My pet Kat is sexually ambiguous . . .


Proppa fuck up, so he is. I went to Store earlier to get sum food for him, came back, and there he was sniffing about the neighbour’s Tom and trying to mount him. I’ve had a lot of barbecues recently, so not sure if the fumes are affecting him adversely. I heard that can happen. He’s only 2! It’s embarrassing as hell! A lot of the street see him doing it often and tell me about it to wind me up. I laff it off but I am reely angry about it! Fuck! I want to wring his tiny pencil neck! He reminds me of me Fukup cuz from Harrisburg. Druggie alcoholic scum. Our family has had enough problems over the years without a fucking animal acting abnormally. I can’t take it no mo’! When will things ever go right for me? Makes me want to emigrate and hide in shame!

Exagerrating slightly there . . . in a serious note . . . any advice for sexually ambiguous animals?


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
Have his nuts off..
You say it in a blunt way, that makes me feel the pain....

But I guess she is right. If you do not want him to make kitten, then he needs to be castrated. That will probably also make him a more relaxed cat that does fewer attempts with the females.


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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You have to cut there balls off before 6 months or they will still act like they still have them ! You need to fix the females too or they will drive you crazy !