Old News To Me...


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis

Is that why you love them @Admin. @Holliday

Adam Hitler

Aidsman sucks homeless cock
Factory Bastard
New Swabia
I'd be interested to discover just how many young impressionable kids have been tempted into dabbling in homosexuality after being constantly exposed to LGBT propaganda.

I'm positive that if there wasn't such a concerted effort to promote and encourage faggotry there wouldn't be as many gays around and rather than embrace any unnatural urges felt, they suppressed them and attempted to lead a normal life, as opposed to being a cock sucking degenerate like @Admin.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
I'd be interested to discover just how many young impressionable kids have been tempted into dabbling in homosexuality after being constantly exposed to LGBT propaganda.

I'm positive that if there wasn't such a concerted effort to promote and encourage faggotry there wouldn't be as many gays around and rather than embrace any unnatural urges felt, they suppressed them and attempted to lead a normal life, as opposed to being a cock sucking degenerate like @Admin.
For sure, the surge in fahgets and depravity almost certainly comes from its constant promotion by (((them)))...

Adam Hitler

Aidsman sucks homeless cock
Factory Bastard
New Swabia
I remember seeing a side view of that creature and it had a big ol' Juden hook nose.

Every. Fucking. Time.

Adam Hitler

Aidsman sucks homeless cock
Factory Bastard
New Swabia
Nice collection of info there, that 'artistic' image is probably the most disturbing thing I've seen in a while...

Adam Hitler

Aidsman sucks homeless cock
Factory Bastard
New Swabia
Nice collection of info there, that 'artistic' image is probably the most disturbing thing I've seen in a while...
Can you imagine what it'll be like in 30 years?

I think there will be a tipping point before then and the LGBT depravity will be forced back underground, similar to what happened in Weimar Germany. We won't be lucky enough to get another Hitler, but the rise in popularity of Conservative parties across Europe and the growing hostility against 'woke' far left nonsense will likely bring back a degree of normality.

The freaks and pervs won't win, their lifestyle choices disgust the vast majority of the population and the only reason these mentally ill fucks have become so emboldened and vocal within the mainstream is due to ZOG support.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Nice collection of info there, that 'artistic' image is probably the most disturbing thing I've seen in a while...
Can you imagine what it'll be like in 30 years?

I think there will be a tipping point before then and the LGBT depravity will be forced back underground, similar to what happened in Weimar Germany. We won't be lucky enough to get another Hitler, but the rise in popularity of Conservative parties across Europe and the growing hostility against 'woke' far left nonsense will likely bring back a degree of normality.

The freaks and pervs won't win, their lifestyle choices disgust the vast majority of the population and the only reason these mentally ill fucks have become so emboldened and vocal within the mainstream is due to ZOG support.
Here here


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis

Good sir, where you buy dem peculiar negros from? I say, I had n'strange encounter, no mor den week ago. Down at the market see, lookin to breed me sum stronger bucks for plowin dem der fields see?
When this new fella with a big o'll hat, curly hair and a nose so hooked, prob'ly snag a catfish with that succa! He be hollerin all bout his fresh ship'min a bucks, straight from the rail'ro. They were magnificent specimens. Un'stood gentleman's English too. Now I tend to rise earlier than the other gentlemen roun these here parts, so I traded a half dozen mules for his biggest negro.

Now I say you now sir, this buck be strange indeed. None my negro women say he try to lay in the hay with them since he rive. N'my daughters never say he look at them funny neither. But my o'seer Reginald, he say he see strange things from that there boy. My other bucks, they stay way from 'im. He don't get no joyment from liftin nor ploughin, he wanna be in with the women folk, doin women's work.
One day, he foun him wearin my Violettas evenin gown. Reginald, show him the whip hand see? But that buck, jus lean over and pull dat gown up. "guess you gun have to break me massa"
The hell be goin on with this negro? I try 'turn him back, but that hook nose fella gone.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The One and Only God, i.e. the God of The Bible, Jews, and Christians, demands that these degenerates be executed. Jesus, i.e. the Jewish Messiah, states that He will cut off any church that tolerates these degenerates within its ranks. The Jews who were the first Christians, the men who were taught and/or known by Jesus Himself, wrote at length of the degeneracy of homosexuality and how its rampant acceptance was a sign that God has given a people over to their degeneracy before judgment is delivered to them. Well buckle up everyone, cause the whole damned world is accepting these repulsive vermin!

Adam Hitler

Aidsman sucks homeless cock
Factory Bastard
New Swabia
The One and Only God, i.e. the God of The Bible, Jews, and Christians, demands that these degenerates be executed. Jesus, i.e. the Jewish Messiah, states that He will cut off any church that tolerates these degenerates within its ranks. The Jews who were the first Christians, the men who were taught and/or known by Jesus Himself, wrote at length of the degeneracy of homosexuality and how its rampant acceptance was a sign that God has given a people over to their degeneracy before judgment is delivered to them. Well buckle up everyone, cause the whole damned world is accepting these repulsive vermin!

Ummm buddy, you're kidding yourself if you think Jews hate LGBT faggotry...


Adam Hitler

Aidsman sucks homeless cock
Factory Bastard
New Swabia
Sad but true, Trump in power was the equivalent of 1 small step forward and 2 giant leaps backwards...

Just be thankful you don't live in the US.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Sad but true, Trump in power was the equivalent of 1 small step forward and 2 giant leaps backwards...

