Jews will not replace us!!!!



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Domestically feral
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United states
Because Jesus was white and Christianiry is something people in America started so we could ruin peoples sex lives and sexual options. Oh and the black and brown people. Christ is a white evangelical. That's really important to just everyone outside Christianity....race is the only thing on earth that matters.

Not even needing to actually expound upon that old drama (which BTW is pretty shocking, to everyone who isnt a hateful brainwashed psycho, because Christains have a deep respect for Jews. Christ walked the earth as a jew. Scripture was written by really gotta be next level ignorant to think Christains are anti semetic)...but if you took Luther's two quotes up there and traded to the word "Jew" with ANY of the hateful slurs Oaks "side" uses about any of have leftwing twitter. And the TRA pages.

They are literally calling to burn down and vandalize churches, outreaches and to "get rid of them once and for all".

Fucking incredible....and we can watch the mass mob hysteria involved in the psychology of genocide happening in America and the ones involved are so blinded by hate they dont even realize they are no different from any other hate fueled authoritarian movement in history.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Because Jesus was white and Christianiry is something people in America started so we could ruin peoples sex lives and sexual options. Oh and the black and brown people. Christ is a white evangelical. That's really important to just everyone outside Christianity....race is the only thing on earth that matters.

Not even needing to actually expound upon that old drama (which BTW is pretty shocking, to everyone who isnt a hateful brainwashed psycho, because Christains have a deep respect for Jews. Christ walked the earth as a jew. Scripture was written by really gotta be next level ignorant to think Christains are anti semetic)...but if you took Luther's two quotes up there and traded to the word "Jew" with ANY of the hateful slurs Oaks "side" uses about any of have leftwing twitter. And the TRA pages.

They are literally calling to burn down and vandalize churches, outreaches and to "get rid of them once and for all".

Fucking incredible....and we can watch the mass mob hysteria involved in the psychology of genocide happening in America and the ones involved are so blinded by hate they dont even realize they are no different from any other hate fueled authoritarian movement in history.

You don't know the historical context and how the Christians of Luther's day blamed Jews for Jesus death.

The irony is that people like Blazor are attacking Jews to this day. You blame the everyone for your hate but yourselves.


Put your glasses on!
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You don't know the historical context and how the Christians of Luther's day blamed Jews for Jesus death.

The irony is that people like Blazor are attacking Jews to this day. You blame the everyone for your hate but yourselves.

Oh Im fine with normal Jews. Just like Im fine with normal Black folk.

I have no hate in my heart, for a whole race of folks.

You seem to be confused, but thats par for the course with "your side".


Domestically feral
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United states
You don't know the historical context and how the Christians of Luther's day blamed Jews for Jesus death.

The irony is that people like Blazor are attacking Jews to this day. You blame the everyone for your hate but yourselves.

I actually DO. Christians and the puritans have long critisized and split from Catholism. And most only support the reformation, however Lutherans are basically diet catholic. And so many times have reformed theology Christains been criticized and berated for their charges against the catholic church.

You guys will go with and say whatever you need to justify your hatred of Christian's.

The irony is you literally support genocidal hatred towards people you disagree with you align with a politcal party that pushes and promotes authoritarian hate. Take Luther's first quote up there and replace it with "Trumpard/Evangelicals/conservatives/right wing wack jobs/terfs/trabsphobes" and it becomes just another day on left wing Twitter.

THAT is the irony.

So because a left wing authoritarian ideology like a nationalist socailist party took over Germany, pushed their propaganda nonstop via state media and the like, inspired a dehumanizing hatred of a specific group of people they blamed all their problems and lack of "progress" on (all this sound familiar? It should) and that group happened to be jews?

No you guys take any criticism of jews as "anti semitism" and just like nazis. Unless you are slamming Israel over Palestinians. But any criticism of jews is just bigotry.

And then you sarcastically claim its "shocking" that a "Christian" hates the jews as if that's some typical and normal Christian stance when it absolutely is NOT. So you can have another bullshit reason to hate Christian's and blame them ......IRONICALLY just like the nazis did to the Jews.

