Interesting ICU numbers in Alberta, Canada

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
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I find it "interesting" that when Covid ICU admissions go up, non-Covid admissions go down.

Is this an indication that some patients are admitted into the ICU when it is not necessary? If so, it makes sense that some of the Covid ICU admissions are unnecessary. What are the real numbers?

Hospitalization stats are questionable because the people making the decisions regarding admissions (doctors) have a vested interest in keeping the rooms full. More patients, more doctors required.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Dude, this covid bullshit is so politicized you cant trust much of anything about it. Its a shit show. Once dems decided to harness it for political conquest and self serving hysteria, trusting the stats has been impossible. If possible, make friends with someone who works in an ICU and ask them to speculate. Their speculation is more trustworthy these days than anything you'll get from a "peer reviewed" source.


Put your glasses on!
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When my lil sis was in ICU last week, there was still a lot of empty beds. No one was dying in the hallways. And the ones in beds looked like they been injured, not dying of the flu.


Factory Bastard
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When my lil sis was in ICU last week, there was still a lot of empty beds. No one was dying in the hallways. And the ones in beds looked like they been injured, not dying of the flu.

Well, where was she? Location makes a big difference.


Factory Bastard
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I find it "interesting" that when Covid ICU admissions go up, non-Covid admissions go down.

Is this an indication that some patients are admitted into the ICU when it is not necessary? If so, it makes sense that some of the Covid ICU admissions are unnecessary. What are the real numbers?

Hospitalization stats are questionable because the people making the decisions regarding admissions (doctors) have a vested interest in keeping the rooms full. More patients, more doctors required.

Non-Covid admissions go down because there's not enough room for them.


Domestically feral
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United states
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I find it "interesting" that when Covid ICU admissions go up, non-Covid admissions go down.

Is this an indication that some patients are admitted into the ICU when it is not necessary? If so, it makes sense that some of the Covid ICU admissions are unnecessary. What are the real numbers?

Hospitalization stats are questionable because the people making the decisions regarding admissions (doctors) have a vested interest in keeping the rooms full. More patients, more doctors required.

Non-Covid admissions go down because there's not enough room for them.

That's not how that works, they dont just send people who need ICU level care home. They either use thier overflow beds or send them to another facility depending on thier assessment and care plan. And thier doctors.

And ICU typically only has around 8 beds and they often only staffed for 4 or 5. So if you here an ICU is at 50% capacity that could mean they have 3 staffed beds. Then most hospitals have over flow units for when the ICU fills.. which happens even without Covid.

It doesnt mean there are so many people on thier death bed in ICU all on a vent.

So there could be 3 ICU patients, and 1 is a severe case of Covid and that can be worded like "Covid causes ICU to over flow" and it wouldnt be wrong. Just very manipulative because most people will picture all these people fighting severe Covid. The media does this intentionally because thier goal is not reporting facts. Thier goals are to paint pictures for readers to politically influence them.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Dude, this covid bullshit is so politicized you cant trust much of anything about it. Its a shit show. Once dems decided to harness it for political conquest and self serving hysteria, trusting the stats has been impossible. If possible, make friends with someone who works in an ICU and ask them to speculate. Their speculation is more trustworthy these days than anything you'll get from a "peer reviewed" source.

...and yet, COVID brought down a President, your St Trump...Lokmeer!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Dude, this covid bullshit is so politicized you cant trust much of anything about it. Its a shit show. Once dems decided to harness it for political conquest and self serving hysteria, trusting the stats has been impossible. If possible, make friends with someone who works in an ICU and ask them to speculate. Their speculation is more trustworthy these days than anything you'll get from a "peer reviewed" source.

...and yet, COVID brought down a President, your St Trump...Lokmeer!

Making it a partisan political issue for the purpose of influencing and manipulating the public did that. The media fueled it.

More people have actually died under the Biden administration but now that Democrats are running the country, the whole narrative that the president is personally responsible for every Covid death is gone unless a Republican state is being attacked.

That's why we heard so much covid propaganda about FL but saw NO reporting of other states that were hit just as hard, if not worse.

Covid is only a media topic when it's being used politically. This is why people just dont trust fuck all being said about it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
When my lil sis was in ICU last week, there was still a lot of empty beds. No one was dying in the hallways. And the ones in beds looked like they been injured, not dying of the flu.

