@Dove I had this peculiar experience with this cat yesterday. My nephew has this African breed of cat & whenever he brings it over to my mother's place she can't sit still. Actually I think generally it can't sit still. Anyways he brought it over & it was doing its usual thing hopping on everything. On the couch counter whatever. Then it jumped on the piano in the living room. It's a baby grand with one of those lids that pops up.
So the cat was walking inside the piano with the lid up. Walking on the strings of the piano. And she kept meowing whenever I approached her. I was afraid the lid would fall on her. So I gently nudged her off & closed the lid.
Next thing ya know she started walking on the lid of this piano. But then she finally found a comfortable spot, sat down & didn't move after that. She had gone from completely hyper to completely calm. It was almost as if she was begging for somebody ta close the lid so she could sit on it.
And after that, she was happy.
Funny thing who cats can't verbalize what they want, but they letcha know through body language & prancing around the place like that.
Interesting behavioural patterns & ways of communicating. And how it meant so much to her to be able to sit on the piano as if to make her feel like she was some royal queen.
Seems cats like to sit on somethin high up with a view so they can see everything or feel important. Ever seen this yourself?