January 6th, "gonna be wild"



Put your glasses on!
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And WE are the ones who want a dictatorship.


Why does your side always try to use the government to control peoples lives? That's why we are in this mess.

You guys want government to micro manage everything and have us as state slaves. And meanwhile they cannot even redistribute 2k of our own money back to us.

Yeah lick those boots. It's clear you back elitest establishment suits who profit off war.

How sad.
This is YOUR SHITSHOW, You need to own it, and it's outcomes.

Lol it's not MY shit show.

Just because I'm telling you what I know the reasons behind this are.

It's your guys shit show. You chose to ignore and mock and shit on everyday people for years, now the cost is upon us.

Maybe you shouldnt have voted for a pro war peice of shit? Or supported domestic terrorism?

How do you blame this behavior on someone else? This is ALL on the people you support. Trump lost, and your crowd are having an epic meltdown because they can't fucking accept reality.

No, cheating is not accepted, end of.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

And WE are the ones who want a dictatorship.


Why does your side always try to use the government to control peoples lives? That's why we are in this mess.

You guys want government to micro manage everything and have us as state slaves. And meanwhile they cannot even redistribute 2k of our own money back to us.

Yeah lick those boots. It's clear you back elitest establishment suits who profit off war.

How sad.
This is YOUR SHITSHOW, You need to own it, and it's outcomes.

Lol it's not MY shit show.

Just because I'm telling you what I know the reasons behind this are.

It's your guys shit show. You chose to ignore and mock and shit on everyday people for years, now the cost is upon us.

Maybe you shouldnt have voted for a pro war peice of shit? Or supported domestic terrorism?

How do you blame this behavior on someone else? This is ALL on the people you support. Trump lost, and your crowd are having an epic meltdown because they can't fucking accept reality.

No, cheating is not accepted, end of.

Lying about cheating is not accepted either. Show me the proof.


An Claidheam Anam


It’s disappointing that everyone is so adamant about being anti BLM and blaming them for violence without having any affiliation besides being a couch juror glued to the 6 o’clock news.

cause the media is so honest and forthcoming *rolls eyes*

I tell ya what. The general idea that originally started with BLM, was that black lives mattered too. But certain factions became corrupt, and some other conspiracy mumbo jumbo I wont get into lol.

I cant condemn the whole group. If you had asked me a few months ago or so, yes, I would have. But after much thought, I realize it is not all of them that are bad, and some of them just actually want their voice heard peacefully. Part of what made me think that, was like how everyone attacks the Confederacy, when in reality, there are different people who fly it for different reasons. Some are racist yes, but they are a small group. Then you have the actual Southerners, that are proud of their heritage, and not one bit racist. So yes, I do sympathize with BLM to a degree, but its not much, only a lil, and for those that are truly honorable about their cause. Like the noble Southerners that defended Virginia. But with BLM, the noble ones are in the minority from what I see. Same with Antifa. The ones that aint noble in their cause, can all go to hell, and suffer greatly. Its a vicious cycle in my brain lol, cause I cant stand the fuckers, for what they did to my beloved South, and to the innocent. Like lil Cannon that was only 5 years old, FIVE FUCKING YEARS OLD! On his bike! Ugh!

Thank you for that thoughtful post. I appreciate it. But I have to insist that you don't have a clear picture of exactly how many members of BLM (self proclaimed or otherwise) are actually committing violent actions. I would wager (without proof, either, like you, but with a pretty good understanding of how these things usually work because I have been to a lot of these events) that they are in a very small minority.

Well that small minority has left 35 people and 7 children DEAD.

And has left several more people brutalized to the point of hospitalization.

And has left communities absolutely devastated and has destroyed lives.

And while violent rioters were arrested, they were quickly bailed out. Even by the Biden campaign. And activist AGs refuse to prosecute.

What do you think happens when that shit is allowed? When people are not being protected by the state? What about the rights of those people who were murdered?

See the problem?
The guy you voted for left over 300,00 people dead and many many more in dire straights.
That's okay with you though, right, Duhv?

