May I speak to sheriff


Factory Bastard
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In case any of you have not noticed, Blandscape has been logging in but not posting.

He has be in his "room" for the past 2 weeks and won't leave. And when I say "room", I am referring to the private message function.

This crazy motherfucker has blasted over 20 pages of nonsensical, geeker tweeker-talk into my inbox.

He is screaming about his "love" for some 70 year old man named Steve from Sweden.

This is fucking insane.

At every other troll forum, people respected the private message function and acted like sane and rational people when using it.

Blandscape sounds like a patient in a mental hospital who stole a nurse's iPhone and is posting on Bastard Factory with it.

Hold on, let the person who has been talking to him the most say something:

You know what's kind of creepy?

Even though I deleted many of Blandscape's messages, I can still kind of feel them...

It's like all their lines of text are still lingering in the air, whispering in the back of my head.

Imagine if after someone you knew died, you just started hearing their voice in your head.

Maybe I just wasn't thorough enough...

But I'm too afraid to delete any more of them, because I might really break things.

Like if I mess with any more of his messages, I might accidentally give him another mental breakdown.

And that would ruin everything, wouldn't it?

I don't know what it's like on your end, but we should both make sure to avoid something like that at all costs.

Insanity comes in many forms, claiming to be a "flamer" and beating up people on the boards, is one of them.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Flynn be talking about decapitating people

with naughty words and sharp fonts.

hahahahahahaha. Spastics.


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too many werdz
I apologuese for my non involvement :ThumbsUp1: