girl whose name begins with the letter A they suddenly think you have some sort of subliminal bond with them?
I'm still waiting on YOU delivering something note worthy instead of bleating on about the "glory days" that clearly weren't all that glorious for you or your other self proclaimed "legends" that nobody out of a bubble of twelve board killers had ever even heard of before... Blandscape shits on nobody here, he spams shit that I don't even read but I suppose you schizos would see that as a fuckin win, you belong in the short bus...
You got a link to this "Tik Tok"? No, didn't think so...
I mean, I could…. But why?

Im not here to entertain what, five? Six ppl? That tiktok you mentioned? I get paid to post on it. There’s a blatant ad that followers shit spammed that has made quite a penny that carried over into other posts.

I also told BF himself I’d give him the keys to it once this place had traction. It doesn’t. But, since we’re going to talk about something other then yours truly, who is going to take it over once I pass it off?

You? Look around you. This place is nothing but a whine fest bore pit stop. That falls on the mods, and no offense, the reason I gave up my panel here is because there’s no fixing it.

Blandscape makes great content. So does Caskur when she feels like it. You need to focus on the actual content creators and phase out the filler. Fox makes dynamic content, he should be featured.

The ppl who can create something that would make some random register and post should be the ppl that you are focusing to build around. But…you don’t. If you read one thread here, you’ve read them all. It wasn’t like that at BH, FC, or F4$. Content is so dummied down right now there’s no way in hell anybody from the past with even a shred of talent will waste time here.

Chrome, somebody who I think is Nozz, and some other BH reject posts on some gaming forum. There’s about five old BH’rs over at Kiwi. I spoke briefly with The Iron Duke a couple months ago, NA is all over Reddit along with Gunzablazin.

I should bring these guys here? I’d be embarrassed. There’s already a few BH’ers here. They don’t post at all and you would be shocked who they were.

So, the only person who has a shot at bringing them here is me.

Make better content. Simple as that.

the main twitchers like xQCoW and cohncarnage play whatever hot game is on steam or the latest PS5/Xbox video game that has the most hype, sometimes days before it's released because they get advance copies.

then you got the lewd gamers like Iron Mouse and Projext melody playing prison break and talking about sniffing assholes in the showers and break out boners, crazy funny commentary while they play these games.

or you got all those weird role players in GTA5 steaming that stuff

the biggest news of 2022 is the release of the Cuphead expansion, that will be the big twich stream when it drops, the rage and cussing will be amazing

and for blandscape, as cunty said, he is a one trick spammer. His ADD/AHD/Autism act is probably not an act. they guy has not written anything since Turd Rail, his poetry is only fit for 4chan and troll boards.

He's probably holding a damp towel between his legs and doing a thigh crunch to replicate the sensation of a girl becoming wet while text spamming like a high school teenager.

He's yells Dovey's name with all the drama of Charles Foster Kane saying "Rosebud" in Citizen Kane.

So yeah, he is the chosen one to lead BF to greatness and save the baby Yoda.

Honestly, he is probably the only one in the "community" who does nothing else in life but live on troll boards because this kind of shit gives him purpose. You saw how giddy and excited he became when he thought there was going to be a match.
I don’t get the hype around XQC.

Not once have I seen him do anything that would make me say “he’s a pro gamer”. I think he was an OW guy back in the day but OW ain’t my game. I worked with a kid who was actually a very good OW player and not once did he ever mention XQC, so that’s that for me.

My pallet on twitch has gotten shorter.

I watch Armouranth because it’s pretty much porn. I paid the 25 bucks once for her to fart into the mic to see if it was something she actually did or if it was a scam.

Long story short- it wasn’t a scam.

I watch Clix who is a god tier FN player shitting on other god tier FN players. Granted, he’s a zero ping player, but the fact he’s pulling off three edits a second is ridiculous.

Im also about to tune into Ranger. On the last map this guy covered an entire city in builds in a minute. An entire city.

I want to say these guys are cheating, but they’re not. You can tell who’s cheating, and cheaters ain’t in arena where epic is actually watching them.

Why isn’t Ninja in arena?
Why isn’t Sypherpk in solos in arena and only plays with a carry?

Cuz they’re cheating. It’s funny how social media just dropped how all the big time streamers who made their names playing Fortnite just dropped the game the second the new anti-cheats were installed. You don’t see Myth getting head shots every shot or courage shooting bending bullets any more. Wonder why.

The new update is a rube. They are bringing back Tilted Towers, one of the best drop spots of all time….along with the Cronus anti cheat. I highly recommend watching Fortnite that day on Twitch. You will see a lot of blank screens.

I don't get the hype around any of that shit.
If your not a gamer, you wouldn’t.

If you like, say, DeNiro in a gangster movie, you’d watch it. Same with streamers.

I’ll watch a kick ass Fortnite player grinding out a dub quicker then I’d watch anything Hollywood has produced recently.

Im not into this whole woke culture being cultivated thru social media. I don’t like the fact the superheroes I grew up with are either gay (Superman and Wonder Woman) now ethnic (Spider-Man and Batman) or are being re-gendered just to appease a small but angry core of dunderheads who are sexually confused.

As a father, I’m not too keen on PLEASE ASS BOX ME! being down graded by Hollywood and marketed as a mental disorder instead of a sick fetish.

I mean, go on kickstarter, there’s over a thousand idiots trying to make “films” about their trials as a transgender. There’s GoFundMe’s where morons are e-begging for money to get the snip.

Sorry, I’ll stick to gaming and watching gaming.

OMG Kickstarter has so many projects that bomb and due to their TOS you can't get your money back when the creators fail to deliver. People asking for funds for video games are usually the worst, the game spends years in development and then they go MIA and you are out the money.

They only thing we funded were a widget fidget toy, couple of books, and a few electronic gadgets.

the first video game we backed bombed and no one got shit or a refund.

did see a kickstarter for a japanese horror visual novel that started a few months ago and decided to fund that since they did have a working steam demo. The game is already set for a Jan release, these guys are based in Australia and have done a great job. but most of that stuff on Kickstarter is woke nonsense, some guy begging for money so the can publish a book where he draws transexual cocks using paint and a brush that is made out of his own pubic hair, crazy shit like that.
I’ve only paid off on one kickstarter, and that was the Shenmue sequel, and that was only because I was into the game back in the day.

See, instead of paying thousands of dollars to look young like somebody I know (rolls eyes), I invested a hundred bucks into a game that I played back in the day and had a young at heart moment.

Well, I thought it would. The game was short, it was like playing a Dreamcast game on a PS4, and then it was mass released. I honestly saw it in stores before I got my copy.

I think their goal was three million but they got three times that amount and still churned out a mediocre game. Dissapoint, I has.

I try to stay away from gaming kickstarters, especially retro gaming ones. Most of the retro gaming channels on YouTube have some scam going on where they’re trying to fund “movies” yet these movies never seem to come into fruition. And then when you call them out about it they block you on social media for fucking up their scam.

Pickles invested into the Tex Murphy kickstart but that was actually a great game. It’s too bad you have to waddle thru shit to find the diamonds.
Funny, you said "I" eleven times there... :LOL3: You're your biggest fan eh... lol
Did you have a relapse or something?
What makes you say that? Logic? Concern? The quest of trying to be funny?

If me using the letter “I” a lot is all you have when adding transformative content to the topic of discussion, namely, kickstarter experiences, you either need to get back on the wagon or get a better dealer.
I see our lurker numbers are up, is that still because of you or what? :facepalm:
Can’t lurk a locked forum.

just sayin
So do I.

You know nothing lol you didn't even have a panel you just got the colour and even then you went straight into "I run the place and this is how you are all going to change!" haha oh wit! Every board you've ever been a part of has died, are you going to take credit for that or is it ALWAYS only the "good things" that have to do with you? You're a laughing stock, it's actually pretty sad tbh... This is the decade you turn sixty in, it's over...
Name one forum that died under my watch.

Ill wait
You've only been a pretend mod on here so "under my watch" NONE but you seem to be around all the dying boards, coincidence, not taking credit for that? Let's face it, anything you deem good it's all about you yet you seem mute when shit hits the fan... You're a fair weather braggart and that's the truth...
So basically no boards died under my watch, is what your saying?

No board died "under your watch" but all of them died when you were the main contributer lol OUCHIES!
Yeah? Which one?
Nobody's biting YOUR ankle, you came to us remember? Which one? ALL OF THEM! :LOL3:
Sham, let me point this out;

You aren’t good at this shit. I have a conscience, and I refuse to be the reason you start using drugs again.

Enjoy what you have while you have it.

Do you think he's stopped using drugs?

I always give ppl the benefit of the doubt and I don’t think the lad is that far gone that he can’t change his life.

Does he still read like he’s under the influence of something? Of course he does. I don’t glance at a Shampain post for coherent content. I just see word salad nerd rage.

But then again, the chances he needs this place to vent out his aggressive thoughts over something as savage as addiction just might be therapeutic for the poor sop. Who am I to not help a hand out?

Put that cup out, Sham, here’s a shiny coin.

This is not a place for people to get healthy. It just isn't.
It beats doing stupid shit to land yourself in jail, tho.

I agree. I hope he learns to grow up one day and stop blaming everyone else for his lot in life. His life will be much improved. As long as he associates with low life scum though...the odds are against him.
You can pretty much say that about anybody tho.

Not everyone associates with White Supremacist, Neo Nazi scum, M.
Don’t buy into the fragile façades the lemmings n this shit portal try to portray here.

They’re just man children cosplaying Darth Vader to the amusement of nobody.

You could be right, but then they're a bigger embarrassment to the human race. Fake Nazi...dude, what a huge loser one would have to be.
Well, I’m no therapist, but anybody trying to pass themselves off as some Nazi we’re probably bullied as children.

It’s a defense mechanism. The brain didn’t grow with age so you are dealing with an adult with the mental capacity of a child. The circle starts once again.

They can’t help it. I feel sorry for them.

And yet.....when Jabba the Leftard here wants to lay some heavy hitting sanctimony at yours truly.....her big gun is "she fucked Poofer!!".

It's really cute seeing you guys bond over the mental health of other people.


I hope you dont try to eat eachother if a mod position opens up :LOL3:
Who wants a mod spot here?

Not me. This place is unfixable

LAWD . .....is it?

Well. What the fuck are we doin here?


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
I've always found it hilarious how people pretend having a panel on a forum means anything besides being someone else's bitch for nothing.

Who on earth would do something as retarded as that?

Surely nobody we know?
Having a panel back in the day meant something.

Yeah it meant you were someone else's grunt for nothing.

That's it.

Not really.

But carry on.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Treat her well, as it's what you should do.

Mine left me, but will still communicate. Basically wants nothing to do with me though. I can't blame her.
Say wha wha, KM

Blandscape is the quintessential, "one post is all that is needed" to bury this fucking gyrating spaztic under his own inflated hyperbole.

if this assclown is the new BF influencer and "content creator", then everyone just died in your arms tonight, we keep lookin' for quality but broken syntax blandscape spam lies all around us and I don't see any hope left.
Must have been something you said.

Blandscape is so good at this, it goes over each and every one of youz guyz heads. He completely shits on all of you and you don’t even catch it.

Now, before I was so rudely interrupted by Fortnite, there was some things I have to finish out;

Wait, why the FUCK is Scoundrel admitting on open forum about talking about another man’s penis? Wasn’t Scoundrel laughed off FT for some invisible drug dealers going to kill ppl or something like that? Fucker will fit in perfectly here.

The BF tiktok- I created a bf tiktok that is actually successful and trending upwards. Last time I checked, it had over 15k followers. It’s mostly game play videos tho and I really don’t think anybody on this forum has the skills I do at FN or CoD. The goal was to transition to posting content from this site, but there really isn’t anything good enough to post. Trolling in gaming is one thing, the shit fest that this place has become is another.

The 300 new follower promise- I am going to do a giveaway and the first 300 ppl who register here and post will get a new FN skin. That’s the easiest way to get traffic and I’m shocked nobody thought of that.

“But KM, little kids play Fortnite”

Actually, the age demo has shifted considerably during the pandemic with 18 to 24 being the biggest demo now. If you look on Twitch, that’s pretty much the core.

So much so, I was playing random squads and had a team of adults who truly sucked balls and carried them to a final 1v1 where they all got wiped by actual players and it was me against a bot who I dropped down to 1 hp then ejected from the match. Not giving a bunch of adults trying to tell me, a highly ranked player on the actual rankings, how to play.

I told them, look me up on tracker, I’m ranked in the top 20 while you crumbs are ranked in the millions. Sucks to be them.

And why is it when you creampie a girl whose name begins with the letter A they suddenly think you have some sort of subliminal bond with them?
I'm still waiting on YOU delivering something note worthy instead of bleating on about the "glory days" that clearly weren't all that glorious for you or your other self proclaimed "legends" that nobody out of a bubble of twelve board killers had ever even heard of before... Blandscape shits on nobody here, he spams shit that I don't even read but I suppose you schizos would see that as a fuckin win, you belong in the short bus...
You got a link to this "Tik Tok"? No, didn't think so...
I mean, I could…. But why?

Im not here to entertain what, five? Six ppl? That tiktok you mentioned? I get paid to post on it. There’s a blatant ad that followers shit spammed that has made quite a penny that carried over into other posts.

I also told BF himself I’d give him the keys to it once this place had traction. It doesn’t. But, since we’re going to talk about something other then yours truly, who is going to take it over once I pass it off?

You? Look around you. This place is nothing but a whine fest bore pit stop. That falls on the mods, and no offense, the reason I gave up my panel here is because there’s no fixing it.

Blandscape makes great content. So does Caskur when she feels like it. You need to focus on the actual content creators and phase out the filler. Fox makes dynamic content, he should be featured.

The ppl who can create something that would make some random register and post should be the ppl that you are focusing to build around. But…you don’t. If you read one thread here, you’ve read them all. It wasn’t like that at BH, FC, or F4$. Content is so dummied down right now there’s no way in hell anybody from the past with even a shred of talent will waste time here.

Chrome, somebody who I think is Nozz, and some other BH reject posts on some gaming forum. There’s about five old BH’rs over at Kiwi. I spoke briefly with The Iron Duke a couple months ago, NA is all over Reddit along with Gunzablazin.

I should bring these guys here? I’d be embarrassed. There’s already a few BH’ers here. They don’t post at all and you would be shocked who they were.

So, the only person who has a shot at bringing them here is me.

Make better content. Simple as that.

the main twitchers like xQCoW and cohncarnage play whatever hot game is on steam or the latest PS5/Xbox video game that has the most hype, sometimes days before it's released because they get advance copies.

then you got the lewd gamers like Iron Mouse and Projext melody playing prison break and talking about sniffing assholes in the showers and break out boners, crazy funny commentary while they play these games.

or you got all those weird role players in GTA5 steaming that stuff

the biggest news of 2022 is the release of the Cuphead expansion, that will be the big twich stream when it drops, the rage and cussing will be amazing

and for blandscape, as cunty said, he is a one trick spammer. His ADD/AHD/Autism act is probably not an act. they guy has not written anything since Turd Rail, his poetry is only fit for 4chan and troll boards.

He's probably holding a damp towel between his legs and doing a thigh crunch to replicate the sensation of a girl becoming wet while text spamming like a high school teenager.

He's yells Dovey's name with all the drama of Charles Foster Kane saying "Rosebud" in Citizen Kane.

So yeah, he is the chosen one to lead BF to greatness and save the baby Yoda.

Honestly, he is probably the only one in the "community" who does nothing else in life but live on troll boards because this kind of shit gives him purpose. You saw how giddy and excited he became when he thought there was going to be a match.
I don’t get the hype around XQC.

Not once have I seen him do anything that would make me say “he’s a pro gamer”. I think he was an OW guy back in the day but OW ain’t my game. I worked with a kid who was actually a very good OW player and not once did he ever mention XQC, so that’s that for me.

My pallet on twitch has gotten shorter.

I watch Armouranth because it’s pretty much porn. I paid the 25 bucks once for her to fart into the mic to see if it was something she actually did or if it was a scam.

Long story short- it wasn’t a scam.

I watch Clix who is a god tier FN player shitting on other god tier FN players. Granted, he’s a zero ping player, but the fact he’s pulling off three edits a second is ridiculous.

Im also about to tune into Ranger. On the last map this guy covered an entire city in builds in a minute. An entire city.

I want to say these guys are cheating, but they’re not. You can tell who’s cheating, and cheaters ain’t in arena where epic is actually watching them.

Why isn’t Ninja in arena?
Why isn’t Sypherpk in solos in arena and only plays with a carry?

Cuz they’re cheating. It’s funny how social media just dropped how all the big time streamers who made their names playing Fortnite just dropped the game the second the new anti-cheats were installed. You don’t see Myth getting head shots every shot or courage shooting bending bullets any more. Wonder why.

The new update is a rube. They are bringing back Tilted Towers, one of the best drop spots of all time….along with the Cronus anti cheat. I highly recommend watching Fortnite that day on Twitch. You will see a lot of blank screens.

I don't get the hype around any of that shit.
If your not a gamer, you wouldn’t.

If you like, say, DeNiro in a gangster movie, you’d watch it. Same with streamers.

I’ll watch a kick ass Fortnite player grinding out a dub quicker then I’d watch anything Hollywood has produced recently.

Im not into this whole woke culture being cultivated thru social media. I don’t like the fact the superheroes I grew up with are either gay (Superman and Wonder Woman) now ethnic (Spider-Man and Batman) or are being re-gendered just to appease a small but angry core of dunderheads who are sexually confused.

As a father, I’m not too keen on PLEASE ASS BOX ME! being down graded by Hollywood and marketed as a mental disorder instead of a sick fetish.

I mean, go on kickstarter, there’s over a thousand idiots trying to make “films” about their trials as a transgender. There’s GoFundMe’s where morons are e-begging for money to get the snip.

Sorry, I’ll stick to gaming and watching gaming.

OMG Kickstarter has so many projects that bomb and due to their TOS you can't get your money back when the creators fail to deliver. People asking for funds for video games are usually the worst, the game spends years in development and then they go MIA and you are out the money.

They only thing we funded were a widget fidget toy, couple of books, and a few electronic gadgets.

the first video game we backed bombed and no one got shit or a refund.

did see a kickstarter for a japanese horror visual novel that started a few months ago and decided to fund that since they did have a working steam demo. The game is already set for a Jan release, these guys are based in Australia and have done a great job. but most of that stuff on Kickstarter is woke nonsense, some guy begging for money so the can publish a book where he draws transexual cocks using paint and a brush that is made out of his own pubic hair, crazy shit like that.
I’ve only paid off on one kickstarter, and that was the Shenmue sequel, and that was only because I was into the game back in the day.

See, instead of paying thousands of dollars to look young like somebody I know (rolls eyes), I invested a hundred bucks into a game that I played back in the day and had a young at heart moment.

Well, I thought it would. The game was short, it was like playing a Dreamcast game on a PS4, and then it was mass released. I honestly saw it in stores before I got my copy.

I think their goal was three million but they got three times that amount and still churned out a mediocre game. Dissapoint, I has.

I try to stay away from gaming kickstarters, especially retro gaming ones. Most of the retro gaming channels on YouTube have some scam going on where they’re trying to fund “movies” yet these movies never seem to come into fruition. And then when you call them out about it they block you on social media for fucking up their scam.

Pickles invested into the Tex Murphy kickstart but that was actually a great game. It’s too bad you have to waddle thru shit to find the diamonds.
Funny, you said "I" eleven times there... :LOL3: You're your biggest fan eh... lol
Did you have a relapse or something?
What makes you say that? Logic? Concern? The quest of trying to be funny?

If me using the letter “I” a lot is all you have when adding transformative content to the topic of discussion, namely, kickstarter experiences, you either need to get back on the wagon or get a better dealer.
I see our lurker numbers are up, is that still because of you or what? :facepalm:
Can’t lurk a locked forum.

just sayin
So do I.

You know nothing lol you didn't even have a panel you just got the colour and even then you went straight into "I run the place and this is how you are all going to change!" haha oh wit! Every board you've ever been a part of has died, are you going to take credit for that or is it ALWAYS only the "good things" that have to do with you? You're a laughing stock, it's actually pretty sad tbh... This is the decade you turn sixty in, it's over...
Name one forum that died under my watch.

Ill wait
You've only been a pretend mod on here so "under my watch" NONE but you seem to be around all the dying boards, coincidence, not taking credit for that? Let's face it, anything you deem good it's all about you yet you seem mute when shit hits the fan... You're a fair weather braggart and that's the truth...
So basically no boards died under my watch, is what your saying?

No board died "under your watch" but all of them died when you were the main contributer lol OUCHIES!
Yeah? Which one?
Nobody's biting YOUR ankle, you came to us remember? Which one? ALL OF THEM! :LOL3:
Sham, let me point this out;

You aren’t good at this shit. I have a conscience, and I refuse to be the reason you start using drugs again.

Enjoy what you have while you have it.

Do you think he's stopped using drugs?

I always give ppl the benefit of the doubt and I don’t think the lad is that far gone that he can’t change his life.

Does he still read like he’s under the influence of something? Of course he does. I don’t glance at a Shampain post for coherent content. I just see word salad nerd rage.

But then again, the chances he needs this place to vent out his aggressive thoughts over something as savage as addiction just might be therapeutic for the poor sop. Who am I to not help a hand out?

Put that cup out, Sham, here’s a shiny coin.

This is not a place for people to get healthy. It just isn't.
It beats doing stupid shit to land yourself in jail, tho.

I agree. I hope he learns to grow up one day and stop blaming everyone else for his lot in life. His life will be much improved. As long as he associates with low life scum though...the odds are against him.
You can pretty much say that about anybody tho.

Not everyone associates with White Supremacist, Neo Nazi scum, M.
Don’t buy into the fragile façades the lemmings n this shit portal try to portray here.

They’re just man children cosplaying Darth Vader to the amusement of nobody.

You could be right, but then they're a bigger embarrassment to the human race. Fake Nazi...dude, what a huge loser one would have to be.
Well, I’m no therapist, but anybody trying to pass themselves off as some Nazi we’re probably bullied as children.

It’s a defense mechanism. The brain didn’t grow with age so you are dealing with an adult with the mental capacity of a child. The circle starts once again.

They can’t help it. I feel sorry for them.

And yet.....when Jabba the Leftard here wants to lay some heavy hitting sanctimony at yours truly.....her big gun is "she fucked Poofer!!".

It's really cute seeing you guys bond over the mental health of other people.


I hope you dont try to eat eachother if a mod position opens up :LOL3:

I admit Martini that you fucking that psycho and vice-versa isn't a good sign for either one of you.
Who cares? That shit happened so long ago I don’t even remember anything about it.

Everyone involved moved on, it’s this community that hasnt

I didn't bring it up, cracky mc crack did.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
Treat her well, as it's what you should do.

Mine left me, but will still communicate. Basically wants nothing to do with me though. I can't blame her.
Say wha wha, KM

Blandscape is the quintessential, "one post is all that is needed" to bury this fucking gyrating spaztic under his own inflated hyperbole.

if this assclown is the new BF influencer and "content creator", then everyone just died in your arms tonight, we keep lookin' for quality but broken syntax blandscape spam lies all around us and I don't see any hope left.
Must have been something you said.

Blandscape is so good at this, it goes over each and every one of youz guyz heads. He completely shits on all of you and you don’t even catch it.

Now, before I was so rudely interrupted by Fortnite, there was some things I have to finish out;

Wait, why the FUCK is Scoundrel admitting on open forum about talking about another man’s penis? Wasn’t Scoundrel laughed off FT for some invisible drug dealers going to kill ppl or something like that? Fucker will fit in perfectly here.

The BF tiktok- I created a bf tiktok that is actually successful and trending upwards. Last time I checked, it had over 15k followers. It’s mostly game play videos tho and I really don’t think anybody on this forum has the skills I do at FN or CoD. The goal was to transition to posting content from this site, but there really isn’t anything good enough to post. Trolling in gaming is one thing, the shit fest that this place has become is another.

The 300 new follower promise- I am going to do a giveaway and the first 300 ppl who register here and post will get a new FN skin. That’s the easiest way to get traffic and I’m shocked nobody thought of that.

“But KM, little kids play Fortnite”

Actually, the age demo has shifted considerably during the pandemic with 18 to 24 being the biggest demo now. If you look on Twitch, that’s pretty much the core.

So much so, I was playing random squads and had a team of adults who truly sucked balls and carried them to a final 1v1 where they all got wiped by actual players and it was me against a bot who I dropped down to 1 hp then ejected from the match. Not giving a bunch of adults trying to tell me, a highly ranked player on the actual rankings, how to play.

I told them, look me up on tracker, I’m ranked in the top 20 while you crumbs are ranked in the millions. Sucks to be them.

And why is it when you creampie a girl whose name begins with the letter A they suddenly think you have some sort of subliminal bond with them?
I'm still waiting on YOU delivering something note worthy instead of bleating on about the "glory days" that clearly weren't all that glorious for you or your other self proclaimed "legends" that nobody out of a bubble of twelve board killers had ever even heard of before... Blandscape shits on nobody here, he spams shit that I don't even read but I suppose you schizos would see that as a fuckin win, you belong in the short bus...
You got a link to this "Tik Tok"? No, didn't think so...
I mean, I could…. But why?

