The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I was typing up this post in another thread and thought about how some people like Senile @Joe are still living in constant fear of Covid-19.

Yeah, Cranium can be fun.

Carcassonne is pretty good.

Catan is really good.

Ticket to Ride is really good.

Splendor is quite good.

Was at a friend's house on Saturday for dinner and games and we played Splendor Marvel which is almost the same as the original but has one extra type of bonus (Avengers bonus).

We were also introduced to Dominion which is a deck-building game. It was quite a lot of fun.

I was gonna make a joke that my buddy was coughing a lot and his wife had a runny nose, and now I have a high fever, but instead I thought I would summarize my last week of HIGH RISK activity and see if Senile @Joe could explain why I am still breathing.

So last Monday I refereed three hockey games. So I was in a dressing room before and after each game with another referee. Definitely might have breathed some of the same air. I was also on the ice with about 80 different hockey players, all of whom may have shared some of the same air as me.

From Tuesday morning to Friday morning I went on a short camping trip with my camping group. Lots of close contact around the campfire every night. A big potluck pancake brunch on the Wednesday. Not a mask in sight!

Then Friday evening I played a baseball game. 20-25 players intermingling in close contact. I went 3 for 4 with a walk, in case you were wondering.

Then Saturday I spent the day at home, but then had the dinner and games night with another couple. Four of us sitting at the same table for hours. Very scary stuff.

Yesterday, Sunday, I played guitar for about 2.5 hours at the local park in a Father's Day performance. Literally hundreds of people. Could that be a Super Spreader Event?

And I am off again is a few hours to referee two hockey games. Tuesday my wife and I plan to go shopping at Costco. Wednesday I am playing a game of hockey, and walking dogs at the Humane Society. Thursday a client is dropping off his computer and I am also having people over to practice music. Friday I play another game of baseball...it goes on and on.

Senile @Joe, should I be dead!?!?!?!?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Good for you Prowler.

And yet you might not try that in other countries.

Some nations are still seriously infected & its populations aren't that healthy these days.

Lucky you live in a country with Universal healthcare & over 90% vaccination rate, eh? You probably wouldn't wanna set foot in a place like North Korea right now. Whole country has come down with COVID, eh. Much of China is still ill
The Prowler

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Lucky you live in a country with Universal healthcare & over 90% vaccination rate, eh?

Senile @Joe

Tanzania: Under 7% of the population is vaccinated. 13 deaths per million population.

Canada: 1087 deaths per million population.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Lucky you live in a country with Universal healthcare & over 90% vaccination rate, eh?

Senile @Joe

Tanzania: Under 7% of the population is vaccinated. 13 deaths per million population.

Canada: 1087 deaths per million population.

Yet a Lotta those stats are misleading eh@The Prowler? A big reason the numbers seem so 'huge' in the wealthier countries is they're either more honest or they simply have the means/testing kits to count em.

Many poorer countries either didn't count them or in some cases fudged the numbers to save face. Like .... what about all those central American migrants who were showing up at the US border. Those countries claim their numbers are low but then many of em test positive for Covid eh.
The Prowler

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Yet a Lotta those stats are misleading eh@The Prowler? A big reason the numbers seem so 'huge' in the wealthier countries is they're either more honest or they simply have the means/testing kits to count em.

Many poorer countries either didn't count them or in some cases fudged the numbers to save face. Like .... what about all those central American migrants who were showing up at the US border. Those countries claim their numbers are low but then many of em test positive for Covid eh.

Senile @Joe

If people are dying of Covid-19 in Tanzania, something you have suggested based on ZERO EVIDENCE, then can you explain why the deaths/1000 people have decreased in Tanzania in 2019 from 2018, then decreased again in 2020, then decreased again in 2021, and are still in decline? You know, if they are dying with Covid-19 and just not counting them, it would still show up in the death count.

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BTW, you probably think that everyone in Tanzania lives in mud huts and cannot count, but that is just a bigoted, ignorant viewpoint. This is Tanzania, Senile @Joe:




Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Don't know about Tanzania, but I talk to a lot of International students/visitors in Vancouver, and they tell me that COVID hit their economies and health systems quite hard. So what we see on a NYT COVID map or Worldmeters website, is likely deceiving. It was worse than what was printed on paper.

