spend any time and/or money trying to help with this:
Around 60 percent of the world's population — 4.5 billion people — either have no toilet at home or one that doesn't safely manage human waste. Nearly 900 million people still practice
. That means going into fields, forests, open bodies of water or other open spaces instead of using a toilet. Open defecation carries serious health and safety risks. Contact with human waste can cause diseases such as cholera, typhoid, hepatitis, polio, diarrhea, worm infestation and malnutrition.
Every day, more than 700 children under age 5 — about one every two minutes — die from diarrhea due to unsafe drinking water, poor sanitation or poor hygiene.
I'll bet my life that the guy with 6 bedrooms and luxury cars doesn't do jack shit to help.
I remember going to two toilets, one in the Western Australian countryside 1968, Dwelingup and one in Melbourne Victoria, Chelsea 1974, where we shit over a bucket (in an outside toilet) and once a week, the Nightman, came and collected the bucket of shit. OMG, did those toilets stink to high heaven. I'd only ever known flush toilets at the time.
No one helped us go the septic tanks then later to deep sewage. We did it ourselves or more precisely plumbers made it all possible, in our lives.
Those countries with open sewers should bloody well clean up their own shitholes. We never asked them to help us.
It's 2021, NO EXCUSES. That is my motto!!
Our lying TV sets tell me every 6 seconds a child dies from disease so that we will send money to the fraudsters. Those children have no future whatsoever. They are, sad to say, better off dead.