Im not here to entertain what, five? Six ppl? That tiktok you mentioned? I get paid to post on it. There’s a blatant ad that followers shit spammed that has made quite a penny that carried over into other posts.

I also told BF himself I’d give him the keys to it once this place had traction. It doesn’t. But, since we’re going to talk about something other then yours truly, who is going to take it over once I pass it off?

You? Look around you. This place is nothing but a whine fest bore pit stop. That falls on the mods, and no offense, the reason I gave up my panel here is because there’s no fixing it.

Blandscape makes great content. So does Caskur when she feels like it. You need to focus on the actual content creators and phase out the filler. Fox makes dynamic content, he should be featured.

The ppl who can create something that would make some random register and post should be the ppl that you are focusing to build around. But…you don’t. If you read one thread here, you’ve read them all. It wasn’t like that at BH, FC, or F4$. Content is so dummied down right now there’s no way in hell anybody from the past with even a shred of talent will waste time here.

Chrome, somebody who I think is Nozz, and some other BH reject posts on some gaming forum. There’s about five old BH’rs over at Kiwi. I spoke briefly with The Iron Duke a couple months ago, NA is all over Reddit along with Gunzablazin.

I should bring these guys here? I’d be embarrassed. There’s already a few BH’ers here. They don’t post at all and you would be shocked who they were.

So, the only person who has a shot at bringing them here is me.

Make better content. Simple as that.

the main twitchers like xQCoW and cohncarnage play whatever hot game is on steam or the latest PS5/Xbox video game that has the most hype, sometimes days before it's released because they get advance copies.

then you got the lewd gamers like Iron Mouse and Projext melody playing prison break and talking about sniffing assholes in the showers and break out boners, crazy funny commentary while they play these games.

or you got all those weird role players in GTA5 steaming that stuff

the biggest news of 2022 is the release of the Cuphead expansion, that will be the big twich stream when it drops, the rage and cussing will be amazing

and for blandscape, as cunty said, he is a one trick spammer. His ADD/AHD/Autism act is probably not an act. they guy has not written anything since Turd Rail, his poetry is only fit for 4chan and troll boards.

He's probably holding a damp towel between his legs and doing a thigh crunch to replicate the sensation of a girl becoming wet while text spamming like a high school teenager.

He's yells Dovey's name with all the drama of Charles Foster Kane saying "Rosebud" in Citizen Kane.

So yeah, he is the chosen one to lead BF to greatness and save the baby Yoda.

Honestly, he is probably the only one in the "community" who does nothing else in life but live on troll boards because this kind of shit gives him purpose. You saw how giddy and excited he became when he thought there was going to be a match.
I don’t get the hype around XQC.

Not once have I seen him do anything that would make me say “he’s a pro gamer”. I think he was an OW guy back in the day but OW ain’t my game. I worked with a kid who was actually a very good OW player and not once did he ever mention XQC, so that’s that for me.

My pallet on twitch has gotten shorter.

I watch Armouranth because it’s pretty much porn. I paid the 25 bucks once for her to fart into the mic to see if it was something she actually did or if it was a scam.

Long story short- it wasn’t a scam.

I watch Clix who is a god tier FN player shitting on other god tier FN players. Granted, he’s a zero ping player, but the fact he’s pulling off three edits a second is ridiculous.

Im also about to tune into Ranger. On the last map this guy covered an entire city in builds in a minute. An entire city.

I want to say these guys are cheating, but they’re not. You can tell who’s cheating, and cheaters ain’t in arena where epic is actually watching them.

Why isn’t Ninja in arena?
Why isn’t Sypherpk in solos in arena and only plays with a carry?

Cuz they’re cheating. It’s funny how social media just dropped how all the big time streamers who made their names playing Fortnite just dropped the game the second the new anti-cheats were installed. You don’t see Myth getting head shots every shot or courage shooting bending bullets any more. Wonder why.

The new update is a rube. They are bringing back Tilted Towers, one of the best drop spots of all time….along with the Cronus anti cheat. I highly recommend watching Fortnite that day on Twitch. You will see a lot of blank screens.

I don't get the hype around any of that shit.
If your not a gamer, you wouldn’t.

If you like, say, DeNiro in a gangster movie, you’d watch it. Same with streamers.

I’ll watch a kick ass Fortnite player grinding out a dub quicker then I’d watch anything Hollywood has produced recently.

Im not into this whole woke culture being cultivated thru social media. I don’t like the fact the superheroes I grew up with are either gay (Superman and Wonder Woman) now ethnic (Spider-Man and Batman) or are being re-gendered just to appease a small but angry core of dunderheads who are sexually confused.

As a father, I’m not too keen on PLEASE ASS BOX ME! being down graded by Hollywood and marketed as a mental disorder instead of a sick fetish.

I mean, go on kickstarter, there’s over a thousand idiots trying to make “films” about their trials as a transgender. There’s GoFundMe’s where morons are e-begging for money to get the snip.

Sorry, I’ll stick to gaming and watching gaming.

OMG Kickstarter has so many projects that bomb and due to their TOS you can't get your money back when the creators fail to deliver. People asking for funds for video games are usually the worst, the game spends years in development and then they go MIA and you are out the money.

They only thing we funded were a widget fidget toy, couple of books, and a few electronic gadgets.

the first video game we backed bombed and no one got shit or a refund.

did see a kickstarter for a japanese horror visual novel that started a few months ago and decided to fund that since they did have a working steam demo. The game is already set for a Jan release, these guys are based in Australia and have done a great job. but most of that stuff on Kickstarter is woke nonsense, some guy begging for money so the can publish a book where he draws transexual cocks using paint and a brush that is made out of his own pubic hair, crazy shit like that.
I’ve only paid off on one kickstarter, and that was the Shenmue sequel, and that was only because I was into the game back in the day.

See, instead of paying thousands of dollars to look young like somebody I know (rolls eyes), I invested a hundred bucks into a game that I played back in the day and had a young at heart moment.

Well, I thought it would. The game was short, it was like playing a Dreamcast game on a PS4, and then it was mass released. I honestly saw it in stores before I got my copy.

I think their goal was three million but they got three times that amount and still churned out a mediocre game. Dissapoint, I has.

I try to stay away from gaming kickstarters, especially retro gaming ones. Most of the retro gaming channels on YouTube have some scam going on where they’re trying to fund “movies” yet these movies never seem to come into fruition. And then when you call them out about it they block you on social media for fucking up their scam.

Pickles invested into the Tex Murphy kickstart but that was actually a great game. It’s too bad you have to waddle thru shit to find the diamonds.
Funny, you said "I" eleven times there... :LOL3: You're your biggest fan eh... lol
Did you have a relapse or something?
What makes you say that? Logic? Concern? The quest of trying to be funny?

If me using the letter “I” a lot is all you have when adding transformative content to the topic of discussion, namely, kickstarter experiences, you either need to get back on the wagon or get a better dealer.
I see our lurker numbers are up, is that still because of you or what? :facepalm:
Can’t lurk a locked forum.

just sayin
So do I.

You know nothing lol you didn't even have a panel you just got the colour and even then you went straight into "I run the place and this is how you are all going to change!" haha oh wit! Every board you've ever been a part of has died, are you going to take credit for that or is it ALWAYS only the "good things" that have to do with you? You're a laughing stock, it's actually pretty sad tbh... This is the decade you turn sixty in, it's over...
Name one forum that died under my watch.

Ill wait
You've only been a pretend mod on here so "under my watch" NONE but you seem to be around all the dying boards, coincidence, not taking credit for that? Let's face it, anything you deem good it's all about you yet you seem mute when shit hits the fan... You're a fair weather braggart and that's the truth...
So basically no boards died under my watch, is what your saying?

No board died "under your watch" but all of them died when you were the main contributer lol OUCHIES!
Yeah? Which one?
Nobody's biting YOUR ankle, you came to us remember? Which one? ALL OF THEM! :LOL3:
Sham, let me point this out;

You aren’t good at this shit. I have a conscience, and I refuse to be the reason you start using drugs again.

Enjoy what you have while you have it.

Do you think he's stopped using drugs?

I always give ppl the benefit of the doubt and I don’t think the lad is that far gone that he can’t change his life.

Does he still read like he’s under the influence of something? Of course he does. I don’t glance at a Shampain post for coherent content. I just see word salad nerd rage.

But then again, the chances he needs this place to vent out his aggressive thoughts over something as savage as addiction just might be therapeutic for the poor sop. Who am I to not help a hand out?

Put that cup out, Sham, here’s a shiny coin.

This is not a place for people to get healthy. It just isn't.
It beats doing stupid shit to land yourself in jail, tho.

I agree. I hope he learns to grow up one day and stop blaming everyone else for his lot in life. His life will be much improved. As long as he associates with low life scum though...the odds are against him.
You can pretty much say that about anybody tho.

Not everyone associates with White Supremacist, Neo Nazi scum, M.
Don’t buy into the fragile façades the lemmings n this shit portal try to portray here.

They’re just man children cosplaying Darth Vader to the amusement of nobody.

You could be right, but then they're a bigger embarrassment to the human race. Fake Nazi...dude, what a huge loser one would have to be.
Well, I’m no therapist, but anybody trying to pass themselves off as some Nazi we’re probably bullied as children.

It’s a defense mechanism. The brain didn’t grow with age so you are dealing with an adult with the mental capacity of a child. The circle starts once again.

They can’t help it. I feel sorry for them.

And yet.....when Jabba the Leftard here wants to lay some heavy hitting sanctimony at yours truly.....her big gun is "she fucked Poofer!!".

It's really cute seeing you guys bond over the mental health of other people.


I hope you dont try to eat eachother if a mod position opens up :LOL3:
Who wants a mod spot here?

Not me. This place is unfixable

LAWD . .....is it?

Well. What the fuck are we doin here?
Wasting time



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Treat her well, as it's what you should do.

Mine left me, but will still communicate. Basically wants nothing to do with me though. I can't blame her.
Say wha wha, KM

Blandscape is the quintessential, "one post is all that is needed" to bury this fucking gyrating spaztic under his own inflated hyperbole.

if this assclown is the new BF influencer and "content creator", then everyone just died in your arms tonight, we keep lookin' for quality but broken syntax blandscape spam lies all around us and I don't see any hope left.
Must have been something you said.

Blandscape is so good at this, it goes over each and every one of youz guyz heads. He completely shits on all of you and you don’t even catch it.

Now, before I was so rudely interrupted by Fortnite, there was some things I have to finish out;

Wait, why the FUCK is Scoundrel admitting on open forum about talking about another man’s penis? Wasn’t Scoundrel laughed off FT for some invisible drug dealers going to kill ppl or something like that? Fucker will fit in perfectly here.

The BF tiktok- I created a bf tiktok that is actually successful and trending upwards. Last time I checked, it had over 15k followers. It’s mostly game play videos tho and I really don’t think anybody on this forum has the skills I do at FN or CoD. The goal was to transition to posting content from this site, but there really isn’t anything good enough to post. Trolling in gaming is one thing, the shit fest that this place has become is another.

The 300 new follower promise- I am going to do a giveaway and the first 300 ppl who register here and post will get a new FN skin. That’s the easiest way to get traffic and I’m shocked nobody thought of that.

“But KM, little kids play Fortnite”

Actually, the age demo has shifted considerably during the pandemic with 18 to 24 being the biggest demo now. If you look on Twitch, that’s pretty much the core.

So much so, I was playing random squads and had a team of adults who truly sucked balls and carried them to a final 1v1 where they all got wiped by actual players and it was me against a bot who I dropped down to 1 hp then ejected from the match. Not giving a bunch of adults trying to tell me, a highly ranked player on the actual rankings, how to play.

I told them, look me up on tracker, I’m ranked in the top 20 while you crumbs are ranked in the millions. Sucks to be them.

And why is it when you creampie a girl whose name begins with the letter A they suddenly think you have some sort of subliminal bond with them?
I'm still waiting on YOU delivering something note worthy instead of bleating on about the "glory days" that clearly weren't all that glorious for you or your other self proclaimed "legends" that nobody out of a bubble of twelve board killers had ever even heard of before... Blandscape shits on nobody here, he spams shit that I don't even read but I suppose you schizos would see that as a fuckin win, you belong in the short bus...
You got a link to this "Tik Tok"? No, didn't think so...
I mean, I could…. But why?

Im not here to entertain what, five? Six ppl? That tiktok you mentioned? I get paid to post on it. There’s a blatant ad that followers shit spammed that has made quite a penny that carried over into other posts.

I also told BF himself I’d give him the keys to it once this place had traction. It doesn’t. But, since we’re going to talk about something other then yours truly, who is going to take it over once I pass it off?

You? Look around you. This place is nothing but a whine fest bore pit stop. That falls on the mods, and no offense, the reason I gave up my panel here is because there’s no fixing it.

Blandscape makes great content. So does Caskur when she feels like it. You need to focus on the actual content creators and phase out the filler. Fox makes dynamic content, he should be featured.

The ppl who can create something that would make some random register and post should be the ppl that you are focusing to build around. But…you don’t. If you read one thread here, you’ve read them all. It wasn’t like that at BH, FC, or F4$. Content is so dummied down right now there’s no way in hell anybody from the past with even a shred of talent will waste time here.

Chrome, somebody who I think is Nozz, and some other BH reject posts on some gaming forum. There’s about five old BH’rs over at Kiwi. I spoke briefly with The Iron Duke a couple months ago, NA is all over Reddit along with Gunzablazin.

I should bring these guys here? I’d be embarrassed. There’s already a few BH’ers here. They don’t post at all and you would be shocked who they were.

So, the only person who has a shot at bringing them here is me.

Make better content. Simple as that.

the main twitchers like xQCoW and cohncarnage play whatever hot game is on steam or the latest PS5/Xbox video game that has the most hype, sometimes days before it's released because they get advance copies.

then you got the lewd gamers like Iron Mouse and Projext melody playing prison break and talking about sniffing assholes in the showers and break out boners, crazy funny commentary while they play these games.

or you got all those weird role players in GTA5 steaming that stuff

the biggest news of 2022 is the release of the Cuphead expansion, that will be the big twich stream when it drops, the rage and cussing will be amazing

and for blandscape, as cunty said, he is a one trick spammer. His ADD/AHD/Autism act is probably not an act. they guy has not written anything since Turd Rail, his poetry is only fit for 4chan and troll boards.

He's probably holding a damp towel between his legs and doing a thigh crunch to replicate the sensation of a girl becoming wet while text spamming like a high school teenager.

He's yells Dovey's name with all the drama of Charles Foster Kane saying "Rosebud" in Citizen Kane.

So yeah, he is the chosen one to lead BF to greatness and save the baby Yoda.

Honestly, he is probably the only one in the "community" who does nothing else in life but live on troll boards because this kind of shit gives him purpose. You saw how giddy and excited he became when he thought there was going to be a match.
I don’t get the hype around XQC.

Not once have I seen him do anything that would make me say “he’s a pro gamer”. I think he was an OW guy back in the day but OW ain’t my game. I worked with a kid who was actually a very good OW player and not once did he ever mention XQC, so that’s that for me.

My pallet on twitch has gotten shorter.

I watch Armouranth because it’s pretty much porn. I paid the 25 bucks once for her to fart into the mic to see if it was something she actually did or if it was a scam.

Long story short- it wasn’t a scam.

I watch Clix who is a god tier FN player shitting on other god tier FN players. Granted, he’s a zero ping player, but the fact he’s pulling off three edits a second is ridiculous.

Im also about to tune into Ranger. On the last map this guy covered an entire city in builds in a minute. An entire city.

I want to say these guys are cheating, but they’re not. You can tell who’s cheating, and cheaters ain’t in arena where epic is actually watching them.

Why isn’t Ninja in arena?
Why isn’t Sypherpk in solos in arena and only plays with a carry?

Cuz they’re cheating. It’s funny how social media just dropped how all the big time streamers who made their names playing Fortnite just dropped the game the second the new anti-cheats were installed. You don’t see Myth getting head shots every shot or courage shooting bending bullets any more. Wonder why.

The new update is a rube. They are bringing back Tilted Towers, one of the best drop spots of all time….along with the Cronus anti cheat. I highly recommend watching Fortnite that day on Twitch. You will see a lot of blank screens.

I don't get the hype around any of that shit.
If your not a gamer, you wouldn’t.

If you like, say, DeNiro in a gangster movie, you’d watch it. Same with streamers.

I’ll watch a kick ass Fortnite player grinding out a dub quicker then I’d watch anything Hollywood has produced recently.

Im not into this whole woke culture being cultivated thru social media. I don’t like the fact the superheroes I grew up with are either gay (Superman and Wonder Woman) now ethnic (Spider-Man and Batman) or are being re-gendered just to appease a small but angry core of dunderheads who are sexually confused.

As a father, I’m not too keen on PLEASE ASS BOX ME! being down graded by Hollywood and marketed as a mental disorder instead of a sick fetish.

I mean, go on kickstarter, there’s over a thousand idiots trying to make “films” about their trials as a transgender. There’s GoFundMe’s where morons are e-begging for money to get the snip.

Sorry, I’ll stick to gaming and watching gaming.

OMG Kickstarter has so many projects that bomb and due to their TOS you can't get your money back when the creators fail to deliver. People asking for funds for video games are usually the worst, the game spends years in development and then they go MIA and you are out the money.

They only thing we funded were a widget fidget toy, couple of books, and a few electronic gadgets.

the first video game we backed bombed and no one got shit or a refund.

did see a kickstarter for a japanese horror visual novel that started a few months ago and decided to fund that since they did have a working steam demo. The game is already set for a Jan release, these guys are based in Australia and have done a great job. but most of that stuff on Kickstarter is woke nonsense, some guy begging for money so the can publish a book where he draws transexual cocks using paint and a brush that is made out of his own pubic hair, crazy shit like that.
I’ve only paid off on one kickstarter, and that was the Shenmue sequel, and that was only because I was into the game back in the day.

See, instead of paying thousands of dollars to look young like somebody I know (rolls eyes), I invested a hundred bucks into a game that I played back in the day and had a young at heart moment.

Well, I thought it would. The game was short, it was like playing a Dreamcast game on a PS4, and then it was mass released. I honestly saw it in stores before I got my copy.

I think their goal was three million but they got three times that amount and still churned out a mediocre game. Dissapoint, I has.

I try to stay away from gaming kickstarters, especially retro gaming ones. Most of the retro gaming channels on YouTube have some scam going on where they’re trying to fund “movies” yet these movies never seem to come into fruition. And then when you call them out about it they block you on social media for fucking up their scam.

Pickles invested into the Tex Murphy kickstart but that was actually a great game. It’s too bad you have to waddle thru shit to find the diamonds.
Funny, you said "I" eleven times there... :LOL3: You're your biggest fan eh... lol
Did you have a relapse or something?
What makes you say that? Logic? Concern? The quest of trying to be funny?

If me using the letter “I” a lot is all you have when adding transformative content to the topic of discussion, namely, kickstarter experiences, you either need to get back on the wagon or get a better dealer.
I see our lurker numbers are up, is that still because of you or what? :facepalm:
Can’t lurk a locked forum.

just sayin
So do I.

You know nothing lol you didn't even have a panel you just got the colour and even then you went straight into "I run the place and this is how you are all going to change!" haha oh wit! Every board you've ever been a part of has died, are you going to take credit for that or is it ALWAYS only the "good things" that have to do with you? You're a laughing stock, it's actually pretty sad tbh... This is the decade you turn sixty in, it's over...
Name one forum that died under my watch.

Ill wait
You've only been a pretend mod on here so "under my watch" NONE but you seem to be around all the dying boards, coincidence, not taking credit for that? Let's face it, anything you deem good it's all about you yet you seem mute when shit hits the fan... You're a fair weather braggart and that's the truth...
So basically no boards died under my watch, is what your saying?

No board died "under your watch" but all of them died when you were the main contributer lol OUCHIES!
Yeah? Which one?
Nobody's biting YOUR ankle, you came to us remember? Which one? ALL OF THEM! :LOL3:
Sham, let me point this out;

You aren’t good at this shit. I have a conscience, and I refuse to be the reason you start using drugs again.

Enjoy what you have while you have it.

Do you think he's stopped using drugs?

I always give ppl the benefit of the doubt and I don’t think the lad is that far gone that he can’t change his life.

Does he still read like he’s under the influence of something? Of course he does. I don’t glance at a Shampain post for coherent content. I just see word salad nerd rage.

But then again, the chances he needs this place to vent out his aggressive thoughts over something as savage as addiction just might be therapeutic for the poor sop. Who am I to not help a hand out?

Put that cup out, Sham, here’s a shiny coin.

This is not a place for people to get healthy. It just isn't.
It beats doing stupid shit to land yourself in jail, tho.

I agree. I hope he learns to grow up one day and stop blaming everyone else for his lot in life. His life will be much improved. As long as he associates with low life scum though...the odds are against him.
You can pretty much say that about anybody tho.

Not everyone associates with White Supremacist, Neo Nazi scum, M.
Don’t buy into the fragile façades the lemmings n this shit portal try to portray here.

They’re just man children cosplaying Darth Vader to the amusement of nobody.

You could be right, but then they're a bigger embarrassment to the human race. Fake Nazi...dude, what a huge loser one would have to be.
Well, I’m no therapist, but anybody trying to pass themselves off as some Nazi we’re probably bullied as children.

It’s a defense mechanism. The brain didn’t grow with age so you are dealing with an adult with the mental capacity of a child. The circle starts once again.

They can’t help it. I feel sorry for them.

And yet.....when Jabba the Leftard here wants to lay some heavy hitting sanctimony at yours truly.....her big gun is "she fucked Poofer!!".

It's really cute seeing you guys bond over the mental health of other people.


I hope you dont try to eat eachother if a mod position opens up :LOL3:
Who wants a mod spot here?

Not me. This place is unfixable

LAWD . .....is it?

Well. What the fuck are we doin here?
Wasting time


Avoiding her failures. lol


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I've always found it hilarious how people pretend having a panel on a forum means anything besides being someone else's bitch for nothing.

Who on earth would do something as retarded as that?

Surely nobody we know?
Having a panel back in the day meant something.

Yeah it meant you were someone else's grunt for nothing.

That's it.

Not really.

But carry on.

No, really.

Narcissists typical always have a skewed perception.

It's not really authority or a position of honor to make sure the boards are clean from misplaced posts and spam and to have to listen to 5 Oak/Murd melties a year so the board owner doesnt have to.

That's it. That's all it is. Spam moving and drama dodging.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I've always found it hilarious how people pretend having a panel on a forum means anything besides being someone else's bitch for nothing.

Who on earth would do something as retarded as that?

Surely nobody we know?
Having a panel back in the day meant something.

Yeah it meant you were someone else's grunt for nothing.

That's it.

Not really.

But carry on.

No, really.

Narcissists typical always have a skewed perception.

It's not really authority or a position of honor to make sure the boards are clean from misplaced posts and spam and to have to listen to 5 Oak/Murd melties a year so the board owner doesnt have to.

That's it. That's all it is. Spam moving and drama dodging.

At the end of the day, you're angry at "Oak" and "Murd" for kicking your ass to the curb. Funny AF


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
Treat her well, as it's what you should do.

Mine left me, but will still communicate. Basically wants nothing to do with me though. I can't blame her.
Say wha wha, KM

Blandscape is the quintessential, "one post is all that is needed" to bury this fucking gyrating spaztic under his own inflated hyperbole.

if this assclown is the new BF influencer and "content creator", then everyone just died in your arms tonight, we keep lookin' for quality but broken syntax blandscape spam lies all around us and I don't see any hope left.
Must have been something you said.

Blandscape is so good at this, it goes over each and every one of youz guyz heads. He completely shits on all of you and you don’t even catch it.

Now, before I was so rudely interrupted by Fortnite, there was some things I have to finish out;

Wait, why the FUCK is Scoundrel admitting on open forum about talking about another man’s penis? Wasn’t Scoundrel laughed off FT for some invisible drug dealers going to kill ppl or something like that? Fucker will fit in perfectly here.

The BF tiktok- I created a bf tiktok that is actually successful and trending upwards. Last time I checked, it had over 15k followers. It’s mostly game play videos tho and I really don’t think anybody on this forum has the skills I do at FN or CoD. The goal was to transition to posting content from this site, but there really isn’t anything good enough to post. Trolling in gaming is one thing, the shit fest that this place has become is another.

The 300 new follower promise- I am going to do a giveaway and the first 300 ppl who register here and post will get a new FN skin. That’s the easiest way to get traffic and I’m shocked nobody thought of that.

“But KM, little kids play Fortnite”

Actually, the age demo has shifted considerably during the pandemic with 18 to 24 being the biggest demo now. If you look on Twitch, that’s pretty much the core.