Wait! Is slightly retarded Holliday trying to say that it's Trump's fault his Chinese Masters let a dead bat virus escape from one of their bioweapons labs?
No - many retarded Raggedy Peasant is trying to stay relevant

..and failing miserably.


Factory Bastard
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Cold as Ice
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East of the Rockies West of the rest
See I dont give a shit if t

And WE are the ones who want a dictatorship.


Why does your side always try to use the government to control peoples lives? That's why we are in this mess.

You guys want government to micro manage everything and have us as state slaves. And meanwhile they cannot even redistribute 2k of our own money back to us.

Yeah lick those boots. It's clear you back elitest establishment suits who profit off war.

How sad.
This is YOUR SHITSHOW, You need to own it, and it's outcomes.

Lol it's not MY shit show.

Just because I'm telling you what I know the reasons behind this are.

It's your guys shit show. You chose to ignore and mock and shit on everyday people for years, now the cost is upon us.

Maybe you shouldnt have voted for a pro war peice of shit? Or supported domestic terrorism?

How do you blame this behavior on someone else? This is ALL on the people you support. Trump lost, and your crowd are having an epic meltdown because they can't fucking accept reality.

So you guys can blame ME for people being pissed enough to take to the streets

But I cant blame YOU for enabling and supporting the conditions that directly brought it to this point?

HOW does that work?

I'm not blaming you for it. I AM, however, blaming you for supporting the idiots who are doing it.

So you think people should just go ahead and quietly let the government take away their jobs, make energy and gas unaffordable and tax them into poverty?

Just swallow the fact they dont trust the institutions in this country for shit?

What should they do, Lotus? Just shut up and struggle like the 8 years of Obama?
You are dumb.

I'm not the one who votes for bullshit that I complain about later, though.

You are supporting a pro war racist, and you claim to support BLM.

You just dont like conservatives and youd probably vote for Chauvin if he ran blue.
cuckoo for cocoa puffs!
Is that why you got kicked out of the service because you are cuckoo?


I'm in jail, send hamberders
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Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
See I dont give a shit if t

And WE are the ones who want a dictatorship.


Why does your side always try to use the government to control peoples lives? That's why we are in this mess.

You guys want government to micro manage everything and have us as state slaves. And meanwhile they cannot even redistribute 2k of our own money back to us.

Yeah lick those boots. It's clear you back elitest establishment suits who profit off war.

How sad.
This is YOUR SHITSHOW, You need to own it, and it's outcomes.

Lol it's not MY shit show.

Just because I'm telling you what I know the reasons behind this are.

It's your guys shit show. You chose to ignore and mock and shit on everyday people for years, now the cost is upon us.

Maybe you shouldnt have voted for a pro war peice of shit? Or supported domestic terrorism?

How do you blame this behavior on someone else? This is ALL on the people you support. Trump lost, and your crowd are having an epic meltdown because they can't fucking accept reality.

So you guys can blame ME for people being pissed enough to take to the streets

But I cant blame YOU for enabling and supporting the conditions that directly brought it to this point?

HOW does that work?

I'm not blaming you for it. I AM, however, blaming you for supporting the idiots who are doing it.

So you think people should just go ahead and quietly let the government take away their jobs, make energy and gas unaffordable and tax them into poverty?

Just swallow the fact they dont trust the institutions in this country for shit?

What should they do, Lotus? Just shut up and struggle like the 8 years of Obama?
You are dumb.

I'm not the one who votes for bullshit that I complain about later, though.

You are supporting a pro war racist, and you claim to support BLM.

You just dont like conservatives and youd probably vote for Chauvin if he ran blue.
cuckoo for cocoa puffs!
Is that why you got kicked out of the service because you are cuckoo?
Citation needed.


Put your glasses on!
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You Cons are nuts. I'm happy this all happened. Makes Dems look good.
I'll be laughing at you for years.

Your blood will stain the steps of the revolution

You wanted to hear from Biden.

