Hey - At Least We Have New Billionaires Driving Household Incomes Higher


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Martha C. White
Wed, December 30, 2020, 10:18 AM EST

The bifurcated economy that took shape in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic destroyed the lives, savings and small businesses of innumerable Americans, but the year wasn’t a financial washout for everyone.
Between roughly mid-March and Dec. 22, the United States gained 56 new billionaires, according to the Institute for Policy Studies, bringing the total to 659. The wealth held by that small cadre of Americans has jumped by more than $1 trillion in the months since the pandemic began.
According to a December report issued jointly by Americans for Tax Fairness and the Institute for Policy Studies using data compiled by Forbes, America’s billionaires hold roughly $4 trillion in wealth — a figure roughly double what the 165 million poorest Americans are collectively worth. The 10 richest billionaires have a combined net worth of more than $1 trillion.
It’s a stunning snapshot of how the pandemic has distorted large sections of the real economy and exacerbated the nation’s stubbornly persistent economic inequality — one that persisted, largely along racial and ethnic lines — even in a pre-pandemic economy with unemployment at a half-century low.

This roundup of the stratospherically rich includes familiar names like Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and Bill Gates, and emergent billionaires include Kanye West and Tyler Perry.




Factory Bastard
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Martha C. White
Wed, December 30, 2020, 10:18 AM EST

The bifurcated economy that took shape in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic destroyed the lives, savings and small businesses of innumerable Americans, but the year wasn’t a financial washout for everyone.
Between roughly mid-March and Dec. 22, the United States gained 56 new billionaires, according to the Institute for Policy Studies, bringing the total to 659. The wealth held by that small cadre of Americans has jumped by more than $1 trillion in the months since the pandemic began.
According to a December report issued jointly by Americans for Tax Fairness and the Institute for Policy Studies using data compiled by Forbes, America’s billionaires hold roughly $4 trillion in wealth — a figure roughly double what the 165 million poorest Americans are collectively worth. The 10 richest billionaires have a combined net worth of more than $1 trillion.
It’s a stunning snapshot of how the pandemic has distorted large sections of the real economy and exacerbated the nation’s stubbornly persistent economic inequality — one that persisted, largely along racial and ethnic lines — even in a pre-pandemic economy with unemployment at a half-century low.

This roundup of the stratospherically rich includes familiar names like Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and Bill Gates, and emergent billionaires include Kanye West and Tyler Perry.


This is just the worst news. It's shattering. The system will not survive this assault on working people. It just won't. Mark my words: there is going to be an economic meltdown that makes the Depression look like a day at the beach.

Neocons AND neolibs are to blame.


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
The system will not survive this assault on working people. It just won't. Mark my words: there is going to be an economic meltdown that makes the Depression look like a day at the beach.
I wonder.... this is something that is already taking place for a long long time. We can see the gap between the rich and the poor become larger and larger. And people still take it...

The political system where only the rich can get into the congress or can run for president is only increasing this. Even to become a local politician you need a bag of money or rich friends


Factory Bastard
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Other people getting rich by in ovating and making everyone's lives better is hardly a problem.


Factory Bastard
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Other people getting rich by in ovating and making everyone's lives better is hardly a problem.

We should make sure that they don't get taxed, right? So unfair!

It depends upon if you want a thriving economy or not. At the very least every one of those businesses and job creators will be comparing the alternatives. There is what the far left always fails to recognize and understanding. If you get to far away from what your competitors are offering them people and businesses simply go with your competitors instead of you.


Factory Bastard
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buy all the toilet paper

convert it into alcohol, turn that into hand sanitizer and sell for DA BIG BUX

Many distillers converted their lines to make hand sanitizer back in April when no one could get their hands on any. Now the state of California is fining them all tens of thousands of dollars for supposedly making an unauthorized medical device (in this case alcohol based hand sanitizer). You just can't make stuff this stupid up especially since most are small mom and pop style operations already struggling to survive.

What a shit show.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Stop being poor!


Factory Bastard
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As someone who spent some time volunteering to help the homeless that explosion of street homelessness is almost entirely, 80%-85%, has to do with massive drug addiction. We stopped enforcing the drug laws, every junkie in the country moved here because they wouldn't be hassled, they cops get told not to enforce any laws against out of control raging junkies, literal self declared communist D.A.s announce they will no longer prosecute any cases against such quality of life crimes, we decriminized theft below $950 per incident (and they can do this multiple times per day to support their drug habits), and this is what you get.