So much so, I was playing random squads and had a team of adults who truly sucked balls and carried them to a final 1v1 where they all got wiped by actual players and it was me against a bot who I dropped down to 1 hp then ejected from the match. Not giving a bunch of adults trying to tell me, a highly ranked player on the actual rankings, how to play.

I told them, look me up on tracker, I’m ranked in the top 20 while you crumbs are ranked in the millions. Sucks to be them.

And why is it when you creampie a girl whose name begins with the letter A they suddenly think you have some sort of subliminal bond with them?
I'm still waiting on YOU delivering something note worthy instead of bleating on about the "glory days" that clearly weren't all that glorious for you or your other self proclaimed "legends" that nobody out of a bubble of twelve board killers had ever even heard of before... Blandscape shits on nobody here, he spams shit that I don't even read but I suppose you schizos would see that as a fuckin win, you belong in the short bus...
You got a link to this "Tik Tok"? No, didn't think so...
I mean, I could…. But why?

Im not here to entertain what, five? Six ppl? That tiktok you mentioned? I get paid to post on it. There’s a blatant ad that followers shit spammed that has made quite a penny that carried over into other posts.

I also told BF himself I’d give him the keys to it once this place had traction. It doesn’t. But, since we’re going to talk about something other then yours truly, who is going to take it over once I pass it off?

You? Look around you. This place is nothing but a whine fest bore pit stop. That falls on the mods, and no offense, the reason I gave up my panel here is because there’s no fixing it.

Blandscape makes great content. So does Caskur when she feels like it. You need to focus on the actual content creators and phase out the filler. Fox makes dynamic content, he should be featured.

The ppl who can create something that would make some random register and post should be the ppl that you are focusing to build around. But…you don’t. If you read one thread here, you’ve read them all. It wasn’t like that at BH, FC, or F4$. Content is so dummied down right now there’s no way in hell anybody from the past with even a shred of talent will waste time here.

Chrome, somebody who I think is Nozz, and some other BH reject posts on some gaming forum. There’s about five old BH’rs over at Kiwi. I spoke briefly with The Iron Duke a couple months ago, NA is all over Reddit along with Gunzablazin.

I should bring these guys here? I’d be embarrassed. There’s already a few BH’ers here. They don’t post at all and you would be shocked who they were.

So, the only person who has a shot at bringing them here is me.

Make better content. Simple as that.

the main twitchers like xQCoW and cohncarnage play whatever hot game is on steam or the latest PS5/Xbox video game that has the most hype, sometimes days before it's released because they get advance copies.

then you got the lewd gamers like Iron Mouse and Projext melody playing prison break and talking about sniffing assholes in the showers and break out boners, crazy funny commentary while they play these games.

or you got all those weird role players in GTA5 steaming that stuff

the biggest news of 2022 is the release of the Cuphead expansion, that will be the big twich stream when it drops, the rage and cussing will be amazing

and for blandscape, as cunty said, he is a one trick spammer. His ADD/AHD/Autism act is probably not an act. they guy has not written anything since Turd Rail, his poetry is only fit for 4chan and troll boards.

He's probably holding a damp towel between his legs and doing a thigh crunch to replicate the sensation of a girl becoming wet while text spamming like a high school teenager.

He's yells Dovey's name with all the drama of Charles Foster Kane saying "Rosebud" in Citizen Kane.

So yeah, he is the chosen one to lead BF to greatness and save the baby Yoda.

Honestly, he is probably the only one in the "community" who does nothing else in life but live on troll boards because this kind of shit gives him purpose. You saw how giddy and excited he became when he thought there was going to be a match.
I don’t get the hype around XQC.

Not once have I seen him do anything that would make me say “he’s a pro gamer”. I think he was an OW guy back in the day but OW ain’t my game. I worked with a kid who was actually a very good OW player and not once did he ever mention XQC, so that’s that for me.

My pallet on twitch has gotten shorter.

I watch Armouranth because it’s pretty much porn. I paid the 25 bucks once for her to fart into the mic to see if it was something she actually did or if it was a scam.

Long story short- it wasn’t a scam.

I watch Clix who is a god tier FN player shitting on other god tier FN players. Granted, he’s a zero ping player, but the fact he’s pulling off three edits a second is ridiculous.

Im also about to tune into Ranger. On the last map this guy covered an entire city in builds in a minute. An entire city.

I want to say these guys are cheating, but they’re not. You can tell who’s cheating, and cheaters ain’t in arena where epic is actually watching them.

Why isn’t Ninja in arena?
Why isn’t Sypherpk in solos in arena and only plays with a carry?

Cuz they’re cheating. It’s funny how social media just dropped how all the big time streamers who made their names playing Fortnite just dropped the game the second the new anti-cheats were installed. You don’t see Myth getting head shots every shot or courage shooting bending bullets any more. Wonder why.

The new update is a rube. They are bringing back Tilted Towers, one of the best drop spots of all time….along with the Cronus anti cheat. I highly recommend watching Fortnite that day on Twitch. You will see a lot of blank screens.

I don't get the hype around any of that shit.
If your not a gamer, you wouldn’t.

If you like, say, DeNiro in a gangster movie, you’d watch it. Same with streamers.

I’ll watch a kick ass Fortnite player grinding out a dub quicker then I’d watch anything Hollywood has produced recently.

Im not into this whole woke culture being cultivated thru social media. I don’t like the fact the superheroes I grew up with are either gay (Superman and Wonder Woman) now ethnic (Spider-Man and Batman) or are being re-gendered just to appease a small but angry core of dunderheads who are sexually confused.

As a father, I’m not too keen on PLEASE ASS BOX ME! being down graded by Hollywood and marketed as a mental disorder instead of a sick fetish.

I mean, go on kickstarter, there’s over a thousand idiots trying to make “films” about their trials as a transgender. There’s GoFundMe’s where morons are e-begging for money to get the snip.

Sorry, I’ll stick to gaming and watching gaming.

OMG Kickstarter has so many projects that bomb and due to their TOS you can't get your money back when the creators fail to deliver. People asking for funds for video games are usually the worst, the game spends years in development and then they go MIA and you are out the money.

They only thing we funded were a widget fidget toy, couple of books, and a few electronic gadgets.

the first video game we backed bombed and no one got shit or a refund.

did see a kickstarter for a japanese horror visual novel that started a few months ago and decided to fund that since they did have a working steam demo. The game is already set for a Jan release, these guys are based in Australia and have done a great job. but most of that stuff on Kickstarter is woke nonsense, some guy begging for money so the can publish a book where he draws transexual cocks using paint and a brush that is made out of his own pubic hair, crazy shit like that.
I’ve only paid off on one kickstarter, and that was the Shenmue sequel, and that was only because I was into the game back in the day.

See, instead of paying thousands of dollars to look young like somebody I know (rolls eyes), I invested a hundred bucks into a game that I played back in the day and had a young at heart moment.

Well, I thought it would. The game was short, it was like playing a Dreamcast game on a PS4, and then it was mass released. I honestly saw it in stores before I got my copy.

I think their goal was three million but they got three times that amount and still churned out a mediocre game. Dissapoint, I has.

I try to stay away from gaming kickstarters, especially retro gaming ones. Most of the retro gaming channels on YouTube have some scam going on where they’re trying to fund “movies” yet these movies never seem to come into fruition. And then when you call them out about it they block you on social media for fucking up their scam.

Pickles invested into the Tex Murphy kickstart but that was actually a great game. It’s too bad you have to waddle thru shit to find the diamonds.
Funny, you said "I" eleven times there... :LOL3: You're your biggest fan eh... lol
Did you have a relapse or something?
What makes you say that? Logic? Concern? The quest of trying to be funny?

If me using the letter “I” a lot is all you have when adding transformative content to the topic of discussion, namely, kickstarter experiences, you either need to get back on the wagon or get a better dealer.
I see our lurker numbers are up, is that still because of you or what? :facepalm:
Can’t lurk a locked forum.

just sayin
So do I.

You know nothing lol you didn't even have a panel you just got the colour and even then you went straight into "I run the place and this is how you are all going to change!" haha oh wit! Every board you've ever been a part of has died, are you going to take credit for that or is it ALWAYS only the "good things" that have to do with you? You're a laughing stock, it's actually pretty sad tbh... This is the decade you turn sixty in, it's over...
Name one forum that died under my watch.

Ill wait
You've only been a pretend mod on here so "under my watch" NONE but you seem to be around all the dying boards, coincidence, not taking credit for that? Let's face it, anything you deem good it's all about you yet you seem mute when shit hits the fan... You're a fair weather braggart and that's the truth...
So basically no boards died under my watch, is what your saying?

No board died "under your watch" but all of them died when you were the main contributer lol OUCHIES!
Yeah? Which one?
Nobody's biting YOUR ankle, you came to us remember? Which one? ALL OF THEM! :LOL3:
Sham, let me point this out;

You aren’t good at this shit. I have a conscience, and I refuse to be the reason you start using drugs again.

Enjoy what you have while you have it.

Do you think he's stopped using drugs?

I always give ppl the benefit of the doubt and I don’t think the lad is that far gone that he can’t change his life.

Does he still read like he’s under the influence of something? Of course he does. I don’t glance at a Shampain post for coherent content. I just see word salad nerd rage.

But then again, the chances he needs this place to vent out his aggressive thoughts over something as savage as addiction just might be therapeutic for the poor sop. Who am I to not help a hand out?

Put that cup out, Sham, here’s a shiny coin.

This is not a place for people to get healthy. It just isn't.
It beats doing stupid shit to land yourself in jail, tho.

I agree. I hope he learns to grow up one day and stop blaming everyone else for his lot in life. His life will be much improved. As long as he associates with low life scum though...the odds are against him.
You can pretty much say that about anybody tho.

Not everyone associates with White Supremacist, Neo Nazi scum, M.
Don’t buy into the fragile façades the lemmings n this shit portal try to portray here.

They’re just man children cosplaying Darth Vader to the amusement of nobody.

You could be right, but then they're a bigger embarrassment to the human race. Fake Nazi...dude, what a huge loser one would have to be.
Well, I’m no therapist, but anybody trying to pass themselves off as some Nazi we’re probably bullied as children.

It’s a defense mechanism. The brain didn’t grow with age so you are dealing with an adult with the mental capacity of a child. The circle starts once again.

They can’t help it. I feel sorry for them.

And yet.....when Jabba the Leftard here wants to lay some heavy hitting sanctimony at yours truly.....her big gun is "she fucked Poofer!!".

It's really cute seeing you guys bond over the mental health of other people.


I hope you dont try to eat eachother if a mod position opens up :LOL3:

I admit Martini that you fucking that psycho and vice-versa isn't a good sign for either one of you.
Who cares? That shit happened so long ago I don’t even remember anything about it.

Everyone involved moved on, it’s this community that hasnt

I didn't bring it up, cracky mc crack did.
What else are they gonna bring up, tho?

The Dovid/Poofer thing is the only relevant thing this community has seen in years. I don’t blame them for bringing it up any more.

Nobody has the skill to pull off something like that any more, and I’m not invested enough to do something like that again.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Treat her well, as it's what you should do.

Mine left me, but will still communicate. Basically wants nothing to do with me though. I can't blame her.
Say wha wha, KM

Blandscape is the quintessential, "one post is all that is needed" to bury this fucking gyrating spaztic under his own inflated hyperbole.

if this assclown is the new BF influencer and "content creator", then everyone just died in your arms tonight, we keep lookin' for quality but broken syntax blandscape spam lies all around us and I don't see any hope left.
Must have been something you said.

Blandscape is so good at this, it goes over each and every one of youz guyz heads. He completely shits on all of you and you don’t even catch it.

Now, before I was so rudely interrupted by Fortnite, there was some things I have to finish out;

Wait, why the FUCK is Scoundrel admitting on open forum about talking about another man’s penis? Wasn’t Scoundrel laughed off FT for some invisible drug dealers going to kill ppl or something like that? Fucker will fit in perfectly here.

The BF tiktok- I created a bf tiktok that is actually successful and trending upwards. Last time I checked, it had over 15k followers. It’s mostly game play videos tho and I really don’t think anybody on this forum has the skills I do at FN or CoD. The goal was to transition to posting content from this site, but there really isn’t anything good enough to post. Trolling in gaming is one thing, the shit fest that this place has become is another.

The 300 new follower promise- I am going to do a giveaway and the first 300 ppl who register here and post will get a new FN skin. That’s the easiest way to get traffic and I’m shocked nobody thought of that.

“But KM, little kids play Fortnite”

Actually, the age demo has shifted considerably during the pandemic with 18 to 24 being the biggest demo now. If you look on Twitch, that’s pretty much the core.

So much so, I was playing random squads and had a team of adults who truly sucked balls and carried them to a final 1v1 where they all got wiped by actual players and it was me against a bot who I dropped down to 1 hp then ejected from the match. Not giving a bunch of adults trying to tell me, a highly ranked player on the actual rankings, how to play.

I told them, look me up on tracker, I’m ranked in the top 20 while you crumbs are ranked in the millions. Sucks to be them.

And why is it when you creampie a girl whose name begins with the letter A they suddenly think you have some sort of subliminal bond with them?
I'm still waiting on YOU delivering something note worthy instead of bleating on about the "glory days" that clearly weren't all that glorious for you or your other self proclaimed "legends" that nobody out of a bubble of twelve board killers had ever even heard of before... Blandscape shits on nobody here, he spams shit that I don't even read but I suppose you schizos would see that as a fuckin win, you belong in the short bus...
You got a link to this "Tik Tok"? No, didn't think so...
I mean, I could…. But why?

Im not here to entertain what, five? Six ppl? That tiktok you mentioned? I get paid to post on it. There’s a blatant ad that followers shit spammed that has made quite a penny that carried over into other posts.

I also told BF himself I’d give him the keys to it once this place had traction. It doesn’t. But, since we’re going to talk about something other then yours truly, who is going to take it over once I pass it off?

You? Look around you. This place is nothing but a whine fest bore pit stop. That falls on the mods, and no offense, the reason I gave up my panel here is because there’s no fixing it.

Blandscape makes great content. So does Caskur when she feels like it. You need to focus on the actual content creators and phase out the filler. Fox makes dynamic content, he should be featured.

The ppl who can create something that would make some random register and post should be the ppl that you are focusing to build around. But…you don’t. If you read one thread here, you’ve read them all. It wasn’t like that at BH, FC, or F4$. Content is so dummied down right now there’s no way in hell anybody from the past with even a shred of talent will waste time here.

Chrome, somebody who I think is Nozz, and some other BH reject posts on some gaming forum. There’s about five old BH’rs over at Kiwi. I spoke briefly with The Iron Duke a couple months ago, NA is all over Reddit along with Gunzablazin.

I should bring these guys here? I’d be embarrassed. There’s already a few BH’ers here. They don’t post at all and you would be shocked who they were.

So, the only person who has a shot at bringing them here is me.

Make better content. Simple as that.

the main twitchers like xQCoW and cohncarnage play whatever hot game is on steam or the latest PS5/Xbox video game that has the most hype, sometimes days before it's released because they get advance copies.

then you got the lewd gamers like Iron Mouse and Projext melody playing prison break and talking about sniffing assholes in the showers and break out boners, crazy funny commentary while they play these games.

or you got all those weird role players in GTA5 steaming that stuff

the biggest news of 2022 is the release of the Cuphead expansion, that will be the big twich stream when it drops, the rage and cussing will be amazing

and for blandscape, as cunty said, he is a one trick spammer. His ADD/AHD/Autism act is probably not an act. they guy has not written anything since Turd Rail, his poetry is only fit for 4chan and troll boards.

He's probably holding a damp towel between his legs and doing a thigh crunch to replicate the sensation of a girl becoming wet while text spamming like a high school teenager.

He's yells Dovey's name with all the drama of Charles Foster Kane saying "Rosebud" in Citizen Kane.

So yeah, he is the chosen one to lead BF to greatness and save the baby Yoda.

Honestly, he is probably the only one in the "community" who does nothing else in life but live on troll boards because this kind of shit gives him purpose. You saw how giddy and excited he became when he thought there was going to be a match.
I don’t get the hype around XQC.

Not once have I seen him do anything that would make me say “he’s a pro gamer”. I think he was an OW guy back in the day but OW ain’t my game. I worked with a kid who was actually a very good OW player and not once did he ever mention XQC, so that’s that for me.

My pallet on twitch has gotten shorter.

I watch Armouranth because it’s pretty much porn. I paid the 25 bucks once for her to fart into the mic to see if it was something she actually did or if it was a scam.

Long story short- it wasn’t a scam.

I watch Clix who is a god tier FN player shitting on other god tier FN players. Granted, he’s a zero ping player, but the fact he’s pulling off three edits a second is ridiculous.

Im also about to tune into Ranger. On the last map this guy covered an entire city in builds in a minute. An entire city.

I want to say these guys are cheating, but they’re not. You can tell who’s cheating, and cheaters ain’t in arena where epic is actually watching them.

Why isn’t Ninja in arena?
Why isn’t Sypherpk in solos in arena and only plays with a carry?

Cuz they’re cheating. It’s funny how social media just dropped how all the big time streamers who made their names playing Fortnite just dropped the game the second the new anti-cheats were installed. You don’t see Myth getting head shots every shot or courage shooting bending bullets any more. Wonder why.

The new update is a rube. They are bringing back Tilted Towers, one of the best drop spots of all time….along with the Cronus anti cheat. I highly recommend watching Fortnite that day on Twitch. You will see a lot of blank screens.

I don't get the hype around any of that shit.
If your not a gamer, you wouldn’t.

If you like, say, DeNiro in a gangster movie, you’d watch it. Same with streamers.

I’ll watch a kick ass Fortnite player grinding out a dub quicker then I’d watch anything Hollywood has produced recently.

Im not into this whole woke culture being cultivated thru social media. I don’t like the fact the superheroes I grew up with are either gay (Superman and Wonder Woman) now ethnic (Spider-Man and Batman) or are being re-gendered just to appease a small but angry core of dunderheads who are sexually confused.

As a father, I’m not too keen on PLEASE ASS BOX ME! being down graded by Hollywood and marketed as a mental disorder instead of a sick fetish.

I mean, go on kickstarter, there’s over a thousand idiots trying to make “films” about their trials as a transgender. There’s GoFundMe’s where morons are e-begging for money to get the snip.

Sorry, I’ll stick to gaming and watching gaming.

OMG Kickstarter has so many projects that bomb and due to their TOS you can't get your money back when the creators fail to deliver. People asking for funds for video games are usually the worst, the game spends years in development and then they go MIA and you are out the money.

They only thing we funded were a widget fidget toy, couple of books, and a few electronic gadgets.

the first video game we backed bombed and no one got shit or a refund.

did see a kickstarter for a japanese horror visual novel that started a few months ago and decided to fund that since they did have a working steam demo. The game is already set for a Jan release, these guys are based in Australia and have done a great job. but most of that stuff on Kickstarter is woke nonsense, some guy begging for money so the can publish a book where he draws transexual cocks using paint and a brush that is made out of his own pubic hair, crazy shit like that.
I’ve only paid off on one kickstarter, and that was the Shenmue sequel, and that was only because I was into the game back in the day.

See, instead of paying thousands of dollars to look young like somebody I know (rolls eyes), I invested a hundred bucks into a game that I played back in the day and had a young at heart moment.

Well, I thought it would. The game was short, it was like playing a Dreamcast game on a PS4, and then it was mass released. I honestly saw it in stores before I got my copy.

I think their goal was three million but they got three times that amount and still churned out a mediocre game. Dissapoint, I has.

I try to stay away from gaming kickstarters, especially retro gaming ones. Most of the retro gaming channels on YouTube have some scam going on where they’re trying to fund “movies” yet these movies never seem to come into fruition. And then when you call them out about it they block you on social media for fucking up their scam.

Pickles invested into the Tex Murphy kickstart but that was actually a great game. It’s too bad you have to waddle thru shit to find the diamonds.
Funny, you said "I" eleven times there... :LOL3: You're your biggest fan eh... lol
Did you have a relapse or something?
What makes you say that? Logic? Concern? The quest of trying to be funny?

If me using the letter “I” a lot is all you have when adding transformative content to the topic of discussion, namely, kickstarter experiences, you either need to get back on the wagon or get a better dealer.
I see our lurker numbers are up, is that still because of you or what? :facepalm:
Can’t lurk a locked forum.

just sayin
So do I.

You know nothing lol you didn't even have a panel you just got the colour and even then you went straight into "I run the place and this is how you are all going to change!" haha oh wit! Every board you've ever been a part of has died, are you going to take credit for that or is it ALWAYS only the "good things" that have to do with you? You're a laughing stock, it's actually pretty sad tbh... This is the decade you turn sixty in, it's over...
Name one forum that died under my watch.

Ill wait
You've only been a pretend mod on here so "under my watch" NONE but you seem to be around all the dying boards, coincidence, not taking credit for that? Let's face it, anything you deem good it's all about you yet you seem mute when shit hits the fan... You're a fair weather braggart and that's the truth...
So basically no boards died under my watch, is what your saying?

No board died "under your watch" but all of them died when you were the main contributer lol OUCHIES!
Yeah? Which one?
Nobody's biting YOUR ankle, you came to us remember? Which one? ALL OF THEM! :LOL3:
Sham, let me point this out;

You aren’t good at this shit. I have a conscience, and I refuse to be the reason you start using drugs again.

Enjoy what you have while you have it.

Do you think he's stopped using drugs?

I always give ppl the benefit of the doubt and I don’t think the lad is that far gone that he can’t change his life.

Does he still read like he’s under the influence of something? Of course he does. I don’t glance at a Shampain post for coherent content. I just see word salad nerd rage.

But then again, the chances he needs this place to vent out his aggressive thoughts over something as savage as addiction just might be therapeutic for the poor sop. Who am I to not help a hand out?

Put that cup out, Sham, here’s a shiny coin.

This is not a place for people to get healthy. It just isn't.
It beats doing stupid shit to land yourself in jail, tho.

I agree. I hope he learns to grow up one day and stop blaming everyone else for his lot in life. His life will be much improved. As long as he associates with low life scum though...the odds are against him.
You can pretty much say that about anybody tho.

Not everyone associates with White Supremacist, Neo Nazi scum, M.
Don’t buy into the fragile façades the lemmings n this shit portal try to portray here.

They’re just man children cosplaying Darth Vader to the amusement of nobody.

You could be right, but then they're a bigger embarrassment to the human race. Fake Nazi...dude, what a huge loser one would have to be.
Well, I’m no therapist, but anybody trying to pass themselves off as some Nazi we’re probably bullied as children.

It’s a defense mechanism. The brain didn’t grow with age so you are dealing with an adult with the mental capacity of a child. The circle starts once again.

They can’t help it. I feel sorry for them.

And yet.....when Jabba the Leftard here wants to lay some heavy hitting sanctimony at yours truly.....her big gun is "she fucked Poofer!!".

It's really cute seeing you guys bond over the mental health of other people.


I hope you dont try to eat eachother if a mod position opens up :LOL3:

I admit Martini that you fucking that psycho and vice-versa isn't a good sign for either one of you.
Who cares? That shit happened so long ago I don’t even remember anything about it.

Everyone involved moved on, it’s this community that hasnt

I didn't bring it up, cracky mc crack did.
What else are they gonna bring up, tho?

The Dovid/Poofer thing is the only relevant thing this community has seen in years. I don’t blame them for bringing it up any more.

Nobody has the skill to pull off something like that any more, and I’m not invested enough to do something like that again.

See in Duhv's book, it's only ok if she brings it up, or anything up that doesn't benefit her. She gets to spin it. If anyone else brings it up, it's a god damn crime against humanity.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Treat her well, as it's what you should do.

Mine left me, but will still communicate. Basically wants nothing to do with me though. I can't blame her.
Say wha wha, KM

Blandscape is the quintessential, "one post is all that is needed" to bury this fucking gyrating spaztic under his own inflated hyperbole.

if this assclown is the new BF influencer and "content creator", then everyone just died in your arms tonight, we keep lookin' for quality but broken syntax blandscape spam lies all around us and I don't see any hope left.
Must have been something you said.

Blandscape is so good at this, it goes over each and every one of youz guyz heads. He completely shits on all of you and you don’t even catch it.

Now, before I was so rudely interrupted by Fortnite, there was some things I have to finish out;

Wait, why the FUCK is Scoundrel admitting on open forum about talking about another man’s penis? Wasn’t Scoundrel laughed off FT for some invisible drug dealers going to kill ppl or something like that? Fucker will fit in perfectly here.

The BF tiktok- I created a bf tiktok that is actually successful and trending upwards. Last time I checked, it had over 15k followers. It’s mostly game play videos tho and I really don’t think anybody on this forum has the skills I do at FN or CoD. The goal was to transition to posting content from this site, but there really isn’t anything good enough to post. Trolling in gaming is one thing, the shit fest that this place has become is another.

The 300 new follower promise- I am going to do a giveaway and the first 300 ppl who register here and post will get a new FN skin. That’s the easiest way to get traffic and I’m shocked nobody thought of that.

