I’m going to pray u all get the healing u need


Such is life...
Great Southern Land
Murd was just in one of these threads claiming Flea is trafficking my kids on OF and talked about my kids being missing.

Which is bizarre considering I have two adults and an 8 year old who is currently in bed asleep.

So which ones are missing? My oldest worked all day and is at her apartment where she lives with her girlfriend. My 19 year old is on the patio with her friend and her boyfriend.

Is that okay? Because I know how when pissed off and ass hurt people on the boards get big mad they enjoy bringing my daughters up and infantizing them as if they are still kindergarteners.

So Flea has kidnapped two adult females from the Midwest and is forcing them to create OF content?
Murdy aka “the beast-tamer” is still trying to figure out what she herself said the last time she was drunk!!!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I forget you do it the respectable way. You move your entire family into your "friend's" house and then throw your husband out because you have someone new to pay the bills.

The best part about this is, I never even claimed it was respectable. I don't give a single shit if other people find MY choices respectable.

IM the one who has to live my life. I'm not going to stay miserable and unhappy until I'm old and dying just so other people "respect" me. I'll trade that "respect" and go with happiness and being in love with my best friend, thanks.

IM not the one who flips out slut shaming people. I don't care one bit about what people do in their relationships.

MURD does though. So maybe SHE should make sure HER decisions can withstand scrunity before she jumps on a high horse preaching.

And don't put friend in quotes. My "friend" has been in my life since I was 14 and has known my kids since birth. Longer than my actual gay ex knew them.

So what I moved here and threw out my ex? I still ended my marriage first and was honest.....both times I separated, much to Pervy Murdys chagrin considering her stunning advice to me was stay married and cheat.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
She’s ignoring you you self-entitled white biiiiiiiiiiiiatch!

You’re such a busybody getting into everything and everyone, fatty boom-boom— jumping around from thread to thread and even entire forums for that matter. If you were this active in real life outside…you wouldn’t have a fat issue, as you would end up losing heaps of weight being so active!

Food for thought?


I like how she keeps pushing this "someone new to pay the bills".

It wasn't even MY idea to come to my "new" "friends" house. That was all my ex. He used to show up here sometimes to get my man to talk me into things I didn't want to do. Like move into a house bought by my ex mother in law.

I legit wanted divorce so bad I didn't even take anything. I didn't get shit. Lost every penny I saved. Every investment I contributed to. My ex went for the jugular and I LET him. Just to get it over with.

I didn't even show up to my final hearing. His mother, his father and his step mother did though and I only know because a few people in his family come tell me everything.

My "new friend" said he didn't know whether to slap me or be impressed with me because the old me was a hot tempered fighter and force of nature. And through this I've been as cool as a cucumber. He just told me the other night how much I've grown as a person.

I would be the FIRST to heavily warn ANY woman the dangers of depending on a man especially in a religious context but I accepted the risks when I decided to stay home. So I don't complain about the consequences.

I get the impression that these hating fucktards think I'm going to get defensive and argue that I'm working or whatever I have going on in that area of my life so they can meddle and interfer.

It's so funny to me how it always becomes some contest on who is better based on whatever accomplishments they feel make them superior. I mean Ted Bundy was accomplished.

Have you ever seen anyone on a troll board spit out their accomplishments and the other person was like "OH! Oh well then....you ARE better than me! Omg your job is better than mine! I bow to you!!" Yeah doesn't happen.

How someone makes their money and makes a living is only one piece of who they are as a person. Or should be. That only doesn't mean they are a happy or good person.

If you are on a troll forum throwing that out there like it makes you better or degrading other people's jobs...I mean. It clearly isn't serving your soul.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I would rather have a dirty mind than a dirty heart slithering all like snake.


Well aren't you in luck having both!

I don't know how you could actually meet a little girl as sweet as my baby, braid her hair and put lip gloss on her, and then years later turn around and claim she's now doing porn on the internet for NO fucking reason than to be disgusting.

As a woman and a mother yourself that is just vile. I would never ever even THINK thoughts like that about any young woman let alone anyone's daughter than I've met.

But that whole dirty mind...dirty heart combo is a revolting sight to behold.


Such is life...
Great Southern Land
I like how she keeps pushing this "someone new to pay the bills".

It wasn't even MY idea to come to my "new" "friends" house. That was all my ex. He used to show up here sometimes to get my man to talk me into things I didn't want to do. Like move into a house bought by my ex mother in law.

I legit wanted divorce so bad I didn't even take anything. I didn't get shit. Lost every penny I saved. Every investment I contributed to. My ex went for the jugular and I LET him. Just to get it over with.

I didn't even show up to my final hearing. His mother, his father and his step mother did though and I only know because a few people in his family come tell me everything.

