Murdumbo is a SEX KITTEN tho


Factory Bastard
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You see nothing but your own projections and your obvious obsession with Biggie. The amount of time and effort you put into following him around like a faithful hound is truly amazing.

I see. As if the slob doesn’t have any of his own projections, and obsessions. Maybe you don’t notice? Maybe he’s you? Maybe you’re flat taken with this internet lying amd tough guy act. You’re strange, like from an Asian country.


Factory Bastard
Somewhere in the US
Fat women are unusually obsessed with the delusion that because they've got big boobs (full of fat) that somehow they're exempt from being considered disgusting even though nothing could be further from the truth. It's almost like they're proud of it. As per Murdocks constant posting and messaging of disturbing pictures that never should have seen the light of day. I guess whatever makes it possible to get out of bed in the morning. Until one day her knees give out under the pressure.


Domestically feral
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United states
The pacer home gif was the work of Fatbasted- a masterpiece, it must have taken him several hours. What's rather ironic is that my mom asphixiated herself in a Pacer. No way he could have possibly known that. That was me driving and yes I'm still a creep. Not sure about "ancient" but I guess that's all a matter of perspective. A creep? Yeah that's about right. Probably more of a creep now than I was then.

So you're sort of right Murdock, although I don't recall you ever blocking me from anywhere. If you did I had already left because of your real life backstabbing. Of all the folks I've met on and offline, Murdock is the only one who ever crossed a line. She's got serious boundary issues probably even worse than her eating disorder.

For anyone else reading this- did you know that the user ID "Murdock" was derived from my old username? That's right she actually named herself after me. Yet I'm the creepy stalker. :-]

Perfectly said. She has no normal or healthy boundaries and she's a revolting back stabber.

She suddenly blocked me with no discussion as to why and I just let her because....fuck chasing people. You wanna go? Go.

But that wasn't enough. She had to come here and try to harrass me and tried to convince people that I allow my minor daughter to he sexually abused. Because she thinks if you don't share her views she has a right to try to punish you in the most warped, abusive and vindictive ways she can think of.

She's a nasty, pathetic scum bag.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Perfectly said. She has no normal or healthy boundaries and she's a revolting back stabber.

She suddenly blocked me with no discussion as to why and I just let her because....fuck chasing people. You wanna go? Go.

But that wasn't enough. She had to come here and try to harrass me and tried to convince people that I allow my minor daughter to he sexually abused. Because she thinks if you don't share her views she has a right to try to punish you in the most warped, abusive and vindictive ways she can think of.

She's a nasty, pathetic scum bag.
Truly a pit of self loathing personal misery


Domestically feral
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United states
The lies this man will tell to hide his ED and micro penis. SMH.

Chaos400 lbs was a body builder in between his bouts with double fisting double glazed jelly doughnuts allowing that 3rd stomach to open up and devour enough food to feed a small village. On top of the feeding frenzy abuse, he slammed roids for years and I’m the reason his dick “didn’t” work?

Bwa :LOL3::LOL3:

And the added bonus of bringing in the creepy kitten killer of forums past. Oh the desperation.

Wheezy couldn’t even hang at TV he was such a bitch. I’ll beg Edna out of retirement for this ***snorezzz***

Wiser was at TV until its last day. You have no clue about anything.

Fucking idiot.


Factory Bastard
Somewhere in the US
She had to come here and try to harrass me and tried to convince people that I allow my minor daughter to he sexually abused.

She's a nasty, pathetic scum bag.
I saw her posting that crap about you and your family. One of several examples where Murdock crosses the line between what could be considered "harmless online antics" and "vicious obsessive intent to destroy someone's real life reputation and credibility". It's just sick and disgusting. It's also a fairly good indicator of mental illness.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I saw her posting that crap about you and your family. One of several examples where Murdock crosses the line between what could be considered "harmless online antics" and "vicious obsessive intent to destroy someone's real life reputation and credibility". It's just sick and disgusting. It's also a fairly good indicator of mental illness.

Yep. She's disgusting and has a ghoulish level of hatred anytime a woman is stronger and smarter than her.

No boundaries. No empathy. Just bitterness, hatred and resentment because of jealousy.

Imagine actually saying shit like that knowing it's a lie. She is a such a piece of fucking shit. I feel bad for HER family.


Domestically feral
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United states
Admin is all butt hurt and doesn't like us talking shit about someone we have known for 20 years because he just met her a few months and has no clue what a demented liar she is.

But hey she pretends to support his politcs so she's the good guy and that obsessive and viscious stalking and attacking is no big deal as long as he hates the people she does it to!

