Posters I would like to see come back...and the bag on Lily thread.



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
This goes out to Martini. I know you're getting these as you started a thread at TBC replying to this thread. I really don't understand why you won't step foot back here at BF. I mean we could really use your insight into comedy, no one's asking you to pick sides, it would just be nice to have you around even if it's only a few posts at a time. Like it or not everyone here is only separated by about 6 degrees.

Now whether you choose to or not, I just wanted to let you know that you're always welcome here. I don't exactly know what went on behind the scenes here and I don't care. What I do know is that you're a funny poster when you put your mind to it and we'd love to have you grace these halls once again.
Flynn, this was sweet.

That said, my loyalties lie with Flea.

Do I enjoy reading you? Sure.

But, I’m loyal to FC alumni. Flea, Caskur, Bra1n, etc.

Sadly, I am a busy man. I have no desire to stick around and create quality content and build somebody’s forum up. Could I? Probably, but this shit is so far in the rear view that it’s best to just consider yours truly as yet another big name who left this shit then try an coerce me into thinking about pulling some Poofer shit any more.

I got one final match and that’s it.

My advice? Find new talent. You are going to fail with the Mouth breathing garbage at this commode. Troll Reddit and get the intelligence level a bit higher then the bloody corpse you have in front of you.

Good luck, Pickles

Good seeing you, Martini. Try not being such a stranger!
On second thought….

We should work things out, leave behind old grudges and try to get along. Leave the truly malcontent to themselves. What do you say?
Sorry, Oak, but I’m not investing any time at a forum that a loser has keys at.

Biggie Fails has the most spectacular resume of failure this side of TwaP and like TwaP always seems to convince gullible half wits that if they want their board to go straight down the tubes he’s just the guy for the job.

You don’t shove a used tampon back up your snatch that’s been bled thru

I mean here or somewhere else.

He is attached to so many failures, I can't see why anyone keeps giving him a chance. He literally stole a forum out from under Flea, crashed and burned it and then @Fashionista decides he deserves a panel.

You just can't make up utter disastrous decisions like that.

p.s. He fucked up MMP for Murdock as well. WTF is wrong with people?

Oh so you've flipped from blaming Lotus for Flea leaving SG and now you are claimed Big stole it from her? How did he do that? Did he hold a pixel gun to her and demand she gives him panels he already had?

And exactly how did HE fuck up Murds board?

You are out of your gourd. I never blamed Lotus for Flea leaving SG. And you two idiots know what you did to SG. Afterall, with you two at the helm, it failed spectacularly. In record time for a once thriving forum.

Myself, I will never forgive Flea for that transgression. I don't know if Flea is stupid or wants to be accepted. Whatever the case, I doubt that Flea will ever get another forum going ever again.

I would have shut the shit down rather than give it to those two losers. I guess by walking away maybe that's what she intended, for it to implode. Even though she paid for it, her ownership wasn't respected. She had to consult with Bigly Stupid.

I would have too. If only Flea was like her online persona, unfortunately, Flea is a softie and everyone knows it. That's her achilles heel, well that and King Martini.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
This goes out to Martini. I know you're getting these as you started a thread at TBC replying to this thread. I really don't understand why you won't step foot back here at BF. I mean we could really use your insight into comedy, no one's asking you to pick sides, it would just be nice to have you around even if it's only a few posts at a time. Like it or not everyone here is only separated by about 6 degrees.

Now whether you choose to or not, I just wanted to let you know that you're always welcome here. I don't exactly know what went on behind the scenes here and I don't care. What I do know is that you're a funny poster when you put your mind to it and we'd love to have you grace these halls once again.
Flynn, this was sweet.

That said, my loyalties lie with Flea.

Do I enjoy reading you? Sure.

But, I’m loyal to FC alumni. Flea, Caskur, Bra1n, etc.

Sadly, I am a busy man. I have no desire to stick around and create quality content and build somebody’s forum up. Could I? Probably, but this shit is so far in the rear view that it’s best to just consider yours truly as yet another big name who left this shit then try an coerce me into thinking about pulling some Poofer shit any more.

I got one final match and that’s it.

My advice? Find new talent. You are going to fail with the Mouth breathing garbage at this commode. Troll Reddit and get the intelligence level a bit higher then the bloody corpse you have in front of you.

Good luck, Pickles

Good seeing you, Martini. Try not being such a stranger!
On second thought….

We should work things out, leave behind old grudges and try to get along. Leave the truly malcontent to themselves. What do you say?
Sorry, Oak, but I’m not investing any time at a forum that a loser has keys at.

Biggie Fails has the most spectacular resume of failure this side of TwaP and like TwaP always seems to convince gullible half wits that if they want their board to go straight down the tubes he’s just the guy for the job.

You don’t shove a used tampon back up your snatch that’s been bled thru

I mean here or somewhere else.

He is attached to so many failures, I can't see why anyone keeps giving him a chance. He literally stole a forum out from under Flea, crashed and burned it and then @Fashionista decides he deserves a panel.

You just can't make up utter disastrous decisions like that.

p.s. He fucked up MMP for Murdock as well. WTF is wrong with people?

Oh so you've flipped from blaming Lotus for Flea leaving SG and now you are claimed Big stole it from her? How did he do that? Did he hold a pixel gun to her and demand she gives him panels he already had?

And exactly how did HE fuck up Murds board?

You are out of your gourd. I never blamed Lotus for Flea leaving SG. And you two idiots know what you did to SG. Afterall, with you two at the helm, it failed spectacularly. In record time for a once thriving forum.