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·National Politics Reporter
Wed, January 6, 2021, 9:31 PM GMT

President-elect Joe Biden speaks at The Queen theater in Wilmington, Del. on Wednesday. (Susan Walsh/AP)
President-elect Joe Biden condemned the assault on the U.S. Capitol by right-wing rioters on Wednesday and called on President Trump “to go on national television now to fulfill his oath and defend the Constitution and demand an end to this siege.”

“At this hour our democracy is under unprecedented assault unlike anything we’ve seen in modern times,” Biden said.
He called the rioters “a small number of extremists dedicated to lawlessness.”
“This is not dissent. It’s disorder. It’s chaos. It borders on sedition. And it must end now,” Biden continued.

Wow, if he had said that about the BLMers it would have been ready immediately!

Because they hate poor minorities.

BLM raised billions of dollars for burning down poor minority communities. They murdered 35 innocent people and 7 children.

All garbage to these people

Now that citizens are standing against rich politicains that fuck with our lives and liberties.....Biden is all outraged calling the people seditious.

But brutalizing innocent Americans in violent riots, destroying communities. . .that's somehow not sedition.

Using the media to intentionally divide the country and pit Americans against eachother is somehow not sedition.

Fuck Biden. Seriously fuck these scum bags. All they give a fuck about is themselves.

And we have people here actually defending these scumbags.
My blood has stained the grounds of battlefields many times. Has yours?

Considering shes a female, I would say that is a high probability lol.

I grew up poor in a democrat ran state.

I didnt vote for Benzo to go get blown up.....I dont vote for wars.


I grew up poor too. Mom always said "Democrats represent the poor, Republicans represent the rich". Well, I've learned in the past decade that it is MUCH more than that. And what we are seeing today, are not the Democrats of old, they have become Radical, and corrupt. They changed. The parties always flip flop. We need what I mentioned before, a Working Class Party, that represents the common average working man and goes from there.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
There's only ONE reason this shit is happening and thats because democRATs and their muppet media dismissed video and testimony evidence that rampant election fraud existed. I love all the democRAT histronics and bellyaching about Trump supporters protesting, especially when these same faggits were A-OK with BLM Burning, Looting, and Murdering all summer long! BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
I think that people fail to realize or accept that we have NEVER fully recovered from the real estate crash of 2008. Most people are working 2-3 shit jobs just to get by these days.


Factory Bastard
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Entertain me you boring fucks.....
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No where you'd like to be......
This is an attack on the American Constitution I long ago swore an oath to defend, these insurgents should be put down with extreme prejudice.

Oh fucking bullshit. Biden wants Trump to call off the protestors but did Biden call off BLM and Antifa scum when they were looting, rioting, destroying property and killing people? Umm no. So shut the fuck up with your stupid ass blah blah blah swore an oath to defend our constitution blah blah blah bullshit. If you swore an oath to defend our constitution you'd be rooting for your fellow Americans storming fucking capitol hill. I bet Biden doesn't last a year in office!! Ha ha ha to the motherfucking HA HA.
You're not a real girl, are you?

I'm a bad bitch. Enough for you to know about me.
Whatever happened to the demure southern belle?

Oh she's there. I am a Southern Belle but I'm also patriotic. Why can't I be both? I'm definitely not a pushover. Lol. I'm as tough as nails, have a big heart and massive will power.


There's only ONE reason this shit is happening and thats because democRATs and their muppet media dismissed video and testimony evidence that rampant election fraud existed. I love all the democRAT histronics and bellyaching about Trump supporters protesting, especially when these same faggits were A-OK with BLM Burning, Looting, and Murdering all summer long! BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Well, ya know, Blaztard,
Lou Dobbs says he hasn't got any evidence either.

Is he part of the GRAND conspiracy?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I urge anyone who voted republican to watch the HBO documentary “Hot Coffee” and then tell me that Republicans are pro working class.

It will be your first lesson in tort reform and the lies and deceit of the Republican Party to secure their own interest in big insurance.

