Peace out BF

Adam Hitler

Aidsman sucks homeless cock
Factory Bastard
New Swabia
NO, the axe needs 2 be in the hand of a conservative


I don't think so. You should see at BC. Flea opened up her own sub with "no politics". Guess who started the politics posts?
Yep, conservatives. It is documented.

Actually, things are pretty chill on there, minus the inevitable bickering which will always take place when people congregate somewhere.

Stop shit-stirring.


Louie the Love Nugget’s Mom
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La La Land

they need to contain these assfucks by sentencing them to the fight/meltdown boards for eternity…. and then allow us to post down there to include them when we choose to go there…

Spinning the merry go round with the wheeeeeee new rules isn’t going to deter the seasoned assfucks from anything. Be fucking serious. Clearly, BF is aware they are an issue, so….

Otherwise you’re going to be reading the same shit over and over and over and over… it’s already so redundant I want to stab myself in the eyeball with a pencil while I’m reading it.

Now, you’ll have to excuse me. I have a sexy wedding gown I need to squeeze my fat ass into so the cathedral veil looks right and trust me when I say you don’t want to feel the wrath of hungry Murdock.

BF ~ good luck playing mommy and daddy to the emotionally/developmental stunted fucktoddlers of this community. God speed!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.

they need to contain these assfucks by sentencing them to the fight/meltdown boards for eternity…. and then allow us to post down there to include them when we choose to go there…

Spinning the merry go round with the wheeeeeee new rules isn’t going to deter the seasoned assfucks from anything. Be fucking serious. Clearly, BF is aware they are an issue, so….

Otherwise you’re going to be reading the same shit over and over and over and over… it’s already so redundant I want to stab myself in the eyeball with a pencil while I’m reading it.

Now, you’ll have to excuse me. I have a sexy wedding gown I need to squeeze my fat ass into so the cathedral veil looks right and trust me when I say you don’t want to feel the wrath of hungry Murdock.

BF ~ good luck playing mommy and daddy to the emotionally/developmental stunted fucktoddlers of this community. God speed!

Go wedding plan, try on dresses, sample cake, go look at pretty flowers...check out venues. So much more fun than hitting your head on a brick wall...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

they need to contain these assfucks by sentencing them to the fight/meltdown boards for eternity…. and then allow us to post down there to include them when we choose to go there…

Spinning the merry go round with the wheeeeeee new rules isn’t going to deter the seasoned assfucks from anything. Be fucking serious. Clearly, BF is aware they are an issue, so….

Otherwise you’re going to be reading the same shit over and over and over and over… it’s already so redundant I want to stab myself in the eyeball with a pencil while I’m reading it.

Now, you’ll have to excuse me. I have a sexy wedding gown I need to squeeze my fat ass into so the cathedral veil looks right and trust me when I say you don’t want to feel the wrath of hungry Murdock.

BF ~ good luck playing mommy and daddy to the emotionally/developmental stunted fucktoddlers of this community. God speed!

ur not gonna leave on that sour note, r u?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Tbh...I've never seen where Murdock's threads have been shit on to the point where she's going to leave over it??? Most of the flamming/name calling bs has been stomped out by BF. Can she give an example of a thread where she was "abused"? lol


Louie the Love Nugget’s Mom
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☠️Private Forum Access
La La Land
The current state of this forum reminds me of when my children were little little. The entire house would be quiet for hours on a Saturday afternoon. Everyone was fed and juiced and had leisure time indefinitely to play or watch cartoons. Then mommy’s phone rings and she takes the call and suddenly someone or everyone needed me. My youngest son tried tugging at my shirt once with the “mom, mom, mom, mom, mom” so he could show me something that I had seen 20x before while I was on the phone.

Like WTF? You can’t wait until I’m done??? But he was little, so I couldn’t say that. Instead, I politely asked the person on the other line to hold and I sat him down and explained that you do not interrupt when adults are talking. I told him he had to wait until I was done to talk to me about this because it was rude to the person on the phone. I told him I would make his sister wait if I was talking to him first… and he got it at 4 years old.

It’s FUCKING rude as fuck to the people actually engaged in the conversation. If you want to act like a fucking child, then I’m going to treat you like a fucking child and remind you that little fucktards are to be seen an unheard until an adult addresses you.

Children are not invited or allowed at my wedding for this very reason.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
The current state of this forum reminds me of when my children were little little. The entire house would be quiet for hours on a Saturday afternoon. Everyone was fed and juiced and had leisure time indefinitely to play or watch cartoons. Then mommy’s phone rings and she takes the call and suddenly someone or everyone needed me. My youngest son tried tugging at my shirt once with the “mom, mom, mom, mom, mom” so he could show me something that I had seen 20x before while I was on the phone.

