You're not superior because you're not there yet,
.Quite so - and on the contrary, they are quite inferior for the lack of experience
not to mention the other things that make them inferior.
And here is the other extreme. Older people who assume to have more "experience" than younger ones simply by age alone.
There are people in this world that have experienced more, hardship or otherwise, by the time they even hit 20 than you probably have in your entire life.
Humility is a hard earned virtue that comes with experience.
People who think they know it all and have all the right answers to everything are the most immature. Doesnt matter how old you are. It's a very big world. At your age you oughta know you only have experience in what you have experience in and the more you know....the more you know you dont know shit.
Words like "superior" and "inferior" shouldnt be in the vocabulary of a truly matured and wise individual. It just shows you never grew out the need to compare yourself to others.
Sorry you are hurting, but you should try to grow up.