Myself, I will never forgive Flea for that transgression. I don't know if Flea is stupid or wants to be accepted. Whatever the case, I doubt that Flea will ever get another forum going ever again.

I would have shut the shit down rather than give it to those two losers. I guess by walking away maybe that's what she intended, for it to implode. Even though she paid for it, her ownership wasn't respected. She had to consult with Bigly Stupid.

I would have too. If only Flea was like her online persona, unfortunately, Flea is a softie and everyone knows it. That's her achilles heel, well that and King Martini.

Flea likes people as people and doesn't want to lose her online friends. Unfortunately, her set of friends include people on both sides of the political aisle and they are at loggerheads.

It's a tough spot to be in.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I'd bet that BF is regretting his appointments right about now.... lulz
Flynn is doing a tremendous job. Lots and lots of content. Too much to read even.

Oh look @Flynn he's kissing your ass now. lmfao

I believe that's called sarcasm from Mr. negativity. He's another one, that if he were to leave and never came back would be fine with me.

You know, you're right...

As for leaving, it will never happen. He had his tantrum, yet here he is...

As for his presence, or lack of, yes, no one misses him when he's here, never mind when he's gone.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
He would just be phishing pin ID to find out who is behind the guests is my guess.
For fuck sakes, he can delete posts in the Politics sub. Get a fucking grip white folks.

STFU with your white folks shit already.
They are irrational and made out of pudding. Today's performance only reinforced that.

Oh No, someone I don't like can delete posts in a sub I don't post in, so I have to stay away from the sub he isn't allowed. That's white logic for you.

So is it Chinese logic to give someone a panel that's destroyed several other forums?

The problem is not everyone agrees with these claims he has "destroyed several forums". Most people watched and have their own opinions on what happened. This narrative that Big "destroyed several forums" isnt the consensus.

You guys dont like him, that's pretty much it. You cant demand everyone accept your version of events and make decisions for THEIR forums(that arrogance thing about what people should do with their own forum again) that you agree with.

It's a mod panel. He doesnt have access to anyones IP. Or anything. You guys are bringing the drama claiming he "destroyed several forums" because you think it makes the tantrum more "rational".

Fash is allowed to decide what happens on her board and if she wants Big to help mod the politcs section, that's her decision. Shes known Big for years and she capable of forming her own views about him. You guys have a really bad habit of expecting other people to dislike who you dislike and just believe what you say about them. Then if they usually get mad at them and start blaming them for bullshit.

Like how Poopturd was over here blaming Fash and calling her stupid because she doesnt jump onto this Big hysteria.

You guys really have no self awareness or any clue how obvious your manipulation tactics truly are.
Two Facts: Stubby was administrator of 2 different forums as they were driven off cliffs, do the math.
Three facts: SG and BF were busy as hell until you should up with your idiotic partisan spamming. You registered at BC and spammed every thread on the main board with TDS memes until Fash restricted you to Rejected. Of course you ran away from those awful visible minority conservatives and back to the safety of your white geriatric tranny knitting circle at CBT.

Fourth fact: you're a forum wrecking cancer.
And fat oaks personal pet too!


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
He would just be phishing pin ID to find out who is behind the guests is my guess.
For fuck sakes, he can delete posts in the Politics sub. Get a fucking grip white folks.

STFU with your white folks shit already.
They are irrational and made out of pudding. Today's performance only reinforced that.

Oh No, someone I don't like can delete posts in a sub I don't post in, so I have to stay away from the sub he isn't allowed. That's white logic for you.

So is it Chinese logic to give someone a panel that's destroyed several other forums?

The problem is not everyone agrees with these claims he has "destroyed several forums". Most people watched and have their own opinions on what happened. This narrative that Big "destroyed several forums" isnt the consensus.

You guys dont like him, that's pretty much it. You cant demand everyone accept your version of events and make decisions for THEIR forums(that arrogance thing about what people should do with their own forum again) that you agree with.

It's a mod panel. He doesnt have access to anyones IP. Or anything. You guys are bringing the drama claiming he "destroyed several forums" because you think it makes the tantrum more "rational".

Fash is allowed to decide what happens on her board and if she wants Big to help mod the politcs section, that's her decision. Shes known Big for years and she capable of forming her own views about him. You guys have a really bad habit of expecting other people to dislike who you dislike and just believe what you say about them. Then if they usually get mad at them and start blaming them for bullshit.

Like how Poopturd was over here blaming Fash and calling her stupid because she doesnt jump onto this Big hysteria.

You guys really have no self awareness or any clue how obvious your manipulation tactics truly are.
Two Facts: Stubby was administrator of 2 different forums as they were driven off cliffs, do the math.
Three facts: SG and BF were busy as hell until you should up with your idiotic partisan spamming. You registered at BC and spammed every thread on the main board with TDS memes until Fash restricted you to Rejected. Of course you ran away from those awful visible minority conservatives and back to the safety of your white geriatric tranny knitting circle at CBT.

Fourth fact: you're a forum wrecking cancer.
And fat oaks personal pet too!

If you got your rabies shot, you maybe could be my pet too.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
This goes out to Martini. I know you're getting these as you started a thread at TBC replying to this thread. I really don't understand why you won't step foot back here at BF. I mean we could really use your insight into comedy, no one's asking you to pick sides, it would just be nice to have you around even if it's only a few posts at a time. Like it or not everyone here is only separated by about 6 degrees.