People from Latin America tell me that when COVID hit their nations, it was like getting a brick in the face. Japan too.

If some countries managed to avoid the worst of COVID, it's because they went into extreme lockdowns with strict curfews. Nothin relatively free n easy like North America.
But I know parts of Ontario got locked down at one point. We didn't in BC.

We live in a country as do Americans where most cases are actually tested and counted.

So of course, there'll be a lot more cases.


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
I got COVID eighteen times since the start of the pandemic and now I keep forgetting to end my written sentences with a period
The Prowler

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Don't know about Tanzania

Senile @Joe

I just told you about Tanzania.

Now you know.

I talk to a lot of International students/visitors in Vancouver

Senile @Joe

You said that you stay away from people because you are afraid of catching Covid-19 and a slew of other transmissible diseases.

So when do you talk to "a lot of International students/visitors in Vancouver"?

So of course, there'll be a lot more cases.

I rarely discuss case counts.

I talk about death counts. Which is what I was talking about in Tanzania. And Tanzania has a very low vaccination rate. And a very low death rate. And their overall, all-cause death rate has been declining through the Covid-19 plandemic. So who do you think I am lucky to live in a country with a high vaccination rate? Vaccinated people are getting sick more often than unvaccinated people.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I don't claim to know what's going on in Tanzania, but COVID left a long trail of dead people @The Prowler.

A family friend of ours died from it. He left 3 children and a wife behind and impoverished.
He was the main breadwinner and 50 years old.

It was rather sad. A previously healthy man with no pre existing health issues, he went into a coma in February 2021. He never woke up so the family pulled life support on March 2021. Of course, they couldn't see him on his deathbed.

The starkness of that incident left a profound effect.
I feel very lucky and fortunate to have been spared his fate.
It's very humbling actually.

COVID is real. It's severity is not made up or bullshit Prowler.
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Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
I still wear a mask in public places like supermarkets/malls I just think it's the rig####hing to do and @The Prowler you should wear one too it's to protect the vulnerable... If my 89yo Grandpapi. caught it I think he'd succum to the shit... my gran is an old battle axe would slap it away! Bit of an asss @The Prowler IMHO


Site Supporter
prowler suxks cawk to keep tah covids at bay :Excited6:
tis the Monkey poX cumin' fer him :LOL3:


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
I still wear a mask in public places like supermarkets/malls I just think it's the rig####hing to do and @The Prowler you should wear one too it's to protect the vulnerable... If my 89yo Grandpapi. caught it I think he'd succum to the shit... my gran is an old battle axe would slap it away! Bit of an asss @The Prowler IMHO

Dude, the box the masks come in, even say "wont protect you from covid". Da cOvID is microscopic, and can pass through the pores of the mask. If you can smell a fart through it, you can get it.

I saw a guy yesterday, only one with a mask on, and wearing a Purple Rain shirt. He seemed like a lil prissy boy. Are you a lil prissy boy Shamp, do you wear Prince shirts? :GiggleBitch:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@Joe... look up Lagevrio, molnupiravir..

it is an antiviral med you need to know about especially if your mum gets sick or yourself.. you must start the course within 5 days of covid symptoms...

the authorities should be pouring that antiviral drug on the market for EVERYBODY not just the most vulnerable.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I still wear a mask in public places like supermarkets/malls I just think it's the rig####hing to do and @The Prowler you should wear one too it's to protect the vulnerable... If my 89yo Grandpapi. caught it I think he'd succum to the shit... my gran is an old battle axe would slap it away! Bit of an asss @The Prowler IMHO

Dude, the box the masks come in, even say "wont protect you from covid". Da cOvID is microscopic, and can pass through the pores of the mask. If you can smell a fart through it, you can get it.

I saw a guy yesterday, only one with a mask on, and wearing a Purple Rain shirt. He seemed like a lil prissy boy. Are you a lil prissy boy Shamp, do you wear Prince shirts? :GiggleBitch:


The masks stop your infectd spittal flying out into the air infecting other people. They are not 100% for sure but ANYTHING that slows the covid spread IS a beneficial plus.