If you still don’t understand the magnitude of what tort reform is doing to our country... then I’ll understand why you voted Republican.


This is an attack on the American Constitution I long ago swore an oath to defend, these insurgents should be put down with extreme prejudice.

Oh fucking bullshit. Biden wants Trump to call off the protestors but did Biden call off BLM and Antifa scum when they were looting, rioting, destroying property and killing people? Umm no. So shut the fuck up with your stupid ass blah blah blah swore an oath to defend our constitution blah blah blah bullshit. If you swore an oath to defend our constitution you'd be rooting for your fellow Americans storming fucking capitol hill. I bet Biden doesn't last a year in office!! Ha ha ha to the motherfucking HA HA.
You're not a real girl, are you?

I'm a bad bitch. Enough for you to know about me.
Whatever happened to the demure southern belle?

Oh she's there. I am a Southern Belle but I'm also patriotic. Why can't I be both? I'm definitely not a pushover. Lol. I'm as tough as nails, have a big heart and massive will power.


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
Post proof of this blatant election chicanery.
Oh fuck off! We're tired of hearing that shit! Open your goddamn eyes!
Nope, we're tired of your bullshit and "evidence"


This asshole isn't even an American?


Fuck no. He's Dutch and lives in Europe.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
It’s disappointing that everyone is so adamant about being anti BLM and blaming them for violence without having any affiliation besides being a couch juror glued to the 6 o’clock news.

cause the media is so honest and forthcoming *rolls eyes*

I tell ya what. The general idea that originally started with BLM, was that black lives mattered too. But certain factions became corrupt, and some other conspiracy mumbo jumbo I wont get into lol.

I cant condemn the whole group. If you had asked me a few months ago or so, yes, I would have. But after much thought, I realize it is not all of them that are bad, and some of them just actually want their voice heard peacefully. Part of what made me think that, was like how everyone attacks the Confederacy, when in reality, there are different people who fly it for different reasons. Some are racist yes, but they are a small group. Then you have the actual Southerners, that are proud of their heritage, and not one bit racist. So yes, I do sympathize with BLM to a degree, but its not much, only a lil, and for those that are truly honorable about their cause. Like the noble Southerners that defended Virginia. But with BLM, the noble ones are in the minority from what I see. Same with Antifa. The ones that aint noble in their cause, can all go to hell, and suffer greatly. Its a vicious cycle in my brain lol, cause I cant stand the fuckers, for what they did to my beloved South, and to the innocent. Like lil Cannon that was only 5 years old, FIVE FUCKING YEARS OLD! On his bike! Ugh!

Thank you for that thoughtful post. I appreciate it. But I have to insist that you don't have a clear picture of exactly how many members of BLM (self proclaimed or otherwise) are actually committing violent actions. I would wager (without proof, either, like you, but with a pretty good understanding of how these things usually work because I have been to a lot of these events) that they are in a very small minority.

No problem lol. I would hope at some point, that you come to realize, that I am indeed an honorable man, an honest man, an empathetic man, and that I will always speak from a voice of understanding. Now piss in my Cheerios and we might have a problem lol.

But no you right, neither of us truly know the actual faction of folks that are true to a noble cause. When it comes to events, most the time it aint good, ESPECIALLY at night! When it comes to Keyboard Warriors, most are actually just Virtue Signalling, trying to get likes, and not labeled a racist. Its crazy this whole Culture Cleanse, I dont like it one bit.

I also dont like how they try to silence whites, or bash them, or paint them as a villain. Thats racist in itself. If I were to say All Lives Matter, I mean it from the heart, and sincerely mean it, but somehow that makes me a racist? Like wtf? Same if I support the Confederacy, Im automatically a racist white supremacist. NO! I know who the fuck I am!


..and you'd been clear that you won't let a man penetrate you.