Now whether you choose to or not, I just wanted to let you know that you're always welcome here. I don't exactly know what went on behind the scenes here and I don't care. What I do know is that you're a funny poster when you put your mind to it and we'd love to have you grace these halls once again.
Flynn, this was sweet.

That said, my loyalties lie with Flea.

Do I enjoy reading you? Sure.

But, I’m loyal to FC alumni. Flea, Caskur, Bra1n, etc.

Sadly, I am a busy man. I have no desire to stick around and create quality content and build somebody’s forum up. Could I? Probably, but this shit is so far in the rear view that it’s best to just consider yours truly as yet another big name who left this shit then try an coerce me into thinking about pulling some Poofer shit any more.

I got one final match and that’s it.

My advice? Find new talent. You are going to fail with the Mouth breathing garbage at this commode. Troll Reddit and get the intelligence level a bit higher then the bloody corpse you have in front of you.

Good luck, Pickles

Good seeing you, Martini. Try not being such a stranger!
On second thought….

We should work things out, leave behind old grudges and try to get along. Leave the truly malcontent to themselves. What do you say?
Sorry, Oak, but I’m not investing any time at a forum that a loser has keys at.

Biggie Fails has the most spectacular resume of failure this side of TwaP and like TwaP always seems to convince gullible half wits that if they want their board to go straight down the tubes he’s just the guy for the job.

You don’t shove a used tampon back up your snatch that’s been bled thru

I mean here or somewhere else.

He is attached to so many failures, I can't see why anyone keeps giving him a chance. He literally stole a forum out from under Flea, crashed and burned it and then @Fashionista decides he deserves a panel.

You just can't make up utter disastrous decisions like that.

p.s. He fucked up MMP for Murdock as well. WTF is wrong with people?

Oh so you've flipped from blaming Lotus for Flea leaving SG and now you are claimed Big stole it from her? How did he do that? Did he hold a pixel gun to her and demand she gives him panels he already had?

And exactly how did HE fuck up Murds board?

You are out of your gourd. I never blamed Lotus for Flea leaving SG. And you two idiots know what you did to SG. Afterall, with you two at the helm, it failed spectacularly. In record time for a once thriving forum.

Myself, I will never forgive Flea for that transgression. I don't know if Flea is stupid or wants to be accepted. Whatever the case, I doubt that Flea will ever get another forum going ever again.

I would have shut the shit down rather than give it to those two losers. I guess by walking away maybe that's what she intended, for it to implode. Even though she paid for it, her ownership wasn't respected. She had to consult with Bigly Stupid.

I would have too. If only Flea was like her online persona, unfortunately, Flea is a softie and everyone knows it. That's her achilles heel, well that and King Martini.

Flea likes people as people and doesn't want to lose her online friends. Unfortunately, her set of friends include people on both sides of the political aisle and they are at loggerheads.

It's a tough spot to be in.

I mean that's fine but one of these days she'll need to get off the fence and do what she wants, not what everyone else wants. That's my main gripe about her. She's a pushover and she actually cares for people but in this environment it's a green light for people to walk all over her.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
He would just be phishing pin ID to find out who is behind the guests is my guess.
For fuck sakes, he can delete posts in the Politics sub. Get a fucking grip white folks.

STFU with your white folks shit already.
They are irrational and made out of pudding. Today's performance only reinforced that.

Oh No, someone I don't like can delete posts in a sub I don't post in, so I have to stay away from the sub he isn't allowed. That's white logic for you.

So is it Chinese logic to give someone a panel that's destroyed several other forums?

The problem is not everyone agrees with these claims he has "destroyed several forums". Most people watched and have their own opinions on what happened. This narrative that Big "destroyed several forums" isnt the consensus.

You guys dont like him, that's pretty much it. You cant demand everyone accept your version of events and make decisions for THEIR forums(that arrogance thing about what people should do with their own forum again) that you agree with.

It's a mod panel. He doesnt have access to anyones IP. Or anything. You guys are bringing the drama claiming he "destroyed several forums" because you think it makes the tantrum more "rational".

Fash is allowed to decide what happens on her board and if she wants Big to help mod the politcs section, that's her decision. Shes known Big for years and she capable of forming her own views about him. You guys have a really bad habit of expecting other people to dislike who you dislike and just believe what you say about them. Then if they usually get mad at them and start blaming them for bullshit.

Like how Poopturd was over here blaming Fash and calling her stupid because she doesnt jump onto this Big hysteria.

You guys really have no self awareness or any clue how obvious your manipulation tactics truly are.
Two Facts: Stubby was administrator of 2 different forums as they were driven off cliffs, do the math.
Three facts: SG and BF were busy as hell until you should up with your idiotic partisan spamming. You registered at BC and spammed every thread on the main board with TDS memes until Fash restricted you to Rejected. Of course you ran away from those awful visible minority conservatives and back to the safety of your white geriatric tranny knitting circle at CBT.

Fourth fact: you're a forum wrecking cancer.
And fat oaks personal pet too!

If you got your rabies shot, you maybe could be my pet too.

People would prefer rabies....


I'd bet that BF is regretting his appointments right about now.... lulz
Flynn is doing a tremendous job. Lots and lots of content. Too much to read even.

Oh look @Flynn he's kissing your ass now. lmfao

I believe that's called sarcasm from Mr. negativity. He's another one, that if he were to leave and never came back would be fine with me.
I'd bet that BF is regretting his appointments right about now.... lulz
Flynn is doing a tremendous job. Lots and lots of content. Too much to read even.

