Lying corporate media


Domestically feral
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"A problem with a giant news story like the Capitol invasion is that at first it is over-covered before we know the full facts, and then it is under-covered when those facts begin to emerge. This has been true of US media coverage. But even at the time it seemed to be a very peculiar armed insurrection. Only one shot appears to have been fired and that was by a police officer who killed Trump supporter Ashil Babbitt who was involved in the storming of the Capitol. In a country like the US awash with guns, this absence of gunfire is remarkable."

"This is why the fire extinguisher story became so vital to those intent on depicting these events in the most violent and menacing light possible. Without Sicknick having his skull bashed in with a fire extinguisher, there were no deaths that day that could be attributed to deliberate violence by pro-Trump protesters.Television hosts gravely intoned when telling this story, manipulating viewers’ emotions by making them believe the mob had done something unspeakably barbaric."

"The problem with this story is that it is false in all respects. From the start, there was almost no evidence to substantiate it."

Why do we allow these lies?


Factory Bastard
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Don't know who's telling the truth, Dovey.

But I agree. The corporate media has too much power over the dissemination of information.

Big Tech should either be broken up, or a new regulatory organization should be created to control them like the FCC (Federal Communications Commission)does to TV and radio.

The European Union has been trying to rein in the power of Big Tech.
How come the USA hasn't?
Is it cuz they're serving the interests of the Elites?
This is what happens when the USA creates billionaires like Jeff Bezos or Google.

They have too much power. Their enterprises should be broken up and they should be taxed.
People who thought creating a class of bilionaires with absolute power are off their rockers.


Factory Bastard
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These dumb cunts acting like it was an insurrection need an ACTUAL insurrection to take place so they can watch themselves be marched up to the gallows.


Domestically feral
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United states
Don't know who's telling the truth, Dovey.

But I agree. The corporate media has too much power over the dissemination of information.

Big Tech should either be broken up, or a new regulatory organization should be created to control them like the FCC (Federal Communications Commission)does to TV and radio.

The European Union has been trying to rein in the power of Big Tech.
How come the USA hasn't?
Is it cuz they're serving the interests of the Elites?
This is what happens when the USA creates billionaires like Jeff Bezos or Google.

They have too much power. Their enterprises should be broken up and they should be taxed.
People who thought creating a class of bilionaires with absolute power are off their rockers.

You have to confirm everything from some nonmedia source.

It used to be that if you went to CNN, NBC, MSNBC and such you get facts reported through a democrat bias lense and Fox is the conservative bias lense.

Now it's not just bias. It's full blown propaganda. Inflammatory, devisive propaganda. It started before Trump but became insane during Trump.

What freaks me out....and should freak out any liberty minded American right or left alike, is this insurrection narrative. Jim Crow Joe was talking about legislation to "deal better with domestic terrorism".

We cannot allow the government to deem any protest against THEM "domestic terror"

And the insult of it. If an innocent American community gets terrorized and has brutal political violence unleashed on Kenosha...or any of our countries communities that were attacked, that's minimized as "mostly peaceful protest" and all kinds of sociopathic excuses are made.

But when angry regular ass people scare the politicains responsible for the conditions people are dealing with....THAT is domestic terror.

It's such a disgusting middle finger to the people. Yeah go shoot black kids, beat the shit out of innocent people, burn down businesses. But dont frighten our glorious overlords!

If that alone doesnt tell you these establishment fuckers do not give a shit about any of us....nothing will.

They havent reigned it in because it works for who it's supposed to work for, Joe.
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Domestically feral
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United states
Conservatives, stop making the small concessions that allow liberals to keep maintaining double standards.

We do not have to say things like, "What happened at the Capitol was TERRIBLE!" to people who justify murder, riots and racist violence, by telling us that those engaged in them have legitimate greivances.

So did the people at the Capitol have legitimate grievances. If the left cannot look at real the greivances on the right with any sympathy--if they can't look at people losing their homes and businesses and struggling to support their kids, and see that those people have legitimate greivances--if it can't even try to understand why people might worry about the integrity of elections-then we should not pay them the same respect and take their concerns seriously? The Capitol protesters/rioters at least pursued the source...they didnt just attack innocent people.

