Pfizer already pushing to launch booster shots in the US


Domestically feral
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United states
Donald Trump shills for Pfizer.

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They all shill on some level.

The important part is that Trump doesnt attack peoples individual rights to refuse this vaccine and instead just encourages people to get one. And any of them at that.
EXACTLY!!!!! Why do libs have to be so fukin jack booted?

Because they operate on this hyper partisan level where they really believe in their "team". Its a brainwashed party loyalty.

Admins understanding of our views is a series of leftwing stereotypes based on 50s conservative culture. Or a heavy Christian fundamentalism.

So he isnt recognizing the shift, the times we are in, and how its clearly about rights and liberty.

He is the kind of partisan that labels any criticism of the monoparty machine "right wing".

Maybe its fear, you know? All these years they've genuinely believed they were these "right side of history" heros who were accepting and tolerant. They identify that as one with the leftwing label. So they have this cognitive dissonance now.

Have you ever watched Rob Zombies "The Devils Rejects"? How the hero slowly became the very monster he was hunting? Here it's an imagined evil built on stereotypes, propaganda and misrepresentation.

Most of us understand that if someone is convincing you that every one else hates you and you NEED them for your own good, and telling you not even to communicate with others....that's the mark of a lying abuser.

These people are very lacking in the growth needed for this level of discernment and think being college educated is key to survival. They have no street smarts or lived experience.

And the establishment knows this. You see it played on over and over and it drives ME nuts that it works so well. That these people just do not see it. And they are pre groomed to hate you without knowing that you cant show them. Propaganda warfare is intense.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Take those stats with a grain of salt. In all likelihood, the vast majority of adverse reactions are never reported. Doctors tell their patients "The vaccine could done that."

Possibly. But at least some of them are actually reported. So even if not all numbers are there, it provides you a summary of some of the noticeable side effects. Some better than none I suppose.

Some side effects I got from the Moderna vaccine:

1st dose - swelling of joints, sometimes felt arthritic. Left side of the body where the shot was felt it most. Sore knee. Swollen hand. Lasted over 10 weeks. Felt tired. Intermittent pains throughout the body such as the back near the kidneys. Eyes became swollen red and itchy. These symptoms mostly went away after 10 weeks.

2nd dose - not as severe thank God. Some occasional swelling left hand after 4 weeks. But not as bad as the 1st dose tho. Eyes still get red and itchy. Some chest pains every now & then. So I hope it's not attacking the heart!

Summary: While I never got severely I'll or sick from this vaccine, never felt great either. I sure don't want to do this every year if it means feeling kinda shitty for 4-5 months of the year, eh?

Once OK for the God, Country & Big Pharma. But not all the time.

I think if I really have to & governments mandate it, then I want to see more studies about the long term effects of these vaccines. And I'd like the government and health authorities to provide us with more alternatives like they initially promised. Safer ones too.

As you pointed out in your link, if I r3ally have to, it sure as heck won't be Pfizer. Luckily I never received their vaccine this time so I won't be beholden to them in the future.

I honestly don't think Pfizer is very good. An effective vaccine should not require booster shots every 4 to 6 months.

...and then there are all those breakthrough cases after people got the Pfizer shot. Some still got infected and even died after contracting COVID.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
That fukin jab is a waste for young healthy people and my son in law is a doctor and tells me its not worth his time to report the adverse jab reactions because of the time and details it takes. They make reporting adverse reactions hard on purpose.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
That fukin jab is a waste for young healthy people and my son in law is a doctor and tells me its not worth his time to report the adverse jab reactions because of the time and details it takes. They make reporting adverse reactions hard on purpose.

That's exactly what everyone I know in the medical feild is saying. It's so difficult to report that they either do not have the time or just cant.

The administrative burden is unreasonably heavy.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
That fukin jab is a waste for young healthy people and my son in law is a doctor and tells me its not worth his time to report the adverse jab reactions because of the time and details it takes. They make reporting adverse reactions hard on purpose.

You gotta point Lokmeer

Most of the COVID deaths in the USA and Canada were old people over 80.

And in Canada it was mostly Quebec with Montreal as the major epicenter of the Pandemic here.