Oh look @Flynn he's kissing your ass now. lmfao

I believe that's called sarcasm from Mr. negativity. He's another one, that if he were to leave and never came back would be fine with me.
I have literally no place else to go.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
He would just be phishing pin ID to find out who is behind the guests is my guess.
For fuck sakes, he can delete posts in the Politics sub. Get a fucking grip white folks.

STFU with your white folks shit already.
They are irrational and made out of pudding. Today's performance only reinforced that.

Oh No, someone I don't like can delete posts in a sub I don't post in, so I have to stay away from the sub he isn't allowed. That's white logic for you.

So is it Chinese logic to give someone a panel that's destroyed several other forums?

The problem is not everyone agrees with these claims he has "destroyed several forums". Most people watched and have their own opinions on what happened. This narrative that Big "destroyed several forums" isnt the consensus.

You guys dont like him, that's pretty much it. You cant demand everyone accept your version of events and make decisions for THEIR forums(that arrogance thing about what people should do with their own forum again) that you agree with.

It's a mod panel. He doesnt have access to anyones IP. Or anything. You guys are bringing the drama claiming he "destroyed several forums" because you think it makes the tantrum more "rational".

Fash is allowed to decide what happens on her board and if she wants Big to help mod the politcs section, that's her decision. Shes known Big for years and she capable of forming her own views about him. You guys have a really bad habit of expecting other people to dislike who you dislike and just believe what you say about them. Then if they usually get mad at them and start blaming them for bullshit.

Like how Poopturd was over here blaming Fash and calling her stupid because she doesnt jump onto this Big hysteria.

You guys really have no self awareness or any clue how obvious your manipulation tactics truly are.
Two Facts: Stubby was administrator of 2 different forums as they were driven off cliffs, do the math.
Three facts: SG and BF were busy as hell until you should up with your idiotic partisan spamming. You registered at BC and spammed every thread on the main board with TDS memes until Fash restricted you to Rejected. Of course you ran away from those awful visible minority conservatives and back to the safety of your white geriatric tranny knitting circle at CBT.

Fourth fact: you're a forum wrecking cancer.

Fuck off TilApia crotch

Memes cause cancer.
If aidsman can meme span, any spam should be ok, you stupid whore.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
This goes out to Martini. I know you're getting these as you started a thread at TBC replying to this thread. I really don't understand why you won't step foot back here at BF. I mean we could really use your insight into comedy, no one's asking you to pick sides, it would just be nice to have you around even if it's only a few posts at a time. Like it or not everyone here is only separated by about 6 degrees.

Now whether you choose to or not, I just wanted to let you know that you're always welcome here. I don't exactly know what went on behind the scenes here and I don't care. What I do know is that you're a funny poster when you put your mind to it and we'd love to have you grace these halls once again.
Flynn, this was sweet.

That said, my loyalties lie with Flea.

Do I enjoy reading you? Sure.

But, I’m loyal to FC alumni. Flea, Caskur, Bra1n, etc.

Sadly, I am a busy man. I have no desire to stick around and create quality content and build somebody’s forum up. Could I? Probably, but this shit is so far in the rear view that it’s best to just consider yours truly as yet another big name who left this shit then try an coerce me into thinking about pulling some Poofer shit any more.

I got one final match and that’s it.

My advice? Find new talent. You are going to fail with the Mouth breathing garbage at this commode. Troll Reddit and get the intelligence level a bit higher then the bloody corpse you have in front of you.

Good luck, Pickles

Good seeing you, Martini. Try not being such a stranger!
On second thought….

We should work things out, leave behind old grudges and try to get along. Leave the truly malcontent to themselves. What do you say?
Sorry, Oak, but I’m not investing any time at a forum that a loser has keys at.

Biggie Fails has the most spectacular resume of failure this side of TwaP and like TwaP always seems to convince gullible half wits that if they want their board to go straight down the tubes he’s just the guy for the job.

You don’t shove a used tampon back up your snatch that’s been bled thru

I mean here or somewhere else.

He is attached to so many failures, I can't see why anyone keeps giving him a chance. He literally stole a forum out from under Flea, crashed and burned it and then @Fashionista decides he deserves a panel.

You just can't make up utter disastrous decisions like that.

p.s. He fucked up MMP for Murdock as well. WTF is wrong with people?

Oh so you've flipped from blaming Lotus for Flea leaving SG and now you are claimed Big stole it from her? How did he do that? Did he hold a pixel gun to her and demand she gives him panels he already had?

And exactly how did HE fuck up Murds board?

You are out of your gourd. I never blamed Lotus for Flea leaving SG. And you two idiots know what you did to SG. Afterall, with you two at the helm, it failed spectacularly. In record time for a once thriving forum.

Myself, I will never forgive Flea for that transgression. I don't know if Flea is stupid or wants to be accepted. Whatever the case, I doubt that Flea will ever get another forum going ever again.

I would have shut the shit down rather than give it to those two losers. I guess by walking away maybe that's what she intended, for it to implode. Even though she paid for it, her ownership wasn't respected. She had to consult with Bigly Stupid.

I would have too. If only Flea was like her online persona, unfortunately, Flea is a softie and everyone knows it. That's her achilles heel, well that and King Martini.

Flea likes people as people and doesn't want to lose her online friends. Unfortunately, her set of friends include people on both sides of the political aisle and they are at loggerheads.

It's a tough spot to be in.

I mean that's fine but one of these days she'll need to get off the fence and do what she wants, not what everyone else wants. That's my main gripe about her. She's a pushover and she actually cares for people but in this environment it's a green light for people to walk all over her.

