January 6th, "gonna be wild"


Factory Bastard
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Proud Boyz leader arrested when he got to DC. From where he burnt a BLM sign a while back.
It'll be interresting seeing them try to charge a black dude with a hate crime! :LOL1:
Cool story Kids!

Look at the LA and overall Cali chapters for numbers uptakes of the proud boys.

What's cool is that you've the IQ of a spineless jellyfish when faced with facts.

Few want you in the US... the majority would just assume slit your throat for being a gullible dupe.

...and if you're not that, ram a hatchet into your skull while you're watching.
Don't give up on your ESL classes Pedro!

Shush, Mongo...
Will you cry tomorrow after it's all over?
The ballot packing wont be done by tomorrow.
The Pentagon is Sending the Kent State National Guard to deal with the Proud Momma's Boys in DC tomorrow, I hope thay packed enough body bags.

You mean they're sending in real soldiers and not piss weak dishonorably discharged little pansies like you?

Are you a veteran too? Nothing like spitting in the faces of our current or former warriors. It's like the 60's again.
He's not a warrior. He's a liberty hating chump and his military leaders so that for themselves

Don't people that serve all go through basic training and then are ready to protect our country? Is this how your brand of conservatism "supports our troops"?
Tell me how shit rags like him are "protecting our country" when he actively supports the people eager to burn in down?

Because he ran from some rice farmers in a jungle 4000 miles away? pfft. joke.
Why if it isn't the original cowerd of the county.

I like how Trump conservatives "support our troops" and "veterans". It's impressive, they're like libs spitting on our guys that went to Nam.
Correction. I'm spitting on the cowardly clowns who hid in a bush while their breathren fought in nam
You didn't even serve in the Boy Scouts fat boy, gtfo.
YOu call what you did serving?

Serving GI's through a hole in the wall is not serving in the traditional sense, sugar.

That's the way the world goes round, one minute you're up and the next, you're down.

Is that your beat off scene?

No, thats my "shit in aidsmans mouth" scene. Hungry?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Proud Boyz leader arrested when he got to DC. From where he burnt a BLM sign a while back.
It'll be interresting seeing them try to charge a black dude with a hate crime! :LOL1:
Cool story Kids!

Look at the LA and overall Cali chapters for numbers uptakes of the proud boys.

What's cool is that you've the IQ of a spineless jellyfish when faced with facts.

Few want you in the US... the majority would just assume slit your throat for being a gullible dupe.

...and if you're not that, ram a hatchet into your skull while you're watching.
Don't give up on your ESL classes Pedro!

Shush, Mongo...
Will you cry tomorrow after it's all over?
The ballot packing wont be done by tomorrow.
The Pentagon is Sending the Kent State National Guard to deal with the Proud Momma's Boys in DC tomorrow, I hope thay packed enough body bags.

You mean they're sending in real soldiers and not piss weak dishonorably discharged little pansies like you?

Are you a veteran too? Nothing like spitting in the faces of our current or former warriors. It's like the 60's again.
He's not a warrior. He's a liberty hating chump and his military leaders so that for themselves

Don't people that serve all go through basic training and then are ready to protect our country? Is this how your brand of conservatism "supports our troops"?
Tell me how shit rags like him are "protecting our country" when he actively supports the people eager to burn in down?

Because he ran from some rice farmers in a jungle 4000 miles away? pfft. joke.
Why if it isn't the original cowerd of the county.

I like how Trump conservatives "support our troops" and "veterans". It's impressive, they're like libs spitting on our guys that went to Nam.
Correction. I'm spitting on the cowardly clowns who hid in a bush while their breathren fought in nam
You didn't even serve in the Boy Scouts fat boy, gtfo.
YOu call what you did serving?

Serving GI's through a hole in the wall is not serving in the traditional sense, sugar.

That's the way the world goes round, one minute you're up and the next, you're down.

How old are the Veitnam war vets and supporters of the Veitnem war today? Like 90?

My mother told me when she realized the hippies and lefties were awful(she isnt right either but...feel free to toss her in large "teh right" catagory) when they were spitting on soldiers who were in Veitnam.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

No Government Buildings were violated on that day either.

That's actually not been established. The March For Life has always been massive. That year media tried to compare the numbers and couldnt because no one counts the protesters.

Occupy Dems is a propaganda site. They post dishonest memes and lie. Pretty much every single meme they post is false.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Trump can be sued for role in January 6 attack on Capitol, federal judge rules

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Bahahahaha for what? Telling people to keep it peaceful and go home?

