January 6th, "gonna be wild"



Put your glasses on!
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At this point no matter what, no one is going to trust any results.

Democrats are already smearing the group that's doing the audits and playing it like Republicans are trying to steal the results. Even though it wouldnt matter in Biden being there.

They are going to demand people they see as experts. But then.....no one Republican trusts anyone Democrats deem as experts

This is the destabilizing that happens when democrats lie without consequence and the main stream corporate media lies and twists without consequences. The left EARNED the distrust. I know I dont trust shit they have to say. I watched them straight out lie for years. And they lie about their bills too.

They are lying about CRT. Lying about "equality act". Lying about "for the people".....a bill that will take elections out of the hands of states and hand it to the federal government. It should be called "Not the people". Taking away school choice saying it will "destroy public schools"....schools that cant even produce literacy.

They just lie on top of lies.

I cant STAND fucking liars!!!! They are ALWAYS the top of my shit list!!!

Liars? Blazer you seem to like em. Especially the fat orange faced one. Do you like the shade of his makeup?

Even your fake news masters cant stop what is coming, hahahahaha.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Trust results? The results have been counted, recounted, certified, recertifiEd, counted recounted. 30 plus times. WTF is your issue with the 100% accurate results? Try sour grapes. Fatso is the enemy. Ask Put it in.


You got a link to all that certification? 30 times you say...... amazing.

Are you really that dumb? I can see why GF left.

I hope you dont kill yourself when Trump gets back in office this year. The TDS is strong with you bra.


My TDS is saving the United States.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
At this point no matter what, no one is going to trust any results.

Democrats are already smearing the group that's doing the audits and playing it like Republicans are trying to steal the results. Even though it wouldnt matter in Biden being there.

They are going to demand people they see as experts. But then.....no one Republican trusts anyone Democrats deem as experts

This is the destabilizing that happens when democrats lie without consequence and the main stream corporate media lies and twists without consequences. The left EARNED the distrust. I know I dont trust shit they have to say. I watched them straight out lie for years. And they lie about their bills too.

They are lying about CRT. Lying about "equality act". Lying about "for the people".....a bill that will take elections out of the hands of states and hand it to the federal government. It should be called "Not the people". Taking away school choice saying it will "destroy public schools"....schools that cant even produce literacy.

They just lie on top of lies.

I cant STAND fucking liars!!!! They are ALWAYS the top of my shit list!!!

Liars? Blazer you seem to like em. Especially the fat orange faced one. Do you like the shade of his makeup?

Even your fake news masters cant stop what is coming, hahahahaha.


Cool. Got any facts? The earth is flat?


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Trust results? The results have been counted, recounted, certified, recertifiEd, counted recounted. 30 plus times. WTF is your issue with the 100% accurate results? Try sour grapes. Fatso is the enemy. Ask Put it in.


You got a link to all that certification? 30 times you say...... amazing.

Are you really that dumb? I can see why GF left.

I hope you dont kill yourself when Trump gets back in office this year. The TDS is strong with you bra.


My TDS is saving the United States.

I recall you saying for 4 years he was gonna be removed before his term was up, how did that work out lol?


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
At this point no matter what, no one is going to trust any results.

Democrats are already smearing the group that's doing the audits and playing it like Republicans are trying to steal the results. Even though it wouldnt matter in Biden being there.

They are going to demand people they see as experts. But then.....no one Republican trusts anyone Democrats deem as experts

This is the destabilizing that happens when democrats lie without consequence and the main stream corporate media lies and twists without consequences. The left EARNED the distrust. I know I dont trust shit they have to say. I watched them straight out lie for years. And they lie about their bills too.

They are lying about CRT. Lying about "equality act". Lying about "for the people".....a bill that will take elections out of the hands of states and hand it to the federal government. It should be called "Not the people". Taking away school choice saying it will "destroy public schools"....schools that cant even produce literacy.

They just lie on top of lies.

I cant STAND fucking liars!!!! They are ALWAYS the top of my shit list!!!

Liars? Blazer you seem to like em. Especially the fat orange faced one. Do you like the shade of his makeup?

Even your fake news masters cant stop what is coming, hahahahaha.


Cool. Got any facts? The earth is flat?

Its as flat as that brain of your hahahaha.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
At this point no matter what, no one is going to trust any results.

Democrats are already smearing the group that's doing the audits and playing it like Republicans are trying to steal the results. Even though it wouldnt matter in Biden being there.

They are going to demand people they see as experts. But then.....no one Republican trusts anyone Democrats deem as experts

This is the destabilizing that happens when democrats lie without consequence and the main stream corporate media lies and twists without consequences. The left EARNED the distrust. I know I dont trust shit they have to say. I watched them straight out lie for years. And they lie about their bills too.

They are lying about CRT. Lying about "equality act". Lying about "for the people".....a bill that will take elections out of the hands of states and hand it to the federal government. It should be called "Not the people". Taking away school choice saying it will "destroy public schools"....schools that cant even produce literacy.

They just lie on top of lies.

I cant STAND fucking liars!!!! They are ALWAYS the top of my shit list!!!

Liars? Blazer you seem to like em. Especially the fat orange faced one. Do you like the shade of his makeup?

Even your fake news masters cant stop what is coming, hahahahaha.


Cool. Got any facts? The earth is flat?

Its as flat as that brain of your hahahaha.

I don’t live in the south.


Put your glasses on!
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So let me get this straight......

