I’m going to pray u all get the healing u need


When you're a Alpha, you're an Alpha all the way!
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Ewww, why? You wanna join them?

I don't think fuck me red is your color.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
And yet you are angry and stupid. Interesting.
Well she is afflicted with the Trumpatatis what do you expect? it ultimately causes the brains to turn to mush and them into zombies..
She also never listened to her parents. They tried and tried to instill so much and she got high instead. Even ate more when her parents pointed out any bad behavior.
It all could be a soap opera and I'm sure that's what she wants more than anything but when Trumps loses.. guess what? not Zombiemania but suicide but first she would kill her man, kids, and Lord knows who else. Once Trumpatatis goes.. madness reigns
Than she must end it all because nothing will be left.
I'm crying now


When you're a Alpha, you're an Alpha all the way!
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Where The Alpha Men Are!
Well she is afflicted with the Trumpatatis what do you expect? it ultimately causes the brains to turn to mush and them into zombies..
She also never listened to her parents. They tried and tried to instill so much and she got high instead. Even ate more when her parents pointed out any bad behavior.
It all could be a soap opera and I'm sure that's what she wants more than anything but when Trumps loses.. guess what? not Zombiemania but suicide but first she would kill her man, kids, and Lord knows who else. Once Trumpatatis goes.. madness reigns
Than she must end it all because nothing will be left.
I'm crying now
I couldn't have said it any better myself, if I was afflicted with fake christianity I would fake pray for them ala @The Cuckness


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I couldn't have said it any better myself, if I was afflicted with fake christianity I would fake pray for them ala @The Cuckness
Walk into a church, bow your head, look up to the man, and say FUCK YOU JESUS.
Hallejuah!!! its worked wonders over the years for me.. for every time I said it the Jesus bleed tears


peace through anarchy
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Spoken like someone who weights their entire existence on their minuscule cock.

If I weighted my entire existence on my miniscule cock then why would I internalize validation?

I see Seamajor & Lily liked your post.

The no logic having senseless brigade is a mishmosh of people constantly falling on their faces. The pavement eating parade of dumb dumbs.

Prowler, can you step in here? I'm more the humor, jovial flamer. This obvious is obvious logic mundane flame style is more in your wheelhouse, chiefy. Maybe a corvette pic right about now mister braggadocio? And show them the windows rolling down to really rub in their faces what true power can buy.


peace through anarchy
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Your dick hasn’t worked properly since before I was 15 yo and fools were already trying to seduce me. GTFO limpiezzz.

Fools were already trying to seduce you before you was 15 yo?

What in the arkansas loving hillbilly jerry springer horseshit is this?

Fucksakes hun. Have some gawddamned couth!

If you're going to air dirty laundry, don't start with the oxycodone flavored edible panties.

Jeeezus. I just spat my beer out and it was a precious craft.

You shameful hussy wench!

Get a double ended dildo and use it as an everlasting gobstopper for the sake of your overused orafices.

This is way too much. The tmi is ttttttttttmi now. FUCK!


peace through anarchy
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Your husband did time in prison you Cuck.

Yeah, I'm going to go with "What is Plan B" for a thousand Alex, because we should abort this idea that women can be cucks, regardless of what doofus Admin & his beard Lily cite as internet proofs of a worthless purchase.

Counterfeit dollars are more counterfeit than dollars & Ad Lily Min have been drinking the Rev Jim Jones GuyanaGatorade with their artificial intelligence research that's more artificial than intelligent.

Fuck off, scamps.



peace through anarchy
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I told my partner about Deportz marrying a Muzzlim and then read what I said about the hijab.

He laughed...

He thinks I'm hilarious...:LOL3::LOL3::LOL3:

Are you sure you don't drink? This sounds like 5 shots of dayquil with a benadryl chaser.


peace through anarchy
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I couldn't have said it any better myself, if I was afflicted with fake christianity I would fake pray for them ala @The Cuckness

When's the last time christians wore suicide vests, planted IEDs, hid behind women & children, having hospitals as headquarters to not be bombed & flew planes into perfectly good towers?


You cunt.

Make fun of religion all you want but the reformation christianity went through tanks islam like an eagle to a dodo.

Islam is the bird that won't even fly because it refuses to be PROGESSIVE.


When you're a Alpha, you're an Alpha all the way!
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Where The Alpha Men Are!
When's the last time christians wore suicide vests, planted IEDs, hid behind women & children, having hospitals as headquarters to not be bombed & flew planes into perfectly good towers?


You cunt.

Make fun of religion all you want but the reformation christianity went through tanks islam like an eagle to a dodo.

Islam is the bird that won't even fly because it refuses to be PROGESSIVE.
Google American military adventures abroad Yw.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
When's the last time christians wore suicide vests, planted IEDs, hid behind women & children, having hospitals as headquarters to not be bombed & flew planes into perfectly good towers?


You cunt.

Make fun of religion all you want but the reformation christianity went through tanks islam like an eagle to a dodo.

Islam is the bird that won't even fly because it refuses to be PROGESSIVE.

Christians, and sometimes Jews, drop bombs from planes, drones and in the case of the US, from carriers and other ships.

Christianity went through reformation because they were killing one another.

The west fucking up the boundaries in the ME arguably stunted progress with the religion. The ME was making progress towards modernity in many countries before we began intervening in their evolution. We made ourselves their target.


peace through anarchy
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This back and forth game is a hoot.

For once I agree with the SeaMinor here in his half masted limp dick analysis.

This thread is gold and should be stickied with copius encrusted cum deposits for Admin's growing collection.

There are two things you should never say to ladies.

1) Calm down

2) You are crazy

The ladies have brought the fury here. But they should calm down, because they are crazy.

Men, I have bought you some time. Retreat now as I will be slaughtered as a martyr for huMANity.

These chicks are out to extract more blood than they ever excreted.

This is the real red wave. For reals.

Showing up irl to a doorstep proving latina prowess over observed whiteness?

You ladies are the definitely the grinding gears that keep the wells fed with an energy as yet untapped by even the most optimistic bold scientists. Your verbal battles are Nikola Tesla's wet dream as a continuous energy source.

Fusion meets fiction.

Hats off to you gals, because I'm spent just trying to keep up with the drama llama. Spit spat tit for tat.

I'm here for the tea. Burn my face off. You hot chicks.


peace through anarchy
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Google American military adventures abroad Yw.

Google the definition of "progressive".

What happened to native americans in America was progressive. Step. By. Step.

While you can argue people may not be ready for democracy, like Iraq & Vietnam, what you can never argue is that the tyranny anyone currently lives under is preferable to liberty. And progress happens. Whether refused or not. It moves like the sands of time. Inevitable.

'A fool & his money are soon parted.'

Cling to woke. But know that woke is change.

You think you are only changing modern conservatives to embrace change... but you already thrust native americans into the same change.

Progress forces all to the new.

Not just an old white man. But an old Native American Chieftan, as well.

Your bullets, your ammo, strikes far more targets, than you dare acknowledge.