“But KM, little kids play Fortnite”

Actually, the age demo has shifted considerably during the pandemic with 18 to 24 being the biggest demo now. If you look on Twitch, that’s pretty much the core.

So much so, I was playing random squads and had a team of adults who truly sucked balls and carried them to a final 1v1 where they all got wiped by actual players and it was me against a bot who I dropped down to 1 hp then ejected from the match. Not giving a bunch of adults trying to tell me, a highly ranked player on the actual rankings, how to play.

I told them, look me up on tracker, I’m ranked in the top 20 while you crumbs are ranked in the millions. Sucks to be them.

And why is it when you creampie a girl whose name begins with the letter A they suddenly think you have some sort of subliminal bond with them?
I'm still waiting on YOU delivering something note worthy instead of bleating on about the "glory days" that clearly weren't all that glorious for you or your other self proclaimed "legends" that nobody out of a bubble of twelve board killers had ever even heard of before... Blandscape shits on nobody here, he spams shit that I don't even read but I suppose you schizos would see that as a fuckin win, you belong in the short bus...
You got a link to this "Tik Tok"? No, didn't think so...
I mean, I could…. But why?

Im not here to entertain what, five? Six ppl? That tiktok you mentioned? I get paid to post on it. There’s a blatant ad that followers shit spammed that has made quite a penny that carried over into other posts.

I also told BF himself I’d give him the keys to it once this place had traction. It doesn’t. But, since we’re going to talk about something other then yours truly, who is going to take it over once I pass it off?

You? Look around you. This place is nothing but a whine fest bore pit stop. That falls on the mods, and no offense, the reason I gave up my panel here is because there’s no fixing it.

Blandscape makes great content. So does Caskur when she feels like it. You need to focus on the actual content creators and phase out the filler. Fox makes dynamic content, he should be featured.

The ppl who can create something that would make some random register and post should be the ppl that you are focusing to build around. But…you don’t. If you read one thread here, you’ve read them all. It wasn’t like that at BH, FC, or F4$. Content is so dummied down right now there’s no way in hell anybody from the past with even a shred of talent will waste time here.

Chrome, somebody who I think is Nozz, and some other BH reject posts on some gaming forum. There’s about five old BH’rs over at Kiwi. I spoke briefly with The Iron Duke a couple months ago, NA is all over Reddit along with Gunzablazin.

I should bring these guys here? I’d be embarrassed. There’s already a few BH’ers here. They don’t post at all and you would be shocked who they were.

So, the only person who has a shot at bringing them here is me.

Make better content. Simple as that.

the main twitchers like xQCoW and cohncarnage play whatever hot game is on steam or the latest PS5/Xbox video game that has the most hype, sometimes days before it's released because they get advance copies.

then you got the lewd gamers like Iron Mouse and Projext melody playing prison break and talking about sniffing assholes in the showers and break out boners, crazy funny commentary while they play these games.

or you got all those weird role players in GTA5 steaming that stuff

the biggest news of 2022 is the release of the Cuphead expansion, that will be the big twich stream when it drops, the rage and cussing will be amazing

and for blandscape, as cunty said, he is a one trick spammer. His ADD/AHD/Autism act is probably not an act. they guy has not written anything since Turd Rail, his poetry is only fit for 4chan and troll boards.

He's probably holding a damp towel between his legs and doing a thigh crunch to replicate the sensation of a girl becoming wet while text spamming like a high school teenager.

He's yells Dovey's name with all the drama of Charles Foster Kane saying "Rosebud" in Citizen Kane.

So yeah, he is the chosen one to lead BF to greatness and save the baby Yoda.

Honestly, he is probably the only one in the "community" who does nothing else in life but live on troll boards because this kind of shit gives him purpose. You saw how giddy and excited he became when he thought there was going to be a match.
I don’t get the hype around XQC.

Not once have I seen him do anything that would make me say “he’s a pro gamer”. I think he was an OW guy back in the day but OW ain’t my game. I worked with a kid who was actually a very good OW player and not once did he ever mention XQC, so that’s that for me.

My pallet on twitch has gotten shorter.

I watch Armouranth because it’s pretty much porn. I paid the 25 bucks once for her to fart into the mic to see if it was something she actually did or if it was a scam.

Long story short- it wasn’t a scam.

I watch Clix who is a god tier FN player shitting on other god tier FN players. Granted, he’s a zero ping player, but the fact he’s pulling off three edits a second is ridiculous.

Im also about to tune into Ranger. On the last map this guy covered an entire city in builds in a minute. An entire city.

I want to say these guys are cheating, but they’re not. You can tell who’s cheating, and cheaters ain’t in arena where epic is actually watching them.

Why isn’t Ninja in arena?
Why isn’t Sypherpk in solos in arena and only plays with a carry?

Cuz they’re cheating. It’s funny how social media just dropped how all the big time streamers who made their names playing Fortnite just dropped the game the second the new anti-cheats were installed. You don’t see Myth getting head shots every shot or courage shooting bending bullets any more. Wonder why.

The new update is a rube. They are bringing back Tilted Towers, one of the best drop spots of all time….along with the Cronus anti cheat. I highly recommend watching Fortnite that day on Twitch. You will see a lot of blank screens.

I don't get the hype around any of that shit.
If your not a gamer, you wouldn’t.

If you like, say, DeNiro in a gangster movie, you’d watch it. Same with streamers.

I’ll watch a kick ass Fortnite player grinding out a dub quicker then I’d watch anything Hollywood has produced recently.

Im not into this whole woke culture being cultivated thru social media. I don’t like the fact the superheroes I grew up with are either gay (Superman and Wonder Woman) now ethnic (Spider-Man and Batman) or are being re-gendered just to appease a small but angry core of dunderheads who are sexually confused.

As a father, I’m not too keen on PLEASE ASS BOX ME! being down graded by Hollywood and marketed as a mental disorder instead of a sick fetish.

I mean, go on kickstarter, there’s over a thousand idiots trying to make “films” about their trials as a transgender. There’s GoFundMe’s where morons are e-begging for money to get the snip.

Sorry, I’ll stick to gaming and watching gaming.

OMG Kickstarter has so many projects that bomb and due to their TOS you can't get your money back when the creators fail to deliver. People asking for funds for video games are usually the worst, the game spends years in development and then they go MIA and you are out the money.

They only thing we funded were a widget fidget toy, couple of books, and a few electronic gadgets.

the first video game we backed bombed and no one got shit or a refund.

did see a kickstarter for a japanese horror visual novel that started a few months ago and decided to fund that since they did have a working steam demo. The game is already set for a Jan release, these guys are based in Australia and have done a great job. but most of that stuff on Kickstarter is woke nonsense, some guy begging for money so the can publish a book where he draws transexual cocks using paint and a brush that is made out of his own pubic hair, crazy shit like that.
I’ve only paid off on one kickstarter, and that was the Shenmue sequel, and that was only because I was into the game back in the day.

See, instead of paying thousands of dollars to look young like somebody I know (rolls eyes), I invested a hundred bucks into a game that I played back in the day and had a young at heart moment.

Well, I thought it would. The game was short, it was like playing a Dreamcast game on a PS4, and then it was mass released. I honestly saw it in stores before I got my copy.

I think their goal was three million but they got three times that amount and still churned out a mediocre game. Dissapoint, I has.

I try to stay away from gaming kickstarters, especially retro gaming ones. Most of the retro gaming channels on YouTube have some scam going on where they’re trying to fund “movies” yet these movies never seem to come into fruition. And then when you call them out about it they block you on social media for fucking up their scam.

Pickles invested into the Tex Murphy kickstart but that was actually a great game. It’s too bad you have to waddle thru shit to find the diamonds.
Funny, you said "I" eleven times there... :LOL3: You're your biggest fan eh... lol
Did you have a relapse or something?
What makes you say that? Logic? Concern? The quest of trying to be funny?

If me using the letter “I” a lot is all you have when adding transformative content to the topic of discussion, namely, kickstarter experiences, you either need to get back on the wagon or get a better dealer.
I see our lurker numbers are up, is that still because of you or what? :facepalm:
Can’t lurk a locked forum.

just sayin
So do I.

You know nothing lol you didn't even have a panel you just got the colour and even then you went straight into "I run the place and this is how you are all going to change!" haha oh wit! Every board you've ever been a part of has died, are you going to take credit for that or is it ALWAYS only the "good things" that have to do with you? You're a laughing stock, it's actually pretty sad tbh... This is the decade you turn sixty in, it's over...
Name one forum that died under my watch.

Ill wait
You've only been a pretend mod on here so "under my watch" NONE but you seem to be around all the dying boards, coincidence, not taking credit for that? Let's face it, anything you deem good it's all about you yet you seem mute when shit hits the fan... You're a fair weather braggart and that's the truth...
So basically no boards died under my watch, is what your saying?

No board died "under your watch" but all of them died when you were the main contributer lol OUCHIES!
Yeah? Which one?
Nobody's biting YOUR ankle, you came to us remember? Which one? ALL OF THEM! :LOL3:
Sham, let me point this out;

You aren’t good at this shit. I have a conscience, and I refuse to be the reason you start using drugs again.

Enjoy what you have while you have it.

Do you think he's stopped using drugs?

I always give ppl the benefit of the doubt and I don’t think the lad is that far gone that he can’t change his life.

Does he still read like he’s under the influence of something? Of course he does. I don’t glance at a Shampain post for coherent content. I just see word salad nerd rage.

But then again, the chances he needs this place to vent out his aggressive thoughts over something as savage as addiction just might be therapeutic for the poor sop. Who am I to not help a hand out?

Put that cup out, Sham, here’s a shiny coin.

This is not a place for people to get healthy. It just isn't.
It beats doing stupid shit to land yourself in jail, tho.

I agree. I hope he learns to grow up one day and stop blaming everyone else for his lot in life. His life will be much improved. As long as he associates with low life scum though...the odds are against him.
You can pretty much say that about anybody tho.

Not everyone associates with White Supremacist, Neo Nazi scum, M.
Don’t buy into the fragile façades the lemmings n this shit portal try to portray here.

They’re just man children cosplaying Darth Vader to the amusement of nobody.

You could be right, but then they're a bigger embarrassment to the human race. Fake Nazi...dude, what a huge loser one would have to be.
Well, I’m no therapist, but anybody trying to pass themselves off as some Nazi we’re probably bullied as children.

It’s a defense mechanism. The brain didn’t grow with age so you are dealing with an adult with the mental capacity of a child. The circle starts once again.

They can’t help it. I feel sorry for them.

And yet.....when Jabba the Leftard here wants to lay some heavy hitting sanctimony at yours truly.....her big gun is "she fucked Poofer!!".

It's really cute seeing you guys bond over the mental health of other people.


I hope you dont try to eat eachother if a mod position opens up :LOL3:
Who wants a mod spot here?

Not me. This place is unfixable

LAWD . .....is it?

Well. What the fuck are we doin here?
Wasting time




Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
Treat her well, as it's what you should do.

Mine left me, but will still communicate. Basically wants nothing to do with me though. I can't blame her.
Say wha wha, KM

Blandscape is the quintessential, "one post is all that is needed" to bury this fucking gyrating spaztic under his own inflated hyperbole.

if this assclown is the new BF influencer and "content creator", then everyone just died in your arms tonight, we keep lookin' for quality but broken syntax blandscape spam lies all around us and I don't see any hope left.
Must have been something you said.

Blandscape is so good at this, it goes over each and every one of youz guyz heads. He completely shits on all of you and you don’t even catch it.

Now, before I was so rudely interrupted by Fortnite, there was some things I have to finish out;

Wait, why the FUCK is Scoundrel admitting on open forum about talking about another man’s penis? Wasn’t Scoundrel laughed off FT for some invisible drug dealers going to kill ppl or something like that? Fucker will fit in perfectly here.

The BF tiktok- I created a bf tiktok that is actually successful and trending upwards. Last time I checked, it had over 15k followers. It’s mostly game play videos tho and I really don’t think anybody on this forum has the skills I do at FN or CoD. The goal was to transition to posting content from this site, but there really isn’t anything good enough to post. Trolling in gaming is one thing, the shit fest that this place has become is another.

The 300 new follower promise- I am going to do a giveaway and the first 300 ppl who register here and post will get a new FN skin. That’s the easiest way to get traffic and I’m shocked nobody thought of that.

“But KM, little kids play Fortnite”

Actually, the age demo has shifted considerably during the pandemic with 18 to 24 being the biggest demo now. If you look on Twitch, that’s pretty much the core.

So much so, I was playing random squads and had a team of adults who truly sucked balls and carried them to a final 1v1 where they all got wiped by actual players and it was me against a bot who I dropped down to 1 hp then ejected from the match. Not giving a bunch of adults trying to tell me, a highly ranked player on the actual rankings, how to play.

I told them, look me up on tracker, I’m ranked in the top 20 while you crumbs are ranked in the millions. Sucks to be them.

And why is it when you creampie a girl whose name begins with the letter A they suddenly think you have some sort of subliminal bond with them?
I'm still waiting on YOU delivering something note worthy instead of bleating on about the "glory days" that clearly weren't all that glorious for you or your other self proclaimed "legends" that nobody out of a bubble of twelve board killers had ever even heard of before... Blandscape shits on nobody here, he spams shit that I don't even read but I suppose you schizos would see that as a fuckin win, you belong in the short bus...
You got a link to this "Tik Tok"? No, didn't think so...
I mean, I could…. But why?

Im not here to entertain what, five? Six ppl? That tiktok you mentioned? I get paid to post on it. There’s a blatant ad that followers shit spammed that has made quite a penny that carried over into other posts.

I also told BF himself I’d give him the keys to it once this place had traction. It doesn’t. But, since we’re going to talk about something other then yours truly, who is going to take it over once I pass it off?

You? Look around you. This place is nothing but a whine fest bore pit stop. That falls on the mods, and no offense, the reason I gave up my panel here is because there’s no fixing it.

Blandscape makes great content. So does Caskur when she feels like it. You need to focus on the actual content creators and phase out the filler. Fox makes dynamic content, he should be featured.

The ppl who can create something that would make some random register and post should be the ppl that you are focusing to build around. But…you don’t. If you read one thread here, you’ve read them all. It wasn’t like that at BH, FC, or F4$. Content is so dummied down right now there’s no way in hell anybody from the past with even a shred of talent will waste time here.

Chrome, somebody who I think is Nozz, and some other BH reject posts on some gaming forum. There’s about five old BH’rs over at Kiwi. I spoke briefly with The Iron Duke a couple months ago, NA is all over Reddit along with Gunzablazin.

I should bring these guys here? I’d be embarrassed. There’s already a few BH’ers here. They don’t post at all and you would be shocked who they were.

So, the only person who has a shot at bringing them here is me.

Make better content. Simple as that.

the main twitchers like xQCoW and cohncarnage play whatever hot game is on steam or the latest PS5/Xbox video game that has the most hype, sometimes days before it's released because they get advance copies.

then you got the lewd gamers like Iron Mouse and Projext melody playing prison break and talking about sniffing assholes in the showers and break out boners, crazy funny commentary while they play these games.

or you got all those weird role players in GTA5 steaming that stuff

the biggest news of 2022 is the release of the Cuphead expansion, that will be the big twich stream when it drops, the rage and cussing will be amazing

and for blandscape, as cunty said, he is a one trick spammer. His ADD/AHD/Autism act is probably not an act. they guy has not written anything since Turd Rail, his poetry is only fit for 4chan and troll boards.

He's probably holding a damp towel between his legs and doing a thigh crunch to replicate the sensation of a girl becoming wet while text spamming like a high school teenager.

He's yells Dovey's name with all the drama of Charles Foster Kane saying "Rosebud" in Citizen Kane.

So yeah, he is the chosen one to lead BF to greatness and save the baby Yoda.

Honestly, he is probably the only one in the "community" who does nothing else in life but live on troll boards because this kind of shit gives him purpose. You saw how giddy and excited he became when he thought there was going to be a match.
I don’t get the hype around XQC.

Not once have I seen him do anything that would make me say “he’s a pro gamer”. I think he was an OW guy back in the day but OW ain’t my game. I worked with a kid who was actually a very good OW player and not once did he ever mention XQC, so that’s that for me.

My pallet on twitch has gotten shorter.

I watch Armouranth because it’s pretty much porn. I paid the 25 bucks once for her to fart into the mic to see if it was something she actually did or if it was a scam.

Long story short- it wasn’t a scam.

I watch Clix who is a god tier FN player shitting on other god tier FN players. Granted, he’s a zero ping player, but the fact he’s pulling off three edits a second is ridiculous.

Im also about to tune into Ranger. On the last map this guy covered an entire city in builds in a minute. An entire city.

I want to say these guys are cheating, but they’re not. You can tell who’s cheating, and cheaters ain’t in arena where epic is actually watching them.

Why isn’t Ninja in arena?
Why isn’t Sypherpk in solos in arena and only plays with a carry?

Cuz they’re cheating. It’s funny how social media just dropped how all the big time streamers who made their names playing Fortnite just dropped the game the second the new anti-cheats were installed. You don’t see Myth getting head shots every shot or courage shooting bending bullets any more. Wonder why.

The new update is a rube. They are bringing back Tilted Towers, one of the best drop spots of all time….along with the Cronus anti cheat. I highly recommend watching Fortnite that day on Twitch. You will see a lot of blank screens.

I don't get the hype around any of that shit.
If your not a gamer, you wouldn’t.

If you like, say, DeNiro in a gangster movie, you’d watch it. Same with streamers.

I’ll watch a kick ass Fortnite player grinding out a dub quicker then I’d watch anything Hollywood has produced recently.

Im not into this whole woke culture being cultivated thru social media. I don’t like the fact the superheroes I grew up with are either gay (Superman and Wonder Woman) now ethnic (Spider-Man and Batman) or are being re-gendered just to appease a small but angry core of dunderheads who are sexually confused.

As a father, I’m not too keen on PLEASE ASS BOX ME! being down graded by Hollywood and marketed as a mental disorder instead of a sick fetish.

I mean, go on kickstarter, there’s over a thousand idiots trying to make “films” about their trials as a transgender. There’s GoFundMe’s where morons are e-begging for money to get the snip.

Sorry, I’ll stick to gaming and watching gaming.

OMG Kickstarter has so many projects that bomb and due to their TOS you can't get your money back when the creators fail to deliver. People asking for funds for video games are usually the worst, the game spends years in development and then they go MIA and you are out the money.

They only thing we funded were a widget fidget toy, couple of books, and a few electronic gadgets.

the first video game we backed bombed and no one got shit or a refund.

did see a kickstarter for a japanese horror visual novel that started a few months ago and decided to fund that since they did have a working steam demo. The game is already set for a Jan release, these guys are based in Australia and have done a great job. but most of that stuff on Kickstarter is woke nonsense, some guy begging for money so the can publish a book where he draws transexual cocks using paint and a brush that is made out of his own pubic hair, crazy shit like that.
I’ve only paid off on one kickstarter, and that was the Shenmue sequel, and that was only because I was into the game back in the day.

See, instead of paying thousands of dollars to look young like somebody I know (rolls eyes), I invested a hundred bucks into a game that I played back in the day and had a young at heart moment.

Well, I thought it would. The game was short, it was like playing a Dreamcast game on a PS4, and then it was mass released. I honestly saw it in stores before I got my copy.

I think their goal was three million but they got three times that amount and still churned out a mediocre game. Dissapoint, I has.

I try to stay away from gaming kickstarters, especially retro gaming ones. Most of the retro gaming channels on YouTube have some scam going on where they’re trying to fund “movies” yet these movies never seem to come into fruition. And then when you call them out about it they block you on social media for fucking up their scam.

Pickles invested into the Tex Murphy kickstart but that was actually a great game. It’s too bad you have to waddle thru shit to find the diamonds.
Funny, you said "I" eleven times there... :LOL3: You're your biggest fan eh... lol
Did you have a relapse or something?
What makes you say that? Logic? Concern? The quest of trying to be funny?

If me using the letter “I” a lot is all you have when adding transformative content to the topic of discussion, namely, kickstarter experiences, you either need to get back on the wagon or get a better dealer.
I see our lurker numbers are up, is that still because of you or what? :facepalm:
Can’t lurk a locked forum.

just sayin
So do I.

You know nothing lol you didn't even have a panel you just got the colour and even then you went straight into "I run the place and this is how you are all going to change!" haha oh wit! Every board you've ever been a part of has died, are you going to take credit for that or is it ALWAYS only the "good things" that have to do with you? You're a laughing stock, it's actually pretty sad tbh... This is the decade you turn sixty in, it's over...
Name one forum that died under my watch.

Ill wait
You've only been a pretend mod on here so "under my watch" NONE but you seem to be around all the dying boards, coincidence, not taking credit for that? Let's face it, anything you deem good it's all about you yet you seem mute when shit hits the fan... You're a fair weather braggart and that's the truth...
So basically no boards died under my watch, is what your saying?

No board died "under your watch" but all of them died when you were the main contributer lol OUCHIES!
Yeah? Which one?
Nobody's biting YOUR ankle, you came to us remember? Which one? ALL OF THEM! :LOL3:
Sham, let me point this out;

You aren’t good at this shit. I have a conscience, and I refuse to be the reason you start using drugs again.

Enjoy what you have while you have it.

Do you think he's stopped using drugs?

I always give ppl the benefit of the doubt and I don’t think the lad is that far gone that he can’t change his life.

Does he still read like he’s under the influence of something? Of course he does. I don’t glance at a Shampain post for coherent content. I just see word salad nerd rage.

But then again, the chances he needs this place to vent out his aggressive thoughts over something as savage as addiction just might be therapeutic for the poor sop. Who am I to not help a hand out?

Put that cup out, Sham, here’s a shiny coin.

This is not a place for people to get healthy. It just isn't.
It beats doing stupid shit to land yourself in jail, tho.

I agree. I hope he learns to grow up one day and stop blaming everyone else for his lot in life. His life will be much improved. As long as he associates with low life scum though...the odds are against him.
You can pretty much say that about anybody tho.

Not everyone associates with White Supremacist, Neo Nazi scum, M.
Don’t buy into the fragile façades the lemmings n this shit portal try to portray here.

They’re just man children cosplaying Darth Vader to the amusement of nobody.

You could be right, but then they're a bigger embarrassment to the human race. Fake Nazi...dude, what a huge loser one would have to be.
Well, I’m no therapist, but anybody trying to pass themselves off as some Nazi we’re probably bullied as children.

It’s a defense mechanism. The brain didn’t grow with age so you are dealing with an adult with the mental capacity of a child. The circle starts once again.

They can’t help it. I feel sorry for them.

And yet.....when Jabba the Leftard here wants to lay some heavy hitting sanctimony at yours truly.....her big gun is "she fucked Poofer!!".

It's really cute seeing you guys bond over the mental health of other people.


I hope you dont try to eat eachother if a mod position opens up :LOL3:

I admit Martini that you fucking that psycho and vice-versa isn't a good sign for either one of you.
Who cares? That shit happened so long ago I don’t even remember anything about it.

Everyone involved moved on, it’s this community that hasnt

I didn't bring it up, cracky mc crack did.
What else are they gonna bring up, tho?

The Dovid/Poofer thing is the only relevant thing this community has seen in years. I don’t blame them for bringing it up any more.

Nobody has the skill to pull off something like that any more, and I’m not invested enough to do something like that again.

See in Duhv's book, it's only ok if she brings it up, or anything up that doesn't benefit her. She gets to spin it. If anyone else brings it up, it's a god damn crime against humanity.
It’s her gimmick.

She’s a narcissist. She projects that shit in HD and spews it non stop like a broken record.

Who knows so much about narcissistic tendencies?

A narcissist


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Treat her well, as it's what you should do.

Mine left me, but will still communicate. Basically wants nothing to do with me though. I can't blame her.
Say wha wha, KM

Blandscape is the quintessential, "one post is all that is needed" to bury this fucking gyrating spaztic under his own inflated hyperbole.

if this assclown is the new BF influencer and "content creator", then everyone just died in your arms tonight, we keep lookin' for quality but broken syntax blandscape spam lies all around us and I don't see any hope left.
Must have been something you said.

Blandscape is so good at this, it goes over each and every one of youz guyz heads. He completely shits on all of you and you don’t even catch it.

Now, before I was so rudely interrupted by Fortnite, there was some things I have to finish out;

Wait, why the FUCK is Scoundrel admitting on open forum about talking about another man’s penis? Wasn’t Scoundrel laughed off FT for some invisible drug dealers going to kill ppl or something like that? Fucker will fit in perfectly here.

The BF tiktok- I created a bf tiktok that is actually successful and trending upwards. Last time I checked, it had over 15k followers. It’s mostly game play videos tho and I really don’t think anybody on this forum has the skills I do at FN or CoD. The goal was to transition to posting content from this site, but there really isn’t anything good enough to post. Trolling in gaming is one thing, the shit fest that this place has become is another.

The 300 new follower promise- I am going to do a giveaway and the first 300 ppl who register here and post will get a new FN skin. That’s the easiest way to get traffic and I’m shocked nobody thought of that.