My "new friend" said he didn't know whether to slap me or be impressed with me because the old me was a hot tempered fighter and force of nature. And through this I've been as cool as a cucumber. He just told me the other night how much I've grown as a person.

I would be the FIRST to heavily warn ANY woman the dangers of depending on a man especially in a religious context but I accepted the risks when I decided to stay home. So I don't complain about the consequences.

I get the impression that these hating fucktards think I'm going to get defensive and argue that I'm working or whatever I have going on in that area of my life so they can meddle and interfer.

It's so funny to me how it always becomes some contest on who is better based on whatever accomplishments they feel make them superior. I mean Ted Bundy was accomplished.

Have you ever seen anyone of a troll board spit out their accomplishments and the other person was like "OH! Oh well then....you ARE better than me! Omg your job is better than mine! I bow to you!!" Yeah doesn't happen.

How someone makes their money and makes a living is only one piece of who they are as a person. Or should be. That only doesn't mean they are a happy or good person.

If you are on a troll forum throwing that out there like it makes you better or degrading other people's jobs...I mean. It clearly isn't serving your soul.
Life is an adventure and it seems that you’re finally happy having met the right person for you. A real friend and life-partner as such. (Thank Christ that he’s not religious. Lulz)

Both Murdy and Loki (Oak/Lily parody) have serious mental issues. They both have a very low self-esteem and because of their obvious stupidity, they try to vent their grief out on various forums making absolute tits of themselves in the process and exasperating their self-loathing.

Both of the fat ladies were obviously shamed and bullied in high school to such an extent that they had bum out and quit (low IQ status). But this humiliation as such, also gave them the attention they longed for and ultimately needed in their lives.

Luckily it wasn’t long before social media became a thing and off-topic forums became a buzz.

Now they can be absolute morons online and get all the humiliation they justly deserve!

Their just deserts as such…or “desserts” however one cares to look at either waddling tragedy!


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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Life is an adventure and it seems that you’re finally happy having met the right person for you. A real friend and life-partner as such. (Thank Christ that he’s not religious. Lulz)

Both Murdy and Loki (Oak/Lily parody) have serious mental issues. They both have a very low self-esteem and because of their obvious stupidity, they try to vent their grief out on various forums making absolute tits of themselves in the process and exasperating their self-loathing.

Both of the fat ladies were obviously shamed and bullied in high school to such an extent that they had bum out and quit (low IQ status). But this humiliation as such, also gave them the attention they longed for and ultimately needed in their lives.

Luckily it wasn’t long before social media became a thing and off-topic forums became a buzz.

Now they can be absolute morons online and get all the humiliation they justly deserve!

Their just desserts as such…or “desserts” however one cares to look at either waddling tragedy!



The amount of projecting people do.

I have never been self righteous whatsoever but the minute these two encounter any opinion or stance that contradicts theirs and the person is explaining it competently, they start feeling threatened and start attacking.

Then they go off about how much better than are than anyone else.

Then they claim they are the humble ones and you are the judges one

And they never ever self reflect ever. It's always the other person.

Like the slut thing. I have literally NEVER slut shamed anyone. That's always Murdock judging everyone else's relationships and choices while she's doing even worse and justifying it.

She was preaching her hypocrisy at me about how I'm some huge whore and now she's insulting Flea for not fucking men from the board.. wtf.

She's even included my daughters in her mental internet sex shit.


Such is life...
Great Southern Land
The amount of projecting people do.

I have never been self righteous whatsoever but the minute these two encounter any opinion or stance that contradicts theirs and the person is explaining it competently, they start feeling threatened and start attacking.

Then they go off about how much better than are than anyone else.

Then they claim they are the humble ones and you are the judges one

And they never ever self reflect ever. It's always the other person.

Like the slut thing. I have literally NEVER slut shamed anyone. That's always Murdock judging everyone else's relationships and choices while she's doing even worse and justifying it.

She was preaching her hypocrisy at me about how I'm some huge whore and now she's insulting Flea for not fucking men from the board.. wtf.

She's even included my daughters in her mental internet sex shit.
They’re really fucked in the head, particularly that Murdy thing. Nobody respects her…she’s a bottom-feeder. Not in the same context as Aidsman, but probably just as worse regardless! Lol.

This morning I was browsing the threads offline, when I saw Flea being attacked on all sides from about five or six of the leftist cockroaches, Murdy included. It was the ultimate display of cowardice… Aidsman cunting off like the man-cunt that he is.
But there was Flea…ace-out and handling them like some pesky vermin.

That’s how you need to treat these insecure cretins…like precise vermin!

Adam Hitler

Aidsman sucks homeless cock
Factory Bastard
New Swabia
That was kind of bugging me too.