Those who write every conservative off as a QAnon supporter should be written off because of their own ties to radicals and because of the mainstreaming of the crazies in their own party. The Omars and the Hank Johnsons. The Nancy Pelosi Spirit Talk. The Soul Eating Podestas. The Russiagate Cult.

The leftists are too narcissistic and extremely selfish to care about the grievances of anyone else not on their side. The leftists are like the thief calling the other person a thief when something is taken from them.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Conservatives, stop making the small concessions that allow liberals to keep maintaining double standards.

We do not have to say things like, "What happened at the Capitol was TERRIBLE!" to people who justify murder, riots and racist violence, by telling us that those engaged in them have legitimate greivances.

So did the people at the Capitol have legitimate grievances. If the left cannot look at real the greivances on the right with any sympathy--if they can't look at people losing their homes and businesses and struggling to support their kids, and see that those people have legitimate greivances--if it can't even try to understand why people might worry about the integrity of elections-then we should not pay them the same respect and take their concerns seriously? The Capitol protesters/rioters at least pursued the source...they didnt just attack innocent people.

Those who write every conservative off as a QAnon supporter should be written off because of their own ties to radicals and because of the mainstreaming of the crazies in their own party. The Omars and the Hank Johnsons. The Nancy Pelosi Spirit Talk. The Soul Eating Podestas. The Russiagate Cult.

The leftists are too narcissistic and extremely selfish to care about the grievances of anyone else not on their side. The leftists are like the thief calling the other person a thief when something is taken from them.

The question being though, what are conservatives trying to conserve?


Domestically feral
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United states
Conservatives, stop making the small concessions that allow liberals to keep maintaining double standards.

We do not have to say things like, "What happened at the Capitol was TERRIBLE!" to people who justify murder, riots and racist violence, by telling us that those engaged in them have legitimate greivances.

So did the people at the Capitol have legitimate grievances. If the left cannot look at real the greivances on the right with any sympathy--if they can't look at people losing their homes and businesses and struggling to support their kids, and see that those people have legitimate greivances--if it can't even try to understand why people might worry about the integrity of elections-then we should not pay them the same respect and take their concerns seriously? The Capitol protesters/rioters at least pursued the source...they didnt just attack innocent people.

Those who write every conservative off as a QAnon supporter should be written off because of their own ties to radicals and because of the mainstreaming of the crazies in their own party. The Omars and the Hank Johnsons. The Nancy Pelosi Spirit Talk. The Soul Eating Podestas. The Russiagate Cult.

The leftists are too narcissistic and extremely selfish to care about the grievances of anyone else not on their side. The leftists are like the thief calling the other person a thief when something is taken from them.

The question being though, what are conservatives trying to conserve?

Well traditionally liberty and our Constitutional rights. As well as certain cultural values regarding the nuclear family and faith.

What needs to be noted is the divide between the conservative voters and the Republican politicains.

Most of our government stopped representing the people a long time ago.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Conservatives, stop making the small concessions that allow liberals to keep maintaining double standards.

We do not have to say things like, "What happened at the Capitol was TERRIBLE!" to people who justify murder, riots and racist violence, by telling us that those engaged in them have legitimate greivances.

So did the people at the Capitol have legitimate grievances. If the left cannot look at real the greivances on the right with any sympathy--if they can't look at people losing their homes and businesses and struggling to support their kids, and see that those people have legitimate greivances--if it can't even try to understand why people might worry about the integrity of elections-then we should not pay them the same respect and take their concerns seriously? The Capitol protesters/rioters at least pursued the source...they didnt just attack innocent people.

Those who write every conservative off as a QAnon supporter should be written off because of their own ties to radicals and because of the mainstreaming of the crazies in their own party. The Omars and the Hank Johnsons. The Nancy Pelosi Spirit Talk. The Soul Eating Podestas. The Russiagate Cult.