Some of it may also be "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"...first thing I'd do is never interact with any of them offline again.

The less they know, the better off she is in life.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I'd bet that BF is regretting his appointments right about now.... lulz
Flynn is doing a tremendous job. Lots and lots of content. Too much to read even.

Don't praise the toilet for the number of dumps in it.....

No. We'll let you continue to bitch about from the sidelines as usual.



Perfect example of Frood's monotonous and sleep inducing contributions.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
He would just be phishing pin ID to find out who is behind the guests is my guess.
For fuck sakes, he can delete posts in the Politics sub. Get a fucking grip white folks.

STFU with your white folks shit already.
They are irrational and made out of pudding. Today's performance only reinforced that.

Oh No, someone I don't like can delete posts in a sub I don't post in, so I have to stay away from the sub he isn't allowed. That's white logic for you.

So is it Chinese logic to give someone a panel that's destroyed several other forums?

The problem is not everyone agrees with these claims he has "destroyed several forums". Most people watched and have their own opinions on what happened. This narrative that Big "destroyed several forums" isnt the consensus.

You guys dont like him, that's pretty much it. You cant demand everyone accept your version of events and make decisions for THEIR forums(that arrogance thing about what people should do with their own forum again) that you agree with.

It's a mod panel. He doesnt have access to anyones IP. Or anything. You guys are bringing the drama claiming he "destroyed several forums" because you think it makes the tantrum more "rational".

Fash is allowed to decide what happens on her board and if she wants Big to help mod the politcs section, that's her decision. Shes known Big for years and she capable of forming her own views about him. You guys have a really bad habit of expecting other people to dislike who you dislike and just believe what you say about them. Then if they usually get mad at them and start blaming them for bullshit.

Like how Poopturd was over here blaming Fash and calling her stupid because she doesnt jump onto this Big hysteria.

You guys really have no self awareness or any clue how obvious your manipulation tactics truly are.
Two Facts: Stubby was administrator of 2 different forums as they were driven off cliffs, do the math.
Three facts: SG and BF were busy as hell until you should up with your idiotic partisan spamming. You registered at BC and spammed every thread on the main board with TDS memes until Fash restricted you to Rejected. Of course you ran away from those awful visible minority conservatives and back to the safety of your white geriatric tranny knitting circle at CBT.

Fourth fact: you're a forum wrecking cancer.

Fuck off TilApia crotch

Memes cause cancer.
If aidsman can meme span, any spam should be ok, you stupid whore.

Duh stupid fuck. Next time you respond, can you try to know what the fuck is happening?!


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I'd bet that BF is regretting his appointments right about now.... lulz
Flynn is doing a tremendous job. Lots and lots of content. Too much to read even.

Oh look @Flynn he's kissing your ass now. lmfao

I believe that's called sarcasm from Mr. negativity. He's another one, that if he were to leave and never came back would be fine with me.
I'd bet that BF is regretting his appointments right about now.... lulz
Flynn is doing a tremendous job. Lots and lots of content. Too much to read even.

Oh look @Flynn he's kissing your ass now. lmfao

I believe that's called sarcasm from Mr. negativity. He's another one, that if he were to leave and never came back would be fine with me.
I have literally no place else to go.

Of course you do. Go on Google and put in a search for "political forums." You'll get plenty of results.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I'd bet that BF is regretting his appointments right about now.... lulz
Flynn is doing a tremendous job. Lots and lots of content. Too much to read even.

Oh look @Flynn he's kissing your ass now. lmfao

I believe that's called sarcasm from Mr. negativity. He's another one, that if he were to leave and never came back would be fine with me.
I'd bet that BF is regretting his appointments right about now.... lulz
Flynn is doing a tremendous job. Lots and lots of content. Too much to read even.

Oh look @Flynn he's kissing your ass now. lmfao

I believe that's called sarcasm from Mr. negativity. He's another one, that if he were to leave and never came back would be fine with me.
I have literally no place else to go.

TBC is there and you're a member.


I'd bet that BF is regretting his appointments right about now.... lulz
Flynn is doing a tremendous job. Lots and lots of content. Too much to read even.

Oh look @Flynn he's kissing your ass now. lmfao

I believe that's called sarcasm from Mr. negativity. He's another one, that if he were to leave and never came back would be fine with me.
I'd bet that BF is regretting his appointments right about now.... lulz
Flynn is doing a tremendous job. Lots and lots of content. Too much to read even.

Oh look @Flynn he's kissing your ass now. lmfao

I believe that's called sarcasm from Mr. negativity. He's another one, that if he were to leave and never came back would be fine with me.
I have literally no place else to go.

Of course you do. Go on Google and put in a search for "political forums." You'll get plenty of results.
I don't want to be away from my friends.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
He would just be phishing pin ID to find out who is behind the guests is my guess.
For fuck sakes, he can delete posts in the Politics sub. Get a fucking grip white folks.

STFU with your white folks shit already.
They are irrational and made out of pudding. Today's performance only reinforced that.

Oh No, someone I don't like can delete posts in a sub I don't post in, so I have to stay away from the sub he isn't allowed. That's white logic for you.

So is it Chinese logic to give someone a panel that's destroyed several other forums?

The problem is not everyone agrees with these claims he has "destroyed several forums". Most people watched and have their own opinions on what happened. This narrative that Big "destroyed several forums" isnt the consensus.

You guys dont like him, that's pretty much it. You cant demand everyone accept your version of events and make decisions for THEIR forums(that arrogance thing about what people should do with their own forum again) that you agree with.

