How many members are in your club, Admin?


The Countess

Hood with it
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How do you think up these devastating zingers? So inventive, so creative.
. Can't afford life insurance...speaks in riddles.
. Lord, there's no coming back from those.
. They are just sooooo zzzzZINGy. Oooch !

It don’t take much effort or brain cell usage to clap back at you. You’ve always been horrible at this.


Domestically feral
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United states
Nothing worse than an admitted fag hag trying to shame some stranger she knows nothing about.

I have not heard someone say "fag hag" since the 90s. My best friend for years through middle and high school was a gay guy. Very much in the closest yet VERY obvious. So he was bullied a lot.

As fun as the 90s were, it was homophobic as fuck back then. I was called a "fag hag" many times.

That's fine a I took a few suspensions in 8th grade defending my bestie. I threw a whole boy into the cafeteria garbage can and said "whose the bitch now?". Ruined his reputation for good because...I was a 5'1 and 118 pounds ballet dancer back then. He got "beat up" by a tiny girl.

I heard the vice principal holding back laughter explaining to the main principal why they had to call my grandma and send me home lol. I heard them chuckling about it and heard one say "Well we have to send her home for a few days so I'll get on that". The only thing I injured was that asshole boys ego.

Thanks for taking me back to the homophobic 90s. They were good times. Even as a closeted Bi girl being raised in a pentecostal belief system with a gay best friend.

Carry on with the innerweb battle. Looks intense.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
Absolutely. Dragging you is fucking hilarious. At least you’re not crying begging BF to ban me lol
Golly, Cuntardo - I recall you attempting to ban posters by decree on Stomper Room.
.. "I hereby banish thee :Pissed5:", you would declare from your imaginary thrown...
...sadly not realizing there were actual technical procedures involved. LoLs @ you, ya frickin simp.