Peaceful Protest


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Someone needs to show American BLM what protests should look like among civilized people!~

You do understand that by far most BLM protests were peaceful, right? You only saw news about the ones that went wrong. Someone needs to show the average person how to apply critical thinking before passing judgment on anything.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
It's not hard to tell where Lotus gets most of her news...



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
BLM were mainly peaceful? Are you serious?

Anyway, I'm going off this PC and will disappear for awhile.

I'll be back later!~

They have left entire communities looking like a 3rd world war torn area and they still say BLM is "mostly peaceful".

You know who else was mostly peaceful? Ted Bundy. Most of the women he met he didnt murder. We really should apply some critical thinking before we judge him.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The funniest part is how middle class leftists like Lotus wouldn't go within a mile of a black neighbourhood.

Yep. All the middle class and university whites who support this wouldnt want it in their neighborhood and dont care one wit about the devastation being laid upon those who already struggle in life.

Its cruel and inhumane and I'm over trying to get them to care. They dont. They want to defend whatever this bullshit is no matter what.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Someone needs to show American BLM what protests should look like among civilized people!~

You do understand that by far most BLM protests were peaceful, right? You only saw news about the ones that went wrong. Someone needs to show the average person how to apply critical thinking before passing judgment on anything.

You do realize that the vast majority of people at the capitol on Jan 6th were there to demonstrate peacefully, right?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Someone needs to show American BLM what protests should look like among civilized people!~

You do understand that by far most BLM protests were peaceful, right? You only saw news about the ones that went wrong. Someone needs to show the average person how to apply critical thinking before passing judgment on anything.

You do realize that the vast majority of people at the capitol on Jan 6th were there to demonstrate peacefully, right?

All they did on Jan 6th was trespass. And police allowed them in.

When BLM was in DC they burnt down buildings, destroyed property, harrassed and threatened everyone at the RNC....including Rand Paul who literally wrote the Breona Taylor bill. Yelling at HIM to say her name....because they are low info savages who do not care for real about the police "brutality" but are using it as an excuse to use political violence.

A BLM speaker said from a podium in DC that he wanted to murder police, take the fight to the Senate and burn down the WH. NONE of this actual incitement matters. There is no accountability whatsoever for the violence this group brings.

But regular ass people rightfully upset with an abusive government that hasnt represented them for years shows up and it gets compared to 9/11.....which is beyond vile.....and its insanely overblown to justify partisan law enforcement.

Putan shoved this in our faces because we cant criticize him when America is now charging and jailing people solely based on their politics. But violent rioters who have attacked police and beat up citizens and destroyed property get bailed out of jail by Harris's "freedom fund" and not charged.

Its disgusting, authoritarian bullshit. THINKING people would see this injustice clearly and know where it leads.