Just be thankful you don't live in the US.
I do miss the guy, the way he riled up everyone from fahgets to news corps was a joy to behold...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The One and Only God, i.e. the God of The Bible, Jews, and Christians, demands that these degenerates be executed. Jesus, i.e. the Jewish Messiah, states that He will cut off any church that tolerates these degenerates within its ranks. The Jews who were the first Christians, the men who were taught and/or known by Jesus Himself, wrote at length of the degeneracy of homosexuality and how its rampant acceptance was a sign that God has given a people over to their degeneracy before judgment is delivered to them. Well buckle up everyone, cause the whole damned world is accepting these repulsive vermin!

Ummm buddy, you're kidding yourself if you think Jews hate LGBT faggotry...

Show me a single quote from God's Law or Jesus' teachings supporting faggotry. Till then, you're just pointing out religious people who support faggotry and I can quote dozens of the most non jew fuktards who parrot the same demonic bullshit.

God says kill em all!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Trump would be great if he wasn't such a Zionist cuck.
When I seen these I knew /pol/ had turned against him for his Zionist shilling... Right in bed with him and hey @Lokmar you'll never be right wing, libtard!


What a buncha horseshit. You'll never do jack shit about anything cause you willingly live under the jack boot of an opressive government that should be overthrown and its leaders executed. Grab your butter knife and get after em, fool!


Domestically feral
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United states
Trump didnt start anything. He just spoke and acted on what the people were already saying.

All these Trump narratives are ridiculous. All people who voted for him wanted was a government that represented them and served their interests and actually defended individual liberty. Which Trump did.

A lot of people wish he wasnt so concerned with other countries... including me, however his policies were putting the citizens first.

I really wish people paid more attention to policies than narratives. This is all just to dismiss the very real and long held concerns and frustrations of the "lower classes". The biggest bullshit is blaming Trump for "starting" anything when all he did was tap in and give a voice to millions of pissed off and frustrated Americans.

Tax paying people who have a right to be heard and be represented by their own government.

As it is, we have basically 1 party and people who scream and tantrum over everyone who challenges that are just showing they want only themselves to be heard and represented and they want everyone else to shut up and go with it. Since that isnt happening.....its gone to demonizing and attacking those who do. And blaming Trump and accusing regular ass people who want their liberties preserved of "fascism".

The system will always fight to preserve itself.

And no one was thrown under the bus over the 6th either. We have never condoned illegal acts and if people got arrested for breaking the law.....we dont agree with just bailing them out. That's what Biden does. We are not shitbags that give out free passes to people who break the law just because they are on our side. It's just gross to see leftists point to this because they have lost so much integrity they think having it is a punchline.

Its gross that these leftarded pricks are fine with violence against innocent people and rioters being bailed out but want everyone at the Capitol on the 6th tossed in gulags.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
And you've been yapping about the same thing since 1995 and you ain't done shit co
Trump would be great if he wasn't such a Zionist cuck.
When I seen these I knew /pol/ had turned against him for his Zionist shilling... Right in bed with him and hey @Lokmar you'll never be right wing, libtard!


What a buncha horseshit. You'll never do jack shit about anything cause you willingly live under the jack boot of an opressive government that should be overthrown and its leaders executed. Grab your butter knife and get after em, fool!
Well you've been yapping about the same thing since 1995 and you ain't done shit and you never will... kike!

Adam Hitler

Aidsman sucks homeless cock
Factory Bastard
New Swabia
The One and Only God, i.e. the God of The Bible, Jews, and Christians, demands that these degenerates be executed. Jesus, i.e. the Jewish Messiah, states that He will cut off any church that tolerates these degenerates within its ranks. The Jews who were the first Christians, the men who were taught and/or known by Jesus Himself, wrote at length of the degeneracy of homosexuality and how its rampant acceptance was a sign that God has given a people over to their degeneracy before judgment is delivered to them. Well buckle up everyone, cause the whole damned world is accepting these repulsive vermin!

Ummm buddy, you're kidding yourself if you think Jews hate LGBT faggotry...

Show me a single quote from God's Law or Jesus' teachings supporting faggotry. Till then, you're just pointing out religious people who support faggotry and I can quote dozens of the most non jew fuktards who parrot the same demonic bullshit.

God says kill em all!

Influential Jews have literally been the driving force behind forcing LGBT acceptance into the mainstream for decades, along with the rest of the woke leftist nonsense and they have done so thanks to their unrivalled monopoly over the mainstream media, Hollyweird and big tech.

Do you at least accept the fact that this tiny minority of people wields a vastly disproportionate amount of power and influence?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
And you've been yapping about the same thing since 1995 and you ain't done shit co
Trump would be great if he wasn't such a Zionist cuck.
When I seen these I knew /pol/ had turned against him for his Zionist shilling... Right in bed with him and hey @Lokmar you'll never be right wing, libtard!


What a buncha horseshit. You'll never do jack shit about anything cause you willingly live under the jack boot of an opressive government that should be overthrown and its leaders executed. Grab your butter knife and get after em, fool!
Well you've been yapping about the same thing since 1995 and you ain't done shit and you never will... kike!
First off moron, I'm not jewish, although I greatly respect the ones who followed God and gave us civilization. We've elected Trump, we've fought for the increase in rights and freedoms, especially the 2nd Amendment, are enjoying a MASSIVE INCREASE in the ownership of "weapons of war" while you're being told to go blunt your knives, we're demonstrating against the government and we openly threaten to overthrow it if it tries to take our guns away. You people? You did fukall to keep your weaponry and what you do have left has to be locked up and registered along with the ammo they allow you to have when they allow it. How about you go to the square and declare your politicians be executed for treason and report back on your prison sentence in 3 years or more. We do it here all the damn time, out in the open.