Like WTF? You can’t wait until I’m done??? But he was little, so I couldn’t say that. Instead, I politely asked the person on the other line to hold and I sat him down and explained that you do not interrupt when adults are talking. I told him he had to wait until I was done to talk to me about this because it was rude to the person on the phone. I told him I would make his sister wait if I was talking to him first… and he got it at 4 years old.

It’s FUCKING rude as fuck to the people actually engaged in the conversation. If you want to act like a fucking child, then I’m going to treat you like a fucking child and remind you that little fucktards are to be seen an unheard until an adult addresses you.

Children are not invited or allowed at my wedding for this very reason.

i guess im not invited then :(

cmon, its just the internet, ppl mess around


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
The current state of this forum reminds me of when my children were little little. The entire house would be quiet for hours on a Saturday afternoon. Everyone was fed and juiced and had leisure time indefinitely to play or watch cartoons. Then mommy’s phone rings and she takes the call and suddenly someone or everyone needed me. My youngest son tried tugging at my shirt once with the “mom, mom, mom, mom, mom” so he could show me something that I had seen 20x before while I was on the phone.

Like WTF? You can’t wait until I’m done??? But he was little, so I couldn’t say that. Instead, I politely asked the person on the other line to hold and I sat him down and explained that you do not interrupt when adults are talking. I told him he had to wait until I was done to talk to me about this because it was rude to the person on the phone. I told him I would make his sister wait if I was talking to him first… and he got it at 4 years old.

It’s FUCKING rude as fuck to the people actually engaged in the conversation. If you want to act like a fucking child, then I’m going to treat you like a fucking child and remind you that little fucktards are to be seen an unheard until an adult addresses you.

Children are not invited or allowed at my wedding for this very reason.

i guess im not invited then :(

cmon, its just the internet, ppl mess around

Some people aren't just messing around. They have mental problems and target the same people over and over with THE SAME OLD SHIT

It's a complete turn-off.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
The current state of this forum reminds me of when my children were little little. The entire house would be quiet for hours on a Saturday afternoon. Everyone was fed and juiced and had leisure time indefinitely to play or watch cartoons. Then mommy’s phone rings and she takes the call and suddenly someone or everyone needed me. My youngest son tried tugging at my shirt once with the “mom, mom, mom, mom, mom” so he could show me something that I had seen 20x before while I was on the phone.

Like WTF? You can’t wait until I’m done??? But he was little, so I couldn’t say that. Instead, I politely asked the person on the other line to hold and I sat him down and explained that you do not interrupt when adults are talking. I told him he had to wait until I was done to talk to me about this because it was rude to the person on the phone. I told him I would make his sister wait if I was talking to him first… and he got it at 4 years old.

It’s FUCKING rude as fuck to the people actually engaged in the conversation. If you want to act like a fucking child, then I’m going to treat you like a fucking child and remind you that little fucktards are to be seen an unheard until an adult addresses you.

Children are not invited or allowed at my wedding for this very reason.

What can really be done with attention seeking malcontents though? I think sticking them all in the assbox until they are tamed would be a great experiment.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
It would help to SEE what she's upset over. Just sayin lol

Honestly, all it takes is for avowed "enemies" to stay away from her and quit posting in her threads. If there are hard feelings on both sides, wouldn't it be a good idea for them to stay out of her threads?

Why do they want to post in someone's thread when they've decided, for example, they don't want her in their life and put her on ignore?

Seems like a shitty game is being played. I want to slap you, but you can't slap me back or I'm the victim.

Homie don't play that.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The current state of this forum reminds me of when my children were little little. The entire house would be quiet for hours on a Saturday afternoon. Everyone was fed and juiced and had leisure time indefinitely to play or watch cartoons. Then mommy’s phone rings and she takes the call and suddenly someone or everyone needed me. My youngest son tried tugging at my shirt once with the “mom, mom, mom, mom, mom” so he could show me something that I had seen 20x before while I was on the phone.

Like WTF? You can’t wait until I’m done??? But he was little, so I couldn’t say that. Instead, I politely asked the person on the other line to hold and I sat him down and explained that you do not interrupt when adults are talking. I told him he had to wait until I was done to talk to me about this because it was rude to the person on the phone. I told him I would make his sister wait if I was talking to him first… and he got it at 4 years old.

It’s FUCKING rude as fuck to the people actually engaged in the conversation. If you want to act like a fucking child, then I’m going to treat you like a fucking child and remind you that little fucktards are to be seen an unheard until an adult addresses you.

Children are not invited or allowed at my wedding for this very reason.