How's your sis doing?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Dude, this covid bullshit is so politicized you cant trust much of anything about it. Its a shit show. Once dems decided to harness it for political conquest and self serving hysteria, trusting the stats has been impossible. If possible, make friends with someone who works in an ICU and ask them to speculate. Their speculation is more trustworthy these days than anything you'll get from a "peer reviewed" source.

...and yet, COVID brought down a President, your St Trump...Lokmeer!

Making it a partisan political issue for the purpose of influencing and manipulating the public did that. The media fueled it.

More people have actually died under the Biden administration but now that Democrats are running the country, the whole narrative that the president is personally responsible for every Covid death is gone unless a Republican state is being attacked.

That's why we heard so much covid propaganda about FL but saw NO reporting of other states that were hit just as hard, if not worse.

Covid is only a media topic when it's being used politically. This is why people just dont trust fuck all being said about it.

Actually I think more people died from COVID during Trump's last year as President. As many as US servicemen who died in WWII?

However Biden hasn't fared much better with the numbers either.
The Prowler

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Check out the chart on this Web page:

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I find it "interesting" that when Covid ICU admissions go up, non-Covid admissions go down.

Is this an indication that some patients are admitted into the ICU when it is not necessary? If so, it makes sense that some of the Covid ICU admissions are unnecessary. What are the real numbers?

Hospitalization stats are questionable because the people making the decisions regarding admissions (doctors) have a vested interest in keeping the rooms full. More patients, more doctors required.

Non-Covid admissions go down because there's not enough room for them.


Capacity was never at 100%. They would not turn people away from ICU if they needed that care and it was available.

Fuck, look at the numbers.

March 10
non-Covid, 62.4% of full capacity
Covid, 17.8% of full capacity
Total: 80.2% of full capacity

April 28
non-Covid, 19.3% of full capacity
Covid, 59.5% of full capacity
Total: 78.8% of full capacity

You really think non-Covid ICU admission decreased to under 31% of what they were in a month and a half? While Covid went to 334% of what they were? That was just a coincidence? And the same thing happened with every wave!?!? Hahaha!!!

You have to be a gullible retard to think that.


Factory Bastard
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Check out the chart on this Web page:

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I find it "interesting" that when Covid ICU admissions go up, non-Covid admissions go down.

Is this an indication that some patients are admitted into the ICU when it is not necessary? If so, it makes sense that some of the Covid ICU admissions are unnecessary. What are the real numbers?

Hospitalization stats are questionable because the people making the decisions regarding admissions (doctors) have a vested interest in keeping the rooms full. More patients, more doctors required.

Non-Covid admissions go down because there's not enough room for them.


Capacity was never at 100%. They would not turn people away from ICU if they needed that care and it was available.

Fuck, look at the numbers.

March 10
non-Covid, 62.4% of full capacity
Covid, 17.8% of full capacity
Total: 80.2% of full capacity

April 28
non-Covid, 19.3% of full capacity
Covid, 59.5% of full capacity
Total: 78.8% of full capacity

You really think non-Covid ICU admission decreased to under 31% of what they were in a month and a half? While Covid went to 334% of what they were? That was just a coincidence? And the same thing happened with every wave!?!? Hahaha!!!

You have to be a gullible retard to think that.

Even if the authorities are alarmist they probably don't want the situation to get out of control where they run out of ICU beds like Louisiana or Alabama.

So no doubt they begin to fret when they see the case numbers rise.
The Prowler

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
The issue I presented is much more of a problem in Canada because we have government-funded health care.

In Canada, patient with a bad chest cold is in hospital.

Doctor checks with ICU "Hey, you need some patients?"

ICU doctor says "Sure, we have room."

Doctor tells patient he is being transferred to ICU and patient says "Cool, what do the nurses look like?" because he knows it will not cost him a dime.

In USA, patient with a bad chest cold is in hospital.

Doctor checks with ICU "Hey, you need some patients?"

ICU doctor says "Sure, we have room."

Doctor tells patient he is being transferred to ICU and patient says "Fuck you, I am going home!" because he knows it will cost him a bunch of money to be needlessly treated in ICU.

Socialism at work.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The issue I presented is much more of a problem in Canada because we have government-funded health care.

In Canada, patient with a bad chest cold is in hospital.

Doctor checks with ICU "Hey, you need some patients?"