It is a 100% political problem created by liberals. The honest just hit a hard patch Pete, the wife fleeing an abusive husband (though if she calls the cops he'd go to jail and she'd get to keep the house but I digress), and cases like someone having medical issues... Those folks all check into one of the many shelters and quickly get helped back on to their feet. The street homeless? They chose not to go to shelters mostly because shelters have rules, you have to take part in rehab and counseling, you can't do drugs or drink there (because it would be a complete mad house if they didn't have those rules), you have to make your bed and do one hour of chores per day to help maintain the place, etc... The street people just want to keep slowly killing the.selves with drugs and don't want to get clean so that is why they refuse shelter.

The other group (making up 15%-25% there is some overlap) are the mentally ill. They all already qualify for free mediCAL but refuse it and state law doesn't allow them to be forced into care even though they clearly cannot care for themselves. In short we need to change state laws to force people into treatment even if they don't want it. We need to have zero tolerance for the drugs and the junkies and only then will progress really be made. First step is to stop enabling the bad behavior.
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Factory Bastard
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It would also help if Democrat politicians would stop blocking virtually all new housing construction. Stop suing every developer trying to just delay and run up costs for developers in order to try to force them to sign grossly over priced union labor contracts. The state coastal commission is a complete abomination and needs to be eliminated as its sole reason for existence is for politicians to shake down developers. The California Environmental Quality Act (NEPA/SEQA) was specifically designed just to block any construction, let lawyers and special interest groups endlessly file frivolous lawsuits, and to allow politicians to be corrupt demanding campaign donations in exchange for not killing projects.

In short, well meaning but ignorant people like you have directly caused this. Caused this for the last 40 years and who seem to uninterested, uninformed, and uninvolved to see what caused this much less how to fix it.


Factory Bastard
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You should really start watching this podcast as well as he actually tries to be fair yet objective with the facts. Watch it and see what is going on.



I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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It would also help if Democrat politicians would stop blocking virtually all new housing construction. Stop suing every developer trying to just delay and run up costs for developers in order to try to force them to sign grossly over priced union labor contracts. The state coastal commission is a complete abomination and needs to be eliminated as its sole reason for existence is for politicians to shake down developers. The California Environmental Quality Act (NEPA/SEQA) was specifically designed just to block any construction, let lawyers and special interest groups endlessly file frivolous lawsuits, and to allow politicians to be corrupt demanding campaign donations in exchange for not killing projects.

In short, well meaning but ignorant people like you have directly caused this. Caused this for the last 40 years and who seem to uninterested, uninformed, and uninvolved to see what caused this much less how to fix it.
What are you talking about you turnip? Housing sales are as yet still smoking hot right now, my step son can barely keep up with his painting contracts. The economy has been shedding working class jobs since Reagan, the middle class has been shrinking steadily, I won't won't argue that a good part of the economy is doing well, like I said big ticket sales are soaring among both housing and automobiles.....but don't try expect anyone to really believe the explosion in homelessness is only because of drug addiction, we all know that it is nothing is that simplistic, unless you're of smiple mind....BTW, what was half of Trump's 2015 campaign noise about "Bringing Jobs Back" Why would a politician use that as a campign pledge, unless it meant something to lots of people.


Factory Bastard
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You are being dumb, man, Very dumb with your changing the subject whataboutism. Yes, BTW even the various housing commissions in different cities, homeless advocates, and experts have all agreed the people you see on the streets (as opposed to people who actually use the shelters and work the system to get back on their feet) are mostly junkies along with the mentally ill who refuse care.

So one of us actually knows what he is talking about but it isn't you.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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You are being dumb, man, Very dumb with your changing the subject whataboutism. Yes, BTW even the various housing commissions in different cities, homeless advocates, and experts have all agreed the people you see on the streets (as opposed to people who actually use the shelters and work the system to get back on their feet) are mostly junkies along with the mentally ill who refuse care.

So one of us actually knows what he is talking about but it isn't you.
LMAO@U Let me ask you one simple question, Einstein, was the Great Depression of the 30's and the great recession of 2007+ was caused by a collapse in public morals, and an explosion of addictions, or building codes????? WTAF, are you kidding me? Go have some more Hard Seltzers.

