Okay. Its time for civil war.



Domestically feral
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United states
Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged.”

Matthew 5-7

Let me tell you something right now. ANd I say this from the heart. If Jesus doesn't like the fact that I don't want sick freaks like this placing my child on their laps and teaching them this sort of filth then he can go fuck himself.

How's that for conviction you twisted fucking skank

That's Matthew 7:1.

If you keep reading the chapter, it becomes clear that Jesus is speaking against hypocritical judgements and judgements laid out of malice.

So Lotus judging me as a "judgemental fascist" is actually the malice fueled hypocritical judgement Jesus was condemning.

MY judgements on exposing children to drag is rooted in my care for children AND the gay community who already battles being equated with child molesters. It compromises them and it exposes children to adult content that they dont need to be exposed to.

And since I'm not exposing children to sexual or adult content.....I'm not using hypocritical judgement. There is no log in my eye.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged.”

Matthew 5-7

Let me tell you something right now. ANd I say this from the heart. If Jesus doesn't like the fact that I don't want sick freaks like this placing my child on their laps and teaching them this sort of filth then he can go fuck himself.

How's that for conviction you twisted fucking skank

That's Matthew 7:1.

If you keep reading the chapter, it becomes clear that Jesus is speaking against hypocritical judgements and judgements laid out of malice.

So Lotus judging me as a "judgemental fascist" is actually the malice fueled hypocritical judgement Jesus was condemning.

MY judgements on exposing children to drag is rooted in my care for children AND the gay community who already battles being equated with child molesters. It compromises them and it exposes children to adult content that they dont need to be exposed to.

And since I'm not exposing children to sexual or adult content.....I'm not using hypocritical judgement. There is no log in my eye.
Trust me, I know the bible. I read it cover to cover three times. This dumb bitch can't tell me shit. that's why I can say what I said with the utmost confidence that I am not committing blasphemy

When Jesus returns he'll be slaughtering freaks like this himself.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
@LotusBud why dont you listen to this. And go read the comments from multiple homosexuals and even drag entertainers who agree with it.

Are they all just judgemental fascists?

The irony I swear. You are so closed minded. You cant even understand why exposing kids to adult venues is bad.

My OP shows PLEASE ASS BOX ME! of children. Period.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
@LotusBud why dont you listen to this. And go read the comments from multiple homosexuals and even drag entertainers who agree with it.

Are they all just judgemental fascists?

The irony I swear. You are so closed minded. You cant even understand why exposing kids to adult venues is bad.

fuck that skank bitch. Her husband is probably a drag who molests chidren. that's why sick freaks like her and seamajor vacated the country when a noble soul took office


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
When enough homosexuals start turning on and opposing the left, it will be much more in everyone's face how truly hateful leftists are.

When a left winger is confronted with a homosexual who does NOT support the left....they start spewing homophobic slurs and attack with degrading verbal abuse and kick them out of the LGBT.

SAME happens to black people who do not support the left. They get called all kinds of hateful racist slurs and are accused of betraying their race.

I actually have a lot of hope that these days of racial division and group vs group exploitation are very numbered. The left always shows it ass.....and the more they push and gaslight the more people start "coming out" against it.

Shit there was one drag queen who said coming out as a Trump voter was scarier than coming out as gay. And I can certainly see that.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged.”

Matthew 5-7

Let me tell you something right now. ANd I say this from the heart. If Jesus doesn't like the fact that I don't want sick freaks like this placing my child on their laps and teaching them this sort of filth then he can go fuck himself.

How's that for conviction you twisted fucking skank

That's Matthew 7:1.

If you keep reading the chapter, it becomes clear that Jesus is speaking against hypocritical judgements and judgements laid out of malice.

So Lotus judging me as a "judgemental fascist" is actually the malice fueled hypocritical judgement Jesus was condemning.

MY judgements on exposing children to drag is rooted in my care for children AND the gay community who already battles being equated with child molesters. It compromises them and it exposes children to adult content that they dont need to be exposed to.

And since I'm not exposing children to sexual or adult content.....I'm not using hypocritical judgement. There is no log in my eye.
Trust me, I know the bible. I read it cover to cover three times. This dumb bitch can't tell me shit. that's why I can say what I said with the utmost confidence that I am not committing blasphemy

When Jesus returns he'll be slaughtering freaks like this himself.

I know you know.

But you know me and I'll break it down for anyone reading. There could be people lurking and reading and forming opinions.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
1000 rounds 9mm (58 clips loaded across three versions)
2500 rounds 5.56 nato (80 clips loaded)
500 rounds .40 (10 clips loaded)
200 rounds .410
500 shotgun shells

When the civil war does start Imma go wabbit hunting. I can assure you of that.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I triple dog dare Lotus to tell a drag queen to their face that they are just a man dressed as a woman....no different than cross dressers.