Also my understanding is a cuck is a man who enjoys watching his wife get fucked by another man. Not a man just getting cheated on.
Admin is fucking deranged... he's got it into his senile head recently that I'm unemployed, no idea why, presumably fat Lily has been feeding him disinfo again... yet bizarrely he seems to forget that he spends 12-15 hours on here every single day.

What is it with leftoids and their complete lack of self-awareness?

Adam Hitler

Aidsman sucks homeless cock
Factory Bastard
New Swabia
Post it then, you brain damaged fag hag,
She doesn't need to, faggot. Everyone is already aware of how you've spent years defending troonery and all things LGBT.

Why not make another hysterical thread screeching that not all sex offenders are trannies? :OhGawd:

But you're DEFINITELY in no way affiliated with or have a vested interest in the LGBT community, r-r-r-right?! :LOL3:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Admin is fucking deranged... he's got it into his senile head recently that I'm unemployed, no idea why, presumably fat Lily has been feeding him disinfo again... yet bizarrely he seems to forget that he spends 12-15 hours on here every single day.

What is it with leftoids and their complete lack of self-awareness?

Don't sweat it.

They claimed I had nothing to lose in my marriage. They claimed I'm on welfare. Claim I'm just revolving door of men paying my bills. Now my daughters do porn.

They act like rabid bush pigs and get all kinds of ideas.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I woke upto 45 notifications today, majority of which were seething negs from fat Lily. Its hilarious when she works herself up into a hoof-stomping frenzy, I hope she doesn't have neighbours living underneath her bedsit... :LOL3:
Can you get any further up her ass? shit I'd swear you wanted to be all protected in her womb as her baby for fuck sakes. Don't you have a mind of your own at all little bitch? Oh @Admin. says fuck you.. he won't pay your bills, give you a roof over your head, and AND even though its not my business he won't let you suck his cock!! He is rather handsome I must say but fuck off!! get a fucking job loser before your mother dies or whoever the fuck you mooch on. You are burden to all. Kill yourself if you can't get a life.

No One

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Great, someone forgot to administer the poarkasaur's emetics and the stench has brought Failin' Flynn back.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Y’all sound like you’d really enjoy the excon fuck party, at Caddy Culos house. Sorry men only.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Oh hi meth mouth! WHere you been??? I'd love to say that you've been missed, but it would be a massive lie.
Look it here Adam I don't appreciate all of these fucking accusations and attempts of ruining my reputation. Its mean spirited and just not right. Look at yourself hard soon and see the nasty piece of shit that you are. There is no help or hope left for you. Just be clear though I was in his neck of the woods recently, I was a yellow shundress with pink bra and panties on, he said I looked so gorgeous, and we had some drinks and lunch together. He invited me back to his place but I told him no that I had a man in my life and very much happy. Nothing happened between me and Adm. Sorry for revealing this Adm. but Adam thinks more happened and that I even made videos with you and special guests. I hope we run into each other again soon xx

Oh fuck off now Adam.. I know you miss me more than anyone else except maybe Dove whom I will always love


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
I woke upto 45 notifications today, majority of which were seething negs from fat Lily. Its hilarious when she works herself up into a hoof-stomping frenzy, I hope she doesn't have neighbours living underneath her bedsit... :LOL3:

I see you're asking for more. Happy to oblige, Adam.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
Don't sweat it.

They claimed I had nothing to lose in my marriage. They claimed I'm on welfare. Claim I'm just revolving door of men paying my bills. Now my daughters do porn.

They act like rabid bush pigs and get all kinds of ideas.

You're not fooling anyone.

Adam Hitler

Aidsman sucks homeless cock
Factory Bastard
New Swabia
Look it here Adam I don't appreciate all of these fucking accusations and attempts of ruining my reputation. Its mean spirited and just not right. Look at yourself hard soon and see the nasty piece of shit that you are. There is no help or hope left for you. Just be clear though I was in his neck of the woods recently, I was a yellow shundress with pink bra and panties on, he said I looked so gorgeous, and we had some drinks and lunch together. He invited me back to his place but I told him no that I had a man in my life and very much happy. Nothing happened between me and Adm. Sorry for revealing this Adm. but Adam thinks more happened and that I even made videos with you and special guests. I hope we run into each other again soon xx

Oh fuck off now Adam.. I know you miss me more than anyone else except maybe Dove whom I will always love
Oh. No. Now everybody knows about our secret meAT'ing.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
She doesn't need to, faggot. Everyone is already aware of how you've spent years defending troonery and all things LGBT.

Why not make another hysterical thread screeching that not all sex offenders are trannies? :OhGawd:

But you're DEFINITELY in no way affiliated with or have a vested interest in the LGBT community, r-r-r-right?! :LOL3:

Right? Like he didn’t spend 2 days in the shoutbox fighting for his life about it.