I’m going to pray u all get the healing u need


peace through anarchy
Site Supporter ☠️
Christians, and sometimes Jews, drop bombs from planes, drones and in the case of the US, from carriers and other ships.

Christianity went through reformation because they were killing one another.

The west fucking up the boundaries in the ME arguably stunted progress with the religion. The ME was making progress towards modernity in many countries before we began intervening in their evolution. We made ourselves their target.

Christians stunted progress in Islam in the 20th century?

The self blame is hard in you my dear.

The world is modern now. So anyone now who is not modern, cannot blame the modern for their own backasswardness.

Be alive or be dead. Don't be fucking ignorant.


peace through anarchy
Site Supporter ☠️
She's busy changing her colostomy bag at the moment.

She low grade stinks like shit all the time...how gross

Hey NORAD, this drone needs recalibrated.

Circling drains is not a feature... but a bug.

Hi Lily!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
I need to come back and close the loop on this thread:

The third of the Ten Commandments states, "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain" (Exodus 20:7). This commandment forbids the use of God's name in a way that is irreverent, dishonoring, or wicked


When you're a Alpha, you're an Alpha all the way!
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Where The Alpha Men Are!
Google the definition of "progressive".

What happened to native americans in America was progressive. Step. By. Step.

While you can argue people may not be ready for democracy, like Iraq & Vietnam, what you can never argue is that the tyranny anyone currently lives under is preferable to liberty. And progress happens. Whether refused or not. It moves like the sands of time. Inevitable.

'A fool & his money are soon parted.'

Cling to woke. But know that woke is change.

You think you are only changing modern conservatives to embrace change... but you already thrust native americans into the same change.

Progress forces all to the new.

Not just an old white man. But an old Native American Chieftan, as well.

Your bullets, your ammo, strikes far more targets, than you dare acknowledge.
Are you sucking Cuckess's cock presently?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Dim bulb fades away in obsolesence.

Hey...you are a Brawl Hall Legend, are you not? I see you are wearing the BH varsity jacket, cool. Do you remember when BH went to shit, I don't cause lots of us exited stage left, heavens to murgatroyd. I joined a guild and played world of warcraft when it was actually good, now it sucks, much like how the walking dead was good for the first few seasons but then they started firing off all the good writer and killing off all the good actors. Then some of the male zombies were identifying as females and when Rick Grimes misgendered a zombie all hell broke lose and at that point I had had enough of the show.

I really stopped by because I got a telegram sating King Martini had dropped a kick ass podcast and Mr. Pickles had posted some comics, but I don't see any "content", just disturbing talk about kids and sexual predators. Is Chris Hanson going to show up next, WTF is going on in the so called community these days.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
Hey...you are a Brawl Hall Legend, are you not? I see you are wearing the BH varsity jacket, cool. Do you remember when BH went to shit, I don't cause lots of us exited stage left, heavens to murgatroyd. I joined a guild and played world of warcraft when it was actually good, now it sucks, much like how the walking dead was good for the first few seasons but then they started firing off all the good writer and killing off all the good actors. Then some of the male zombies were identifying as females and when Rick Grimes misgendered a zombie all hell broke lose and at that point I had had enough of the show.

I really stopped by because I got a telegram sating King Martini had dropped a kick ass podcast and Mr. Pickles had posted some comics, but I don't see any "content", just disturbing talk about kids and sexual predators. Is Chris Hanson going to show up next, WTF is going on in the so called community these days.

The most recent round of sexual predator accusations was started by none other than Flea.


peace through anarchy
Site Supporter ☠️
Are you sucking Cuckess's cock presently?
Action > Inaction

Spellcheck that.

If conservative is tradition & progressive is nontraditional than I challenge you to be more nontraditionional than me.

You'll fail. Because I will say I'm sorry hella more times than grasping at the supposed trophy you engulf with an open mouth suck.


peace through anarchy
Site Supporter ☠️
Hey...you are a Brawl Hall Legend, are you not? I see you are wearing the BH varsity jacket, cool. Do you remember when BH went to shit, I don't cause lots of us exited stage left, heavens to murgatroyd. I joined a guild and played world of warcraft when it was actually good, now it sucks, much like how the walking dead was good for the first few seasons but then they started firing off all the good writer and killing off all the good actors. Then some of the male zombies were identifying as females and when Rick Grimes misgendered a zombie all hell broke lose and at that point I had had enough of the show.

I really stopped by because I got a telegram sating King Martini had dropped a kick ass podcast and Mr. Pickles had posted some comics, but I don't see any "content", just disturbing talk about kids and sexual predators. Is Chris Hanson going to show up next, WTF is going on in the so called community these days.

No one is a legend, Sister.

We are all, you, me, us, all, dead.

We came from nothing to return to nothing.