“But KM, little kids play Fortnite”

Actually, the age demo has shifted considerably during the pandemic with 18 to 24 being the biggest demo now. If you look on Twitch, that’s pretty much the core.

So much so, I was playing random squads and had a team of adults who truly sucked balls and carried them to a final 1v1 where they all got wiped by actual players and it was me against a bot who I dropped down to 1 hp then ejected from the match. Not giving a bunch of adults trying to tell me, a highly ranked player on the actual rankings, how to play.

I told them, look me up on tracker, I’m ranked in the top 20 while you crumbs are ranked in the millions. Sucks to be them.

And why is it when you creampie a girl whose name begins with the letter A they suddenly think you have some sort of subliminal bond with them?
I'm still waiting on YOU delivering something note worthy instead of bleating on about the "glory days" that clearly weren't all that glorious for you or your other self proclaimed "legends" that nobody out of a bubble of twelve board killers had ever even heard of before... Blandscape shits on nobody here, he spams shit that I don't even read but I suppose you schizos would see that as a fuckin win, you belong in the short bus...
You got a link to this "Tik Tok"? No, didn't think so...
I mean, I could…. But why?

Im not here to entertain what, five? Six ppl? That tiktok you mentioned? I get paid to post on it. There’s a blatant ad that followers shit spammed that has made quite a penny that carried over into other posts.

I also told BF himself I’d give him the keys to it once this place had traction. It doesn’t. But, since we’re going to talk about something other then yours truly, who is going to take it over once I pass it off?

You? Look around you. This place is nothing but a whine fest bore pit stop. That falls on the mods, and no offense, the reason I gave up my panel here is because there’s no fixing it.

Blandscape makes great content. So does Caskur when she feels like it. You need to focus on the actual content creators and phase out the filler. Fox makes dynamic content, he should be featured.

The ppl who can create something that would make some random register and post should be the ppl that you are focusing to build around. But…you don’t. If you read one thread here, you’ve read them all. It wasn’t like that at BH, FC, or F4$. Content is so dummied down right now there’s no way in hell anybody from the past with even a shred of talent will waste time here.

Chrome, somebody who I think is Nozz, and some other BH reject posts on some gaming forum. There’s about five old BH’rs over at Kiwi. I spoke briefly with The Iron Duke a couple months ago, NA is all over Reddit along with Gunzablazin.

I should bring these guys here? I’d be embarrassed. There’s already a few BH’ers here. They don’t post at all and you would be shocked who they were.

So, the only person who has a shot at bringing them here is me.

Make better content. Simple as that.

the main twitchers like xQCoW and cohncarnage play whatever hot game is on steam or the latest PS5/Xbox video game that has the most hype, sometimes days before it's released because they get advance copies.

then you got the lewd gamers like Iron Mouse and Projext melody playing prison break and talking about sniffing assholes in the showers and break out boners, crazy funny commentary while they play these games.

or you got all those weird role players in GTA5 steaming that stuff

the biggest news of 2022 is the release of the Cuphead expansion, that will be the big twich stream when it drops, the rage and cussing will be amazing

and for blandscape, as cunty said, he is a one trick spammer. His ADD/AHD/Autism act is probably not an act. they guy has not written anything since Turd Rail, his poetry is only fit for 4chan and troll boards.

He's probably holding a damp towel between his legs and doing a thigh crunch to replicate the sensation of a girl becoming wet while text spamming like a high school teenager.

He's yells Dovey's name with all the drama of Charles Foster Kane saying "Rosebud" in Citizen Kane.

So yeah, he is the chosen one to lead BF to greatness and save the baby Yoda.

Honestly, he is probably the only one in the "community" who does nothing else in life but live on troll boards because this kind of shit gives him purpose. You saw how giddy and excited he became when he thought there was going to be a match.
I don’t get the hype around XQC.

Not once have I seen him do anything that would make me say “he’s a pro gamer”. I think he was an OW guy back in the day but OW ain’t my game. I worked with a kid who was actually a very good OW player and not once did he ever mention XQC, so that’s that for me.

My pallet on twitch has gotten shorter.

I watch Armouranth because it’s pretty much porn. I paid the 25 bucks once for her to fart into the mic to see if it was something she actually did or if it was a scam.

Long story short- it wasn’t a scam.

I watch Clix who is a god tier FN player shitting on other god tier FN players. Granted, he’s a zero ping player, but the fact he’s pulling off three edits a second is ridiculous.

Im also about to tune into Ranger. On the last map this guy covered an entire city in builds in a minute. An entire city.

I want to say these guys are cheating, but they’re not. You can tell who’s cheating, and cheaters ain’t in arena where epic is actually watching them.

Why isn’t Ninja in arena?
Why isn’t Sypherpk in solos in arena and only plays with a carry?

Cuz they’re cheating. It’s funny how social media just dropped how all the big time streamers who made their names playing Fortnite just dropped the game the second the new anti-cheats were installed. You don’t see Myth getting head shots every shot or courage shooting bending bullets any more. Wonder why.

The new update is a rube. They are bringing back Tilted Towers, one of the best drop spots of all time….along with the Cronus anti cheat. I highly recommend watching Fortnite that day on Twitch. You will see a lot of blank screens.

I don't get the hype around any of that shit.
If your not a gamer, you wouldn’t.

If you like, say, DeNiro in a gangster movie, you’d watch it. Same with streamers.

I’ll watch a kick ass Fortnite player grinding out a dub quicker then I’d watch anything Hollywood has produced recently.

Im not into this whole woke culture being cultivated thru social media. I don’t like the fact the superheroes I grew up with are either gay (Superman and Wonder Woman) now ethnic (Spider-Man and Batman) or are being re-gendered just to appease a small but angry core of dunderheads who are sexually confused.

As a father, I’m not too keen on PLEASE ASS BOX ME! being down graded by Hollywood and marketed as a mental disorder instead of a sick fetish.

I mean, go on kickstarter, there’s over a thousand idiots trying to make “films” about their trials as a transgender. There’s GoFundMe’s where morons are e-begging for money to get the snip.

Sorry, I’ll stick to gaming and watching gaming.

OMG Kickstarter has so many projects that bomb and due to their TOS you can't get your money back when the creators fail to deliver. People asking for funds for video games are usually the worst, the game spends years in development and then they go MIA and you are out the money.

They only thing we funded were a widget fidget toy, couple of books, and a few electronic gadgets.

the first video game we backed bombed and no one got shit or a refund.

did see a kickstarter for a japanese horror visual novel that started a few months ago and decided to fund that since they did have a working steam demo. The game is already set for a Jan release, these guys are based in Australia and have done a great job. but most of that stuff on Kickstarter is woke nonsense, some guy begging for money so the can publish a book where he draws transexual cocks using paint and a brush that is made out of his own pubic hair, crazy shit like that.
I’ve only paid off on one kickstarter, and that was the Shenmue sequel, and that was only because I was into the game back in the day.

See, instead of paying thousands of dollars to look young like somebody I know (rolls eyes), I invested a hundred bucks into a game that I played back in the day and had a young at heart moment.

Well, I thought it would. The game was short, it was like playing a Dreamcast game on a PS4, and then it was mass released. I honestly saw it in stores before I got my copy.

I think their goal was three million but they got three times that amount and still churned out a mediocre game. Dissapoint, I has.

I try to stay away from gaming kickstarters, especially retro gaming ones. Most of the retro gaming channels on YouTube have some scam going on where they’re trying to fund “movies” yet these movies never seem to come into fruition. And then when you call them out about it they block you on social media for fucking up their scam.

Pickles invested into the Tex Murphy kickstart but that was actually a great game. It’s too bad you have to waddle thru shit to find the diamonds.
Funny, you said "I" eleven times there... :LOL3: You're your biggest fan eh... lol
Did you have a relapse or something?
What makes you say that? Logic? Concern? The quest of trying to be funny?

If me using the letter “I” a lot is all you have when adding transformative content to the topic of discussion, namely, kickstarter experiences, you either need to get back on the wagon or get a better dealer.
I see our lurker numbers are up, is that still because of you or what? :facepalm:
Can’t lurk a locked forum.

just sayin
So do I.

You know nothing lol you didn't even have a panel you just got the colour and even then you went straight into "I run the place and this is how you are all going to change!" haha oh wit! Every board you've ever been a part of has died, are you going to take credit for that or is it ALWAYS only the "good things" that have to do with you? You're a laughing stock, it's actually pretty sad tbh... This is the decade you turn sixty in, it's over...
Name one forum that died under my watch.

Ill wait
You've only been a pretend mod on here so "under my watch" NONE but you seem to be around all the dying boards, coincidence, not taking credit for that? Let's face it, anything you deem good it's all about you yet you seem mute when shit hits the fan... You're a fair weather braggart and that's the truth...
So basically no boards died under my watch, is what your saying?

No board died "under your watch" but all of them died when you were the main contributer lol OUCHIES!
Yeah? Which one?
Nobody's biting YOUR ankle, you came to us remember? Which one? ALL OF THEM! :LOL3:
Sham, let me point this out;

You aren’t good at this shit. I have a conscience, and I refuse to be the reason you start using drugs again.

Enjoy what you have while you have it.
Oh STFU you fucking coward, there's absolutely NOTHING you could type that would affect me in ANY way, you give yourself FAR TOO MUCH CREDIT bozo!!! Fucking listen to this guy! :facepalm: Look at the absolute state of you ffs!

IMMEDIATE WIN for me because I'm not you and I'm sorry, there's absolutely NOTHING you can do to change that... All those years drowning your sorrows has given you brain damage! FACT!
That’s a melty tho

So now you're resorting to that age old shit? It's probably the only thing here older than you tbf
Calling it like I see it.

I mean, aren’t you repeat posting some old ass chop?


Like I said, your not good at this.

Answer this tho, if Sum Cunt and Gunzablazin came here, and the stip was both wanted panels, do you really think you would have one?

Just throwing that out there
Bahhaahahahahaaaaaa!!!!!! absolutely pathetic!!! WHO are they?? Aye sure, he's gonna fuck me off in favour of two demanders LMFAO!!! You're saying this because that was in one of your great promises to BF to get yourself status, you fail to deliver on all fronts... SAd as fuck man!
I'm much better than you "at this"! whatever this is ya fuckin mutant!!
BF knows who “they” are.

That’s all that matters, I think.
Fuck man, you're beyond cringe... Seriously fucking damaged...
If trying to justify your incoherent drivel by calling somebody “damaged” helps you out of your addiction, shake the cup, little fella.

I am here for you.
"little fella" why are you comparing me to your unfortunate peen? You ARE fuckin damaged, you've got serious issues bus wanker... However, that's me done giving you the attention you crave... You're not normal and you'll always be not normal, do you admit to the teens that slap you on fortnate your age? Thought not, you've probably got your voice changer cranked up in high pitch to make you sound twelve and that's not creepy at all and neither is your furry fetish, honest... Have you rode the bus without a wallet to any teens you met on there? Did you say you forgot your wallet but remebered the suitcase containing your PC to pawn off? Is that why you're on here because you sold it on your annual trip to make girls not cum? Do you think you suit a moustache?

Soo many questions but I'm not looking for any answers...

Ahh uncles Addie =)


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Treat her well, as it's what you should do.

Mine left me, but will still communicate. Basically wants nothing to do with me though. I can't blame her.
Say wha wha, KM

Blandscape is the quintessential, "one post is all that is needed" to bury this fucking gyrating spaztic under his own inflated hyperbole.

if this assclown is the new BF influencer and "content creator", then everyone just died in your arms tonight, we keep lookin' for quality but broken syntax blandscape spam lies all around us and I don't see any hope left.
Must have been something you said.

Blandscape is so good at this, it goes over each and every one of youz guyz heads. He completely shits on all of you and you don’t even catch it.

Now, before I was so rudely interrupted by Fortnite, there was some things I have to finish out;

Wait, why the FUCK is Scoundrel admitting on open forum about talking about another man’s penis? Wasn’t Scoundrel laughed off FT for some invisible drug dealers going to kill ppl or something like that? Fucker will fit in perfectly here.

The BF tiktok- I created a bf tiktok that is actually successful and trending upwards. Last time I checked, it had over 15k followers. It’s mostly game play videos tho and I really don’t think anybody on this forum has the skills I do at FN or CoD. The goal was to transition to posting content from this site, but there really isn’t anything good enough to post. Trolling in gaming is one thing, the shit fest that this place has become is another.

The 300 new follower promise- I am going to do a giveaway and the first 300 ppl who register here and post will get a new FN skin. That’s the easiest way to get traffic and I’m shocked nobody thought of that.

“But KM, little kids play Fortnite”

Actually, the age demo has shifted considerably during the pandemic with 18 to 24 being the biggest demo now. If you look on Twitch, that’s pretty much the core.

So much so, I was playing random squads and had a team of adults who truly sucked balls and carried them to a final 1v1 where they all got wiped by actual players and it was me against a bot who I dropped down to 1 hp then ejected from the match. Not giving a bunch of adults trying to tell me, a highly ranked player on the actual rankings, how to play.

I told them, look me up on tracker, I’m ranked in the top 20 while you crumbs are ranked in the millions. Sucks to be them.

And why is it when you creampie a girl whose name begins with the letter A they suddenly think you have some sort of subliminal bond with them?
I'm still waiting on YOU delivering something note worthy instead of bleating on about the "glory days" that clearly weren't all that glorious for you or your other self proclaimed "legends" that nobody out of a bubble of twelve board killers had ever even heard of before... Blandscape shits on nobody here, he spams shit that I don't even read but I suppose you schizos would see that as a fuckin win, you belong in the short bus...
You got a link to this "Tik Tok"? No, didn't think so...
I mean, I could…. But why?

Im not here to entertain what, five? Six ppl? That tiktok you mentioned? I get paid to post on it. There’s a blatant ad that followers shit spammed that has made quite a penny that carried over into other posts.

I also told BF himself I’d give him the keys to it once this place had traction. It doesn’t. But, since we’re going to talk about something other then yours truly, who is going to take it over once I pass it off?

You? Look around you. This place is nothing but a whine fest bore pit stop. That falls on the mods, and no offense, the reason I gave up my panel here is because there’s no fixing it.

Blandscape makes great content. So does Caskur when she feels like it. You need to focus on the actual content creators and phase out the filler. Fox makes dynamic content, he should be featured.

The ppl who can create something that would make some random register and post should be the ppl that you are focusing to build around. But…you don’t. If you read one thread here, you’ve read them all. It wasn’t like that at BH, FC, or F4$. Content is so dummied down right now there’s no way in hell anybody from the past with even a shred of talent will waste time here.

Chrome, somebody who I think is Nozz, and some other BH reject posts on some gaming forum. There’s about five old BH’rs over at Kiwi. I spoke briefly with The Iron Duke a couple months ago, NA is all over Reddit along with Gunzablazin.

I should bring these guys here? I’d be embarrassed. There’s already a few BH’ers here. They don’t post at all and you would be shocked who they were.

So, the only person who has a shot at bringing them here is me.

Make better content. Simple as that.

the main twitchers like xQCoW and cohncarnage play whatever hot game is on steam or the latest PS5/Xbox video game that has the most hype, sometimes days before it's released because they get advance copies.

then you got the lewd gamers like Iron Mouse and Projext melody playing prison break and talking about sniffing assholes in the showers and break out boners, crazy funny commentary while they play these games.

or you got all those weird role players in GTA5 steaming that stuff

the biggest news of 2022 is the release of the Cuphead expansion, that will be the big twich stream when it drops, the rage and cussing will be amazing

and for blandscape, as cunty said, he is a one trick spammer. His ADD/AHD/Autism act is probably not an act. they guy has not written anything since Turd Rail, his poetry is only fit for 4chan and troll boards.

He's probably holding a damp towel between his legs and doing a thigh crunch to replicate the sensation of a girl becoming wet while text spamming like a high school teenager.

He's yells Dovey's name with all the drama of Charles Foster Kane saying "Rosebud" in Citizen Kane.

So yeah, he is the chosen one to lead BF to greatness and save the baby Yoda.

Honestly, he is probably the only one in the "community" who does nothing else in life but live on troll boards because this kind of shit gives him purpose. You saw how giddy and excited he became when he thought there was going to be a match.
I don’t get the hype around XQC.

Not once have I seen him do anything that would make me say “he’s a pro gamer”. I think he was an OW guy back in the day but OW ain’t my game. I worked with a kid who was actually a very good OW player and not once did he ever mention XQC, so that’s that for me.

My pallet on twitch has gotten shorter.

I watch Armouranth because it’s pretty much porn. I paid the 25 bucks once for her to fart into the mic to see if it was something she actually did or if it was a scam.

Long story short- it wasn’t a scam.

I watch Clix who is a god tier FN player shitting on other god tier FN players. Granted, he’s a zero ping player, but the fact he’s pulling off three edits a second is ridiculous.

Im also about to tune into Ranger. On the last map this guy covered an entire city in builds in a minute. An entire city.

I want to say these guys are cheating, but they’re not. You can tell who’s cheating, and cheaters ain’t in arena where epic is actually watching them.

Why isn’t Ninja in arena?
Why isn’t Sypherpk in solos in arena and only plays with a carry?

Cuz they’re cheating. It’s funny how social media just dropped how all the big time streamers who made their names playing Fortnite just dropped the game the second the new anti-cheats were installed. You don’t see Myth getting head shots every shot or courage shooting bending bullets any more. Wonder why.

The new update is a rube. They are bringing back Tilted Towers, one of the best drop spots of all time….along with the Cronus anti cheat. I highly recommend watching Fortnite that day on Twitch. You will see a lot of blank screens.

I don't get the hype around any of that shit.
If your not a gamer, you wouldn’t.

If you like, say, DeNiro in a gangster movie, you’d watch it. Same with streamers.

I’ll watch a kick ass Fortnite player grinding out a dub quicker then I’d watch anything Hollywood has produced recently.

Im not into this whole woke culture being cultivated thru social media. I don’t like the fact the superheroes I grew up with are either gay (Superman and Wonder Woman) now ethnic (Spider-Man and Batman) or are being re-gendered just to appease a small but angry core of dunderheads who are sexually confused.

As a father, I’m not too keen on PLEASE ASS BOX ME! being down graded by Hollywood and marketed as a mental disorder instead of a sick fetish.

I mean, go on kickstarter, there’s over a thousand idiots trying to make “films” about their trials as a transgender. There’s GoFundMe’s where morons are e-begging for money to get the snip.

Sorry, I’ll stick to gaming and watching gaming.

OMG Kickstarter has so many projects that bomb and due to their TOS you can't get your money back when the creators fail to deliver. People asking for funds for video games are usually the worst, the game spends years in development and then they go MIA and you are out the money.

They only thing we funded were a widget fidget toy, couple of books, and a few electronic gadgets.

the first video game we backed bombed and no one got shit or a refund.

did see a kickstarter for a japanese horror visual novel that started a few months ago and decided to fund that since they did have a working steam demo. The game is already set for a Jan release, these guys are based in Australia and have done a great job. but most of that stuff on Kickstarter is woke nonsense, some guy begging for money so the can publish a book where he draws transexual cocks using paint and a brush that is made out of his own pubic hair, crazy shit like that.
I’ve only paid off on one kickstarter, and that was the Shenmue sequel, and that was only because I was into the game back in the day.

See, instead of paying thousands of dollars to look young like somebody I know (rolls eyes), I invested a hundred bucks into a game that I played back in the day and had a young at heart moment.

Well, I thought it would. The game was short, it was like playing a Dreamcast game on a PS4, and then it was mass released. I honestly saw it in stores before I got my copy.

I think their goal was three million but they got three times that amount and still churned out a mediocre game. Dissapoint, I has.

I try to stay away from gaming kickstarters, especially retro gaming ones. Most of the retro gaming channels on YouTube have some scam going on where they’re trying to fund “movies” yet these movies never seem to come into fruition. And then when you call them out about it they block you on social media for fucking up their scam.

Pickles invested into the Tex Murphy kickstart but that was actually a great game. It’s too bad you have to waddle thru shit to find the diamonds.
Funny, you said "I" eleven times there... :LOL3: You're your biggest fan eh... lol
Did you have a relapse or something?
What makes you say that? Logic? Concern? The quest of trying to be funny?

If me using the letter “I” a lot is all you have when adding transformative content to the topic of discussion, namely, kickstarter experiences, you either need to get back on the wagon or get a better dealer.
I see our lurker numbers are up, is that still because of you or what? :facepalm:
Can’t lurk a locked forum.

just sayin
So do I.

You know nothing lol you didn't even have a panel you just got the colour and even then you went straight into "I run the place and this is how you are all going to change!" haha oh wit! Every board you've ever been a part of has died, are you going to take credit for that or is it ALWAYS only the "good things" that have to do with you? You're a laughing stock, it's actually pretty sad tbh... This is the decade you turn sixty in, it's over...
Name one forum that died under my watch.

Ill wait
You've only been a pretend mod on here so "under my watch" NONE but you seem to be around all the dying boards, coincidence, not taking credit for that? Let's face it, anything you deem good it's all about you yet you seem mute when shit hits the fan... You're a fair weather braggart and that's the truth...
So basically no boards died under my watch, is what your saying?

No board died "under your watch" but all of them died when you were the main contributer lol OUCHIES!
Yeah? Which one?
Nobody's biting YOUR ankle, you came to us remember? Which one? ALL OF THEM! :LOL3:
Sham, let me point this out;

You aren’t good at this shit. I have a conscience, and I refuse to be the reason you start using drugs again.

Enjoy what you have while you have it.

Do you think he's stopped using drugs?

I always give ppl the benefit of the doubt and I don’t think the lad is that far gone that he can’t change his life.

Does he still read like he’s under the influence of something? Of course he does. I don’t glance at a Shampain post for coherent content. I just see word salad nerd rage.

But then again, the chances he needs this place to vent out his aggressive thoughts over something as savage as addiction just might be therapeutic for the poor sop. Who am I to not help a hand out?

Put that cup out, Sham, here’s a shiny coin.

This is not a place for people to get healthy. It just isn't.
It beats doing stupid shit to land yourself in jail, tho.

I agree. I hope he learns to grow up one day and stop blaming everyone else for his lot in life. His life will be much improved. As long as he associates with low life scum though...the odds are against him.
You can pretty much say that about anybody tho.

Not everyone associates with White Supremacist, Neo Nazi scum, M.
Don’t buy into the fragile façades the lemmings n this shit portal try to portray here.

They’re just man children cosplaying Darth Vader to the amusement of nobody.

You could be right, but then they're a bigger embarrassment to the human race. Fake Nazi...dude, what a huge loser one would have to be.
Well, I’m no therapist, but anybody trying to pass themselves off as some Nazi we’re probably bullied as children.

It’s a defense mechanism. The brain didn’t grow with age so you are dealing with an adult with the mental capacity of a child. The circle starts once again.

They can’t help it. I feel sorry for them.

And yet.....when Jabba the Leftard here wants to lay some heavy hitting sanctimony at yours truly.....her big gun is "she fucked Poofer!!".

It's really cute seeing you guys bond over the mental health of other people.


I hope you dont try to eat eachother if a mod position opens up :LOL3:

I admit Martini that you fucking that psycho and vice-versa isn't a good sign for either one of you.
Who cares? That shit happened so long ago I don’t even remember anything about it.

Everyone involved moved on, it’s this community that hasnt

I didn't bring it up, cracky mc crack did.
What else are they gonna bring up, tho?

The Dovid/Poofer thing is the only relevant thing this community has seen in years. I don’t blame them for bringing it up any more.

Nobody has the skill to pull off something like that any more, and I’m not invested enough to do something like that again.

See in Duhv's book, it's only ok if she brings it up, or anything up that doesn't benefit her. She gets to spin it. If anyone else brings it up, it's a god damn crime against humanity.
It’s her gimmick.

She’s a narcissist. She projects that shit in HD and spews it non stop like a broken record.

Who knows so much about narcissistic tendencies?

A narcissist

She's toxic. But her time will come. No one gets off scot free


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
Treat her well, as it's what you should do.

Mine left me, but will still communicate. Basically wants nothing to do with me though. I can't blame her.
Say wha wha, KM

Blandscape is the quintessential, "one post is all that is needed" to bury this fucking gyrating spaztic under his own inflated hyperbole.

if this assclown is the new BF influencer and "content creator", then everyone just died in your arms tonight, we keep lookin' for quality but broken syntax blandscape spam lies all around us and I don't see any hope left.
Must have been something you said.

Blandscape is so good at this, it goes over each and every one of youz guyz heads. He completely shits on all of you and you don’t even catch it.

Now, before I was so rudely interrupted by Fortnite, there was some things I have to finish out;

Wait, why the FUCK is Scoundrel admitting on open forum about talking about another man’s penis? Wasn’t Scoundrel laughed off FT for some invisible drug dealers going to kill ppl or something like that? Fucker will fit in perfectly here.

The BF tiktok- I created a bf tiktok that is actually successful and trending upwards. Last time I checked, it had over 15k followers. It’s mostly game play videos tho and I really don’t think anybody on this forum has the skills I do at FN or CoD. The goal was to transition to posting content from this site, but there really isn’t anything good enough to post. Trolling in gaming is one thing, the shit fest that this place has become is another.

