i cant believe were debating this shit
What are we debating? lol
gay stuff
Me thinks Wizer is bummed because he got caught up in a Flea vs. Sindy boobie fight and came out feeling foolish because Sindy is a transwoman.
good lord, u see how complicated it gets
that weizer is a weeeeeirdo, the vide i get
idc what ppl do sexually, go be gay all u like...i think its wrong tho
Being "gay" has been around for thousands of years in one capacity or another. That makes me think it's just a sexuality that I don't identify with, but don't condemn. If it's part of human behavior, then it's part of human behavior.
i understand all that
san francisco is built on it
And West Los Angeles, and some places in NY, Toronto, etc, etc...
West Hollywood is the epicenter. I love that it’s the 90069 lol
Is it really? Haha, I never knew that. My bff is from LA and he's gay. I knew him since we were both 18 and he was still in the closet. We're still besties and talk at least once a week. That's who I went to see in LA in late June.
My Seattle Gubby was one of thee biggest toxic drama queens evah. I used to tell him: you is petty… you is extra… you is DRAMATIC!
Which was a spin off from the help’s you is kind. You is smart. You is important lol
Mine is not flamboyant at all, though he can be extra bitchy at times. lol
My other bff's husband is flamboyant and I love it. I went down South recently and met up with them in Palm Springs, brought my mom along. The flamey hubby talked gardening with my mom forever. I told my guy, they got on like the cutest of old ladies going on about their gardens...hahaha