Marjorie Taylor Sasquatch Green, the Anti-Vax Queen owns shares in 3 Vax Producer's


Factory Bastard
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I think it's funny that most senators and reps own stock in J&J, the vaccine that's tanking. The least number owns stock in Moderna.

I don't think it's funny that all these public servants are allowed to own stock at all.


Domestically feral
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United states
I own gamestop stock and I dont shop there.

Tip 1: It is likely going to zero within 5 years.

Tip 2: Shop at Gamestop and chat with the gamer staff. Most are pretty cool geeky type people.

I did a shitload of hardware upgrades at Gamestop and EB Games stores a little over 10 years ago. Most of the employees were fun to chat with if you are into games.

It is kind of funny that they were the ones that got me into Steam. I was still buying games on DVD then and they told me I should check out Steam since I was (and am) a PC gamer.

Oh we used to shop at GS all the time. My husband is a geek. I used to be until I had babies and couldnt really zone out with a game anymore. And now that mine are older they are all into it and i just cant focus on it like i used to.

The GS stock is really just for fun and sentiment at this point lol.

The hubs and kids are into Steam :D


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I own shares in Big Pharma. I invest as wisely as I can. I am not going to go broke for some sort of virtue signalling.

You say you're anti vax but yet you buy shares in companies you think produce unsafe vaccines. That seems slightly hypocritical.

and American :LOL3:

Prowler is Canadian.

I really do not see an issue with people buying stock in a product they dont wish to personally use.

I dont think anyone else does either..... but establishment shills are constantly looking for things to "blame" people for so they can push actual harmful things on society and that's why they are insufferable pricks.

So while they legislate their cult beliefs(letting men in womens facilities and going easy on rape and assault).....they can be like "WELL this RIGHT person owns stock in a product she wont use!! Get her!!"

Pelosi committing crimes in the stock market is meh though. Shes wealthy AF using her position to make millions.

that's because you have no integrity ... like most cons.

I own gamestop stock and I dont shop there.....that's a lack of integrity?

Tell you what. When you guys demand Pelosi goes to jail for abusing her position to get inside info on the market and thusly make millions.....we will talk about integrity. I notice you kinda grabbed one thing there and avoided that whole Pelosi thing.

And get your "eco policy" squad to stop using plastic water bottles and individually wrapped snacks. It's the LEAST they could do while they work towards making sure only wealthy people can function in society to save the environment.

It would also have been cool if democrat "leaders" followed the restrictions they placed on the peasents but we see how that went didnt we?

Integrity be damned.

I happen to think Pelosi should be in prison. Does that mean I have a right to also call out CONs who are on the take? Or are you just a partisan hack?

It means you exclusively focus on "cons" and completely ignore crimes being done by dems/progs because you are a partisan hack.

Its not even a thing that people HAVE to use a product they own stock in. This is a stretch to try to find fault in someone over nothing. This is a big nothing.....while we have actual wealthy scum directly cheating and breaking the law being allow to represent the country.

You dont "also" call out "cons". You ONLY call out "cons"... even when it's nothing.

WE call out people on either side and get called a "trump cult" for "turning on our OWN". Which kinda says how you guys all view this. If you decide everyone who disagrees with you is a "partisan hack" it just becomes an excuse.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
I own gamestop stock and I dont shop there.

Tip 1: It is likely going to zero within 5 years.

Tip 2: Shop at Gamestop and chat with the gamer staff. Most are pretty cool geeky type people.

I did a shitload of hardware upgrades at Gamestop and EB Games stores a little over 10 years ago. Most of the employees were fun to chat with if you are into games.

It is kind of funny that they were the ones that got me into Steam. I was still buying games on DVD then and they told me I should check out Steam since I was (and am) a PC gamer.

Oh we used to shop at GS all the time. My husband is a geek. I used to be until I had babies and couldnt really zone out with a game anymore. And now that mine are older they are all into it and i just cant focus on it like i used to.

The GS stock is really just for fun and sentiment at this point lol.

The hubs and kids are into Steam :D
Ahh the PC master race! :ThumbsUp1:


I own gamestop stock and I dont shop there.

Tip 1: It is likely going to zero within 5 years.

Tip 2: Shop at Gamestop and chat with the gamer staff. Most are pretty cool geeky type people.

I did a shitload of hardware upgrades at Gamestop and EB Games stores a little over 10 years ago. Most of the employees were fun to chat with if you are into games.

It is kind of funny that they were the ones that got me into Steam. I was still buying games on DVD then and they told me I should check out Steam since I was (and am) a PC gamer.

Oh we used to shop at GS all the time. My husband is a geek. I used to be until I had babies and couldnt really zone out with a game anymore. And now that mine are older they are all into it and i just cant focus on it like i used to.

The GS stock is really just for fun and sentiment at this point lol.

The hubs and kids are into Steam :D
Lol...that explains how you can poast so fast...


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I own gamestop stock and I dont shop there.

Tip 1: It is likely going to zero within 5 years.

Tip 2: Shop at Gamestop and chat with the gamer staff. Most are pretty cool geeky type people.

