What moron stickied this stupid merged thread?
cw_, It's not like you to say more than one word before posting a pic instead. You okay hun? How's your mouse treating you? Still a wireless disconnect there? And your screen? How does that refresh rate in your pixelated view? Keep monitoring the progress toots! Keyboard have a safe enough space bar for ya? Wonderful. How's your rig holding up? Everything but the kitchen sync? All chips in place or still some on your shoulder? No problem. Along with all the other fashion trends making a return, I'm sure shoulder pads will be along soon to cover for lack of a big chip on your shoulder.
Modding is hard I know. Every mother fucker wants to do their own thing and kick & scream when they are asked to follow the "rules". As a mod, you are asked to be put in a position where you aren't defending yourself. You're actually defending the ones who put you in the position. And maybe their position is shit? Just pontificating. Thankless, indeed & in deed. Keep soldiering girl.
The devil's best trick is to make people think he doesn't even exist, and my contrubution to life is to stand there and take in all the rules you dish out and then go and push the boundaries until you get worked up enough to post more words than pictures.... like you did here. Seems like someone is under your skin. But that's how the healing begins.... according to Hey Jude. Or the person who stickied this shot in the dark.