What can really be done with attention seeking malcontents though? I think sticking them all in the assbox until they are tamed would be a great experiment.
FFS, Lil.. You'd only have a few users left.. LOL.. Everyone does it once in awhile.. I think it makes a difference if it's just light hearted banter or out and out rudeness. I haven't seen anyone here get horribly out of hand to justify her leaving.. NAH.. Not buying it.. sorry.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
OOOOOhhhh... This is about Dove, AGAIN????????? sigh.. I get it now :/


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
OOOOOhhhh... This is about Dove, AGAIN????????? sigh.. I get it now :/
NO, the axe needs 2 be in the hand of a conservative


I don't think so. You should see at BC. Flea opened up her own sub with "no politics". Guess who started the politics posts?
Yep, conservatives. It is documented.

Actually, things are pretty chill on there, minus the inevitable bickering which will always take place when people congregate somewhere.

Stop shit-stirring.

the shit stirring is the assholes that want to go over and recreate the BF drama

And I think Flea has noticed


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Yeah.. I gotz a potty mouth, too lol :D :D :D lol

lol the last time i yelled FUCK! was when i dropped the big pot of mashed potatos on thanksgiving on its way 2 the table

everyone got silent, u coulda heard a pin drop lol

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Wait!?! I'm a bit confused about your Are you saying, if you make a thread and people discuss the topic without addressing you only, it's wrong? How do you expect people to share ideas, if they are only able to address you?? LOLOL Not sure if I'm getting this right.. lol

I think she's saying that people should stick to the topic and that thread owners should be able to keep thread on topic and off topics should go to meltdown.

I think the problem is that there's no mechanism for it at this point, but I don't know if the software allows for a person to "mod", if you will, their own topics only.

@Bastard Factory

I already tried asking for this. Answer is no


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
i like @Dove , i wish she would post in general more

What's this thread? I have the author on ignore so I didnt even see it until I was tagged.

Is she throwing another fit?

So this fuckwad blocked me. Was not interested in any sort of conversation. Just blocked me and then decided to show up here absolutely rabid taking shots with an unhinged rage while announcing that she had me on ignore.

Which I'm fine with. So I slammed her on ignore because frankly, its toxic and gross and I dont care about whatever her issue is.

So a year later shes now showing back up, constantly blathering about me. Going on drunken rants using shit she knows about my life (and has completely twisted and is lying about), and I'm just ignoring her because..... its toxic and I dont fucking care.

She goes on as if my entire existence is all about her. Throws a fit in a thread on another board, a thread about how the Admin there doesnt want any BF drama. I said I will just ignore and not respond to those I'm not compatible with. So she grabs that post to try to start her endless stream of bullshit with her delusions that just my presence on the boards is all about HER.

I'm not reading her if I can help it. I'm not interacting with her. I dont care what she has to say.

Shes literally nonstop wallowing her stupid and petty drama shes created with me that I dont even care about.

Of course it deserved a "goodbye BF" announcement because she needs constant attention and validation and I'm not giving her whatever drama shes so desperate for. So shes gonna announce shes leaving because she wants everyone to run in and get involved in her immature, alcoholic idiocy. I wouldnt even notice she was even here if I didnt get tagged and didnt have to see *ignored content*.

If she wanted me to see and interact with any shit she has to say, she should have chosen a rational and grown up discussion rather then blocking me put of nowhere and than accusing me of enabling sex abuse and all this unhinged and absolutely vile behaviour.

If she wants to throw baby fits because I'm not grieving her gross ass and I'm not chasing after her and it hurts her massive ego that I could not possible care less what she does? Oh well. Bye. I want absolutely nothing to do with her and no amount of attention seeking or angry fits is ever gonna change that. She just reaffirms how toxic she is.

So that's my thoughts on this thread. And if I missed the mark, I didnt read her childish OP and I'm not going to. You just know when some idiot does a "good bye" thread it's nothing more than a "pay attention to me!" post.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Tbh...I've never seen where Murdock's threads have been shit on to the point where she's going to leave over it??? Most of the flamming/name calling bs has been stomped out by BF. Can she give an example of a thread where she was "abused"? lol

Shes obsessed with creating some issue between her and I were she has gone completely delusional that all my posts are "throwing shade" at her.

When I dont even gaf about her lol.

Of anything you can see see her foaming at the mouth in any given thread blathering off topic info about my life. Like my supposed "gay" and "aids infected" dad and talking about the "shelter" I did my recovery program in.

Shes mad because she has decided I'm her enemy and she harbors this unhinged rage and shes narcissistic enough to expect OTHER people to get involved, take her "side" and fight on her behalf.

So shes now hyperventilating about how I'm the bad guy here and shes gonna leave. Because shes not getting her drama fix and narc supply.

It's really as simple as that.

Shes talking about how I responded in a thread she started (I really didnt realize she started the thread.....I was just checking "unread" topics) and she thinks I somehow threw shade at her when I certainly did NOT. I made a few short comments about Johnny Depp and Amber Heard.

And shes been having a tizzy ever since and making it all about her stupid petty self.
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