Tender ass, no pussy.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
There's only ONE reason this shit is happening and thats because democRATs and their muppet media dismissed video and testimony evidence that rampant election fraud existed. I love all the democRAT histronics and bellyaching about Trump supporters protesting, especially when these same faggits were A-OK with BLM Burning, Looting, and Murdering all summer long! BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Well, ya know, Blaztard,
Lou Dobbs says he hasn't got any evidence either.

Is he part of the GRAND conspiracy?
First clown, figure out WHO you're talkin to.
Second, I heard Dobbs go on a tirade last week about all the blatant fraud!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I urge anyone who voted republican to watch the HBO documentary “Hot Coffee” and then tell me that Republicans are pro working class.

It will be your first lesson in tort reform and the lies and deceit of the Republican Party to secure their own interest in big insurance.

If you still don’t understand the magnitude of what tort reform is doing to our country... then I’ll understand why you voted Republican.
And I challenge ANYONE to look at a democRAT ran shithole and show me how democRATs give a fiddlers fuk about the poor OR working class.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
It’s disappointing that everyone is so adamant about being anti BLM and blaming them for violence without having any affiliation besides being a couch juror glued to the 6 o’clock news.

cause the media is so honest and forthcoming *rolls eyes*

I tell ya what. The general idea that originally started with BLM, was that black lives mattered too. But certain factions became corrupt, and some other conspiracy mumbo jumbo I wont get into lol.

I cant condemn the whole group. If you had asked me a few months ago or so, yes, I would have. But after much thought, I realize it is not all of them that are bad, and some of them just actually want their voice heard peacefully. Part of what made me think that, was like how everyone attacks the Confederacy, when in reality, there are different people who fly it for different reasons. Some are racist yes, but they are a small group. Then you have the actual Southerners, that are proud of their heritage, and not one bit racist. So yes, I do sympathize with BLM to a degree, but its not much, only a lil, and for those that are truly honorable about their cause. Like the noble Southerners that defended Virginia. But with BLM, the noble ones are in the minority from what I see. Same with Antifa. The ones that aint noble in their cause, can all go to hell, and suffer greatly. Its a vicious cycle in my brain lol, cause I cant stand the fuckers, for what they did to my beloved South, and to the innocent. Like lil Cannon that was only 5 years old, FIVE FUCKING YEARS OLD! On his bike! Ugh!

Thank you for that thoughtful post. I appreciate it. But I have to insist that you don't have a clear picture of exactly how many members of BLM (self proclaimed or otherwise) are actually committing violent actions. I would wager (without proof, either, like you, but with a pretty good understanding of how these things usually work because I have been to a lot of these events) that they are in a very small minority.

Well that small minority has left 35 people and 7 children DEAD.

And has left several more people brutalized to the point of hospitalization.

And has left communities absolutely devastated and has destroyed lives.

And while violent rioters were arrested, they were quickly bailed out. Even by the Biden campaign. And activist AGs refuse to prosecute.

What do you think happens when that shit is allowed? When people are not being protected by the state? What about the rights of those people who were murdered?

See the problem?
The guy you voted for left over 300,00 people dead and many many more in dire straights.
That's okay with you though, right, Duhv?

If you blaming Trump for Covid deaths that is psychotic and you are part of the problem.

This is literally why people dont want to share a country with you guys anymore.

You wouldnt dare blame State governments for deaths per state even though its directly on the states.

You are not blaming other leaders in other countries. Nope.

This is just fucking retarded and I'd have more respect for you if you just admitted you just hate Trump and it doesnt matter what he has or has not done. Because that is the truth.

You guys just look stupid when you blame Covid deaths on Trump.


There's only ONE reason this shit is happening and thats because democRATs and their muppet media dismissed video and testimony evidence that rampant election fraud existed. I love all the democRAT histronics and bellyaching about Trump supporters protesting, especially when these same faggits were A-OK with BLM Burning, Looting, and Murdering all summer long! BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Well, ya know, Blaztard,
Lou Dobbs says he hasn't got any evidence either.