ICU doctor says "Sure, we have room."

Doctor tells patient he is being transferred to ICU and patient says "Cool, what do the nurses look like?" because he knows it will not cost him a dime.

In USA, patient with a bad chest cold is in hospital.

Doctor checks with ICU "Hey, you need some patients?"

ICU doctor says "Sure, we have room."

Doctor tells patient he is being transferred to ICU and patient says "Fuck you, I am going home!" because he knows it will cost him a bunch of money to be needlessly treated in ICU.

Socialism at work.

And yet for all the people who run down Canada's health system, we fared better than most countries out there during the Pandemic.

The only reason Canada's death rate is as high as it is, is 3/4 of them were in Ontario and Quebec. And 80-90% of those were seniors.

Ow the death rate in the other 80% of Canada was minimal.

Personally I think a lot of those ratings of national health system are over rates.

New Zealand which ranked in the lower tier of healthcare scraped by with minimal deaths. They did better than the EU which had a lot of deaths. Their rating deserves an upgrade IMHO.

Much of these ratings is due to political bias and snobby egos.

Just like people buy Astra Zeneca because it's from Oxford but their vaccine is lethal shit.

All about politics egos and money, man.
The Prowler

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
And yet for all the people who run down Canada's health system, we fared better than most countries out there during the Pandemic.

Yeah, we have a health care system that is way bigger than we need in certain areas, so we had extra capacity for the plandemic.

In other areas, our health care system is shit and under-serves the taxpayers.

Socialism: Leave it to the government to maximize inefficiency.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Dude, this covid bullshit is so politicized you cant trust much of anything about it. Its a shit show. Once dems decided to harness it for political conquest and self serving hysteria, trusting the stats has been impossible. If possible, make friends with someone who works in an ICU and ask them to speculate. Their speculation is more trustworthy these days than anything you'll get from a "peer reviewed" source.

...and yet, COVID brought down a President, your St Trump...Lokmeer!

Making it a partisan political issue for the purpose of influencing and manipulating the public did that. The media fueled it.

More people have actually died under the Biden administration but now that Democrats are running the country, the whole narrative that the president is personally responsible for every Covid death is gone unless a Republican state is being attacked.

That's why we heard so much covid propaganda about FL but saw NO reporting of other states that were hit just as hard, if not worse.

Covid is only a media topic when it's being used politically. This is why people just dont trust fuck all being said about it.

Actually I think more people died from COVID during Trump's last year as President. As many as US servicemen who died in WWII?

However Biden hasn't fared much better with the numbers either.

Nope. We now have more people dead under Biden than last year under Trump.

Of course I do not blame the government for this at all. Outside of how Fauci had money going towards the Gain of Function research that was put into causing this bat Corona to make the jump from bat to human.

Outside of that....peoples individual health is thier own responsibility and absolutely no one should put something this important in the hands of the government. So MY stance on this hasnt changed.

The deaths under Trump were not ever on Trumps hands, just like the deaths under Biden are not on Bidens hands. I do find this administration responsible for the aggressive spreading that has occurred due to allowing thousands of infected immigrants into the country and carting them all over.....but again, our health is our responsibility.

I mean people are gonna get sick and die, everyday, with or without Covid.

Its just yet another double standard and pointing them out is getting tedious. The ones who have these double standards or buy into them really dont even care. They just laugh about it or ignore it. And everyone else already sees it.

It was even called ahead of time when Biden took office.....the covid death humping to blame the president was over. It's really only blasted when it's being used as a weapon against a naughty Republican.

Seems kinda dumb that the lies continue when everyone knows the truth. We cant just be honest and put it all out on the table, we have to go along with obvious bullshit because the people thumping it wont just admit they know its bullshit and the know it's all partisan attacks. They pretend we do it as well and just keep going along.

It's very Orwellian.

It's scary how much of this we see. It hasnt been a right/left issue in reality for some time now. Notice what is said about the big common lie.

And the twisting and erasing of history. The whole anti colonizer attack on the history of America. We have always taught history, even the bad and gory parts of it. Now the bad and gory parts of it are being served up as the end all be all for the purpose of demonizing our history and the entire concept of liberty and our liberal order.

If it can be made evil, people who value the roots of the country(liberty, individual rights) can be smeared as monsters who admire oppression. We already see this narrative now.

It just all sucks.