Post a Picture of Yourself!


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
Site Supporter
I could care less what Mr. SSS fucking thinks.

You could care less about me? That means you care about me. See, the proper way to say or write that is "I couldn't care less about my failed grasp on the English language because nobody expects anything from me IRL."

That means you don't care at all. "I COULD care less" means you do care, to one extent or another.

You're busted. Easily. Bad troll, bad fluency of English. Now be on your way, retard...

- Disappointed in your sub-standard trolling skills.


missing siamese eyes.
Site Supporter
in my radio ..
maybe she's just human and cares out of being civil .. like we all say out of automatism ..
let's be kind ..


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
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No where you'd like to be......
I could care less what Mr. SSS fucking thinks.

You could care less about me? That means you care about me. See, the proper way to say or write that is "I couldn't care less about my failed grasp on the English language because nobody expects anything from me IRL."

That means you don't care at all. "I COULD care less" means you do care, to one extent or another.

You're busted. Easily. Bad troll, bad fluency of English. Now be on your way, retard...

- Disappointed in your sub-standard trolling skills.

Not once did I say your pic was fake. Why? I don't care. You don't need to prove yourself to me. You, on the other hand, try to get others to prove themselves to you like they owe you something. Who gives a flying fairy fuck what anyone looks like? I sure as hell don't. You dwell on a lot of stupid shit. You're so worried about who looks like what that you can't even notice the ass you are carrying on your own shoulders. I conduct business with MY face on a DAILY basis. Someone just left my house....met him on a forum just like this...drove from Georgia just to drop off a collection of tarantulas....just because you don't believe its me, doesn't mean its not me. Other people can vouch for me. I don't need your fucking approval.


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
Site Supporter
Shut the fuck up.

- You didn't even make it to 140 posts without your broken dick troll character imploding at my hands.


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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lolol what a sassy missus ..

I'm sorry but I don't owe him shit. I don't know him and he doesn't know me (for damn sure it's obvious because if he did know me he would know that I take shit from no one and never back down but that's besides the point). I am classy and I am a lady....sassy is an understatement when you get my fire burning.....I'm a straight up bitch from hell!!! I could care less what Mr. SSS fucking thinks. He can SSS my invisible DICK!!!! I wish he were standing in front of me right now cuz I'd put his military skills to the test!! Hand to hand SOUTHERN STYLE.

WOW - you must have steam coming out of ears and bet you can flip him and dick him before he can roll you and blow you - - - - -
PS - That Rebel flag stands for the side that lost - - - - - - -


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
Shut the fuck up.

- You didn't even make it to 140 posts without your broken dick troll character imploding at my hands.

You sit there and brag about being in the military...don't get me wrong, I respect that...but in the military, don't they teach you discipline and respect? Of course, standing your ground and fighting for what you believe in is one thing....but that's part of the "good" morals they try to instill. You have absolutely no respect for women. I wouldn't be surprised if you raped women in a foreign country just for shits and giggles. You are one twisted ass person....or perhaps your daddy wasn't around to show you how to treat a lady? Or perhaps he was and he treated your mother the same way you're treating me....or maybe he beat the shit out of her and bless your poor soul, you had to witness it. I don't know your story...or even if you have one...but don't sit there and brag about being in the military when you don't show the same morals and respect that TRUE heroes do. SO YOU PUT UP OR SHUT UP. Your character is not that of a military man.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Shut the fuck up.

- You didn't even make it to 140 posts without your broken dick troll character imploding at my hands.

You sit there and brag about being in the military...don't get me wrong, I respect that...but in the military, don't they teach you discipline and respect? Of course, standing your ground and fighting for what you believe in is one thing....but that's part of the "good" morals they try to instill. You have absolutely no respect for women. I wouldn't be surprised if you raped women in a foreign country just for shits and giggles. You are one twisted ass person....or perhaps your daddy wasn't around to show you how to treat a lady? Or perhaps he was and he treated your mother the same way you're treating me....or maybe he beat the shit out of her and bless your poor soul, you had to witness it. I don't know your story...or even if you have one...but don't sit there and brag about being in the military when you don't show the same morals and respect that TRUE heroes do. SO YOU PUT UP OR SHUT UP. Your character is not that of a military man.

Wow! You all

Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
Site Supporter
I could care less what Mr. SSS fucking thinks.

You could care less about me? That means you care about me. See, the proper way to say or write that is "I couldn't care less about my failed grasp on the English language because nobody expects anything from me IRL."

That means you don't care at all. "I COULD care less" means you do care, to one extent or another.

You're busted. Easily. Bad troll, bad fluency of English. Now be on your way, retard...

- Disappointed in your sub-standard trolling skills.

Not once did I say your pic was fake. Why? I don't care. You don't need to prove yourself to me. You, on the other hand, try to get others to prove themselves to you like they owe you something. Who gives a flying fairy fuck what anyone looks like? I sure as hell don't. You dwell on a lot of stupid shit. You're so worried about who looks like what that you can't even notice the ass you are carrying on your own shoulders. I conduct business with MY face on a DAILY basis. Someone just left my house....met him on a forum just like this...drove from Georgia just to drop off a collection of tarantulas....just because you don't believe its me, doesn't mean its not me. Other people can vouch for me. I don't need your fucking approval.
Yes you proved yourself to me. Now can you send me noods?? :-)


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......

I wasn't angry when I joined. I see the way a few of you talk to each other. Everyone else is entitled to talk shit but I'm not??? Boo hoo. If you don't like what I have to say go fuck yourself. That's my opinion. I was just fine until he started in on me. Actually enjoying getting to know some of you. This forum is entertaining. ;)


missing siamese eyes.
Site Supporter
in my radio ..
here for fun, to avoid boredom .. was on other forums too but got banned for perhaps reasons other than what i said there .. 't is but odd .. but ok, sigh . made me lose a dame maybe .. but stick around it can be fun here .. even to just piss at each others leg i guess ... do we know each other really? nah .. so yeah ... good way to pass the time ...


missing siamese eyes.
Site Supporter
in my radio ..
here for fun, to avoid boredom .. was on other forums too but got banned for perhaps reasons other than what i said there .. 't is but odd .. but ok, sigh . made me lose a dame maybe .. but stick around it can be fun here .. even to just piss at each others leg i guess ... do we know each other really? nah .. so yeah ... good way to pass the time ...
U go girl
elloh dear .. long ago we've seen you ..