The 300 new follower promise- I am going to do a giveaway and the first 300 ppl who register here and post will get a new FN skin. That’s the easiest way to get traffic and I’m shocked nobody thought of that.

“But KM, little kids play Fortnite”

Actually, the age demo has shifted considerably during the pandemic with 18 to 24 being the biggest demo now. If you look on Twitch, that’s pretty much the core.

So much so, I was playing random squads and had a team of adults who truly sucked balls and carried them to a final 1v1 where they all got wiped by actual players and it was me against a bot who I dropped down to 1 hp then ejected from the match. Not giving a bunch of adults trying to tell me, a highly ranked player on the actual rankings, how to play.

I told them, look me up on tracker, I’m ranked in the top 20 while you crumbs are ranked in the millions. Sucks to be them.

And why is it when you creampie a girl whose name begins with the letter A they suddenly think you have some sort of subliminal bond with them?
I'm still waiting on YOU delivering something note worthy instead of bleating on about the "glory days" that clearly weren't all that glorious for you or your other self proclaimed "legends" that nobody out of a bubble of twelve board killers had ever even heard of before... Blandscape shits on nobody here, he spams shit that I don't even read but I suppose you schizos would see that as a fuckin win, you belong in the short bus...
You got a link to this "Tik Tok"? No, didn't think so...
I mean, I could…. But why?

Im not here to entertain what, five? Six ppl? That tiktok you mentioned? I get paid to post on it. There’s a blatant ad that followers shit spammed that has made quite a penny that carried over into other posts.

I also told BF himself I’d give him the keys to it once this place had traction. It doesn’t. But, since we’re going to talk about something other then yours truly, who is going to take it over once I pass it off?

You? Look around you. This place is nothing but a whine fest bore pit stop. That falls on the mods, and no offense, the reason I gave up my panel here is because there’s no fixing it.

Blandscape makes great content. So does Caskur when she feels like it. You need to focus on the actual content creators and phase out the filler. Fox makes dynamic content, he should be featured.

The ppl who can create something that would make some random register and post should be the ppl that you are focusing to build around. But…you don’t. If you read one thread here, you’ve read them all. It wasn’t like that at BH, FC, or F4$. Content is so dummied down right now there’s no way in hell anybody from the past with even a shred of talent will waste time here.

Chrome, somebody who I think is Nozz, and some other BH reject posts on some gaming forum. There’s about five old BH’rs over at Kiwi. I spoke briefly with The Iron Duke a couple months ago, NA is all over Reddit along with Gunzablazin.

I should bring these guys here? I’d be embarrassed. There’s already a few BH’ers here. They don’t post at all and you would be shocked who they were.

So, the only person who has a shot at bringing them here is me.

Make better content. Simple as that.

the main twitchers like xQCoW and cohncarnage play whatever hot game is on steam or the latest PS5/Xbox video game that has the most hype, sometimes days before it's released because they get advance copies.

then you got the lewd gamers like Iron Mouse and Projext melody playing prison break and talking about sniffing assholes in the showers and break out boners, crazy funny commentary while they play these games.

or you got all those weird role players in GTA5 steaming that stuff

the biggest news of 2022 is the release of the Cuphead expansion, that will be the big twich stream when it drops, the rage and cussing will be amazing

and for blandscape, as cunty said, he is a one trick spammer. His ADD/AHD/Autism act is probably not an act. they guy has not written anything since Turd Rail, his poetry is only fit for 4chan and troll boards.

He's probably holding a damp towel between his legs and doing a thigh crunch to replicate the sensation of a girl becoming wet while text spamming like a high school teenager.

He's yells Dovey's name with all the drama of Charles Foster Kane saying "Rosebud" in Citizen Kane.

So yeah, he is the chosen one to lead BF to greatness and save the baby Yoda.

Honestly, he is probably the only one in the "community" who does nothing else in life but live on troll boards because this kind of shit gives him purpose. You saw how giddy and excited he became when he thought there was going to be a match.
I don’t get the hype around XQC.

Not once have I seen him do anything that would make me say “he’s a pro gamer”. I think he was an OW guy back in the day but OW ain’t my game. I worked with a kid who was actually a very good OW player and not once did he ever mention XQC, so that’s that for me.

My pallet on twitch has gotten shorter.

I watch Armouranth because it’s pretty much porn. I paid the 25 bucks once for her to fart into the mic to see if it was something she actually did or if it was a scam.

Long story short- it wasn’t a scam.

I watch Clix who is a god tier FN player shitting on other god tier FN players. Granted, he’s a zero ping player, but the fact he’s pulling off three edits a second is ridiculous.

Im also about to tune into Ranger. On the last map this guy covered an entire city in builds in a minute. An entire city.

I want to say these guys are cheating, but they’re not. You can tell who’s cheating, and cheaters ain’t in arena where epic is actually watching them.

Why isn’t Ninja in arena?
Why isn’t Sypherpk in solos in arena and only plays with a carry?

Cuz they’re cheating. It’s funny how social media just dropped how all the big time streamers who made their names playing Fortnite just dropped the game the second the new anti-cheats were installed. You don’t see Myth getting head shots every shot or courage shooting bending bullets any more. Wonder why.

The new update is a rube. They are bringing back Tilted Towers, one of the best drop spots of all time….along with the Cronus anti cheat. I highly recommend watching Fortnite that day on Twitch. You will see a lot of blank screens.

I don't get the hype around any of that shit.
If your not a gamer, you wouldn’t.

If you like, say, DeNiro in a gangster movie, you’d watch it. Same with streamers.

I’ll watch a kick ass Fortnite player grinding out a dub quicker then I’d watch anything Hollywood has produced recently.

Im not into this whole woke culture being cultivated thru social media. I don’t like the fact the superheroes I grew up with are either gay (Superman and Wonder Woman) now ethnic (Spider-Man and Batman) or are being re-gendered just to appease a small but angry core of dunderheads who are sexually confused.

As a father, I’m not too keen on PLEASE ASS BOX ME! being down graded by Hollywood and marketed as a mental disorder instead of a sick fetish.

I mean, go on kickstarter, there’s over a thousand idiots trying to make “films” about their trials as a transgender. There’s GoFundMe’s where morons are e-begging for money to get the snip.

Sorry, I’ll stick to gaming and watching gaming.

OMG Kickstarter has so many projects that bomb and due to their TOS you can't get your money back when the creators fail to deliver. People asking for funds for video games are usually the worst, the game spends years in development and then they go MIA and you are out the money.

They only thing we funded were a widget fidget toy, couple of books, and a few electronic gadgets.

the first video game we backed bombed and no one got shit or a refund.

did see a kickstarter for a japanese horror visual novel that started a few months ago and decided to fund that since they did have a working steam demo. The game is already set for a Jan release, these guys are based in Australia and have done a great job. but most of that stuff on Kickstarter is woke nonsense, some guy begging for money so the can publish a book where he draws transexual cocks using paint and a brush that is made out of his own pubic hair, crazy shit like that.
I’ve only paid off on one kickstarter, and that was the Shenmue sequel, and that was only because I was into the game back in the day.

See, instead of paying thousands of dollars to look young like somebody I know (rolls eyes), I invested a hundred bucks into a game that I played back in the day and had a young at heart moment.

Well, I thought it would. The game was short, it was like playing a Dreamcast game on a PS4, and then it was mass released. I honestly saw it in stores before I got my copy.

I think their goal was three million but they got three times that amount and still churned out a mediocre game. Dissapoint, I has.

I try to stay away from gaming kickstarters, especially retro gaming ones. Most of the retro gaming channels on YouTube have some scam going on where they’re trying to fund “movies” yet these movies never seem to come into fruition. And then when you call them out about it they block you on social media for fucking up their scam.

Pickles invested into the Tex Murphy kickstart but that was actually a great game. It’s too bad you have to waddle thru shit to find the diamonds.
Funny, you said "I" eleven times there... :LOL3: You're your biggest fan eh... lol
Did you have a relapse or something?
What makes you say that? Logic? Concern? The quest of trying to be funny?

If me using the letter “I” a lot is all you have when adding transformative content to the topic of discussion, namely, kickstarter experiences, you either need to get back on the wagon or get a better dealer.
I see our lurker numbers are up, is that still because of you or what? :facepalm:
Can’t lurk a locked forum.

just sayin
So do I.

You know nothing lol you didn't even have a panel you just got the colour and even then you went straight into "I run the place and this is how you are all going to change!" haha oh wit! Every board you've ever been a part of has died, are you going to take credit for that or is it ALWAYS only the "good things" that have to do with you? You're a laughing stock, it's actually pretty sad tbh... This is the decade you turn sixty in, it's over...
Name one forum that died under my watch.

Ill wait
You've only been a pretend mod on here so "under my watch" NONE but you seem to be around all the dying boards, coincidence, not taking credit for that? Let's face it, anything you deem good it's all about you yet you seem mute when shit hits the fan... You're a fair weather braggart and that's the truth...
So basically no boards died under my watch, is what your saying?

No board died "under your watch" but all of them died when you were the main contributer lol OUCHIES!
Yeah? Which one?
Nobody's biting YOUR ankle, you came to us remember? Which one? ALL OF THEM! :LOL3:
Sham, let me point this out;

You aren’t good at this shit. I have a conscience, and I refuse to be the reason you start using drugs again.

Enjoy what you have while you have it.
Oh STFU you fucking coward, there's absolutely NOTHING you could type that would affect me in ANY way, you give yourself FAR TOO MUCH CREDIT bozo!!! Fucking listen to this guy! :facepalm: Look at the absolute state of you ffs!

IMMEDIATE WIN for me because I'm not you and I'm sorry, there's absolutely NOTHING you can do to change that... All those years drowning your sorrows has given you brain damage! FACT!
That’s a melty tho

So now you're resorting to that age old shit? It's probably the only thing here older than you tbf
Calling it like I see it.

I mean, aren’t you repeat posting some old ass chop?


Like I said, your not good at this.

Answer this tho, if Sum Cunt and Gunzablazin came here, and the stip was both wanted panels, do you really think you would have one?

Just throwing that out there
Bahhaahahahahaaaaaa!!!!!! absolutely pathetic!!! WHO are they?? Aye sure, he's gonna fuck me off in favour of two demanders LMFAO!!! You're saying this because that was in one of your great promises to BF to get yourself status, you fail to deliver on all fronts... SAd as fuck man!
I'm much better than you "at this"! whatever this is ya fuckin mutant!!
BF knows who “they” are.

That’s all that matters, I think.
Fuck man, you're beyond cringe... Seriously fucking damaged...
If trying to justify your incoherent drivel by calling somebody “damaged” helps you out of your addiction, shake the cup, little fella.

I am here for you.
"little fella" why are you comparing me to your unfortunate peen? You ARE fuckin damaged, you've got serious issues bus wanker... However, that's me done giving you the attention you crave... You're not normal and you'll always be not normal, do you admit to the teens that slap you on fortnate your age? Thought not, you've probably got your voice changer cranked up in high pitch to make you sound twelve and that's not creepy at all and neither is your furry fetish, honest... Have you rode the bus without a wallet to any teens you met on there? Did you say you forgot your wallet but remebered the suitcase containing your PC to pawn off? Is that why you're on here because you sold it on your annual trip to make girls not cum? Do you think you suit a moustache?

Soo many questions but I'm not looking for any answers...

Ahh uncles Addie =)
Learn to self edit.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Treat her well, as it's what you should do.

Mine left me, but will still communicate. Basically wants nothing to do with me though. I can't blame her.
Say wha wha, KM

Blandscape is the quintessential, "one post is all that is needed" to bury this fucking gyrating spaztic under his own inflated hyperbole.

if this assclown is the new BF influencer and "content creator", then everyone just died in your arms tonight, we keep lookin' for quality but broken syntax blandscape spam lies all around us and I don't see any hope left.
Must have been something you said.

Blandscape is so good at this, it goes over each and every one of youz guyz heads. He completely shits on all of you and you don’t even catch it.

Now, before I was so rudely interrupted by Fortnite, there was some things I have to finish out;

Wait, why the FUCK is Scoundrel admitting on open forum about talking about another man’s penis? Wasn’t Scoundrel laughed off FT for some invisible drug dealers going to kill ppl or something like that? Fucker will fit in perfectly here.

The BF tiktok- I created a bf tiktok that is actually successful and trending upwards. Last time I checked, it had over 15k followers. It’s mostly game play videos tho and I really don’t think anybody on this forum has the skills I do at FN or CoD. The goal was to transition to posting content from this site, but there really isn’t anything good enough to post. Trolling in gaming is one thing, the shit fest that this place has become is another.

The 300 new follower promise- I am going to do a giveaway and the first 300 ppl who register here and post will get a new FN skin. That’s the easiest way to get traffic and I’m shocked nobody thought of that.

“But KM, little kids play Fortnite”

Actually, the age demo has shifted considerably during the pandemic with 18 to 24 being the biggest demo now. If you look on Twitch, that’s pretty much the core.

So much so, I was playing random squads and had a team of adults who truly sucked balls and carried them to a final 1v1 where they all got wiped by actual players and it was me against a bot who I dropped down to 1 hp then ejected from the match. Not giving a bunch of adults trying to tell me, a highly ranked player on the actual rankings, how to play.

I told them, look me up on tracker, I’m ranked in the top 20 while you crumbs are ranked in the millions. Sucks to be them.

And why is it when you creampie a girl whose name begins with the letter A they suddenly think you have some sort of subliminal bond with them?
I'm still waiting on YOU delivering something note worthy instead of bleating on about the "glory days" that clearly weren't all that glorious for you or your other self proclaimed "legends" that nobody out of a bubble of twelve board killers had ever even heard of before... Blandscape shits on nobody here, he spams shit that I don't even read but I suppose you schizos would see that as a fuckin win, you belong in the short bus...
You got a link to this "Tik Tok"? No, didn't think so...
I mean, I could…. But why?

Im not here to entertain what, five? Six ppl? That tiktok you mentioned? I get paid to post on it. There’s a blatant ad that followers shit spammed that has made quite a penny that carried over into other posts.

I also told BF himself I’d give him the keys to it once this place had traction. It doesn’t. But, since we’re going to talk about something other then yours truly, who is going to take it over once I pass it off?

You? Look around you. This place is nothing but a whine fest bore pit stop. That falls on the mods, and no offense, the reason I gave up my panel here is because there’s no fixing it.

Blandscape makes great content. So does Caskur when she feels like it. You need to focus on the actual content creators and phase out the filler. Fox makes dynamic content, he should be featured.

The ppl who can create something that would make some random register and post should be the ppl that you are focusing to build around. But…you don’t. If you read one thread here, you’ve read them all. It wasn’t like that at BH, FC, or F4$. Content is so dummied down right now there’s no way in hell anybody from the past with even a shred of talent will waste time here.

Chrome, somebody who I think is Nozz, and some other BH reject posts on some gaming forum. There’s about five old BH’rs over at Kiwi. I spoke briefly with The Iron Duke a couple months ago, NA is all over Reddit along with Gunzablazin.

I should bring these guys here? I’d be embarrassed. There’s already a few BH’ers here. They don’t post at all and you would be shocked who they were.

So, the only person who has a shot at bringing them here is me.

Make better content. Simple as that.

the main twitchers like xQCoW and cohncarnage play whatever hot game is on steam or the latest PS5/Xbox video game that has the most hype, sometimes days before it's released because they get advance copies.

then you got the lewd gamers like Iron Mouse and Projext melody playing prison break and talking about sniffing assholes in the showers and break out boners, crazy funny commentary while they play these games.

or you got all those weird role players in GTA5 steaming that stuff

the biggest news of 2022 is the release of the Cuphead expansion, that will be the big twich stream when it drops, the rage and cussing will be amazing

and for blandscape, as cunty said, he is a one trick spammer. His ADD/AHD/Autism act is probably not an act. they guy has not written anything since Turd Rail, his poetry is only fit for 4chan and troll boards.

He's probably holding a damp towel between his legs and doing a thigh crunch to replicate the sensation of a girl becoming wet while text spamming like a high school teenager.

He's yells Dovey's name with all the drama of Charles Foster Kane saying "Rosebud" in Citizen Kane.

So yeah, he is the chosen one to lead BF to greatness and save the baby Yoda.

Honestly, he is probably the only one in the "community" who does nothing else in life but live on troll boards because this kind of shit gives him purpose. You saw how giddy and excited he became when he thought there was going to be a match.
I don’t get the hype around XQC.

Not once have I seen him do anything that would make me say “he’s a pro gamer”. I think he was an OW guy back in the day but OW ain’t my game. I worked with a kid who was actually a very good OW player and not once did he ever mention XQC, so that’s that for me.

My pallet on twitch has gotten shorter.

I watch Armouranth because it’s pretty much porn. I paid the 25 bucks once for her to fart into the mic to see if it was something she actually did or if it was a scam.

Long story short- it wasn’t a scam.

I watch Clix who is a god tier FN player shitting on other god tier FN players. Granted, he’s a zero ping player, but the fact he’s pulling off three edits a second is ridiculous.

Im also about to tune into Ranger. On the last map this guy covered an entire city in builds in a minute. An entire city.

I want to say these guys are cheating, but they’re not. You can tell who’s cheating, and cheaters ain’t in arena where epic is actually watching them.

Why isn’t Ninja in arena?
Why isn’t Sypherpk in solos in arena and only plays with a carry?

Cuz they’re cheating. It’s funny how social media just dropped how all the big time streamers who made their names playing Fortnite just dropped the game the second the new anti-cheats were installed. You don’t see Myth getting head shots every shot or courage shooting bending bullets any more. Wonder why.

The new update is a rube. They are bringing back Tilted Towers, one of the best drop spots of all time….along with the Cronus anti cheat. I highly recommend watching Fortnite that day on Twitch. You will see a lot of blank screens.

I don't get the hype around any of that shit.
If your not a gamer, you wouldn’t.

If you like, say, DeNiro in a gangster movie, you’d watch it. Same with streamers.

I’ll watch a kick ass Fortnite player grinding out a dub quicker then I’d watch anything Hollywood has produced recently.

Im not into this whole woke culture being cultivated thru social media. I don’t like the fact the superheroes I grew up with are either gay (Superman and Wonder Woman) now ethnic (Spider-Man and Batman) or are being re-gendered just to appease a small but angry core of dunderheads who are sexually confused.

As a father, I’m not too keen on PLEASE ASS BOX ME! being down graded by Hollywood and marketed as a mental disorder instead of a sick fetish.

I mean, go on kickstarter, there’s over a thousand idiots trying to make “films” about their trials as a transgender. There’s GoFundMe’s where morons are e-begging for money to get the snip.

Sorry, I’ll stick to gaming and watching gaming.

OMG Kickstarter has so many projects that bomb and due to their TOS you can't get your money back when the creators fail to deliver. People asking for funds for video games are usually the worst, the game spends years in development and then they go MIA and you are out the money.

They only thing we funded were a widget fidget toy, couple of books, and a few electronic gadgets.

the first video game we backed bombed and no one got shit or a refund.

did see a kickstarter for a japanese horror visual novel that started a few months ago and decided to fund that since they did have a working steam demo. The game is already set for a Jan release, these guys are based in Australia and have done a great job. but most of that stuff on Kickstarter is woke nonsense, some guy begging for money so the can publish a book where he draws transexual cocks using paint and a brush that is made out of his own pubic hair, crazy shit like that.
I’ve only paid off on one kickstarter, and that was the Shenmue sequel, and that was only because I was into the game back in the day.

See, instead of paying thousands of dollars to look young like somebody I know (rolls eyes), I invested a hundred bucks into a game that I played back in the day and had a young at heart moment.

Well, I thought it would. The game was short, it was like playing a Dreamcast game on a PS4, and then it was mass released. I honestly saw it in stores before I got my copy.

I think their goal was three million but they got three times that amount and still churned out a mediocre game. Dissapoint, I has.

I try to stay away from gaming kickstarters, especially retro gaming ones. Most of the retro gaming channels on YouTube have some scam going on where they’re trying to fund “movies” yet these movies never seem to come into fruition. And then when you call them out about it they block you on social media for fucking up their scam.

Pickles invested into the Tex Murphy kickstart but that was actually a great game. It’s too bad you have to waddle thru shit to find the diamonds.
Funny, you said "I" eleven times there... :LOL3: You're your biggest fan eh... lol
Did you have a relapse or something?
What makes you say that? Logic? Concern? The quest of trying to be funny?

If me using the letter “I” a lot is all you have when adding transformative content to the topic of discussion, namely, kickstarter experiences, you either need to get back on the wagon or get a better dealer.
I see our lurker numbers are up, is that still because of you or what? :facepalm:
Can’t lurk a locked forum.

just sayin
So do I.

You know nothing lol you didn't even have a panel you just got the colour and even then you went straight into "I run the place and this is how you are all going to change!" haha oh wit! Every board you've ever been a part of has died, are you going to take credit for that or is it ALWAYS only the "good things" that have to do with you? You're a laughing stock, it's actually pretty sad tbh... This is the decade you turn sixty in, it's over...
Name one forum that died under my watch.

Ill wait
You've only been a pretend mod on here so "under my watch" NONE but you seem to be around all the dying boards, coincidence, not taking credit for that? Let's face it, anything you deem good it's all about you yet you seem mute when shit hits the fan... You're a fair weather braggart and that's the truth...
So basically no boards died under my watch, is what your saying?

No board died "under your watch" but all of them died when you were the main contributer lol OUCHIES!
Yeah? Which one?
Nobody's biting YOUR ankle, you came to us remember? Which one? ALL OF THEM! :LOL3:
Sham, let me point this out;

You aren’t good at this shit. I have a conscience, and I refuse to be the reason you start using drugs again.

Enjoy what you have while you have it.

Do you think he's stopped using drugs?

I always give ppl the benefit of the doubt and I don’t think the lad is that far gone that he can’t change his life.

Does he still read like he’s under the influence of something? Of course he does. I don’t glance at a Shampain post for coherent content. I just see word salad nerd rage.

But then again, the chances he needs this place to vent out his aggressive thoughts over something as savage as addiction just might be therapeutic for the poor sop. Who am I to not help a hand out?

Put that cup out, Sham, here’s a shiny coin.

This is not a place for people to get healthy. It just isn't.
It beats doing stupid shit to land yourself in jail, tho.

I agree. I hope he learns to grow up one day and stop blaming everyone else for his lot in life. His life will be much improved. As long as he associates with low life scum though...the odds are against him.
You can pretty much say that about anybody tho.

Not everyone associates with White Supremacist, Neo Nazi scum, M.
Don’t buy into the fragile façades the lemmings n this shit portal try to portray here.

They’re just man children cosplaying Darth Vader to the amusement of nobody.

You could be right, but then they're a bigger embarrassment to the human race. Fake Nazi...dude, what a huge loser one would have to be.
Well, I’m no therapist, but anybody trying to pass themselves off as some Nazi we’re probably bullied as children.

It’s a defense mechanism. The brain didn’t grow with age so you are dealing with an adult with the mental capacity of a child. The circle starts once again.

They can’t help it. I feel sorry for them.

And yet.....when Jabba the Leftard here wants to lay some heavy hitting sanctimony at yours truly.....her big gun is "she fucked Poofer!!".

It's really cute seeing you guys bond over the mental health of other people.


I hope you dont try to eat eachother if a mod position opens up :LOL3:

I admit Martini that you fucking that psycho and vice-versa isn't a good sign for either one of you.
Who cares? That shit happened so long ago I don’t even remember anything about it.

Everyone involved moved on, it’s this community that hasnt

I didn't bring it up, cracky mc crack did.
What else are they gonna bring up, tho?

The Dovid/Poofer thing is the only relevant thing this community has seen in years. I don’t blame them for bringing it up any more.

Nobody has the skill to pull off something like that any more, and I’m not invested enough to do something like that again.

I wouldnt go THAT far just because Jupitor here thinks it's the go to charge to convict me with.

Maybe its jealousy and you should show her some love.

You guys should totally go vote for Biden together in 2024.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Treat her well, as it's what you should do.

Mine left me, but will still communicate. Basically wants nothing to do with me though. I can't blame her.
Say wha wha, KM

Blandscape is the quintessential, "one post is all that is needed" to bury this fucking gyrating spaztic under his own inflated hyperbole.

if this assclown is the new BF influencer and "content creator", then everyone just died in your arms tonight, we keep lookin' for quality but broken syntax blandscape spam lies all around us and I don't see any hope left.
Must have been something you said.

Blandscape is so good at this, it goes over each and every one of youz guyz heads. He completely shits on all of you and you don’t even catch it.

Now, before I was so rudely interrupted by Fortnite, there was some things I have to finish out;

Wait, why the FUCK is Scoundrel admitting on open forum about talking about another man’s penis? Wasn’t Scoundrel laughed off FT for some invisible drug dealers going to kill ppl or something like that? Fucker will fit in perfectly here.