It's a mod panel. He doesnt have access to anyones IP. Or anything. You guys are bringing the drama claiming he "destroyed several forums" because you think it makes the tantrum more "rational".

Fash is allowed to decide what happens on her board and if she wants Big to help mod the politcs section, that's her decision. Shes known Big for years and she capable of forming her own views about him. You guys have a really bad habit of expecting other people to dislike who you dislike and just believe what you say about them. Then if they usually get mad at them and start blaming them for bullshit.

Like how Poopturd was over here blaming Fash and calling her stupid because she doesnt jump onto this Big hysteria.

You guys really have no self awareness or any clue how obvious your manipulation tactics truly are.
Two Facts: Stubby was administrator of 2 different forums as they were driven off cliffs, do the math.
Three facts: SG and BF were busy as hell until you should up with your idiotic partisan spamming. You registered at BC and spammed every thread on the main board with TDS memes until Fash restricted you to Rejected. Of course you ran away from those awful visible minority conservatives and back to the safety of your white geriatric tranny knitting circle at CBT.

Fourth fact: you're a forum wrecking cancer.
And fat oaks personal pet too!

If you got your rabies shot, you maybe could be my pet too.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
He would just be phishing pin ID to find out who is behind the guests is my guess.
For fuck sakes, he can delete posts in the Politics sub. Get a fucking grip white folks.

STFU with your white folks shit already.
They are irrational and made out of pudding. Today's performance only reinforced that.

Oh No, someone I don't like can delete posts in a sub I don't post in, so I have to stay away from the sub he isn't allowed. That's white logic for you.

So is it Chinese logic to give someone a panel that's destroyed several other forums?

The problem is not everyone agrees with these claims he has "destroyed several forums". Most people watched and have their own opinions on what happened. This narrative that Big "destroyed several forums" isnt the consensus.

You guys dont like him, that's pretty much it. You cant demand everyone accept your version of events and make decisions for THEIR forums(that arrogance thing about what people should do with their own forum again) that you agree with.

It's a mod panel. He doesnt have access to anyones IP. Or anything. You guys are bringing the drama claiming he "destroyed several forums" because you think it makes the tantrum more "rational".

Fash is allowed to decide what happens on her board and if she wants Big to help mod the politcs section, that's her decision. Shes known Big for years and she capable of forming her own views about him. You guys have a really bad habit of expecting other people to dislike who you dislike and just believe what you say about them. Then if they usually get mad at them and start blaming them for bullshit.

Like how Poopturd was over here blaming Fash and calling her stupid because she doesnt jump onto this Big hysteria.

You guys really have no self awareness or any clue how obvious your manipulation tactics truly are.
Two Facts: Stubby was administrator of 2 different forums as they were driven off cliffs, do the math.
Three facts: SG and BF were busy as hell until you should up with your idiotic partisan spamming. You registered at BC and spammed every thread on the main board with TDS memes until Fash restricted you to Rejected. Of course you ran away from those awful visible minority conservatives and back to the safety of your white geriatric tranny knitting circle at CBT.

Fourth fact: you're a forum wrecking cancer.

Fuck off TilApia crotch

Memes cause cancer.
If aidsman can meme span, any spam should be ok, you stupid whore.

Duh stupid fuck. Next time you respond, can you try to know what the fuck is happening?!
I just figured you were being a stupid nigger bitch. Was I right?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
He would just be phishing pin ID to find out who is behind the guests is my guess.
For fuck sakes, he can delete posts in the Politics sub. Get a fucking grip white folks.

STFU with your white folks shit already.
They are irrational and made out of pudding. Today's performance only reinforced that.

Oh No, someone I don't like can delete posts in a sub I don't post in, so I have to stay away from the sub he isn't allowed. That's white logic for you.

So is it Chinese logic to give someone a panel that's destroyed several other forums?

The problem is not everyone agrees with these claims he has "destroyed several forums". Most people watched and have their own opinions on what happened. This narrative that Big "destroyed several forums" isnt the consensus.

You guys dont like him, that's pretty much it. You cant demand everyone accept your version of events and make decisions for THEIR forums(that arrogance thing about what people should do with their own forum again) that you agree with.

It's a mod panel. He doesnt have access to anyones IP. Or anything. You guys are bringing the drama claiming he "destroyed several forums" because you think it makes the tantrum more "rational".

Fash is allowed to decide what happens on her board and if she wants Big to help mod the politcs section, that's her decision. Shes known Big for years and she capable of forming her own views about him. You guys have a really bad habit of expecting other people to dislike who you dislike and just believe what you say about them. Then if they usually get mad at them and start blaming them for bullshit.

Like how Poopturd was over here blaming Fash and calling her stupid because she doesnt jump onto this Big hysteria.

You guys really have no self awareness or any clue how obvious your manipulation tactics truly are.
Two Facts: Stubby was administrator of 2 different forums as they were driven off cliffs, do the math.
Three facts: SG and BF were busy as hell until you should up with your idiotic partisan spamming. You registered at BC and spammed every thread on the main board with TDS memes until Fash restricted you to Rejected. Of course you ran away from those awful visible minority conservatives and back to the safety of your white geriatric tranny knitting circle at CBT.

Fourth fact: you're a forum wrecking cancer.
And fat oaks personal pet too!

If you got your rabies shot, you maybe could be my pet too.

He would just be phishing pin ID to find out who is behind the guests is my guess.
For fuck sakes, he can delete posts in the Politics sub. Get a fucking grip white folks.