Is he part of the GRAND conspiracy?
First clown, figure out WHO you're talkin to.
Second, I heard Dobbs go on a tirade last week about all the blatant fraud!
Well, OBBBBviously you missed my link to him saying he had no actual evidence.

It's everywhere all over the internetz.


It’s disappointing that everyone is so adamant about being anti BLM and blaming them for violence without having any affiliation besides being a couch juror glued to the 6 o’clock news.

cause the media is so honest and forthcoming *rolls eyes*

I tell ya what. The general idea that originally started with BLM, was that black lives mattered too. But certain factions became corrupt, and some other conspiracy mumbo jumbo I wont get into lol.

I cant condemn the whole group. If you had asked me a few months ago or so, yes, I would have. But after much thought, I realize it is not all of them that are bad, and some of them just actually want their voice heard peacefully. Part of what made me think that, was like how everyone attacks the Confederacy, when in reality, there are different people who fly it for different reasons. Some are racist yes, but they are a small group. Then you have the actual Southerners, that are proud of their heritage, and not one bit racist. So yes, I do sympathize with BLM to a degree, but its not much, only a lil, and for those that are truly honorable about their cause. Like the noble Southerners that defended Virginia. But with BLM, the noble ones are in the minority from what I see. Same with Antifa. The ones that aint noble in their cause, can all go to hell, and suffer greatly. Its a vicious cycle in my brain lol, cause I cant stand the fuckers, for what they did to my beloved South, and to the innocent. Like lil Cannon that was only 5 years old, FIVE FUCKING YEARS OLD! On his bike! Ugh!

Thank you for that thoughtful post. I appreciate it. But I have to insist that you don't have a clear picture of exactly how many members of BLM (self proclaimed or otherwise) are actually committing violent actions. I would wager (without proof, either, like you, but with a pretty good understanding of how these things usually work because I have been to a lot of these events) that they are in a very small minority.

Well that small minority has left 35 people and 7 children DEAD.

And has left several more people brutalized to the point of hospitalization.

And has left communities absolutely devastated and has destroyed lives.

And while violent rioters were arrested, they were quickly bailed out. Even by the Biden campaign. And activist AGs refuse to prosecute.

What do you think happens when that shit is allowed? When people are not being protected by the state? What about the rights of those people who were murdered?

See the problem?
The guy you voted for left over 300,00 people dead and many many more in dire straights.
That's okay with you though, right, Duhv?

If you blaming Trump for Covid deaths that is psychotic and you are part of the problem.

This is literally why people dont want to share a country with you guys anymore.

You wouldnt dare blame State governments for deaths per state even though its directly on the states.

You are not blaming other leaders in other countries. Nope.

This is just fucking retarded and I'd have more respect for you if you just admitted you just hate Trump and it doesnt matter what he has or has not done. Because that is the truth.

You guys just look stupid when you blame Covid deaths on Trump.
National leaders take responsibility for National problems.

Trump couldn't handle the responsibility of his position in government.

His supporters, even with the benefit of hindsight, are also the problem.

PS: and I do despise Trump - as anyone who loves this country and the Liberal ideals it was founded upon should.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
It’s disappointing that everyone is so adamant about being anti BLM and blaming them for violence without having any affiliation besides being a couch juror glued to the 6 o’clock news.

cause the media is so honest and forthcoming *rolls eyes*

I tell ya what. The general idea that originally started with BLM, was that black lives mattered too. But certain factions became corrupt, and some other conspiracy mumbo jumbo I wont get into lol.

I cant condemn the whole group. If you had asked me a few months ago or so, yes, I would have. But after much thought, I realize it is not all of them that are bad, and some of them just actually want their voice heard peacefully. Part of what made me think that, was like how everyone attacks the Confederacy, when in reality, there are different people who fly it for different reasons. Some are racist yes, but they are a small group. Then you have the actual Southerners, that are proud of their heritage, and not one bit racist. So yes, I do sympathize with BLM to a degree, but its not much, only a lil, and for those that are truly honorable about their cause. Like the noble Southerners that defended Virginia. But with BLM, the noble ones are in the minority from what I see. Same with Antifa. The ones that aint noble in their cause, can all go to hell, and suffer greatly. Its a vicious cycle in my brain lol, cause I cant stand the fuckers, for what they did to my beloved South, and to the innocent. Like lil Cannon that was only 5 years old, FIVE FUCKING YEARS OLD! On his bike! Ugh!