It's like a club of scum bags. They all find eachother and meat shield.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Just last night she was wearing her pigs in a bra as an avatar

Some respect for her man she has
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Admin is all butt hurt and doesn't like us talking shit about someone we have known for 20 years because he just met her a few months and has no clue what a demented liar she is.

But hey she pretends to support his politcs so she's the good guy and that obsessive and viscious stalking and attacking is no big deal as long as he hates the people she does it to!

It's like a club of scum bags. They all find eachother and meat shield.
He’s a pussy


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Just last night she was wearing her pigs in a bra as an avatar

Some respect for her man she has

She has no respect for anyone and she thinks she's the main character.

She doesn't give a fuck about "respecting" her relationship. She spews that because she thinks it somehow matters to us.

If simply posting here is "disrespectful" to her relationship.....sounds like a shitty relationship....but she can't even keep herself away long to respect her relationship.

And using your fat tits in a bra as an avi? Come the fuck on. Posting is disrespectful what is posting while displaying your middle aged sagging boobs as your avi?

My new romantic relationship is coming with some challenges but respect is NOT one of them. He has always loved the way I walk the line between classy and slutty with how I dress. I would never show off my body like that to any other people after I've promised he is the only one who gets to see it now. Plus....I'm over 40 FFS. It's a maturity thing now. The second half of my life is going to be very....very different. Growth is wonderful.

She will be whipping out her body parts until she croaks no matter how gross and cringe it is. Like a broke off brand Madonna. Only no one pays her ever.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Murd is essentially the Wish version of this shit

I don't believe any of her generic blather about her relationship either. I don't think she's secure in it at all.


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Seems me and the Sex Elephant's ex husband have something in common

neither of us could get wood with her lying there looking like a giant deflated soccer ball on the bed -

he doesn't appear to have that issue with his new dime piece -- she looks pretty damn good too.

Im sure he felt as I did for the last 3 years when he outright refused to fuck her

I remember thinking to myself as I made creepy eye contact with her with a rather distraught look on my face "can I just throw a few personal pizza's at this woman like freebees to catch with her mouth to keep her distracted while I go and file a missing persons report on myself until she leaves?
dude, while you type that you realize we know you're a short fat dood LOL it's like a retard pointing at a retard and saying ' HEY LOOK' ! :LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3:
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Omg. I was going through an old phone and found some really juicy juicy. Lmao.



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
So last night me and my "bestie" were drinking some weird Irish whiskey called "Writers Tears". We did eventually go back to the bourbon we like.

And he made a dark confession to me. Something that .....regardless of the years of closeness...I've never known about him.

He told me that he actually liked Matchbox 20. At first I didn't believe it. I was like...."what? No. Really?" And then he started singing this

And I didn't know what to do so I just joined him.

Now THAT is real love. Take notes Turdock.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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So last night me and my "bestie" were drinking some weird Irish whiskey called "Writers Tears". We did eventually go back to the bourbon we like.

And he made a dark confession to me. Something that .....regardless of the years of closeness...I've never known about him.

He told me that he actually liked Matchbox 20. At first I didn't believe it. I was like...."what? No. Really?" And then he started singing this

And I didn't know what to do so I just joined him.

Now THAT is real love. Take notes Turdock.

I think an addict consuming hard alcohol is a tremendous idea!

And Stubby is a total fat slob,


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I think an addict consuming hard alcohol is a tremendous idea!

And Stubby is a total fat slob,

So you are a disciple of the disease model?

Interesting how many of the 12 step people who call themselves addicts everyday and convince themselves they have an incurable disease actually struggle to stay clean, isn't it?

Define addiction, Admin.

I was actively addicted to opiate started from a medical crisis...for almost 3 years. Once I got clean and got that first year behind me....there was absolutely no struggle to stay clean whatsoever. None. Still isn't.

I was never addicted to alcohol and I can have a drink and leave it. But thanks for the concern! I'll keep that in mind if my recreational alcohol use ever starts to have impact my quality of life and gets in the way of my normal functioning. I know how you reflect and examine my motives.

Not everyone who struggled with addiction has a goal of total abstinence. Lots of people aim for moderation and to be free of the slavery of addiction while still enjoying things like alcohol on occasion.

Does that bother you?
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Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Admin is addicted to drugs because he is a lonely misreable cripple who’s only ability in life is sucking cock

Stay angry, bitch


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Admin is addicted to drugs because he is a lonely misreable cripple who’s only ability in life is sucking cock

Stay angry, bitch

Take a good hard look at yourself...


Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Of course admin loves to suck cock

He’s the fairy cock gobbler

And my bitch