STFU with your white folks shit already.
They are irrational and made out of pudding. Today's performance only reinforced that.

Oh No, someone I don't like can delete posts in a sub I don't post in, so I have to stay away from the sub he isn't allowed. That's white logic for you.

So is it Chinese logic to give someone a panel that's destroyed several other forums?

The problem is not everyone agrees with these claims he has "destroyed several forums". Most people watched and have their own opinions on what happened. This narrative that Big "destroyed several forums" isnt the consensus.

You guys dont like him, that's pretty much it. You cant demand everyone accept your version of events and make decisions for THEIR forums(that arrogance thing about what people should do with their own forum again) that you agree with.

It's a mod panel. He doesnt have access to anyones IP. Or anything. You guys are bringing the drama claiming he "destroyed several forums" because you think it makes the tantrum more "rational".

Fash is allowed to decide what happens on her board and if she wants Big to help mod the politcs section, that's her decision. Shes known Big for years and she capable of forming her own views about him. You guys have a really bad habit of expecting other people to dislike who you dislike and just believe what you say about them. Then if they usually get mad at them and start blaming them for bullshit.

Like how Poopturd was over here blaming Fash and calling her stupid because she doesnt jump onto this Big hysteria.

You guys really have no self awareness or any clue how obvious your manipulation tactics truly are.
Two Facts: Stubby was administrator of 2 different forums as they were driven off cliffs, do the math.
Three facts: SG and BF were busy as hell until you should up with your idiotic partisan spamming. You registered at BC and spammed every thread on the main board with TDS memes until Fash restricted you to Rejected. Of course you ran away from those awful visible minority conservatives and back to the safety of your white geriatric tranny knitting circle at CBT.

Fourth fact: you're a forum wrecking cancer.
And fat oaks personal pet too!

If you got your rabies shot, you maybe could be my pet too.

Stop auditioning to be my pet. Rabies shots first!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
He would just be phishing pin ID to find out who is behind the guests is my guess.
For fuck sakes, he can delete posts in the Politics sub. Get a fucking grip white folks.

STFU with your white folks shit already.
They are irrational and made out of pudding. Today's performance only reinforced that.

Oh No, someone I don't like can delete posts in a sub I don't post in, so I have to stay away from the sub he isn't allowed. That's white logic for you.

So is it Chinese logic to give someone a panel that's destroyed several other forums?

The problem is not everyone agrees with these claims he has "destroyed several forums". Most people watched and have their own opinions on what happened. This narrative that Big "destroyed several forums" isnt the consensus.

You guys dont like him, that's pretty much it. You cant demand everyone accept your version of events and make decisions for THEIR forums(that arrogance thing about what people should do with their own forum again) that you agree with.

It's a mod panel. He doesnt have access to anyones IP. Or anything. You guys are bringing the drama claiming he "destroyed several forums" because you think it makes the tantrum more "rational".

Fash is allowed to decide what happens on her board and if she wants Big to help mod the politcs section, that's her decision. Shes known Big for years and she capable of forming her own views about him. You guys have a really bad habit of expecting other people to dislike who you dislike and just believe what you say about them. Then if they usually get mad at them and start blaming them for bullshit.

Like how Poopturd was over here blaming Fash and calling her stupid because she doesnt jump onto this Big hysteria.

You guys really have no self awareness or any clue how obvious your manipulation tactics truly are.
Two Facts: Stubby was administrator of 2 different forums as they were driven off cliffs, do the math.
Three facts: SG and BF were busy as hell until you should up with your idiotic partisan spamming. You registered at BC and spammed every thread on the main board with TDS memes until Fash restricted you to Rejected. Of course you ran away from those awful visible minority conservatives and back to the safety of your white geriatric tranny knitting circle at CBT.

Fourth fact: you're a forum wrecking cancer.

Fuck off TilApia crotch

Memes cause cancer.
If aidsman can meme span, any spam should be ok, you stupid whore.

Duh stupid fuck. Next time you respond, can you try to know what the fuck is happening?!
I just figured you were being a stupid nigger bitch. Was I right?

The only "nigger" at this forum is you.

Only one, no one else.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
He would just be phishing pin ID to find out who is behind the guests is my guess.
For fuck sakes, he can delete posts in the Politics sub. Get a fucking grip white folks.

STFU with your white folks shit already.
They are irrational and made out of pudding. Today's performance only reinforced that.

Oh No, someone I don't like can delete posts in a sub I don't post in, so I have to stay away from the sub he isn't allowed. That's white logic for you.

So is it Chinese logic to give someone a panel that's destroyed several other forums?

The problem is not everyone agrees with these claims he has "destroyed several forums". Most people watched and have their own opinions on what happened. This narrative that Big "destroyed several forums" isnt the consensus.

You guys dont like him, that's pretty much it. You cant demand everyone accept your version of events and make decisions for THEIR forums(that arrogance thing about what people should do with their own forum again) that you agree with.

It's a mod panel. He doesnt have access to anyones IP. Or anything. You guys are bringing the drama claiming he "destroyed several forums" because you think it makes the tantrum more "rational".

Fash is allowed to decide what happens on her board and if she wants Big to help mod the politcs section, that's her decision. Shes known Big for years and she capable of forming her own views about him. You guys have a really bad habit of expecting other people to dislike who you dislike and just believe what you say about them. Then if they usually get mad at them and start blaming them for bullshit.

Like how Poopturd was over here blaming Fash and calling her stupid because she doesnt jump onto this Big hysteria.