I did a shitload of hardware upgrades at Gamestop and EB Games stores a little over 10 years ago. Most of the employees were fun to chat with if you are into games.

It is kind of funny that they were the ones that got me into Steam. I was still buying games on DVD then and they told me I should check out Steam since I was (and am) a PC gamer.

Oh we used to shop at GS all the time. My husband is a geek. I used to be until I had babies and couldnt really zone out with a game anymore. And now that mine are older they are all into it and i just cant focus on it like i used to.

The GS stock is really just for fun and sentiment at this point lol.

The hubs and kids are into Steam :D
Lol...that explains how you can poast so fast...

Indeed :D


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Pro Tip: Step # 3 for appearing "normal" Do not appear on the Alex Jones Cartoon.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Pro Tip: Step # 3 for appearing "normal" Do not appear on the Alex Jones Cartoon.

If you ever actually listened to her rather than just accepting what the media portrays her as, shes very normal.
She's just our AOC. Everyone needs one...

I gotta disagree. I've watched them both. They both have a similar style, but AOC lies a lot.

I had some hope that there would be something about AOC I could support when she pointed out the issue with CPS harrassing and destroying the lives of poor families. But she just dropped it. Hasnt brought it up again.

CPS is a very real problem. They have unchecked power and they dont do what they are supposed to do. They will come in just looking for reasons to pull a kid from the home.

Really they are SUPPOSE to be a support system. If families are struggling they are supposed to give resources and counseling and support. Pretty much all they do is come in and intrude, and take a month to decide if they are leaving or if they are going to pull a child. If they take a child, they make the mother jump through impossible hoops while shes already struggling. Taking time off work for "parenting classes" and such. They dont HELP.

Children are only supposed to be pulled if they are danger. Like abuse. The definition of abuse has expanded to "poor". If a mom is poor shes neglectful.

It's pretty much become legal human trafficking and the families they destroy never have the resources to fight and protect themselves. Its fucking sad and a huge problem. Its tyranny. And kids get abused in foster care. Babies have been taken from loving families and KILLED in foster care.

I would have been 200 percent behind her crazy fucking socailist ass if she had taken on CPS. Just on that ALONE. But sadly she just dropped it.

I've been watching more MTG and I like her a lot. She works hard to represent her base. I wish people would have heard her out more with out all the bias commentary and the twisting because she really nailed it explaining why people find themselves attracted to conspiracies especailly these days.
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Pro Tip: Step # 3 for appearing "normal" Do not appear on the Alex Jones Cartoon.

If you ever actually listened to her rather than just accepting what the media portrays her as, shes very normal.
She's just our AOC. Everyone needs one...

I gotta disagree. I've watched them both. They both have a similar style, but AOC lies a lot.

I had some hope that there would be something about AOC I could support when she pointed out the issue with CPS harrassing and destroying the lives of poor families. But she just dropped it. Hasnt brought it up again.

CPS is a very real problem. They have unchecked power and they dont do what they are supposed to do. They will come in just looking for reasons to pull a kid from the home.

Really they are SUPPOSE to be a support system. If families are struggling they are supposed to give resources and counseling and support. Pretty much all they do is come in and intrude, and take a month to decide if they are leaving or if they are going to pull a child. If they take a child, they make the mother jump through impossible hoops while shes already struggling. Taking time off work for "parenting classes" and such. They dont HELP.

Children are only supposed to be pulled if they are danger. Like abuse. The definition of abuse has expanded to "poor". If a mom is poor shes neglectful.

It's pretty much become legal human trafficking and the families they destroy never have the resources to fight and protect themselves. Its fucking sad and a huge problem. Its tyranny. And kids get abused in foster care. Babies have been taken from loving families and KILLED in foster care.

I would have been 200 percent behind her crazy fucking socailist ass of she had taken on CPS. Just on that ALONE. But sadly she just dropped it.

I've been watching more MTG and I like her a lot. She works hard to represent her base. I wish people would have heard her out more with out all the bias commentary and the twisting because she really nailed it explaining why people find themselves attracted to conspiracies especailly these days.
Well in terms of style, not substance. Of course MTG is on the right side so her extravagances are in the service of the Truth.


Domestically feral
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United states
The fact she isnt playing ball with this completely partisan attack on the peoples right to dissent against the government actually makes me like her.


Domestically feral
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United states
Alright so predictably in a video of this Acosta "confrontation" she gets him to actually read the text out loud and somehow they are still calling her a liar even after the text is read outloud.

I have a video even made and edited by leftists and it STILL shows them lying

So apparently her saying "in a chat several people were saying the only way to save our Republic is for Trump to declared martail law" and there was more but the convo ended. She told him he was a liar and walked off. But we know Acosta is a fucking liar who lies and twists all the time.

So basically no one has seen or read this text message and the reason is because it's not saying what shes being accused of saying.

She didnt "lose it" either. So their whole retelling of this interaction is very usual.

And if MTG was indeed lying here.....that doesnt absolve the multiple lies told by Acosta over the years to demonize his opposition and boost the democrat party. He is a huge part of the problem.


Domestically feral
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United states
And the way they try to use that comment about affection for the poorly educated lol. Its proof that "educated" doesnt mean smart.