Fucking wigs and glitter would be flying everywhere. Those are fighting words.

How dumb and closed minded can you BE?

If I heard someone say that to a drag queen? I'd run and duck. They are called QUEENS for a reason.


I'm in jail, send hamberders
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
It's too bad @Dove to the Bottom was never in a war for profit. She is one of those people who are rabidly against things they have done in their own lives. If she had gone to war, she'd be on here bitching about war on the daily.

Well I was raped as a child.

I mean I dont know why you get so offended when we talk about joining in the violence that's already occurring.

I have spent words and bandwidth for a year trying to see something from one of you that shows any sort of emotion or offense on behalf of the people who are taking the brunt of these riots. I get nothing.

But when one of us says "civil war" it's a freak out. Smh.

We are not the ones hurting innocent people. Leftist already ARE.

And Drag is adult entertainment ffs. .. ..should we also have a childs version of show girls? Bunny Ranch story time? You COULD do that without the sex stuff. That's literally what PLEASE ASS BOX ME! is. Slowly introducing children to adult content and sexual acts by slowly stripping taboos and boundaries.
Try flipping your script loony toon, how about normalizing those behaviors that have been known to exist for thousands of years, so that when your big brothers Bubba and Billy Bob don't drag a drag queen behind their pick up till dead, you fucking paranoid idjit, are you now going to claim you were raped by a drag queen that was reading to you in 1nst grade?
(I am very sorry for any personal trauma you have been through Dove, if indeed that actually happened, but I do not think this is the venue for you to be working through that)


I'm in jail, send hamberders
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
1000 rounds 9mm (58 clips loaded across three versions)
2500 rounds 5.56 nato (80 clips loaded)
500 rounds .40 (10 clips loaded)
200 rounds .410
500 shotgun shells

When the civil war does start Imma go wabbit hunting. I can assure you of that.
Is today the day you finally man up, and go shoot up a mall, or some rando government office? oh btw, if you stood on top of all those rounds, I bet you would be taller!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
It's too bad @Dove to the Bottom was never in a war for profit. She is one of those people who are rabidly against things they have done in their own lives. If she had gone to war, she'd be on here bitching about war on the daily.

Well I was raped as a child.

I mean I dont know why you get so offended when we talk about joining in the violence that's already occurring.

I have spent words and bandwidth for a year trying to see something from one of you that shows any sort of emotion or offense on behalf of the people who are taking the brunt of these riots. I get nothing.

But when one of us says "civil war" it's a freak out. Smh.

We are not the ones hurting innocent people. Leftist already ARE.

And Drag is adult entertainment ffs. .. ..should we also have a childs version of show girls? Bunny Ranch story time? You COULD do that without the sex stuff. That's literally what PLEASE ASS BOX ME! is. Slowly introducing children to adult content and sexual acts by slowly stripping taboos and boundaries.
Try flipping your script loony toon, how about normalizing those behaviors that have been known to exist for thousands of years, so that when your big brothers Bubba and Billy Bob don't drag a drag queen behind their pick up till dead, you fucking paranoid idjit, are you now going to claim you were raped by a drag queen that was reading to you in 1nst grade?
(I am very sorry for any personal trauma you have been through Dove, if indeed that actually happened, but I do not think this is the venue for you to be working through that)

I openly discuss what happened to me. I've already worked through it as much as I'm ever going to.

You know Admin why dont read all my points and try to understand wtf I'm saying. You guys dont seem to understand what Drag is, or what cross dressing is.

Drag is an entertainment venue geared for adults. It's already fucking normal! Are you kidding? Just because something is normal or has happened for years doesnt mean we should expose and involve children in it, does it?

You guys are legit arguing that unless we push something on kids.....its not "normal" and we hate it.

Every single person loves to fuck. That's normal. Been doing it for years. Should we have fuck hour for pre schoolers at the library?


I'm in jail, send hamberders
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
It's too bad @Dove to the Bottom was never in a war for profit. She is one of those people who are rabidly against things they have done in their own lives. If she had gone to war, she'd be on here bitching about war on the daily.

Well I was raped as a child.

I mean I dont know why you get so offended when we talk about joining in the violence that's already occurring.

I have spent words and bandwidth for a year trying to see something from one of you that shows any sort of emotion or offense on behalf of the people who are taking the brunt of these riots. I get nothing.

But when one of us says "civil war" it's a freak out. Smh.

We are not the ones hurting innocent people. Leftist already ARE.