The leftists are too narcissistic and extremely selfish to care about the grievances of anyone else not on their side. The leftists are like the thief calling the other person a thief when something is taken from them.

The question being though, what are conservatives trying to conserve?

Well traditionally liberty and our Constitutional rights. As well as certain cultural values regarding the nuclear family and faith.

What needs to be noted is the divide between the conservative voters and the Republican politicains.

Most of our government stopped representing the people a long time ago.
Not trying to troll here, genuinely curious;

What does "traditional Liberty" to an American mean?


Domestically feral
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United states
Conservatives, stop making the small concessions that allow liberals to keep maintaining double standards.

We do not have to say things like, "What happened at the Capitol was TERRIBLE!" to people who justify murder, riots and racist violence, by telling us that those engaged in them have legitimate greivances.

So did the people at the Capitol have legitimate grievances. If the left cannot look at real the greivances on the right with any sympathy--if they can't look at people losing their homes and businesses and struggling to support their kids, and see that those people have legitimate greivances--if it can't even try to understand why people might worry about the integrity of elections-then we should not pay them the same respect and take their concerns seriously? The Capitol protesters/rioters at least pursued the source...they didnt just attack innocent people.

Those who write every conservative off as a QAnon supporter should be written off because of their own ties to radicals and because of the mainstreaming of the crazies in their own party. The Omars and the Hank Johnsons. The Nancy Pelosi Spirit Talk. The Soul Eating Podestas. The Russiagate Cult.

The leftists are too narcissistic and extremely selfish to care about the grievances of anyone else not on their side. The leftists are like the thief calling the other person a thief when something is taken from them.

The question being though, what are conservatives trying to conserve?

Well traditionally liberty and our Constitutional rights. As well as certain cultural values regarding the nuclear family and faith.

What needs to be noted is the divide between the conservative voters and the Republican politicains.

Most of our government stopped representing the people a long time ago.
Not trying to troll here, genuinely curious;

What does "traditional Liberty" to an American mean?

Well I didnt mean "traditional liberty"

You asked what conservatives wish to conserve and traditionally they want to conserve liberty and Constitutional rights the country is rooted it.

It's a small government stance not too different from classical liberal or libertarian. Conservatives tend to also have a strong cultural stance that our inalienable rights come from God and that faith is the glue to a civilized free society and the nuclear family is the foundation of a healthy society.

Liberty meaning the freedom to live your life according to your values, and provide for yourself and family without the government up your ass.

They are not exactly Republicans but the Republicans tend to pander to them much like the Democrats pander to progressives.


Factory Bastard
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It's a small government stance not too different from classical liberal or libertarian. Conservatives tend to also have a strong cultural stance that our inalienable rights come from God and that faith is the glue to a civilized free society and the nuclear family is the foundation of a healthy society.

They are not exactly Republicans but the Republicans tend to pander to them much like the Democrats pander to progressives.
Ah, and there we come to logger heads, the concept of God. Who's God? the God of the Christians, Jews, and Muslims? That God? Or the Gods of the ancestors before the arrival of the God of the Jews? Yahweh or whatever it's called?

See that's a problem for many.

Do Conservatives not believe in the separation of Church and State?


Domestically feral
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United states
It's a small government stance not too different from classical liberal or libertarian. Conservatives tend to also have a strong cultural stance that our inalienable rights come from God and that faith is the glue to a civilized free society and the nuclear family is the foundation of a healthy society.

They are not exactly Republicans but the Republicans tend to pander to them much like the Democrats pander to progressives.
Ah, and there we come to logger heads, the concept of God. Who's God? the God of the Christians, Jews, and Muslims? That God? Or the Gods of the ancestors before the arrival of the God of the Jews? Yahweh or whatever it's called?

See that's a problem for many.

Do Conservatives not believe in the separation of Church and State?

Well, "God given rights" could be Yahweh or Allah(Allah just means "God")

It means man didnt grant you your inalienable rights, and thusly cannot violate them. It doesnt really matter what religion or belief system is attached to a divine Creator. We were granted inalienable rights by said Creator so they cannot removed by a human.