The holocaust didn't happen overnight. It was systemic slow boil where people were convinced all of Germanys....and the worlds...problems were because of Jews. Just like our modern authoritarian left have been trained and groomed to have an unhinged and irrational hatred of their politcal opposition and make everything our fault, even things done by their party. You decades of bad policies that have clearly severely damaged inner cities and disproportionately impacted black people that you guys blame on "systemic racism" while claiming the party and people who havent had a say in those areas for decades is the problem?

Kinda like that. How every instance of murderous violence is our fault even though it's almost always a leftist who commits it? How that terrorist attack where a psychopath drove into a Christmas parade and murdered innocent t children was "Karma" from hatred WE are responsible for because the whole country isnt bowing down to your "sides" unreasonable demands so the violence is on us?

Like that, Oak. In fact Focus on the Family is getting the blame for that Q Club shooting and that's a reason to murder and imprison Christian's for all the "atrocities" we are responsible for through history.

But you guys didnt learn the history lesson at all and you'll past all that and decide your opposition are the nazis because the nazis drank water.....and we drink water. The nazis hated the jews and oh man....some people on the right critisize the jews as jews run almost everything. Is it even okay to notice that? Because I've seen that simple and factual observation get labeled neo the people who want Jan 6th protesters imprisoned for treason. We all ruin your democracy.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Oh Im fine with normal Jews. Just like Im fine with normal Black folk.

I have no hate in my heart, for a whole race of folks.

You seem to be confused, but thats par for the course with "your side".

Hate, hate, hate. What a groovy way to go. So now Jews are OK? I do believe you when you say there is no hate in your heart. It exists in you brain. Duh
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Hate, hate, hate. What a groovy way to go. So now Jews are OK? I do believe you when you say there is no hate in your heart. It exists in you brain. Duh

Really they are just worried about the elites who are all Jews for some reason.

It is kinda weird. Weird in the way where if someone says "Hey....look how all these people who run everything are Jews?" they kinda get called anti semitic for just that.

Also isnt it kind similar to the claims that white people have gone and colonized and stole lands and such and why whiteness is evil? There ARE those who says Jews are evil for taking over all the banks and entertainment industries and such....its kinda the baseline to say white people are evil because of colonization. I dont see a difference here.

It just seems like a double standard to me and that we are prepared to justify some hatred.

I think it's weird that its offensive to merely point out how Jews are so successful in these industries.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Really they are just worried about the elites who are all Jews for some reason.

It is kinda weird. Weird in the way where if someone says "Hey....look how all these people who run everything are Jews?" they kinda get called anti semitic for just that.

Also isnt it kind similar to the claims that white people have gone and colonized and stole lands and such and why whiteness is evil? There ARE those who says Jews are evil for taking over all the banks and entertainment industries and such....its kinda the baseline to say white people are evil because of colonization. I dont see a difference here.

It just seems like a double standard to me and that we are prepared to justify some hatred.

I think it's weird that its offensive to merely point out how Jews are so successful in these industries.
Is this the reason you’re posting more here?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Oh Im fine with normal Jews. Just like Im fine with normal Black folk.

I have no hate in my heart, for a whole race of folks.

You seem to be confused, but thats par for the course with "your side".

Yeah I'm confused as you "joke" about sticking Jews in ovens.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
No they are not. The richest man in the planet isn't a Jew. Neither are the following billionaires. Gates, Buffet, Bezos...

They are not ALL Jews. Stop lying or stop being stupid, one of the two.
Not all, but a vastly disproportionate amount are part of the ultra wealthy club of global elites.

You also neglect to mention the richest family on the planet, aka the Rothschilds, who are trillionaires but don't get included in rich lists because the family's fortune is spread around.

Bill Gates is potentially a crypto jew btw, but I'm not going to bother trying to explain that to a dumb fuck NPC like you.

Many of these well known, high profile billionaires have all their wealth tied up in stocks, shares, business interests etc, whereas old money nobility families and other elite bloodlines have the wealth to hand, but are keen to be kept out of the public spotlight.