You know who should be sued for inciting riots and getting people killed? BLM and every democrat politicain that egged on "unrest". Sued for all the billions in damaged they caused to PEOPLE.

Look at you guys who stay silent on all that ghoulish violence that destroyed the lives of so many regular people cheering all these idiotic and manipulative ideas being pushed on how to criminalize or punish another political party for a protest you dont like.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Proud Boyz leader arrested when he got to DC. From where he burnt a BLM sign a while back.
It'll be interresting seeing them try to charge a black dude with a hate crime! :LOL1:
Cool story Kids!

Look at the LA and overall Cali chapters for numbers uptakes of the proud boys.

What's cool is that you've the IQ of a spineless jellyfish when faced with facts.

Few want you in the US... the majority would just assume slit your throat for being a gullible dupe.

...and if you're not that, ram a hatchet into your skull while you're watching.
Don't give up on your ESL classes Pedro!

Shush, Mongo...
Will you cry tomorrow after it's all over?
The ballot packing wont be done by tomorrow.
The Pentagon is Sending the Kent State National Guard to deal with the Proud Momma's Boys in DC tomorrow, I hope thay packed enough body bags.

You mean they're sending in real soldiers and not piss weak dishonorably discharged little pansies like you?

Are you a veteran too? Nothing like spitting in the faces of our current or former warriors. It's like the 60's again.
He's not a warrior. He's a liberty hating chump and his military leaders so that for themselves

Don't people that serve all go through basic training and then are ready to protect our country? Is this how your brand of conservatism "supports our troops"?
Tell me how shit rags like him are "protecting our country" when he actively supports the people eager to burn in down?

Because he ran from some rice farmers in a jungle 4000 miles away? pfft. joke.
Why if it isn't the original cowerd of the county.

I like how Trump conservatives "support our troops" and "veterans". It's impressive, they're like libs spitting on our guys that went to Nam.
Correction. I'm spitting on the cowardly clowns who hid in a bush while their breathren fought in nam
You didn't even serve in the Boy Scouts fat boy, gtfo.
YOu call what you did serving?

Serving GI's through a hole in the wall is not serving in the traditional sense, sugar.

That's the way the world goes round, one minute you're up and the next, you're down.

How old are the Veitnam war vets and supporters of the Veitnem war today? Like 90?

My mother told me when she realized the hippies and lefties were awful(she isnt right either but...feel free to toss her in large "teh right" catagory) when they were spitting on soldiers who were in Veitnam.
Those spitting libs were fighting for the right to kill babies here.


Put your glasses on!
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Well according to Time, a shadow cabal of wealthy and powerful elites "reinforced" and "saved" the election.

Sucks that regular working Americans who pay taxes and vote the proper way dont have those resources to fight back.

I'd LOVE to wake the sheep up about the "shadow cabal". So often I would love to put up a billboard, or do SOMETHING to wake people up!

But what really sucks, is anyone who DOES speak up, gets thrown in jail, or silenced/censored, etc.

I remember a guy, early on had a sign, standing near an intersection, warning folks of the vax and the elites. Was saying what I would say. And the police ran him off, havent seen him since. Shame.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Well according to Time, a shadow cabal of wealthy and powerful elites "reinforced" and "saved" the election.

Sucks that regular working Americans who pay taxes and vote the proper way dont have those resources to fight back.

I'd LOVE to wake the sheep up about the "shadow cabal". So often I would love to put up a billboard, or do SOMETHING to wake people up!

But what really sucks, is anyone who DOES speak up, gets thrown in jail, or silenced/censored, etc.

I remember a guy, early on had a sign, standing near an intersection, warning folks of the vax and the elites. Was saying what I would say. And the police ran him off, havent seen him since. Shame.

It was literally blatantly said in Time. That a "shadow cabal" of powerful people "reinforced" the election.

And these people wail about "attack on democracy" and support the government taking politcal prisoners and painting people who protested as insurrectionists.

They dont care because they really view half the country as stupid, uneducated racists who shouldnt have any voice at all. They want one party rule. A good amount of them openly blast the constitution as an antiquated document that upholds a system of white supremacy.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Well according to Time, a shadow cabal of wealthy and powerful elites "reinforced" and "saved" the election.

Sucks that regular working Americans who pay taxes and vote the proper way dont have those resources to fight back.

I'd LOVE to wake the sheep up about the "shadow cabal". So often I would love to put up a billboard, or do SOMETHING to wake people up!

But what really sucks, is anyone who DOES speak up, gets thrown in jail, or silenced/censored, etc.

I remember a guy, early on had a sign, standing near an intersection, warning folks of the vax and the elites. Was saying what I would say. And the police ran him off, havent seen him since. Shame.