It goes with being a Constitutional Republic that recognizes and preserves the inalienable rights of the individual rather than the tyrannical mob rule of a democracy.

Seperation of church and state is often misunderstood. It's there to protect religious freedom of the 1st amendment. It means the state cannot infringe on the it Christian, Catholic, Muslim, even the politically driven Satanic Temple. The state cannot meddle. And they cannot regulate or tax any church body or interfer with their charities.

The state cannot establish a religion as a "state religion". The government cannot get involved in the church, unless that church has people infringing the inalienable rights of citizens(human sacrifice, rape, abuse) their practice and expression are protected.

You can have full blown cults but if you are breaking laws that protect human rights you get held accountable as an individual.

Seperation of Church and State means the state cannot force you to have a religion or force you to not have a religion. So an example public schools can teach world religions, but not as fact. And they can have voluntary clubs for students of certain religions(like a Muslim or Christian study groups).

Also, your religion cannot be used as a litmus test to run for any government position.


Factory Bastard
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It goes with being a Constitutional Republic that recognizes and preserves the inalienable rights of the individual rather than the tyrannical mob rule of a democracy.

Also, your religion cannot be used as a litmus test to run for any government position.

It is very interesting you used this phrase.

Where as we are a Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy.

And yes, here? If you start waving around whatever faith flag you have in politics, you are dead in the water. You keep whatever you believe at home and out of public policy.

There are many checks and balances to ensure no religious icons/items/symbols are on display on Public Property. Quebec tried to cite Historical Importance & Culture. No. Times change. You keep your faith out of Government in this Country.

To do otherwise you are considered "odd".


Domestically feral
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United states
It goes with being a Constitutional Republic that recognizes and preserves the inalienable rights of the individual rather than the tyrannical mob rule of a democracy.

Also, your religion cannot be used as a litmus test to run for any government position.

It is very interesting you used this phrase.

Where as we are a Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy.

And yes, here? If you start waving around whatever faith flag you have in politics, you are dead in the water. You keep whatever you believe at home and out of public policy.

There are many checks and balances to ensure no religious icons/items/symbols are on display on Public Property. Quebec tried to cite Historical Importance & Culture. No. Times change. You keep your faith out of Government in this Country.

To do otherwise you are considered "odd".

Democracy is tyranny. The will of the majority over the minority.

Like exactly what happens in gang rape.


Factory Bastard
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Unfortunately, the governments already been overthrown. Now its just a matter of time before we all have to admit that we're left with only one option. The best thing for America right now is for a strong man to take shit over and start the butchery. I'm the right man for the job. I promise to execute every fukin homosexual, every gay rights activist, every openly atheistic cunt, everyone in a supermax prison, everyone who raped/murdered a child, every 10 year old whos murdered and robbed people, every illegal that dont GTFO in 90 days, every single muslim, and anyone else I declare to be a threat.

Good news is, once I butcher and remove all these assholes, America will be much more cohesive. MAGA!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
It goes with being a Constitutional Republic that recognizes and preserves the inalienable rights of the individual rather than the tyrannical mob rule of a democracy.

Also, your religion cannot be used as a litmus test to run for any government position.

It is very interesting you used this phrase.

Where as we are a Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy.

And yes, here? If you start waving around whatever faith flag you have in politics, you are dead in the water. You keep whatever you believe at home and out of public policy.

There are many checks and balances to ensure no religious icons/items/symbols are on display on Public Property. Quebec tried to cite Historical Importance & Culture. No. Times change. You keep your faith out of Government in this Country.

To do otherwise you are considered "odd".

Democracy is tyranny. The will of the majority over the minority.

Like exactly what happens in gang rape.
Just so we have a common frame of reference;
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This right here. Agreed upon definition from an unbiased source.


Put your glasses on!
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I just want to point out, that America was created as a Republic, not a Democracy... but it didnt last long.

And yes I get sick of the lying media.


