January 6

senior penor

Factory Bastard
Watch a live video of part of The Speaker of the House's desperate attempts to get some LE on the scene after being rebuffed or ignored by the LE responsible?

There is a lot more video of her doing her best to uphold the Constitution, while the trumptards ran amok looking to execute Pence and Pelosi, let alone vandalizing the Capitol.

Conveniently with a camera stuck in her face. Almost like it was.......staged!
So, her and her partisan tard-in-arms she nominated and the DNC voted in all decided they were gonna go full-blown "fuck the police", rebuke bringing in the national guard in, and then go on camera and pretend they now want the national guard and LE's there after the consequences rear their ugly head.
What is the matter? I thought nancy wanted a defunded police! well, meet your defunded police! She is just angry not enough black people were shot.


I'm in jail, send hamberders
Site Supporter ☠️
Conveniently with a camera stuck in her face. Almost like it was.......staged!
So, her and her partisan tard-in-arms she nominated and the DNC voted in all decided they were gonna go full-blown "fuck the police", rebuke bringing in the national guard in, and then go on camera and pretend they now want the national guard and LE's there after the consequences rear their ugly head.
What is the matter? I thought nancy wanted a defunded police! well, meet your defunded police! She is just angry not enough black people were shot.
  • BroFist
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Domestically feral
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United states
Remember that other special prosecutor that was gonna "get trump" over russian collusion? what was that old geriatric's name again?
oh right. robert mueller. I remember people like you having wet dreams of him "getting trump", only to have to hit a bunch of copeium when it didn't pan out like you thought, and its gonna end the same here,too. one big waste of time and taxpayer money because a few establishment goons are still on the "orange man bad" tirade.

They are so far gone. If the government decided the existence of another party was terrorism and hate speech and started putting people in jail (just like politcal prisoners from Jan 6th) they would cheer it on.

I really wonder where this level of hatred comes from. Like a narcissistic need for control.

Seeing people who visciously turn on people and lie about them and accuse them of every "ism".....while they are the ones who are sexist and racist....talking about love is mind boggling. What they mean is forcing people to submit to their thinking, stop opposing them and get in line or we are the problem. They believe they know better than everyone else and the scariest part is the unwillingness to admit wrong or fault.

They cheered on the terrorism of leftwing riots where innocent people were beaten, killed and communities destroyed. They promote the destruction of womens civil rights and protections. They taken away rape crisis and domestic violence shelters and womens single sex spaces and they ignore rapes and assaults.

Of course protesting against them is a huge crime and they want to make sure people do not blow back against them. They have been scrambled by propaganda to the point where they cannot communicate and they are helping to usher in an authoritarian regime where we have less rights, less liberty, more crime and poverty and a much worse overall quality of life. They will tolerate it out of hate for us and by the time they cannot handle it anymore it will be too late and getting the country back will be a huge fight.

What gets to me the most is how you cant reason with them at all. Once they are good and convinced of the narrative theyll turn on their own family members before listening to reason.

I dont know what they think will be in it for them. Their lives will be just as miserable as ours. Only theyll deserve it for how hard they worked against other humans.

Infuriates me that these people cheered politcal violence and murder and they are demanding others be punished for protesting them. They are just so ugly.


I'm in jail, send hamberders
Site Supporter ☠️
They are so far gone. If the government decided the existence of another party was terrorism and hate speech and started putting people in jail (just like politcal prisoners from Jan 6th) they would cheer it on.

I really wonder where this level of hatred comes from. Like a narcissistic need for control.

Seeing people who visciously turn on people and lie about them and accuse them of every "ism".....while they are the ones who are sexist and racist....talking about love is mind boggling. What they mean is forcing people to submit to their thinking, stop opposing them and get in line or we are the problem. They believe they know better than everyone else and the scariest part is the unwillingness to admit wrong or fault.

They cheered on the terrorism of leftwing riots where innocent people were beaten, killed and communities destroyed. They promote the destruction of womens civil rights and protections. They taken away rape crisis and domestic violence shelters and womens single sex spaces and they ignore rapes and assaults.

Of course protesting against them is a huge crime and they want to make sure people do not blow back against them. They have been scrambled by propaganda to the point where they cannot communicate and they are helping to usher in an authoritarian regime where we have less rights, less liberty, more crime and poverty and a much worse overall quality of life. They will tolerate it out of hate for us and by the time they cannot handle it anymore it will be too late and getting the country back will be a huge fight.

What gets to me the most is how you cant reason with them at all. Once they are good and convinced of the narrative theyll turn on their own family members before listening to reason.

I dont know what they think will be in it for them. Their lives will be just as miserable as ours. Only theyll deserve it for how hard they worked against other humans.

Infuriates me that these people cheered politcal violence and murder and they are demanding others be punished for protesting them. They are just so ugly.




Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I agree .. everyday seemed to be something lol
He's a conman and to watch him do his thing as the POTUS was at times mesmerizing

From what I've read these days he's very low energy, sweaty and rambling. I was wondering if he's suffering from symptoms of long covid.

senior penor

Factory Bastard
Losers of a feather flock together.

Kari actually has the receipts, and her court case has sparked an investigation, and you were whining in the mccarthy thread about trump having a grip on the RNC. Getting a little nervous there?
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I'm in jail, send hamberders
Site Supporter ☠️

Kari actually has the receipts, and her court case has sparked an investigation, and you were whining in the mccarthy thread about trump having a grip on the RNC. Getting a little nervous there?



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Why am I not surprised. Fuck these crooks over too. Jorden is as useful as tits on a bull.