It's too bad
@Dove to the Bottom was never in a war for profit. She is one of those people who are rabidly against things they have done in their own lives. If she had gone to war, she'd be on here bitching about war on the daily.
Well I was raped as a child.
I mean I dont know why you get so offended when we talk about joining in the violence that's already occurring.
I have spent words and bandwidth for a year trying to see something from one of you that shows any sort of emotion or offense on behalf of the people who are taking the brunt of these riots. I get nothing.
But when one of us says "civil war" it's a freak out. Smh.
We are not the ones hurting innocent people. Leftist already ARE.
And Drag is adult entertainment ffs. .. ..should we also have a childs version of show girls? Bunny Ranch story time? You COULD do that without the sex stuff. That's literally what PLEASE ASS BOX ME! is. Slowly introducing children to adult content and sexual acts by slowly stripping taboos and boundaries.