Wait until you get it... covid has mutated dozens of times... we have BA.2, 3, 4, 5, NOW.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
@Joe... look up Lagevrio, molnupiravir..

it is an antiviral med you need to know about especially if your mum gets sick or yourself.. you must start the course within 5 days of covid symptoms...

the authorities should be pouring that antiviral drug on the market for EVERYBODY not just the most vulnerable.

I can drive 2 hours and get Ivermectin over the counter..... "if" I needed it.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
I still wear a mask in public places like supermarkets/malls I just think it's the rig####hing to do and @The Prowler you should wear one too it's to protect the vulnerable... If my 89yo Grandpapi. caught it I think he'd succum to the shit... my gran is an old battle axe would slap it away! Bit of an asss @The Prowler IMHO

Dude, the box the masks come in, even say "wont protect you from covid". Da cOvID is microscopic, and can pass through the pores of the mask. If you can smell a fart through it, you can get it.

I saw a guy yesterday, only one with a mask on, and wearing a Purple Rain shirt. He seemed like a lil prissy boy. Are you a lil prissy boy Shamp, do you wear Prince shirts? :GiggleBitch:


The masks stop your infectd spittal flying out into the air infecting other people. They are not 100% for sure but ANYTHING that slows the covid spread IS a beneficial plus.

Wait until you get it... covid has mutated dozens of times... we have BA.2, 3, 4, 5, NOW.

I had it in January, I have supreme immunity now lol.

Only pain I had, was muscle aches in my legs, and a bad headache.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@Joe... look up Lagevrio, molnupiravir..

it is an antiviral med you need to know about especially if your mum gets sick or yourself.. you must start the course within 5 days of covid symptoms...

the authorities should be pouring that antiviral drug on the market for EVERYBODY not just the most vulnerable.

I can drive 2 hours and get Ivermectin over the counter..... "if" I needed it.

oh boy... yer gonna shit bricks when you finally catch it... remember... you heard it from me first.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
@Joe... look up Lagevrio, molnupiravir..

it is an antiviral med you need to know about especially if your mum gets sick or yourself.. you must start the course within 5 days of covid symptoms...

the authorities should be pouring that antiviral drug on the market for EVERYBODY not just the most vulnerable.

I can drive 2 hours and get Ivermectin over the counter..... "if" I needed it.

oh boy... yer gonna shit bricks when you finally catch it... remember... you heard it from me first.

I had it, and indeed did not shit bricks, I assure you lol.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I still wear a mask in public places like supermarkets/malls I just think it's the rig####hing to do and @The Prowler you should wear one too it's to protect the vulnerable... If my 89yo Grandpapi. caught it I think he'd succum to the shit... my gran is an old battle axe would slap it away! Bit of an asss @The Prowler IMHO

Dude, the box the masks come in, even say "wont protect you from covid". Da cOvID is microscopic, and can pass through the pores of the mask. If you can smell a fart through it, you can get it.

I saw a guy yesterday, only one with a mask on, and wearing a Purple Rain shirt. He seemed like a lil prissy boy. Are you a lil prissy boy Shamp, do you wear Prince shirts? :GiggleBitch:


The masks stop your infectd spittal flying out into the air infecting other people. They are not 100% for sure but ANYTHING that slows the covid spread IS a beneficial plus.

Wait until you get it... covid has mutated dozens of times... we have BA.2, 3, 4, 5, NOW.

I had it in January, I have supreme immunity now lol.

Only pain I had, was muscle aches in my legs, and a bad headache.

What variety did you have? Delta? Omicron? BA.2 or 3 or 4 or 5.... You know you keep catching them right?

I never got a headache or sore muscles... I got a seriously fierce sore throat and infected lungs... fortunately I qualified for the brand new antiviral meds that cost our government $1,000... My lungs and throat were so bad I thought if I coughed I was going to shit myself and piss my pants...