The BF tiktok- I created a bf tiktok that is actually successful and trending upwards. Last time I checked, it had over 15k followers. It’s mostly game play videos tho and I really don’t think anybody on this forum has the skills I do at FN or CoD. The goal was to transition to posting content from this site, but there really isn’t anything good enough to post. Trolling in gaming is one thing, the shit fest that this place has become is another.

The 300 new follower promise- I am going to do a giveaway and the first 300 ppl who register here and post will get a new FN skin. That’s the easiest way to get traffic and I’m shocked nobody thought of that.

“But KM, little kids play Fortnite”

Actually, the age demo has shifted considerably during the pandemic with 18 to 24 being the biggest demo now. If you look on Twitch, that’s pretty much the core.

So much so, I was playing random squads and had a team of adults who truly sucked balls and carried them to a final 1v1 where they all got wiped by actual players and it was me against a bot who I dropped down to 1 hp then ejected from the match. Not giving a bunch of adults trying to tell me, a highly ranked player on the actual rankings, how to play.

I told them, look me up on tracker, I’m ranked in the top 20 while you crumbs are ranked in the millions. Sucks to be them.

And why is it when you creampie a girl whose name begins with the letter A they suddenly think you have some sort of subliminal bond with them?
I'm still waiting on YOU delivering something note worthy instead of bleating on about the "glory days" that clearly weren't all that glorious for you or your other self proclaimed "legends" that nobody out of a bubble of twelve board killers had ever even heard of before... Blandscape shits on nobody here, he spams shit that I don't even read but I suppose you schizos would see that as a fuckin win, you belong in the short bus...
You got a link to this "Tik Tok"? No, didn't think so...
I mean, I could…. But why?

Im not here to entertain what, five? Six ppl? That tiktok you mentioned? I get paid to post on it. There’s a blatant ad that followers shit spammed that has made quite a penny that carried over into other posts.

I also told BF himself I’d give him the keys to it once this place had traction. It doesn’t. But, since we’re going to talk about something other then yours truly, who is going to take it over once I pass it off?

You? Look around you. This place is nothing but a whine fest bore pit stop. That falls on the mods, and no offense, the reason I gave up my panel here is because there’s no fixing it.

Blandscape makes great content. So does Caskur when she feels like it. You need to focus on the actual content creators and phase out the filler. Fox makes dynamic content, he should be featured.

The ppl who can create something that would make some random register and post should be the ppl that you are focusing to build around. But…you don’t. If you read one thread here, you’ve read them all. It wasn’t like that at BH, FC, or F4$. Content is so dummied down right now there’s no way in hell anybody from the past with even a shred of talent will waste time here.

Chrome, somebody who I think is Nozz, and some other BH reject posts on some gaming forum. There’s about five old BH’rs over at Kiwi. I spoke briefly with The Iron Duke a couple months ago, NA is all over Reddit along with Gunzablazin.

I should bring these guys here? I’d be embarrassed. There’s already a few BH’ers here. They don’t post at all and you would be shocked who they were.

So, the only person who has a shot at bringing them here is me.

Make better content. Simple as that.

the main twitchers like xQCoW and cohncarnage play whatever hot game is on steam or the latest PS5/Xbox video game that has the most hype, sometimes days before it's released because they get advance copies.

then you got the lewd gamers like Iron Mouse and Projext melody playing prison break and talking about sniffing assholes in the showers and break out boners, crazy funny commentary while they play these games.

or you got all those weird role players in GTA5 steaming that stuff

the biggest news of 2022 is the release of the Cuphead expansion, that will be the big twich stream when it drops, the rage and cussing will be amazing

and for blandscape, as cunty said, he is a one trick spammer. His ADD/AHD/Autism act is probably not an act. they guy has not written anything since Turd Rail, his poetry is only fit for 4chan and troll boards.

He's probably holding a damp towel between his legs and doing a thigh crunch to replicate the sensation of a girl becoming wet while text spamming like a high school teenager.

He's yells Dovey's name with all the drama of Charles Foster Kane saying "Rosebud" in Citizen Kane.

So yeah, he is the chosen one to lead BF to greatness and save the baby Yoda.

Honestly, he is probably the only one in the "community" who does nothing else in life but live on troll boards because this kind of shit gives him purpose. You saw how giddy and excited he became when he thought there was going to be a match.
I don’t get the hype around XQC.

Not once have I seen him do anything that would make me say “he’s a pro gamer”. I think he was an OW guy back in the day but OW ain’t my game. I worked with a kid who was actually a very good OW player and not once did he ever mention XQC, so that’s that for me.

My pallet on twitch has gotten shorter.

I watch Armouranth because it’s pretty much porn. I paid the 25 bucks once for her to fart into the mic to see if it was something she actually did or if it was a scam.

Long story short- it wasn’t a scam.

I watch Clix who is a god tier FN player shitting on other god tier FN players. Granted, he’s a zero ping player, but the fact he’s pulling off three edits a second is ridiculous.

Im also about to tune into Ranger. On the last map this guy covered an entire city in builds in a minute. An entire city.

I want to say these guys are cheating, but they’re not. You can tell who’s cheating, and cheaters ain’t in arena where epic is actually watching them.

Why isn’t Ninja in arena?
Why isn’t Sypherpk in solos in arena and only plays with a carry?

Cuz they’re cheating. It’s funny how social media just dropped how all the big time streamers who made their names playing Fortnite just dropped the game the second the new anti-cheats were installed. You don’t see Myth getting head shots every shot or courage shooting bending bullets any more. Wonder why.

The new update is a rube. They are bringing back Tilted Towers, one of the best drop spots of all time….along with the Cronus anti cheat. I highly recommend watching Fortnite that day on Twitch. You will see a lot of blank screens.

I don't get the hype around any of that shit.
If your not a gamer, you wouldn’t.

If you like, say, DeNiro in a gangster movie, you’d watch it. Same with streamers.

I’ll watch a kick ass Fortnite player grinding out a dub quicker then I’d watch anything Hollywood has produced recently.

Im not into this whole woke culture being cultivated thru social media. I don’t like the fact the superheroes I grew up with are either gay (Superman and Wonder Woman) now ethnic (Spider-Man and Batman) or are being re-gendered just to appease a small but angry core of dunderheads who are sexually confused.

As a father, I’m not too keen on PLEASE ASS BOX ME! being down graded by Hollywood and marketed as a mental disorder instead of a sick fetish.

I mean, go on kickstarter, there’s over a thousand idiots trying to make “films” about their trials as a transgender. There’s GoFundMe’s where morons are e-begging for money to get the snip.

Sorry, I’ll stick to gaming and watching gaming.

OMG Kickstarter has so many projects that bomb and due to their TOS you can't get your money back when the creators fail to deliver. People asking for funds for video games are usually the worst, the game spends years in development and then they go MIA and you are out the money.

They only thing we funded were a widget fidget toy, couple of books, and a few electronic gadgets.

the first video game we backed bombed and no one got shit or a refund.

did see a kickstarter for a japanese horror visual novel that started a few months ago and decided to fund that since they did have a working steam demo. The game is already set for a Jan release, these guys are based in Australia and have done a great job. but most of that stuff on Kickstarter is woke nonsense, some guy begging for money so the can publish a book where he draws transexual cocks using paint and a brush that is made out of his own pubic hair, crazy shit like that.
I’ve only paid off on one kickstarter, and that was the Shenmue sequel, and that was only because I was into the game back in the day.

See, instead of paying thousands of dollars to look young like somebody I know (rolls eyes), I invested a hundred bucks into a game that I played back in the day and had a young at heart moment.

Well, I thought it would. The game was short, it was like playing a Dreamcast game on a PS4, and then it was mass released. I honestly saw it in stores before I got my copy.

I think their goal was three million but they got three times that amount and still churned out a mediocre game. Dissapoint, I has.

I try to stay away from gaming kickstarters, especially retro gaming ones. Most of the retro gaming channels on YouTube have some scam going on where they’re trying to fund “movies” yet these movies never seem to come into fruition. And then when you call them out about it they block you on social media for fucking up their scam.

Pickles invested into the Tex Murphy kickstart but that was actually a great game. It’s too bad you have to waddle thru shit to find the diamonds.
Funny, you said "I" eleven times there... :LOL3: You're your biggest fan eh... lol
Did you have a relapse or something?
What makes you say that? Logic? Concern? The quest of trying to be funny?

If me using the letter “I” a lot is all you have when adding transformative content to the topic of discussion, namely, kickstarter experiences, you either need to get back on the wagon or get a better dealer.
I see our lurker numbers are up, is that still because of you or what? :facepalm:
Can’t lurk a locked forum.

just sayin
So do I.

You know nothing lol you didn't even have a panel you just got the colour and even then you went straight into "I run the place and this is how you are all going to change!" haha oh wit! Every board you've ever been a part of has died, are you going to take credit for that or is it ALWAYS only the "good things" that have to do with you? You're a laughing stock, it's actually pretty sad tbh... This is the decade you turn sixty in, it's over...
Name one forum that died under my watch.

Ill wait
You've only been a pretend mod on here so "under my watch" NONE but you seem to be around all the dying boards, coincidence, not taking credit for that? Let's face it, anything you deem good it's all about you yet you seem mute when shit hits the fan... You're a fair weather braggart and that's the truth...
So basically no boards died under my watch, is what your saying?

No board died "under your watch" but all of them died when you were the main contributer lol OUCHIES!
Yeah? Which one?
Nobody's biting YOUR ankle, you came to us remember? Which one? ALL OF THEM! :LOL3:
Sham, let me point this out;

You aren’t good at this shit. I have a conscience, and I refuse to be the reason you start using drugs again.

Enjoy what you have while you have it.
Oh STFU you fucking coward, there's absolutely NOTHING you could type that would affect me in ANY way, you give yourself FAR TOO MUCH CREDIT bozo!!! Fucking listen to this guy! :facepalm: Look at the absolute state of you ffs!

IMMEDIATE WIN for me because I'm not you and I'm sorry, there's absolutely NOTHING you can do to change that... All those years drowning your sorrows has given you brain damage! FACT!
That’s a melty tho

So now you're resorting to that age old shit? It's probably the only thing here older than you tbf
Calling it like I see it.

I mean, aren’t you repeat posting some old ass chop?


Like I said, your not good at this.

Answer this tho, if Sum Cunt and Gunzablazin came here, and the stip was both wanted panels, do you really think you would have one?

Just throwing that out there
Bahhaahahahahaaaaaa!!!!!! absolutely pathetic!!! WHO are they?? Aye sure, he's gonna fuck me off in favour of two demanders LMFAO!!! You're saying this because that was in one of your great promises to BF to get yourself status, you fail to deliver on all fronts... SAd as fuck man!
I'm much better than you "at this"! whatever this is ya fuckin mutant!!
BF knows who “they” are.

That’s all that matters, I think.
Fuck man, you're beyond cringe... Seriously fucking damaged...
If trying to justify your incoherent drivel by calling somebody “damaged” helps you out of your addiction, shake the cup, little fella.

I am here for you.
"little fella" why are you comparing me to your unfortunate peen? You ARE fuckin damaged, you've got serious issues bus wanker... However, that's me done giving you the attention you crave... You're not normal and you'll always be not normal, do you admit to the teens that slap you on fortnate your age? Thought not, you've probably got your voice changer cranked up in high pitch to make you sound twelve and that's not creepy at all and neither is your furry fetish, honest... Have you rode the bus without a wallet to any teens you met on there? Did you say you forgot your wallet but remebered the suitcase containing your PC to pawn off? Is that why you're on here because you sold it on your annual trip to make girls not cum? Do you think you suit a moustache?

Soo many questions but I'm not looking for any answers...

Ahh uncles Addie =)
Learn to self edit.
Learn your daughters birthdays... Goodbye


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Treat her well, as it's what you should do.

Mine left me, but will still communicate. Basically wants nothing to do with me though. I can't blame her.
Say wha wha, KM

Blandscape is the quintessential, "one post is all that is needed" to bury this fucking gyrating spaztic under his own inflated hyperbole.

if this assclown is the new BF influencer and "content creator", then everyone just died in your arms tonight, we keep lookin' for quality but broken syntax blandscape spam lies all around us and I don't see any hope left.
Must have been something you said.

Blandscape is so good at this, it goes over each and every one of youz guyz heads. He completely shits on all of you and you don’t even catch it.

Now, before I was so rudely interrupted by Fortnite, there was some things I have to finish out;

Wait, why the FUCK is Scoundrel admitting on open forum about talking about another man’s penis? Wasn’t Scoundrel laughed off FT for some invisible drug dealers going to kill ppl or something like that? Fucker will fit in perfectly here.

The BF tiktok- I created a bf tiktok that is actually successful and trending upwards. Last time I checked, it had over 15k followers. It’s mostly game play videos tho and I really don’t think anybody on this forum has the skills I do at FN or CoD. The goal was to transition to posting content from this site, but there really isn’t anything good enough to post. Trolling in gaming is one thing, the shit fest that this place has become is another.

The 300 new follower promise- I am going to do a giveaway and the first 300 ppl who register here and post will get a new FN skin. That’s the easiest way to get traffic and I’m shocked nobody thought of that.

“But KM, little kids play Fortnite”

Actually, the age demo has shifted considerably during the pandemic with 18 to 24 being the biggest demo now. If you look on Twitch, that’s pretty much the core.

So much so, I was playing random squads and had a team of adults who truly sucked balls and carried them to a final 1v1 where they all got wiped by actual players and it was me against a bot who I dropped down to 1 hp then ejected from the match. Not giving a bunch of adults trying to tell me, a highly ranked player on the actual rankings, how to play.

I told them, look me up on tracker, I’m ranked in the top 20 while you crumbs are ranked in the millions. Sucks to be them.

And why is it when you creampie a girl whose name begins with the letter A they suddenly think you have some sort of subliminal bond with them?
I'm still waiting on YOU delivering something note worthy instead of bleating on about the "glory days" that clearly weren't all that glorious for you or your other self proclaimed "legends" that nobody out of a bubble of twelve board killers had ever even heard of before... Blandscape shits on nobody here, he spams shit that I don't even read but I suppose you schizos would see that as a fuckin win, you belong in the short bus...
You got a link to this "Tik Tok"? No, didn't think so...
I mean, I could…. But why?

Im not here to entertain what, five? Six ppl? That tiktok you mentioned? I get paid to post on it. There’s a blatant ad that followers shit spammed that has made quite a penny that carried over into other posts.

I also told BF himself I’d give him the keys to it once this place had traction. It doesn’t. But, since we’re going to talk about something other then yours truly, who is going to take it over once I pass it off?

You? Look around you. This place is nothing but a whine fest bore pit stop. That falls on the mods, and no offense, the reason I gave up my panel here is because there’s no fixing it.

Blandscape makes great content. So does Caskur when she feels like it. You need to focus on the actual content creators and phase out the filler. Fox makes dynamic content, he should be featured.

The ppl who can create something that would make some random register and post should be the ppl that you are focusing to build around. But…you don’t. If you read one thread here, you’ve read them all. It wasn’t like that at BH, FC, or F4$. Content is so dummied down right now there’s no way in hell anybody from the past with even a shred of talent will waste time here.

Chrome, somebody who I think is Nozz, and some other BH reject posts on some gaming forum. There’s about five old BH’rs over at Kiwi. I spoke briefly with The Iron Duke a couple months ago, NA is all over Reddit along with Gunzablazin.

I should bring these guys here? I’d be embarrassed. There’s already a few BH’ers here. They don’t post at all and you would be shocked who they were.

So, the only person who has a shot at bringing them here is me.

Make better content. Simple as that.

the main twitchers like xQCoW and cohncarnage play whatever hot game is on steam or the latest PS5/Xbox video game that has the most hype, sometimes days before it's released because they get advance copies.

then you got the lewd gamers like Iron Mouse and Projext melody playing prison break and talking about sniffing assholes in the showers and break out boners, crazy funny commentary while they play these games.

or you got all those weird role players in GTA5 steaming that stuff

the biggest news of 2022 is the release of the Cuphead expansion, that will be the big twich stream when it drops, the rage and cussing will be amazing

and for blandscape, as cunty said, he is a one trick spammer. His ADD/AHD/Autism act is probably not an act. they guy has not written anything since Turd Rail, his poetry is only fit for 4chan and troll boards.

He's probably holding a damp towel between his legs and doing a thigh crunch to replicate the sensation of a girl becoming wet while text spamming like a high school teenager.

He's yells Dovey's name with all the drama of Charles Foster Kane saying "Rosebud" in Citizen Kane.

So yeah, he is the chosen one to lead BF to greatness and save the baby Yoda.

Honestly, he is probably the only one in the "community" who does nothing else in life but live on troll boards because this kind of shit gives him purpose. You saw how giddy and excited he became when he thought there was going to be a match.
I don’t get the hype around XQC.

Not once have I seen him do anything that would make me say “he’s a pro gamer”. I think he was an OW guy back in the day but OW ain’t my game. I worked with a kid who was actually a very good OW player and not once did he ever mention XQC, so that’s that for me.

My pallet on twitch has gotten shorter.

I watch Armouranth because it’s pretty much porn. I paid the 25 bucks once for her to fart into the mic to see if it was something she actually did or if it was a scam.

Long story short- it wasn’t a scam.

I watch Clix who is a god tier FN player shitting on other god tier FN players. Granted, he’s a zero ping player, but the fact he’s pulling off three edits a second is ridiculous.

Im also about to tune into Ranger. On the last map this guy covered an entire city in builds in a minute. An entire city.

I want to say these guys are cheating, but they’re not. You can tell who’s cheating, and cheaters ain’t in arena where epic is actually watching them.

Why isn’t Ninja in arena?
Why isn’t Sypherpk in solos in arena and only plays with a carry?

Cuz they’re cheating. It’s funny how social media just dropped how all the big time streamers who made their names playing Fortnite just dropped the game the second the new anti-cheats were installed. You don’t see Myth getting head shots every shot or courage shooting bending bullets any more. Wonder why.

The new update is a rube. They are bringing back Tilted Towers, one of the best drop spots of all time….along with the Cronus anti cheat. I highly recommend watching Fortnite that day on Twitch. You will see a lot of blank screens.

I don't get the hype around any of that shit.
If your not a gamer, you wouldn’t.

If you like, say, DeNiro in a gangster movie, you’d watch it. Same with streamers.

I’ll watch a kick ass Fortnite player grinding out a dub quicker then I’d watch anything Hollywood has produced recently.

Im not into this whole woke culture being cultivated thru social media. I don’t like the fact the superheroes I grew up with are either gay (Superman and Wonder Woman) now ethnic (Spider-Man and Batman) or are being re-gendered just to appease a small but angry core of dunderheads who are sexually confused.

As a father, I’m not too keen on PLEASE ASS BOX ME! being down graded by Hollywood and marketed as a mental disorder instead of a sick fetish.

I mean, go on kickstarter, there’s over a thousand idiots trying to make “films” about their trials as a transgender. There’s GoFundMe’s where morons are e-begging for money to get the snip.

Sorry, I’ll stick to gaming and watching gaming.

OMG Kickstarter has so many projects that bomb and due to their TOS you can't get your money back when the creators fail to deliver. People asking for funds for video games are usually the worst, the game spends years in development and then they go MIA and you are out the money.

They only thing we funded were a widget fidget toy, couple of books, and a few electronic gadgets.

the first video game we backed bombed and no one got shit or a refund.

did see a kickstarter for a japanese horror visual novel that started a few months ago and decided to fund that since they did have a working steam demo. The game is already set for a Jan release, these guys are based in Australia and have done a great job. but most of that stuff on Kickstarter is woke nonsense, some guy begging for money so the can publish a book where he draws transexual cocks using paint and a brush that is made out of his own pubic hair, crazy shit like that.
I’ve only paid off on one kickstarter, and that was the Shenmue sequel, and that was only because I was into the game back in the day.

See, instead of paying thousands of dollars to look young like somebody I know (rolls eyes), I invested a hundred bucks into a game that I played back in the day and had a young at heart moment.

Well, I thought it would. The game was short, it was like playing a Dreamcast game on a PS4, and then it was mass released. I honestly saw it in stores before I got my copy.

I think their goal was three million but they got three times that amount and still churned out a mediocre game. Dissapoint, I has.

I try to stay away from gaming kickstarters, especially retro gaming ones. Most of the retro gaming channels on YouTube have some scam going on where they’re trying to fund “movies” yet these movies never seem to come into fruition. And then when you call them out about it they block you on social media for fucking up their scam.

Pickles invested into the Tex Murphy kickstart but that was actually a great game. It’s too bad you have to waddle thru shit to find the diamonds.
Funny, you said "I" eleven times there... :LOL3: You're your biggest fan eh... lol
Did you have a relapse or something?
What makes you say that? Logic? Concern? The quest of trying to be funny?

If me using the letter “I” a lot is all you have when adding transformative content to the topic of discussion, namely, kickstarter experiences, you either need to get back on the wagon or get a better dealer.
I see our lurker numbers are up, is that still because of you or what? :facepalm:
Can’t lurk a locked forum.

just sayin
So do I.

You know nothing lol you didn't even have a panel you just got the colour and even then you went straight into "I run the place and this is how you are all going to change!" haha oh wit! Every board you've ever been a part of has died, are you going to take credit for that or is it ALWAYS only the "good things" that have to do with you? You're a laughing stock, it's actually pretty sad tbh... This is the decade you turn sixty in, it's over...
Name one forum that died under my watch.

Ill wait
You've only been a pretend mod on here so "under my watch" NONE but you seem to be around all the dying boards, coincidence, not taking credit for that? Let's face it, anything you deem good it's all about you yet you seem mute when shit hits the fan... You're a fair weather braggart and that's the truth...
So basically no boards died under my watch, is what your saying?

No board died "under your watch" but all of them died when you were the main contributer lol OUCHIES!
Yeah? Which one?
Nobody's biting YOUR ankle, you came to us remember? Which one? ALL OF THEM! :LOL3:
Sham, let me point this out;

You aren’t good at this shit. I have a conscience, and I refuse to be the reason you start using drugs again.

Enjoy what you have while you have it.

Do you think he's stopped using drugs?

I always give ppl the benefit of the doubt and I don’t think the lad is that far gone that he can’t change his life.

Does he still read like he’s under the influence of something? Of course he does. I don’t glance at a Shampain post for coherent content. I just see word salad nerd rage.

But then again, the chances he needs this place to vent out his aggressive thoughts over something as savage as addiction just might be therapeutic for the poor sop. Who am I to not help a hand out?

Put that cup out, Sham, here’s a shiny coin.

This is not a place for people to get healthy. It just isn't.
It beats doing stupid shit to land yourself in jail, tho.

I agree. I hope he learns to grow up one day and stop blaming everyone else for his lot in life. His life will be much improved. As long as he associates with low life scum though...the odds are against him.
You can pretty much say that about anybody tho.

Not everyone associates with White Supremacist, Neo Nazi scum, M.
Don’t buy into the fragile façades the lemmings n this shit portal try to portray here.

They’re just man children cosplaying Darth Vader to the amusement of nobody.

You could be right, but then they're a bigger embarrassment to the human race. Fake Nazi...dude, what a huge loser one would have to be.
Well, I’m no therapist, but anybody trying to pass themselves off as some Nazi we’re probably bullied as children.

It’s a defense mechanism. The brain didn’t grow with age so you are dealing with an adult with the mental capacity of a child. The circle starts once again.

They can’t help it. I feel sorry for them.

And yet.....when Jabba the Leftard here wants to lay some heavy hitting sanctimony at yours truly.....her big gun is "she fucked Poofer!!".

It's really cute seeing you guys bond over the mental health of other people.


I hope you dont try to eat eachother if a mod position opens up :LOL3:

I admit Martini that you fucking that psycho and vice-versa isn't a good sign for either one of you.
Who cares? That shit happened so long ago I don’t even remember anything about it.

Everyone involved moved on, it’s this community that hasnt

I didn't bring it up, cracky mc crack did.
What else are they gonna bring up, tho?

The Dovid/Poofer thing is the only relevant thing this community has seen in years. I don’t blame them for bringing it up any more.

Nobody has the skill to pull off something like that any more, and I’m not invested enough to do something like that again.

I wouldnt go THAT far just because Jupitor here thinks it's the go to charge to convict me with.

Maybe its jealousy and you show her some love.

You guys should totally go vote for Biden together in 2024.

Jealous of a woman that two, three baby daddies? Yeah, never.

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
Treat her well, as it's what you should do.

Mine left me, but will still communicate. Basically wants nothing to do with me though. I can't blame her.
Say wha wha, KM

Blandscape is the quintessential, "one post is all that is needed" to bury this fucking gyrating spaztic under his own inflated hyperbole.

if this assclown is the new BF influencer and "content creator", then everyone just died in your arms tonight, we keep lookin' for quality but broken syntax blandscape spam lies all around us and I don't see any hope left.
Must have been something you said.

Blandscape is so good at this, it goes over each and every one of youz guyz heads. He completely shits on all of you and you don’t even catch it.