Happy New Year, make a resolution read a book sometime.
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Dudes it's New years eve
ffs give the words a break
HII'YAHHHH Hooooooooooooo :LMAO: :LMAO: :LMAO: :LMAO:


Factory Bastard
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Shit like this directly allowed the junkie encampments to grow.

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Chasing homeless from the eastside back to the southside does NOT solve the homeless issue, neither does sticking the homeless on a bus to Dallas, HELLO!

Actually, sending them back home where they have a support network of friends and family does indeed help many. That is true even if you ignorantly deny it. Also punishing bad behavior, such as public drug use, drug sales, shoplifting, assault, etc... Is a badly needed stick which discourages that destructive behavior and forces the junkies to realize they are at rock bottom and have accept entering rehab.

That is actual compasion and care. Enablers like you are not compassionate as all you do is enable them to keep killing themselves all while turning life I to hell for the rest of the community.


Factory Bastard
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For our ignorant admin so he can attempt to educate himself. It is a long shot but hope springs eternal.



Factory Bastard
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Another good Dr. Drew clip which our admin could use to educate himself if he wants to know what is actually happening. He'd have to let go of his imaginary issues and actually look at the data for real solutions.



Factory Bastard
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Here is an actionable five point plan on how to actually make significant progress on the issues of homeless mentally ill and homeless drug addicts who make up the vast majority of the street homeless.


Scrawny The Ghost

Interdimensional UltraMegaRich Luxury BLTQ+ Banker
Dimension-1218 19.20363 E 50.0266 N
Legalize drugs. All of that manpower which by the way a lot of them are white could be used for delivery apps like door dash or uber eats but for cocaine and heroin sold by the government, delivered by drug addicts to rich yuppies and white collar office workers.

It's a win for everyone involved except Mexican drug cartels.

Because lets be honest the vast majority of drug users aren't homeless mentally ill people. Plenty of normal average every day working people use drugs.



Factory Bastard
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That sounds nice but the reality is then you get armies of homeless drug zombies like the kind who blanket the entire west coast. Objectively, that policy has been a total failure every where it has been tried. Sure, many start off as functioning addicts by that disease is progressive and many quickly get consumed and end up unable to hd a job, homeless, and essentially just becoming a street junkie. It literally kills them over time.

Scrawny The Ghost

Interdimensional UltraMegaRich Luxury BLTQ+ Banker
Dimension-1218 19.20363 E 50.0266 N
Well if money went to treating those people instead of locking them up there would probably be less homeless retards smoking crack in the streets.

If you are getting high in broad daylight in a park you probably need to be in a mental hospital.


Factory Bastard
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There is already free treatment and they most certainly are not being locked up. If they refuse treatment, and virtually all street junkies do, then no one can do anything. That is the problem. In several states, including California, you can't even legally ask them if they want treatment because liberals truly don't want to improve the situation. They want it to get worse and worse as a political strategy thus the laws baring even asking them if they want treatment.

The five step policy changes listed above would actually change this and actually improve the situation yet Democrats continue to refuse to.

Seriously, watch this documentary and tell me what Democrats are doing is not the worst possible thing.



Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
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Martha C. White
Wed, December 30, 2020, 10:18 AM EST

The bifurcated economy that took shape in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic destroyed the lives, savings and small businesses of innumerable Americans, but the year wasn’t a financial washout for everyone.
Between roughly mid-March and Dec. 22, the United States gained 56 new billionaires, according to the Institute for Policy Studies, bringing the total to 659. The wealth held by that small cadre of Americans has jumped by more than $1 trillion in the months since the pandemic began.
According to a December report issued jointly by Americans for Tax Fairness and the Institute for Policy Studies using data compiled by Forbes, America’s billionaires hold roughly $4 trillion in wealth — a figure roughly double what the 165 million poorest Americans are collectively worth. The 10 richest billionaires have a combined net worth of more than $1 trillion.
It’s a stunning snapshot of how the pandemic has distorted large sections of the real economy and exacerbated the nation’s stubbornly persistent economic inequality — one that persisted, largely along racial and ethnic lines — even in a pre-pandemic economy with unemployment at a half-century low.

This roundup of the stratospherically rich includes familiar names like Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and Bill Gates, and emergent billionaires include Kanye West and Tyler Perry.


What a load of camel’s dump!