Domestically feral
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United states
It goes with being a Constitutional Republic that recognizes and preserves the inalienable rights of the individual rather than the tyrannical mob rule of a democracy.

Also, your religion cannot be used as a litmus test to run for any government position.

It is very interesting you used this phrase.

Where as we are a Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy.

And yes, here? If you start waving around whatever faith flag you have in politics, you are dead in the water. You keep whatever you believe at home and out of public policy.

There are many checks and balances to ensure no religious icons/items/symbols are on display on Public Property. Quebec tried to cite Historical Importance & Culture. No. Times change. You keep your faith out of Government in this Country.

To do otherwise you are considered "odd".

Democracy is tyranny. The will of the majority over the minority.

Like exactly what happens in gang rape.
Just so we have a common frame of reference;
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This right here. Agreed upon definition from an unbiased source.


Okay I'll be fair and look. I hate Wikipedia though.


Domestically feral
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United states
Okay I have no issue with the Wiki definition.

It doesnt really change my point....America is a Constitutional Republic. We have Democratic elements, but we are a Republic that recognizes and preserves the rights of the individual.

We have been losing that, as Blazor pointed out.

So you know, I used to vote Democrat. My reasons for changing are not about partisanship. And I'm not exactly conservative either. I just understand their values.


Factory Bastard
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An agreed upon point of reference is essential for dialog.
We cannot discuss a stick if there is a disagreement as to what exactly a stick is.

Wikipedia is, as far as I know, the source for what the collective of humanity agrees to what is and isn't.

I find your views an interesting perspective. Time will tell if it is a successful perspective.


Domestically feral
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United states
An agreed upon point of reference is essential for dialog.
We cannot discuss a stick if there is a disagreement as to what exactly a stick is.

Wikipedia is, as far as I know, the source for what the collective of humanity agrees to what is and isn't.

I find your views an interesting perspective. Time will tell if it is a successful perspective.

Thank you, Krieg. I would likewise be interested in yours!

Its refreshing to discuss views with others who have different ones and are not hostile.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Oh my views ,you would find grotesquely abhorrent if I was to assume, and no doubt many would find "naive".

I have observed that for a person to survive this world they need food, shelter and community. Whatever those forms might be.
Hurling insults and threatening war amongst each other indicates to others outside the community that the community is weak.

It is best, in my experience, to talk as adults about important issues that affect all. Leave the "feelings" and self interest out of it.
At least in the long standing societies of the world.
"Horded wealth is useless and carries the poison of greed. "

I could drone on and on about metamystical mumbojumbo woowoo crap about Karma and "do unto others", but I am quite certain it will happen again and things will right themselves as they should.


Factory Bastard
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So you are a more balanced progressive.
Labels...make me so moist.

I am a member of the "Don't be a dick to each other" Club. Sponsored by the "What make you think you're so damned special in the vast universe?" and " Listen and think before you speak" Societies.

They hold a kegger every fortnight.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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So you Russian dupes probably think I'm some radicalized Limousine Librul, but something that you don't know about me is, that after The Bible/Flag/God/America/in/no/particular/order...I truly madly and deeply believe in not only the beautiful symmetry, but more importantly the biblical sanctity of godly Marriage.


</sniff> Is there anything as beautiful as a young maiden and her groom accepting the sacred vows of holy marriage before god and and handful of their dearest friend and family, accountants and attorneys.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
So you are a more balanced progressive.
Labels...make me so moist.

I am a member of the "Don't be a dick to each other" Club. Sponsored by the "What make you think you're so damned special in the vast universe?" and " Listen and think before you speak" Societies.

They hold a kegger every fortnight.

Well I guess was more referencing where you find comfortable on the spectrum more than labeling you like as a person.

I'd like to think we all agree on those premises, but just moreso differ on what that looks like.

I really dont think that way anymore for obvious reasons. There are a lot more maliscious people than I realized.


Domestically feral
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United states
So you Russian dupes probably think I'm some radicalized Limousine Librul, but something that you don't know about me is, that after The Bible/Flag/God/America/in/no/particular/order...I truly madly and deeply believe in not only the beautiful symmetry, but more importantly the biblical sanctity of godly Marriage.