And Drag is adult entertainment ffs. .. ..should we also have a childs version of show girls? Bunny Ranch story time? You COULD do that without the sex stuff. That's literally what PLEASE ASS BOX ME! is. Slowly introducing children to adult content and sexual acts by slowly stripping taboos and boundaries.
Try flipping your script loony toon, how about normalizing those behaviors that have been known to exist for thousands of years, so that when your big brothers Bubba and Billy Bob don't drag a drag queen behind their pick up till dead, you fucking paranoid idjit, are you now going to claim you were raped by a drag queen that was reading to you in 1nst grade?
(I am very sorry for any personal trauma you have been through Dove, if indeed that actually happened, but I do not think this is the venue for you to be working through that)

I openly discuss what happened to me. I've already worked through it as much as I'm ever going to.

You know Admin why dont read all my points and try to understand wtf I'm saying. You guys dont seem to understand what Drag is, or what cross dressing is.

Drag is an entertainment venue geared for adults. It's already fucking normal! Are you kidding? Just because something is normal or has happened for years doesnt mean we should expose and involve children in it, does it?
We're not here to discuss the various nuances of the lgbtqa++ world you ditz. Just your fear and loathing of it.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
So, kids cant say Merry Christmas in school, or pray, but they can learn all about being a drag queen!

For fuck sake this world has gone mad.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
It's too bad @Dove to the Bottom was never in a war for profit. She is one of those people who are rabidly against things they have done in their own lives. If she had gone to war, she'd be on here bitching about war on the daily.

Well I was raped as a child.

I mean I dont know why you get so offended when we talk about joining in the violence that's already occurring.

I have spent words and bandwidth for a year trying to see something from one of you that shows any sort of emotion or offense on behalf of the people who are taking the brunt of these riots. I get nothing.

But when one of us says "civil war" it's a freak out. Smh.

We are not the ones hurting innocent people. Leftist already ARE.

And Drag is adult entertainment ffs. .. ..should we also have a childs version of show girls? Bunny Ranch story time? You COULD do that without the sex stuff. That's literally what PLEASE ASS BOX ME! is. Slowly introducing children to adult content and sexual acts by slowly stripping taboos and boundaries.
Try flipping your script loony toon, how about normalizing those behaviors that have been known to exist for thousands of years, so that when your big brothers Bubba and Billy Bob don't drag a drag queen behind their pick up till dead, you fucking paranoid idjit, are you now going to claim you were raped by a drag queen that was reading to you in 1nst grade?
(I am very sorry for any personal trauma you have been through Dove, if indeed that actually happened, but I do not think this is the venue for you to be working through that)

I openly discuss what happened to me. I've already worked through it as much as I'm ever going to.

You know Admin why dont read all my points and try to understand wtf I'm saying. You guys dont seem to understand what Drag is, or what cross dressing is.

Drag is an entertainment venue geared for adults. It's already fucking normal! Are you kidding? Just because something is normal or has happened for years doesnt mean we should expose and involve children in it, does it?
We're not here to discuss the various nuances of the lgbtqa++ world you ditz. Just your fear and loathing of it.

Nuances that I know way more than you considering I'm the B part of the lgbt.

My own daughter is gay. A good many friends I have are gay.

YOU are the ones that dont understand the nuances......gotdam Lotus thinks Drag is just "cross dressing" and doesnt know transvestites are just hetro men with a kink.

Sorry to break this to you, Admin....but there is no letter in LGBT for "white upper class left wing "alli"". So sit the fuck down and TRY to grasp what is being said.

You wont discuss nuance because it's way above you. All you can do is gaslight and spew. Nuances require IQ points you apparently dont have.
Last edited:

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
It's too bad @Dove to the Bottom was never in a war for profit. She is one of those people who are rabidly against things they have done in their own lives. If she had gone to war, she'd be on here bitching about war on the daily.

Well I was raped as a child.

I mean I dont know why you get so offended when we talk about joining in the violence that's already occurring.

I have spent words and bandwidth for a year trying to see something from one of you that shows any sort of emotion or offense on behalf of the people who are taking the brunt of these riots. I get nothing.

But when one of us says "civil war" it's a freak out. Smh.

We are not the ones hurting innocent people. Leftist already ARE.