Patriots were let in on Jan. 6th, AMERICANS, then arrested, and treated horribly while STILL locked up, but Kamala, who isnt even a natural born citizen herself, lets foreign invaders into the White House!!??

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Factory Bastard
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Trump won the 2020 election and everyone knows it. The nation will be talking about this stolen election till the end of time. Congrats!


Domestically feral
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United states
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How much proof do you need Dovey? You’re starting to appear foolish.

I dont trust corporatists who have shown to be aligned with certain politicains.

That's not foolish ......that's a survival skill. These people dont give a fuck about you and me. They give a fuck about their money.

Judging by numerous post. Living in a mobile home with maw, your survival skills are lacking. Sorry

That's a socail expectation. I'm perfectly fine and as free and self reliant as possible with absolutely no debt.

Materialism is a form of slavery. People should never ever feel they have to become debt slaves to live up to the expectations of other people. Learning to break free of that is definately a survival skill. I'm not miserable and enslaved. And I take responsibility for my own family instead of dumping them in facilities.

If i had my way I would spend the rest of my life in a converted school bus. I applaud anyone who lives their life their way and doesnt stress or make themselves miserable because of some classist or materialistic mindset that's pushed on everyone.

We are not struggling or voting our liberty away for the ability to eat or be comfortable.

AND it's fun.

This sort of thing is why Big brags so hard about his financial success, btw. Because it's funny watching people who consistently degrade those they view as socially beneath them suddenly get offended by classist materialism. It's amazing how that hasnt been noticed by any of the ones who do it....its fish in barrel. Hypocrisy never ends.
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Domestically feral
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United states
Once you strip the narratives and analyze the policies it's obvious the democrats are destroying the country.

We dont discuss that part though, do we? Who shit canned womens sex based rights, took education away from inner city minority children, tolerated destructive riots and is now labeling dissent as domestic terror and spying on Americans.....as well as coercing medical interventions? Who is successfully destroying schools and weaponizing the people against people?

I rest my case. It's sad to see people defend wealthy and powerful prople who hate them and would kill them if they thought it would help their power grabs.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
ANOTHER cop that didnt get killed by the mob? Ashley wishes she didnt get murdered by a BLM leftist cop, faggit.

All the hundreds of cops who were injured over the summer.

And these drooling tards eat up obvious political theater.

They want us to leave THEIR country? I'm totally fine with making prog states a different country so they can be oppressed by the their government all they want and stop imposing on actual Americans. They dont want to be Americans....they want subvert the country and change it into a socailist country.

^^^ same people whining that their political opposition protested dont give a single fuck about this. Pretty much because they are liars.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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ANOTHER cop that didnt get killed by the mob? Ashley wishes she didnt get murdered by a BLM leftist cop, faggit.

All the hundreds of cops who were injured over the summer.

And these drooling tards eat up obvious political theater.

They want us to leave THEIR country? I'm totally fine with making prog states a different country so they can be oppressed by the their government all they want and stop imposing on actual Americans. They dont want to be Americans....they want subvert the country and change it into a socailist country.

^^^ same people whining that their political opposition protested dont give a single fuck about this. Pretty much because they are liars.

These rodents might have a shred of credibility if they condemned the BLM riots with the same ferocity they do the Jan 6th event.

But they don't

and that's why they are looked upon as low life vermin scum.

I wasn't exactly thrilled by what I saw taking place on Jan 6th and to be honest, I was actually quite disappointed with the way Trump threw Pence under a bus for following his conscience instead of doing more to make the crowds stand down but to watch these vermin filth spin it after what we watched for a whole 6 months prior is disconcerting to say the least

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Seamajor just mad cause there were no kids available for him to rape at the capitol on Jan 6th


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
ANOTHER cop that didnt get killed by the mob? Ashley wishes she didnt get murdered by a BLM leftist cop, faggit.

All the hundreds of cops who were injured over the summer.

And these drooling tards eat up obvious political theater.

They want us to leave THEIR country? I'm totally fine with making prog states a different country so they can be oppressed by the their government all they want and stop imposing on actual Americans. They dont want to be Americans....they want subvert the country and change it into a socailist country.

^^^ same people whining that their political opposition protested dont give a single fuck about this. Pretty much because they are liars.

These rodents might have a shred of credibility if they condemned the BLM riots with the same ferocity they do the Jan 6th event.

But they don't

and that's why they are looked upon as low life vermin scum.

I wasn't exactly thrilled by what I saw taking place on Jan 6th and to be honest, I was actually quite disappointed with the way Trump threw Pence under a bus for following his conscience instead of doing more to make the crowds stand down but to watch these vermin filth spin it after what we watched for a whole 6 months prior is disconcerting to say the least

It's because its politically driven charges. Which should NEVER happen in a country like America.

These brainwashed useful idiots are fighting to kill democracy by using a movement and government to punish and silence anyone outside their "party". So they want a one party echo chamber country. An authoritarian one party country.

They basically want to turn the country into Cuba.

History is definately repeating itself. It's right out of the play book to squash all dissent and accuse your opposition of everything you are doing.

The fact that we have so many examples of how this plays out? Just makes them beyond stupid and possibly sociopathic. When the government is done with them and they start to get everything they wanted for US laid on them? I have no problem laughing in their face and not helping any of them.

As we keep losing civil liberties and rights, they will continue getting more unhinged. Eventually they will become more violent as media incites them. They've already been groomed to dehumanize and irrationally hate everyone outside their hive.....so it wont take much for them to become more openly violent and confrontational.
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