It was literally blatantly said in Time. That a "shadow cabal" of powerful people "reinforced" the election.

And these people wail about "attack on democracy" and support the government taking politcal prisoners and painting people who protested as insurrectionists.

They dont care because they really view half the country as stupid, uneducated racists who shouldnt have any voice at all. They want one party rule. A good amount of them openly blast the constitution as an antiquated document that upholds a system of white supremacy.

I dunno.

Seems like some of those red states like Texas want 1 party rule @Dove


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter

Well according to Time, a shadow cabal of wealthy and powerful elites "reinforced" and "saved" the election.

Sucks that regular working Americans who pay taxes and vote the proper way dont have those resources to fight back.

I'd LOVE to wake the sheep up about the "shadow cabal". So often I would love to put up a billboard, or do SOMETHING to wake people up!

But what really sucks, is anyone who DOES speak up, gets thrown in jail, or silenced/censored, etc.

I remember a guy, early on had a sign, standing near an intersection, warning folks of the vax and the elites. Was saying what I would say. And the police ran him off, havent seen him since. Shame.

It was literally blatantly said in Time. That a "shadow cabal" of powerful people "reinforced" the election.

And these people wail about "attack on democracy" and support the government taking politcal prisoners and painting people who protested as insurrectionists.

They dont care because they really view half the country as stupid, uneducated racists who shouldnt have any voice at all. They want one party rule. A good amount of them openly blast the constitution as an antiquated document that upholds a system of white supremacy.

I remember that.

Did you ever look at that link I posted, where THEIR plan was in place, and all that they were gonna do to bring down our society, and induct a One World Order?

They PUT Biden in place, to carry out as much as possible, at warp speed.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Well according to Time, a shadow cabal of wealthy and powerful elites "reinforced" and "saved" the election.

Sucks that regular working Americans who pay taxes and vote the proper way dont have those resources to fight back.

I'd LOVE to wake the sheep up about the "shadow cabal". So often I would love to put up a billboard, or do SOMETHING to wake people up!

But what really sucks, is anyone who DOES speak up, gets thrown in jail, or silenced/censored, etc.

I remember a guy, early on had a sign, standing near an intersection, warning folks of the vax and the elites. Was saying what I would say. And the police ran him off, havent seen him since. Shame.

It was literally blatantly said in Time. That a "shadow cabal" of powerful people "reinforced" the election.

And these people wail about "attack on democracy" and support the government taking politcal prisoners and painting people who protested as insurrectionists.

They dont care because they really view half the country as stupid, uneducated racists who shouldnt have any voice at all. They want one party rule. A good amount of them openly blast the constitution as an antiquated document that upholds a system of white supremacy.

I dunno.

Seems like some of those red states like Texas want 1 party rule @Dove

Oh yeah?

So give an example of TX trying to control other states via the federal government?

You seem to believe that the federal government exists to serve just the left and that anything other parties actually win is somehow extremism.

I guess after seeing the country taken over by one side, it would easy to think democrats are the standard and other parties are wrong for existing.

Not that long ago you guys (and dems/progs all over thr country) were screaming outrage that TX passed that heartbeat bill and you guys wanted the SCOTUS to trash it. Because states should be forced to have leftwing values.

You are basically saying TX is bad and wrong because they are not democrats and by existing and representing voters you dont agree with, they somehow must want a one party rule government. You are proving my point.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Making it look like we have more than one party in this country is all okay and fine and good.

As long as those other parties dont actually interfere with what the dems/progs want.

TX should sit there and look like another party but they arent supposed to actually DO anything that goes against THE party because that makes them "extremists".

Other parties can exist.....as long as they dont thwart what the dems/progs want in any meaningful way.

So it's okay and cool for the SCOTUS to step in with Roe and force every state to allow abortion and limits their restrictions and to also funnel the peoples taxes into PP.....THATS not extremist at all. Federal control is totally normal in a democracy as long as dems/progs want it.

But if all the other people in the country manage to get represented it's all extremism and.....they must be the ones who want ONE party.

Got that guys? We gotta let dems/progs have their way on most everything or that means we are extremist authoritarians. Let the dems run even the red states to show that we welcome more than one party. Fuck everyone except democrats and progressives.

Lol. That's exactly I'm talking about when I observe how leftists want a one party authoritarian rule over the whole country. They scream and cry and are outraged everytime they dont get their way. When we dont get ours we have to just eat it. We get told to "die mad".

Honestly if the left is gonna forcibly run the country we should all stop working and stop using the grid.....just break off or something. Fuck paying for their bullshit.