Thank you for that thoughtful post. I appreciate it. But I have to insist that you don't have a clear picture of exactly how many members of BLM (self proclaimed or otherwise) are actually committing violent actions. I would wager (without proof, either, like you, but with a pretty good understanding of how these things usually work because I have been to a lot of these events) that they are in a very small minority.

Well that small minority has left 35 people and 7 children DEAD.

And has left several more people brutalized to the point of hospitalization.

And has left communities absolutely devastated and has destroyed lives.

And while violent rioters were arrested, they were quickly bailed out. Even by the Biden campaign. And activist AGs refuse to prosecute.

What do you think happens when that shit is allowed? When people are not being protected by the state? What about the rights of those people who were murdered?

See the problem?
The guy you voted for left over 300,00 people dead and many many more in dire straights.
That's okay with you though, right, Duhv?

If you blaming Trump for Covid deaths that is psychotic and you are part of the problem.

This is literally why people dont want to share a country with you guys anymore.

You wouldnt dare blame State governments for deaths per state even though its directly on the states.

You are not blaming other leaders in other countries. Nope.

This is just fucking retarded and I'd have more respect for you if you just admitted you just hate Trump and it doesnt matter what he has or has not done. Because that is the truth.

You guys just look stupid when you blame Covid deaths on Trump.

I will give you this... he took the Chinese doctor’s advice and shut the borders down immediately.

Covid showed up in the US first in Seattle. You wanna know my theory as to why?

We have a huge port that caters to container ships and imports from China. 500,000 women and children are sex trafficked through our port every year.

Wanna know the first cases in Seattle? They were at an underfunded nursing home facility with underpaid/undocumented workers who probably have contact with someone who traffics.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
It is extremely unclear who planted the bombs at RNC headquarters. Work with explosives tends to be what Antifa does but we shall see.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
There's only ONE reason this shit is happening and thats because democRATs and their muppet media dismissed video and testimony evidence that rampant election fraud existed. I love all the democRAT histronics and bellyaching about Trump supporters protesting, especially when these same faggits were A-OK with BLM Burning, Looting, and Murdering all summer long! BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Well, ya know, Blaztard,
Lou Dobbs says he hasn't got any evidence either.

Is he part of the GRAND conspiracy?
First clown, figure out WHO you're talkin to.
Second, I heard Dobbs go on a tirade last week about all the blatant fraud!
Well, OBBBBviously you missed my link to him saying he had no actual evidence.

It's everywhere all over the internetz.
Already heard him skewer some democRAT operative.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter

And WE are the ones who want a dictatorship.


Why does your side always try to use the government to control peoples lives? That's why we are in this mess.

You guys want government to micro manage everything and have us as state slaves. And meanwhile they cannot even redistribute 2k of our own money back to us.

Yeah lick those boots. It's clear you back elitest establishment suits who profit off war.

How sad.
This is YOUR SHITSHOW, You need to own it, and it's outcomes.

Lol it's not MY shit show.

Just because I'm telling you what I know the reasons behind this are.

It's your guys shit show. You chose to ignore and mock and shit on everyday people for years, now the cost is upon us.

Maybe you shouldnt have voted for a pro war peice of shit? Or supported domestic terrorism?

How do you blame this behavior on someone else? This is ALL on the people you support. Trump lost, and your crowd are having an epic meltdown because they can't fucking accept reality.

No, cheating is not accepted, end of.

Lying about cheating is not accepted either. Show me the proof.

Just listen to Trump, the President of the United States, talk about it earlier this afternoon. Im sure you can find the video, teach.