I Have An Interview Tomorrow


Apparatus Of Satan
Site Supporter ☠️
Rockford, IL
It's at chipotle.

My interview is tomorrow at 11 AM. This is my second interview. The first one went okay.

I hope I get this job. I'm sick and tired of doordashing in a vehicle that gets 15/mpg and is literally falling apart. I barely make any money.

I don't even know how much this job at Chipotle is paying, I'm just going for it because I am grasping at straws. They didn't even include the wage in the job description.

If they pay me less than everyone else I'm going to fucking snap. I got paid less than everyone else at my last job, even though I had FAR, and by FAR I mean FARRRRRRR more experience than most of my coworkers in food service, not to mention servsafe and basset certs, as well as experience training and supervising.

It doesn't matter if I get the job, anyways. There will always be something I have to spend money on that will prevent me from saving. Whether it is car repairs, helping my parents fix their house, or anything else. There is always something that needs to get done that I can't fucking afford. It's getting better, but still sucks to have a car that I have to fix 10 times a year.

The weird part is, I don't spend a lot of money on wants, and I don't have a lot of bills to pay, but I still am almost broke. I was only spending 50$/week on drugs when I was using, so there isn't a big difference between now and then.

I don't even know why I'm bothering to wait to move out when I'm going to be barely scraping by unless I work as hard as I did in 2021-2023 (50-80 hours a week at 2-4 different jobs)

Or I could go to college and pay off student loans for the rest of my life just to get a degree that's value decreases by the minute.

Or I can climb the corporate ladder and be miserable until I kill myself.

I don't really see a way out besides working a trade or persevering through the 50 hour a week grind of a corporate office job.
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Darthinia Von Vader

Factory Bastard
In the sewers
don't kill yourself just yet. give it a few month more than seriously consider it
go for a long drive no destination in mind. its all about journey as nick nolte said in that movie once
get drunk and high... no regrets. just do something you never would considered before doing but just do it
give a bum some money.. and just walk away without saying a word to him or her
go for a swim
go home and go to bed

Darthinia Von Vader

Factory Bastard
In the sewers
Just walk the earth(your hood or hoods nearby)and beg for money. Just fuck up your hair, wear shitty clothes aka just look the part. Make some money that way. Sometimes people will really shock on how much they give out if you persist enough. A friend told me this once..


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I have a friend who is a welder whose wage has been steadily decreasing since 2018-2019. He makes less and less money every year.
Thats plane stupid. Even welding materials are thru the roof. Tell him to join a Union. He’s fucking himself.