Nobody fucking cares about Watergate, duncey. Obama and Biden made Nixon look like a kid who stole a comic book from the drug store compared to the criminality and abuse of government power those two wrought.
Nobody fucking cares about Watergate, duncey. Obama and Biden made Nixon look like a kid who stole a comic book from the drug store compared to the criminality and abuse of government power those two wrought.
If Democrats are required to be solely responsible for slavery, that began centuries before caucasians came and rescued the continent, Republicans are eternally owners of political fraud and corruption. Your rules Ragetard I’m just the messenger.
If Democrats are required to be solely responsible for slavery, that began centuries before caucasians came and rescued the continent, Republicans are eternally owners of political fraud and corruption. Your rules Ragetard I’m just the messenger.
OK. That was even dumber than your last response. Though it is nice to see you finally acknowledge that is was we superior white Western Europeans with our superior white Western Civilization that finally ended the ages long scourge of slavery. Nicely done there.