</sniff> Is there anything as beautiful as a young maiden and her groom accepting the sacred vows of holy marriage before god and and handful of their dearest friend and family, accountants and attorneys.

I just think you are a radicalized hateful person.

So that was a lot of unessesary words....but that seems the usual for you.


Put your glasses on!
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So you are a more balanced progressive.
Labels...make me so moist.

I am a member of the "Don't be a dick to each other" Club. Sponsored by the "What make you think you're so damned special in the vast universe?" and " Listen and think before you speak" Societies.

They hold a kegger every fortnight.

I think I seen you once at the annual International Dont be a dick to each other Club lol.

I HATE labels too. I am ME!

I use to be completely center, cause I cared for peoples rights and interests on both sides. If I HAD to label myself at all, politically, Im a Libertarian.

I could never side DemonRat nor Republicants. Its why I've never voted. Both sides are despicable.... for the most part.

My mom taught me long ago, that the Democrats were the party of the poor, and Republican for the rich. For the most part, long ago, that was true. Times have changed. Now the majority of both sides, are in on it for their own monetary gain.

The lies though, the lies are what really grinds my gears. Lies and manipulation.

Did you know, under Obama, a bill was passed, that made it legal, for the government to lie? That sealed the deal for me. I dont trust the whole lot of them fuckers.

Yes, I know you dont get into conspiracy theories, but this has been all orchestrated for a long time, and it feels they are in the final stages. The Elite, have almost total control. Hence, I will touch lightly on some facts that concern the topic of this thread....

Lying Corporate Media.

Do you know why THEY get away this? Its because merely a couple decades ago, all media was owned by like 50-60 companies. Now it is owned by 5-6. That is a LOT of control. Its control of what we see and hear. This is fact. When they control the information, they control the sway of the public's view. This has been ongoing for the last century and a lil more. First THEY gained control of the money, then THEY gained control of the information, now THEY are coming for our rights, and us. Its already happening.

I know @Aryan talks about it all being the Joooos. I cant convince myself that its all them, nor that its only them, but oddly, when you look at the Player Lineup, its a VERY high percentage of them in high positions of the government, in the media, etc. Even though, they are a small percentage of the population here, its a very high percentage in key positions. This is fact. But I will speak no more of the Jooos for now lol.

I have finished my coffee, this post was sponsored by it lol.


Factory Bastard
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"As I was raised"

I always find that a curious term, intimating that how you were raised is how you should live your life.

I was raised to despise Americans. "Traitors to the crown" as my Gran would say. Very proper Commonwealth upbringing you see, where only "thieves, murderers, gangsters, Catholics and Baptists, the scum of Europe moved to America. They only have courage when standing behind a gun. Beware the yanks!"

And Catholics, and Asians, especially asians, and the list goes on and on. Irish, welsh, germans, italians, any slavs, essentially anyone who fought against the British Empire or wasn't Scandinavian.

My family upbringing told me that the United States was created by lies, swindle, and trickery. That yankees are easily distracted by shiny things and will steal the land from under you and pat themselves on the back, thinking they're clever.

I left my "upbringing" and the way I was "raised" when I joined the military.

Since then I have found these points of view antiquated and wildly under-informed. And these points of view came from people I trusted implicitly to tell me the "truth".

Point: I appreciate how a persons' point of view can change over the years due to the influence of life. And how disillusioned a person can get when what they thought was true turned out to be lies.
Or, not has they perceive it should be.

I was extremely surprised to find the States does not have a National Broadcaster. How do Americans know what is going on in their country accurately if news is divided up amongst privately owned broadcasters? Each with their own agenda?

I get why many Americans oppose taxes. They have little to show for it. Yet no one seems to be willing to hold anyone accountable for any of it.

Cutting Edge weaponry, yes. Poorly funded Public Education?
Do conservatives not believe in public education or is that too socialist for their tastes?

I don't know. I do not live there. That's why I ask questions.