Now, before I was so rudely interrupted by Fortnite, there was some things I have to finish out;

Wait, why the FUCK is Scoundrel admitting on open forum about talking about another man’s penis? Wasn’t Scoundrel laughed off FT for some invisible drug dealers going to kill ppl or something like that? Fucker will fit in perfectly here.

The BF tiktok- I created a bf tiktok that is actually successful and trending upwards. Last time I checked, it had over 15k followers. It’s mostly game play videos tho and I really don’t think anybody on this forum has the skills I do at FN or CoD. The goal was to transition to posting content from this site, but there really isn’t anything good enough to post. Trolling in gaming is one thing, the shit fest that this place has become is another.

The 300 new follower promise- I am going to do a giveaway and the first 300 ppl who register here and post will get a new FN skin. That’s the easiest way to get traffic and I’m shocked nobody thought of that.

“But KM, little kids play Fortnite”

Actually, the age demo has shifted considerably during the pandemic with 18 to 24 being the biggest demo now. If you look on Twitch, that’s pretty much the core.

So much so, I was playing random squads and had a team of adults who truly sucked balls and carried them to a final 1v1 where they all got wiped by actual players and it was me against a bot who I dropped down to 1 hp then ejected from the match. Not giving a bunch of adults trying to tell me, a highly ranked player on the actual rankings, how to play.

I told them, look me up on tracker, I’m ranked in the top 20 while you crumbs are ranked in the millions. Sucks to be them.

And why is it when you creampie a girl whose name begins with the letter A they suddenly think you have some sort of subliminal bond with them?
I'm still waiting on YOU delivering something note worthy instead of bleating on about the "glory days" that clearly weren't all that glorious for you or your other self proclaimed "legends" that nobody out of a bubble of twelve board killers had ever even heard of before... Blandscape shits on nobody here, he spams shit that I don't even read but I suppose you schizos would see that as a fuckin win, you belong in the short bus...
You got a link to this "Tik Tok"? No, didn't think so...
I mean, I could…. But why?

Im not here to entertain what, five? Six ppl? That tiktok you mentioned? I get paid to post on it. There’s a blatant ad that followers shit spammed that has made quite a penny that carried over into other posts.

I also told BF himself I’d give him the keys to it once this place had traction. It doesn’t. But, since we’re going to talk about something other then yours truly, who is going to take it over once I pass it off?

You? Look around you. This place is nothing but a whine fest bore pit stop. That falls on the mods, and no offense, the reason I gave up my panel here is because there’s no fixing it.

Blandscape makes great content. So does Caskur when she feels like it. You need to focus on the actual content creators and phase out the filler. Fox makes dynamic content, he should be featured.

The ppl who can create something that would make some random register and post should be the ppl that you are focusing to build around. But…you don’t. If you read one thread here, you’ve read them all. It wasn’t like that at BH, FC, or F4$. Content is so dummied down right now there’s no way in hell anybody from the past with even a shred of talent will waste time here.

Chrome, somebody who I think is Nozz, and some other BH reject posts on some gaming forum. There’s about five old BH’rs over at Kiwi. I spoke briefly with The Iron Duke a couple months ago, NA is all over Reddit along with Gunzablazin.

I should bring these guys here? I’d be embarrassed. There’s already a few BH’ers here. They don’t post at all and you would be shocked who they were.

So, the only person who has a shot at bringing them here is me.

Make better content. Simple as that.

the main twitchers like xQCoW and cohncarnage play whatever hot game is on steam or the latest PS5/Xbox video game that has the most hype, sometimes days before it's released because they get advance copies.

then you got the lewd gamers like Iron Mouse and Projext melody playing prison break and talking about sniffing assholes in the showers and break out boners, crazy funny commentary while they play these games.

or you got all those weird role players in GTA5 steaming that stuff

the biggest news of 2022 is the release of the Cuphead expansion, that will be the big twich stream when it drops, the rage and cussing will be amazing

and for blandscape, as cunty said, he is a one trick spammer. His ADD/AHD/Autism act is probably not an act. they guy has not written anything since Turd Rail, his poetry is only fit for 4chan and troll boards.

He's probably holding a damp towel between his legs and doing a thigh crunch to replicate the sensation of a girl becoming wet while text spamming like a high school teenager.

He's yells Dovey's name with all the drama of Charles Foster Kane saying "Rosebud" in Citizen Kane.

So yeah, he is the chosen one to lead BF to greatness and save the baby Yoda.

Honestly, he is probably the only one in the "community" who does nothing else in life but live on troll boards because this kind of shit gives him purpose. You saw how giddy and excited he became when he thought there was going to be a match.
I don’t get the hype around XQC.

Not once have I seen him do anything that would make me say “he’s a pro gamer”. I think he was an OW guy back in the day but OW ain’t my game. I worked with a kid who was actually a very good OW player and not once did he ever mention XQC, so that’s that for me.

My pallet on twitch has gotten shorter.

I watch Armouranth because it’s pretty much porn. I paid the 25 bucks once for her to fart into the mic to see if it was something she actually did or if it was a scam.

Long story short- it wasn’t a scam.

I watch Clix who is a god tier FN player shitting on other god tier FN players. Granted, he’s a zero ping player, but the fact he’s pulling off three edits a second is ridiculous.

Im also about to tune into Ranger. On the last map this guy covered an entire city in builds in a minute. An entire city.

I want to say these guys are cheating, but they’re not. You can tell who’s cheating, and cheaters ain’t in arena where epic is actually watching them.

Why isn’t Ninja in arena?
Why isn’t Sypherpk in solos in arena and only plays with a carry?

Cuz they’re cheating. It’s funny how social media just dropped how all the big time streamers who made their names playing Fortnite just dropped the game the second the new anti-cheats were installed. You don’t see Myth getting head shots every shot or courage shooting bending bullets any more. Wonder why.

The new update is a rube. They are bringing back Tilted Towers, one of the best drop spots of all time….along with the Cronus anti cheat. I highly recommend watching Fortnite that day on Twitch. You will see a lot of blank screens.

I don't get the hype around any of that shit.
If your not a gamer, you wouldn’t.

If you like, say, DeNiro in a gangster movie, you’d watch it. Same with streamers.

I’ll watch a kick ass Fortnite player grinding out a dub quicker then I’d watch anything Hollywood has produced recently.

Im not into this whole woke culture being cultivated thru social media. I don’t like the fact the superheroes I grew up with are either gay (Superman and Wonder Woman) now ethnic (Spider-Man and Batman) or are being re-gendered just to appease a small but angry core of dunderheads who are sexually confused.

As a father, I’m not too keen on PLEASE ASS BOX ME! being down graded by Hollywood and marketed as a mental disorder instead of a sick fetish.

I mean, go on kickstarter, there’s over a thousand idiots trying to make “films” about their trials as a transgender. There’s GoFundMe’s where morons are e-begging for money to get the snip.

Sorry, I’ll stick to gaming and watching gaming.

OMG Kickstarter has so many projects that bomb and due to their TOS you can't get your money back when the creators fail to deliver. People asking for funds for video games are usually the worst, the game spends years in development and then they go MIA and you are out the money.

They only thing we funded were a widget fidget toy, couple of books, and a few electronic gadgets.

the first video game we backed bombed and no one got shit or a refund.

did see a kickstarter for a japanese horror visual novel that started a few months ago and decided to fund that since they did have a working steam demo. The game is already set for a Jan release, these guys are based in Australia and have done a great job. but most of that stuff on Kickstarter is woke nonsense, some guy begging for money so the can publish a book where he draws transexual cocks using paint and a brush that is made out of his own pubic hair, crazy shit like that.
I’ve only paid off on one kickstarter, and that was the Shenmue sequel, and that was only because I was into the game back in the day.

See, instead of paying thousands of dollars to look young like somebody I know (rolls eyes), I invested a hundred bucks into a game that I played back in the day and had a young at heart moment.

Well, I thought it would. The game was short, it was like playing a Dreamcast game on a PS4, and then it was mass released. I honestly saw it in stores before I got my copy.

I think their goal was three million but they got three times that amount and still churned out a mediocre game. Dissapoint, I has.

I try to stay away from gaming kickstarters, especially retro gaming ones. Most of the retro gaming channels on YouTube have some scam going on where they’re trying to fund “movies” yet these movies never seem to come into fruition. And then when you call them out about it they block you on social media for fucking up their scam.

Pickles invested into the Tex Murphy kickstart but that was actually a great game. It’s too bad you have to waddle thru shit to find the diamonds.
Funny, you said "I" eleven times there... :LOL3: You're your biggest fan eh... lol
Did you have a relapse or something?
What makes you say that? Logic? Concern? The quest of trying to be funny?

If me using the letter “I” a lot is all you have when adding transformative content to the topic of discussion, namely, kickstarter experiences, you either need to get back on the wagon or get a better dealer.
I see our lurker numbers are up, is that still because of you or what? :facepalm:
Can’t lurk a locked forum.

just sayin
So do I.

You know nothing lol you didn't even have a panel you just got the colour and even then you went straight into "I run the place and this is how you are all going to change!" haha oh wit! Every board you've ever been a part of has died, are you going to take credit for that or is it ALWAYS only the "good things" that have to do with you? You're a laughing stock, it's actually pretty sad tbh... This is the decade you turn sixty in, it's over...
Name one forum that died under my watch.

Ill wait
You've only been a pretend mod on here so "under my watch" NONE but you seem to be around all the dying boards, coincidence, not taking credit for that? Let's face it, anything you deem good it's all about you yet you seem mute when shit hits the fan... You're a fair weather braggart and that's the truth...
So basically no boards died under my watch, is what your saying?

No board died "under your watch" but all of them died when you were the main contributer lol OUCHIES!
Yeah? Which one?
Nobody's biting YOUR ankle, you came to us remember? Which one? ALL OF THEM! :LOL3:
Sham, let me point this out;

You aren’t good at this shit. I have a conscience, and I refuse to be the reason you start using drugs again.

Enjoy what you have while you have it.
Oh STFU you fucking coward, there's absolutely NOTHING you could type that would affect me in ANY way, you give yourself FAR TOO MUCH CREDIT bozo!!! Fucking listen to this guy! :facepalm: Look at the absolute state of you ffs!

IMMEDIATE WIN for me because I'm not you and I'm sorry, there's absolutely NOTHING you can do to change that... All those years drowning your sorrows has given you brain damage! FACT!
That’s a melty tho

So now you're resorting to that age old shit? It's probably the only thing here older than you tbf
Calling it like I see it.

I mean, aren’t you repeat posting some old ass chop?


Like I said, your not good at this.

Answer this tho, if Sum Cunt and Gunzablazin came here, and the stip was both wanted panels, do you really think you would have one?

Just throwing that out there
Bahhaahahahahaaaaaa!!!!!! absolutely pathetic!!! WHO are they?? Aye sure, he's gonna fuck me off in favour of two demanders LMFAO!!! You're saying this because that was in one of your great promises to BF to get yourself status, you fail to deliver on all fronts... SAd as fuck man!
I'm much better than you "at this"! whatever this is ya fuckin mutant!!
BF knows who “they” are.

That’s all that matters, I think.
Fuck man, you're beyond cringe... Seriously fucking damaged...
If trying to justify your incoherent drivel by calling somebody “damaged” helps you out of your addiction, shake the cup, little fella.

I am here for you.
"little fella" why are you comparing me to your unfortunate peen? You ARE fuckin damaged, you've got serious issues bus wanker... However, that's me done giving you the attention you crave... You're not normal and you'll always be not normal, do you admit to the teens that slap you on fortnate your age? Thought not, you've probably got your voice changer cranked up in high pitch to make you sound twelve and that's not creepy at all and neither is your furry fetish, honest... Have you rode the bus without a wallet to any teens you met on there? Did you say you forgot your wallet but remebered the suitcase containing your PC to pawn off? Is that why you're on here because you sold it on your annual trip to make girls not cum? Do you think you suit a moustache?

Soo many questions but I'm not looking for any answers...

Ahh uncles Addie =)
Learn to self edit.
Learn your daughters birthdays... Goodbye

He can't wait for thier birthdays.

He puts an extra finger up every year the Jerry Lee Lewis sombiatch.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Treat her well, as it's what you should do.

Mine left me, but will still communicate. Basically wants nothing to do with me though. I can't blame her.
Say wha wha, KM

Blandscape is the quintessential, "one post is all that is needed" to bury this fucking gyrating spaztic under his own inflated hyperbole.

if this assclown is the new BF influencer and "content creator", then everyone just died in your arms tonight, we keep lookin' for quality but broken syntax blandscape spam lies all around us and I don't see any hope left.
Must have been something you said.

Blandscape is so good at this, it goes over each and every one of youz guyz heads. He completely shits on all of you and you don’t even catch it.

Now, before I was so rudely interrupted by Fortnite, there was some things I have to finish out;

Wait, why the FUCK is Scoundrel admitting on open forum about talking about another man’s penis? Wasn’t Scoundrel laughed off FT for some invisible drug dealers going to kill ppl or something like that? Fucker will fit in perfectly here.

The BF tiktok- I created a bf tiktok that is actually successful and trending upwards. Last time I checked, it had over 15k followers. It’s mostly game play videos tho and I really don’t think anybody on this forum has the skills I do at FN or CoD. The goal was to transition to posting content from this site, but there really isn’t anything good enough to post. Trolling in gaming is one thing, the shit fest that this place has become is another.

The 300 new follower promise- I am going to do a giveaway and the first 300 ppl who register here and post will get a new FN skin. That’s the easiest way to get traffic and I’m shocked nobody thought of that.

“But KM, little kids play Fortnite”

Actually, the age demo has shifted considerably during the pandemic with 18 to 24 being the biggest demo now. If you look on Twitch, that’s pretty much the core.

So much so, I was playing random squads and had a team of adults who truly sucked balls and carried them to a final 1v1 where they all got wiped by actual players and it was me against a bot who I dropped down to 1 hp then ejected from the match. Not giving a bunch of adults trying to tell me, a highly ranked player on the actual rankings, how to play.

I told them, look me up on tracker, I’m ranked in the top 20 while you crumbs are ranked in the millions. Sucks to be them.

And why is it when you creampie a girl whose name begins with the letter A they suddenly think you have some sort of subliminal bond with them?
I'm still waiting on YOU delivering something note worthy instead of bleating on about the "glory days" that clearly weren't all that glorious for you or your other self proclaimed "legends" that nobody out of a bubble of twelve board killers had ever even heard of before... Blandscape shits on nobody here, he spams shit that I don't even read but I suppose you schizos would see that as a fuckin win, you belong in the short bus...
You got a link to this "Tik Tok"? No, didn't think so...
I mean, I could…. But why?

Im not here to entertain what, five? Six ppl? That tiktok you mentioned? I get paid to post on it. There’s a blatant ad that followers shit spammed that has made quite a penny that carried over into other posts.

I also told BF himself I’d give him the keys to it once this place had traction. It doesn’t. But, since we’re going to talk about something other then yours truly, who is going to take it over once I pass it off?

You? Look around you. This place is nothing but a whine fest bore pit stop. That falls on the mods, and no offense, the reason I gave up my panel here is because there’s no fixing it.

Blandscape makes great content. So does Caskur when she feels like it. You need to focus on the actual content creators and phase out the filler. Fox makes dynamic content, he should be featured.

The ppl who can create something that would make some random register and post should be the ppl that you are focusing to build around. But…you don’t. If you read one thread here, you’ve read them all. It wasn’t like that at BH, FC, or F4$. Content is so dummied down right now there’s no way in hell anybody from the past with even a shred of talent will waste time here.

Chrome, somebody who I think is Nozz, and some other BH reject posts on some gaming forum. There’s about five old BH’rs over at Kiwi. I spoke briefly with The Iron Duke a couple months ago, NA is all over Reddit along with Gunzablazin.

I should bring these guys here? I’d be embarrassed. There’s already a few BH’ers here. They don’t post at all and you would be shocked who they were.

So, the only person who has a shot at bringing them here is me.

Make better content. Simple as that.

the main twitchers like xQCoW and cohncarnage play whatever hot game is on steam or the latest PS5/Xbox video game that has the most hype, sometimes days before it's released because they get advance copies.

then you got the lewd gamers like Iron Mouse and Projext melody playing prison break and talking about sniffing assholes in the showers and break out boners, crazy funny commentary while they play these games.

or you got all those weird role players in GTA5 steaming that stuff

the biggest news of 2022 is the release of the Cuphead expansion, that will be the big twich stream when it drops, the rage and cussing will be amazing

and for blandscape, as cunty said, he is a one trick spammer. His ADD/AHD/Autism act is probably not an act. they guy has not written anything since Turd Rail, his poetry is only fit for 4chan and troll boards.

He's probably holding a damp towel between his legs and doing a thigh crunch to replicate the sensation of a girl becoming wet while text spamming like a high school teenager.

He's yells Dovey's name with all the drama of Charles Foster Kane saying "Rosebud" in Citizen Kane.

So yeah, he is the chosen one to lead BF to greatness and save the baby Yoda.

Honestly, he is probably the only one in the "community" who does nothing else in life but live on troll boards because this kind of shit gives him purpose. You saw how giddy and excited he became when he thought there was going to be a match.
I don’t get the hype around XQC.

Not once have I seen him do anything that would make me say “he’s a pro gamer”. I think he was an OW guy back in the day but OW ain’t my game. I worked with a kid who was actually a very good OW player and not once did he ever mention XQC, so that’s that for me.

My pallet on twitch has gotten shorter.

I watch Armouranth because it’s pretty much porn. I paid the 25 bucks once for her to fart into the mic to see if it was something she actually did or if it was a scam.

Long story short- it wasn’t a scam.

I watch Clix who is a god tier FN player shitting on other god tier FN players. Granted, he’s a zero ping player, but the fact he’s pulling off three edits a second is ridiculous.

Im also about to tune into Ranger. On the last map this guy covered an entire city in builds in a minute. An entire city.

I want to say these guys are cheating, but they’re not. You can tell who’s cheating, and cheaters ain’t in arena where epic is actually watching them.

Why isn’t Ninja in arena?
Why isn’t Sypherpk in solos in arena and only plays with a carry?

Cuz they’re cheating. It’s funny how social media just dropped how all the big time streamers who made their names playing Fortnite just dropped the game the second the new anti-cheats were installed. You don’t see Myth getting head shots every shot or courage shooting bending bullets any more. Wonder why.

The new update is a rube. They are bringing back Tilted Towers, one of the best drop spots of all time….along with the Cronus anti cheat. I highly recommend watching Fortnite that day on Twitch. You will see a lot of blank screens.

I don't get the hype around any of that shit.
If your not a gamer, you wouldn’t.

If you like, say, DeNiro in a gangster movie, you’d watch it. Same with streamers.

I’ll watch a kick ass Fortnite player grinding out a dub quicker then I’d watch anything Hollywood has produced recently.

Im not into this whole woke culture being cultivated thru social media. I don’t like the fact the superheroes I grew up with are either gay (Superman and Wonder Woman) now ethnic (Spider-Man and Batman) or are being re-gendered just to appease a small but angry core of dunderheads who are sexually confused.

As a father, I’m not too keen on PLEASE ASS BOX ME! being down graded by Hollywood and marketed as a mental disorder instead of a sick fetish.

I mean, go on kickstarter, there’s over a thousand idiots trying to make “films” about their trials as a transgender. There’s GoFundMe’s where morons are e-begging for money to get the snip.

Sorry, I’ll stick to gaming and watching gaming.

OMG Kickstarter has so many projects that bomb and due to their TOS you can't get your money back when the creators fail to deliver. People asking for funds for video games are usually the worst, the game spends years in development and then they go MIA and you are out the money.

They only thing we funded were a widget fidget toy, couple of books, and a few electronic gadgets.

the first video game we backed bombed and no one got shit or a refund.

did see a kickstarter for a japanese horror visual novel that started a few months ago and decided to fund that since they did have a working steam demo. The game is already set for a Jan release, these guys are based in Australia and have done a great job. but most of that stuff on Kickstarter is woke nonsense, some guy begging for money so the can publish a book where he draws transexual cocks using paint and a brush that is made out of his own pubic hair, crazy shit like that.
I’ve only paid off on one kickstarter, and that was the Shenmue sequel, and that was only because I was into the game back in the day.

See, instead of paying thousands of dollars to look young like somebody I know (rolls eyes), I invested a hundred bucks into a game that I played back in the day and had a young at heart moment.

Well, I thought it would. The game was short, it was like playing a Dreamcast game on a PS4, and then it was mass released. I honestly saw it in stores before I got my copy.

I think their goal was three million but they got three times that amount and still churned out a mediocre game. Dissapoint, I has.

I try to stay away from gaming kickstarters, especially retro gaming ones. Most of the retro gaming channels on YouTube have some scam going on where they’re trying to fund “movies” yet these movies never seem to come into fruition. And then when you call them out about it they block you on social media for fucking up their scam.

Pickles invested into the Tex Murphy kickstart but that was actually a great game. It’s too bad you have to waddle thru shit to find the diamonds.
Funny, you said "I" eleven times there... :LOL3: You're your biggest fan eh... lol
Did you have a relapse or something?
What makes you say that? Logic? Concern? The quest of trying to be funny?

If me using the letter “I” a lot is all you have when adding transformative content to the topic of discussion, namely, kickstarter experiences, you either need to get back on the wagon or get a better dealer.
I see our lurker numbers are up, is that still because of you or what? :facepalm:
Can’t lurk a locked forum.

just sayin
So do I.

You know nothing lol you didn't even have a panel you just got the colour and even then you went straight into "I run the place and this is how you are all going to change!" haha oh wit! Every board you've ever been a part of has died, are you going to take credit for that or is it ALWAYS only the "good things" that have to do with you? You're a laughing stock, it's actually pretty sad tbh... This is the decade you turn sixty in, it's over...
Name one forum that died under my watch.

Ill wait
You've only been a pretend mod on here so "under my watch" NONE but you seem to be around all the dying boards, coincidence, not taking credit for that? Let's face it, anything you deem good it's all about you yet you seem mute when shit hits the fan... You're a fair weather braggart and that's the truth...
So basically no boards died under my watch, is what your saying?

No board died "under your watch" but all of them died when you were the main contributer lol OUCHIES!
Yeah? Which one?
Nobody's biting YOUR ankle, you came to us remember? Which one? ALL OF THEM! :LOL3:
Sham, let me point this out;

You aren’t good at this shit. I have a conscience, and I refuse to be the reason you start using drugs again.

Enjoy what you have while you have it.

Do you think he's stopped using drugs?

I always give ppl the benefit of the doubt and I don’t think the lad is that far gone that he can’t change his life.

Does he still read like he’s under the influence of something? Of course he does. I don’t glance at a Shampain post for coherent content. I just see word salad nerd rage.

But then again, the chances he needs this place to vent out his aggressive thoughts over something as savage as addiction just might be therapeutic for the poor sop. Who am I to not help a hand out?

Put that cup out, Sham, here’s a shiny coin.

This is not a place for people to get healthy. It just isn't.
It beats doing stupid shit to land yourself in jail, tho.

I agree. I hope he learns to grow up one day and stop blaming everyone else for his lot in life. His life will be much improved. As long as he associates with low life scum though...the odds are against him.
You can pretty much say that about anybody tho.

Not everyone associates with White Supremacist, Neo Nazi scum, M.
Don’t buy into the fragile façades the lemmings n this shit portal try to portray here.

They’re just man children cosplaying Darth Vader to the amusement of nobody.

You could be right, but then they're a bigger embarrassment to the human race. Fake Nazi...dude, what a huge loser one would have to be.
Well, I’m no therapist, but anybody trying to pass themselves off as some Nazi we’re probably bullied as children.

It’s a defense mechanism. The brain didn’t grow with age so you are dealing with an adult with the mental capacity of a child. The circle starts once again.

They can’t help it. I feel sorry for them.

And yet.....when Jabba the Leftard here wants to lay some heavy hitting sanctimony at yours truly.....her big gun is "she fucked Poofer!!".

It's really cute seeing you guys bond over the mental health of other people.


I hope you dont try to eat eachother if a mod position opens up :LOL3:

I admit Martini that you fucking that psycho and vice-versa isn't a good sign for either one of you.
Who cares? That shit happened so long ago I don’t even remember anything about it.

Everyone involved moved on, it’s this community that hasnt

I didn't bring it up, cracky mc crack did.
What else are they gonna bring up, tho?

The Dovid/Poofer thing is the only relevant thing this community has seen in years. I don’t blame them for bringing it up any more.

Nobody has the skill to pull off something like that any more, and I’m not invested enough to do something like that again.

See in Duhv's book, it's only ok if she brings it up, or anything up that doesn't benefit her. She gets to spin it. If anyone else brings it up, it's a god damn crime against humanity.
It’s her gimmick.

She’s a narcissist. She projects that shit in HD and spews it non stop like a broken record.

Who knows so much about narcissistic tendencies?

A narcissist

Wow stunning!

Is this like that time you told me ONLY scum bags with things to hide DONT get mad if you back ground check them? And that you were only mad because you weren't a total liar?