And Drag is adult entertainment ffs. .. ..should we also have a childs version of show girls? Bunny Ranch story time? You COULD do that without the sex stuff. That's literally what PLEASE ASS BOX ME! is. Slowly introducing children to adult content and sexual acts by slowly stripping taboos and boundaries.
Try flipping your script loony toon, how about normalizing those behaviors that have been known to exist for thousands of years, so that when your big brothers Bubba and Billy Bob don't drag a drag queen behind their pick up till dead, you fucking paranoid idjit, are you now going to claim you were raped by a drag queen that was reading to you in 1nst grade?
(I am very sorry for any personal trauma you have been through Dove, if indeed that actually happened, but I do not think this is the venue for you to be working through that)
there you go young lady, defend your right to where the flowery sundress with the anus cut out whenever and wherever you want like the faggot you are

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
1000 rounds 9mm (58 clips loaded across three versions)
2500 rounds 5.56 nato (80 clips loaded)
500 rounds .40 (10 clips loaded)
200 rounds .410
500 shotgun shells

When the civil war does start Imma go wabbit hunting. I can assure you of that.
Is today the day you finally man up, and go shoot up a mall, or some rando government office? oh btw, if you stood on top of all those rounds, I bet you would be taller!
when the day comes that shooting lib scum like you isn't a crime I'm going to be putting more than a few in the dirt where they belong. Rest assured, fagboi


I'm in jail, send hamberders
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
1000 rounds 9mm (58 clips loaded across three versions)
2500 rounds 5.56 nato (80 clips loaded)
500 rounds .40 (10 clips loaded)
200 rounds .410
500 shotgun shells

When the civil war does start Imma go wabbit hunting. I can assure you of that.
Is today the day you finally man up, and go shoot up a mall, or some rando government office? oh btw, if you stood on top of all those rounds, I bet you would be taller!
when the day comes that shooting lib scum like you isn't a crime I'm going to be putting more than a few in the dirt where they belong. Rest assured, fagboi
Go fuck yourself, you obnoxious little troll. Bragging on the internet is so very lame, good luck in high school next year Rambo


Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
1000 rounds 9mm (58 clips loaded across three versions)
2500 rounds 5.56 nato (80 clips loaded)
500 rounds .40 (10 clips loaded)
200 rounds .410
500 shotgun shells

When the civil war does start Imma go wabbit hunting. I can assure you of that.
Is today the day you finally man up, and go shoot up a mall, or some rando government office? oh btw, if you stood on top of all those rounds, I bet you would be taller!
when the day comes that shooting lib scum like you isn't a crime I'm going to be putting more than a few in the dirt where they belong. Rest assured, fagboi
Go fuck yourself, you obnoxious little troll.
ooohoohooooo, you mad little princess?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
go say a prayer to the cock fairy if you're feeling empty inside , adfag.

btw, do your little crotch rocket grandkids like sitting on some burly man in a dresses' lap? Do you masturbate when you see them do it?

asking for a friend


I'm in jail, send hamberders
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
1000 rounds 9mm (58 clips loaded across three versions)
2500 rounds 5.56 nato (80 clips loaded)
500 rounds .40 (10 clips loaded)
200 rounds .410
500 shotgun shells

When the civil war does start Imma go wabbit hunting. I can assure you of that.
Is today the day you finally man up, and go shoot up a mall, or some rando government office? oh btw, if you stood on top of all those rounds, I bet you would be taller!
when the day comes that shooting lib scum like you isn't a crime I'm going to be putting more than a few in the dirt where they belong. Rest assured, fagboi
Go fuck yourself, you obnoxious little troll.
ooohoohooooo, you mad little princess?
I have a million bullets! and Seven Fucking Bedrooms! and 3 Extremely Luxurious Cars, you petite sized boy!

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
1000 rounds 9mm (58 clips loaded across three versions)
2500 rounds 5.56 nato (80 clips loaded)
500 rounds .40 (10 clips loaded)
200 rounds .410
500 shotgun shells

When the civil war does start Imma go wabbit hunting. I can assure you of that.
Is today the day you finally man up, and go shoot up a mall, or some rando government office? oh btw, if you stood on top of all those rounds, I bet you would be taller!
when the day comes that shooting lib scum like you isn't a crime I'm going to be putting more than a few in the dirt where they belong. Rest assured, fagboi
Go fuck yourself, you obnoxious little troll.
ooohoohooooo, you mad little princess?
I have a million bullets! and Seven Fucking Bedrooms! and 3 Extremely Luxurious Cars, you petite sized boy!
you also have a 12" black cock shoved up your ass permanently you squeegee little faggot

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
OK Kiddos, it is a lovely morning on the beach, we're going for a long walk...enjoy your manufactured outrage and studliness.
you and your husband have a good time.. maybe get carried out by a strong current and drown. The two of you together.