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
I still wear a mask in public places like supermarkets/malls I just think it's the rig####hing to do and @The Prowler you should wear one too it's to protect the vulnerable... If my 89yo Grandpapi. caught it I think he'd succum to the shit... my gran is an old battle axe would slap it away! Bit of an asss @The Prowler IMHO

Dude, the box the masks come in, even say "wont protect you from covid". Da cOvID is microscopic, and can pass through the pores of the mask. If you can smell a fart through it, you can get it.

I saw a guy yesterday, only one with a mask on, and wearing a Purple Rain shirt. He seemed like a lil prissy boy. Are you a lil prissy boy Shamp, do you wear Prince shirts? :GiggleBitch:


The masks stop your infectd spittal flying out into the air infecting other people. They are not 100% for sure but ANYTHING that slows the covid spread IS a beneficial plus.

Wait until you get it... covid has mutated dozens of times... we have BA.2, 3, 4, 5, NOW.

I had it in January, I have supreme immunity now lol.

Only pain I had, was muscle aches in my legs, and a bad headache.

What variety did you have? Delta? Omicron? BA.2 or 3 or 4 or 5.... You know you keep catching them right?

I never got a headache or sore muscles... I got a seriously fierce sore throat and infected lungs... fortunately I qualified for the brand new antiviral meds that cost our government $1,000... My lungs and throat were so bad I thought if I coughed I was going to shit myself and piss my pants...

Dang. Some folks getting it worse than others.

I have never had a test lol. Fuck that shit lol.

Only reason I know it was it, was cause of the lack of taste and smell. Almost everyone I know has had it. I was one of the last lol.
The Prowler

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I still wear a mask in public places like supermarkets/malls I just think it's the rig####hing to do and @The Prowler you should wear one too it's to protect the vulnerable... If my 89yo Grandpapi. caught it I think he'd succum to the shit... my gran is an old battle axe would slap it away! Bit of an asss @The Prowler IMHO

If I am sick, I stay home. If I am not sick, then I can not make other people sick.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
the fucking bloody virus has mutated DOZENS of times and the symptons go from NOTHING to death.....so you were LUCKY this time...

And Sonia is a dickhead....

the best thing to do is listen to everyone THEN listen to your own intuition ..... if your intuition says have a vaccination then do it or vica-versa... but don't try to convince people that anti-vax quacks know what they are talking about.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I still wear a mask in public places like supermarkets/malls I just think it's the rig####hing to do and @The Prowler you should wear one too it's to protect the vulnerable... If my 89yo Grandpapi. caught it I think he'd succum to the shit... my gran is an old battle axe would slap it away! Bit of an asss @The Prowler IMHO

If I am sick, I stay home. If I am not sick, then I can not make other people sick.

However you infect other people BEFORE YOU come down with symptoms yourselves.

On the 4th June I had a sore throat... I gargled many times... gave myself a RATS test ....it displayed negative... 2 days later and a raging throat I tested positive. Kurt couldn't believe it.... 2 days later he succumbed also. We'd been dodging it for 6 months. WA got seeded last Christmas day when WA Let in a bloody French backpacker who gave it to all the other backpackers at the Fremantle bp hostel....anyway... our government has let the virus rip now that we have 95% vaccination.
The Prowler

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I still wear a mask in public places like supermarkets/malls I just think it's the rig####hing to do and @The Prowler you should wear one too it's to protect the vulnerable... If my 89yo Grandpapi. caught it I think he'd succum to the shit... my gran is an old battle axe would slap it away! Bit of an asss @The Prowler IMHO

If I am sick, I stay home. If I am not sick, then I can not make other people sick.

However you infect other people BEFORE YOU come down with symptoms yourselves.

On the 4th June I had a sore throat... I gargled many times... gave myself a RATS test ....it displayed negative... 2 days later and a raging throat I tested positive. Kurt couldn't believe it.... 2 days later he succumbed also. We'd been dodging it for 6 months. WA got seeded last Christmas day when WA Let in a bloody French backpacker who gave it to all the other backpackers at the Fremantle bp hostel....anyway... our government has let the virus rip now that we have 95% vaccination.

If I have a sore throat, I stay home. That is a symptom.