I'm in jail, send hamberders
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
1000 rounds 9mm (58 clips loaded across three versions)
2500 rounds 5.56 nato (80 clips loaded)
500 rounds .40 (10 clips loaded)
200 rounds .410
500 shotgun shells

When the civil war does start Imma go wabbit hunting. I can assure you of that.
Is today the day you finally man up, and go shoot up a mall, or some rando government office? oh btw, if you stood on top of all those rounds, I bet you would be taller!
when the day comes that shooting lib scum like you isn't a crime I'm going to be putting more than a few in the dirt where they belong. Rest assured, fagboi
Go fuck yourself, you obnoxious little troll.
ooohoohooooo, you mad little princess?
I have a million bullets! and Seven Fucking Bedrooms! and 3 Extremely Luxurious Cars, you petite sized boy!
you also have a 12" black cock shoved up your ass permanently you squeegee little faggot
I have a 12" Knife that would slide right up your soft little underbelly, so there!

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
1000 rounds 9mm (58 clips loaded across three versions)
2500 rounds 5.56 nato (80 clips loaded)
500 rounds .40 (10 clips loaded)
200 rounds .410
500 shotgun shells

When the civil war does start Imma go wabbit hunting. I can assure you of that.
Is today the day you finally man up, and go shoot up a mall, or some rando government office? oh btw, if you stood on top of all those rounds, I bet you would be taller!
when the day comes that shooting lib scum like you isn't a crime I'm going to be putting more than a few in the dirt where they belong. Rest assured, fagboi
Go fuck yourself, you obnoxious little troll.
ooohoohooooo, you mad little princess?
I have a million bullets! and Seven Fucking Bedrooms! and 3 Extremely Luxurious Cars, you petite sized boy!
you also have a 12" black cock shoved up your ass permanently you squeegee little faggot
I have a 12" Knife that would slide right up your soft little underbelly, so there!


you'd get curb stomped the minute you tried sissyboi


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
OK Kiddos, it is a lovely morning on the beach, we're going for a long walk...enjoy your manufactured outrage and studliness.

I dont think children should be exposed to strippers or drug dealers.....does that mean I have "fear and loathing" of them?

Are you against child porn? If you are, you must have fear and loathing of sex.

I swear. You guys argue like ignorant narcissistic abusers. All you do is gaslight and push unreasonable and irresponsible bullshit that causes direct harm to other people.

Dont assume the outrage felt by others is manufactured just because all of your hypocritical "outrage" is.

You are dipping because you cannot defend your position. You gotta gaslight and spew.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Did another dear friend die horribly of AIDS or something? You seem a little miffed today, Adfag.

may this person, whomever they were, rest in piss. :Excited6:


Factory Bastard
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Well I never heard of this bullshit growing up. Seems like a new thing these days.

You never heard of it because it was underground. Are you serious with that ignorant statement? I thought you were well educated.

This statue is in the Borghese Museum in Rome. Hermaphroditus, 2nd century. The face is very female and it has breasts. I saw this statue in person. I think I even posted photos of it on BY.


Hindu God/Goddess



Photo, 1900.

A lot of people are born with hormones that aren't standard like most males or females. They are in the minority, but that doesn't make them abhorent, any more than left handed people are abhorent. And yet, morons used to force left-handed people to use their right hands, because, in their ignorance, they thought being different equaled being wrong.

Grow the fuck up.
Let them stay in the minority but don’t go broadcasting that type of filth to the children you sick piece of shit

Most kids know better. Especially the ones that kick your ass
Of course you come running to support child abuse. Sick motherfucker.

Why did you murder your wife? Do you like goats better?
Murder? Do tell faggit. Lets hear the entire sorted details, kiddie fucker.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged.”

Matthew 5-7

Let me tell you something right now. ANd I say this from the heart. If Jesus doesn't like the fact that I don't want sick freaks like this placing my child on their laps and teaching them this sort of filth then he can go fuck himself.

How's that for conviction you twisted fucking skank

That's Matthew 7:1.

If you keep reading the chapter, it becomes clear that Jesus is speaking against hypocritical judgements and judgements laid out of malice.

So Lotus judging me as a "judgemental fascist" is actually the malice fueled hypocritical judgement Jesus was condemning.

MY judgements on exposing children to drag is rooted in my care for children AND the gay community who already battles being equated with child molesters. It compromises them and it exposes children to adult content that they dont need to be exposed to.

And since I'm not exposing children to sexual or adult content.....I'm not using hypocritical judgement. There is no log in my eye.
Trust me, I know the bible. I read it cover to cover three times. This dumb bitch can't tell me shit. that's why I can say what I said with the utmost confidence that I am not committing blasphemy

When Jesus returns he'll be slaughtering freaks like this himself.
Yep. He said he would too!