You guys really have no self awareness or any clue how obvious your manipulation tactics truly are.
Two Facts: Stubby was administrator of 2 different forums as they were driven off cliffs, do the math.
Three facts: SG and BF were busy as hell until you should up with your idiotic partisan spamming. You registered at BC and spammed every thread on the main board with TDS memes until Fash restricted you to Rejected. Of course you ran away from those awful visible minority conservatives and back to the safety of your white geriatric tranny knitting circle at CBT.

Fourth fact: you're a forum wrecking cancer.
And fat oaks personal pet too!

If you got your rabies shot, you maybe could be my pet too.

He would just be phishing pin ID to find out who is behind the guests is my guess.
For fuck sakes, he can delete posts in the Politics sub. Get a fucking grip white folks.

STFU with your white folks shit already.
They are irrational and made out of pudding. Today's performance only reinforced that.

Oh No, someone I don't like can delete posts in a sub I don't post in, so I have to stay away from the sub he isn't allowed. That's white logic for you.

So is it Chinese logic to give someone a panel that's destroyed several other forums?

The problem is not everyone agrees with these claims he has "destroyed several forums". Most people watched and have their own opinions on what happened. This narrative that Big "destroyed several forums" isnt the consensus.

You guys dont like him, that's pretty much it. You cant demand everyone accept your version of events and make decisions for THEIR forums(that arrogance thing about what people should do with their own forum again) that you agree with.

It's a mod panel. He doesnt have access to anyones IP. Or anything. You guys are bringing the drama claiming he "destroyed several forums" because you think it makes the tantrum more "rational".

Fash is allowed to decide what happens on her board and if she wants Big to help mod the politcs section, that's her decision. Shes known Big for years and she capable of forming her own views about him. You guys have a really bad habit of expecting other people to dislike who you dislike and just believe what you say about them. Then if they usually get mad at them and start blaming them for bullshit.

Like how Poopturd was over here blaming Fash and calling her stupid because she doesnt jump onto this Big hysteria.

You guys really have no self awareness or any clue how obvious your manipulation tactics truly are.
Two Facts: Stubby was administrator of 2 different forums as they were driven off cliffs, do the math.
Three facts: SG and BF were busy as hell until you should up with your idiotic partisan spamming. You registered at BC and spammed every thread on the main board with TDS memes until Fash restricted you to Rejected. Of course you ran away from those awful visible minority conservatives and back to the safety of your white geriatric tranny knitting circle at CBT.

Fourth fact: you're a forum wrecking cancer.
And fat oaks personal pet too!

If you got your rabies shot, you maybe could be my pet too.

Stop auditioning to be my pet. Rabies shots first!
Bitch, if I were your pet, Id chew your eyeballs out in your sleep.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
He would just be phishing pin ID to find out who is behind the guests is my guess.
For fuck sakes, he can delete posts in the Politics sub. Get a fucking grip white folks.

STFU with your white folks shit already.
They are irrational and made out of pudding. Today's performance only reinforced that.

Oh No, someone I don't like can delete posts in a sub I don't post in, so I have to stay away from the sub he isn't allowed. That's white logic for you.

So is it Chinese logic to give someone a panel that's destroyed several other forums?

The problem is not everyone agrees with these claims he has "destroyed several forums". Most people watched and have their own opinions on what happened. This narrative that Big "destroyed several forums" isnt the consensus.

You guys dont like him, that's pretty much it. You cant demand everyone accept your version of events and make decisions for THEIR forums(that arrogance thing about what people should do with their own forum again) that you agree with.

It's a mod panel. He doesnt have access to anyones IP. Or anything. You guys are bringing the drama claiming he "destroyed several forums" because you think it makes the tantrum more "rational".

Fash is allowed to decide what happens on her board and if she wants Big to help mod the politcs section, that's her decision. Shes known Big for years and she capable of forming her own views about him. You guys have a really bad habit of expecting other people to dislike who you dislike and just believe what you say about them. Then if they usually get mad at them and start blaming them for bullshit.

Like how Poopturd was over here blaming Fash and calling her stupid because she doesnt jump onto this Big hysteria.

You guys really have no self awareness or any clue how obvious your manipulation tactics truly are.
Two Facts: Stubby was administrator of 2 different forums as they were driven off cliffs, do the math.
Three facts: SG and BF were busy as hell until you should up with your idiotic partisan spamming. You registered at BC and spammed every thread on the main board with TDS memes until Fash restricted you to Rejected. Of course you ran away from those awful visible minority conservatives and back to the safety of your white geriatric tranny knitting circle at CBT.

Fourth fact: you're a forum wrecking cancer.
And fat oaks personal pet too!

If you got your rabies shot, you maybe could be my pet too.

He would just be phishing pin ID to find out who is behind the guests is my guess.
For fuck sakes, he can delete posts in the Politics sub. Get a fucking grip white folks.

STFU with your white folks shit already.
They are irrational and made out of pudding. Today's performance only reinforced that.

Oh No, someone I don't like can delete posts in a sub I don't post in, so I have to stay away from the sub he isn't allowed. That's white logic for you.

So is it Chinese logic to give someone a panel that's destroyed several other forums?

The problem is not everyone agrees with these claims he has "destroyed several forums". Most people watched and have their own opinions on what happened. This narrative that Big "destroyed several forums" isnt the consensus.

You guys dont like him, that's pretty much it. You cant demand everyone accept your version of events and make decisions for THEIR forums(that arrogance thing about what people should do with their own forum again) that you agree with.

It's a mod panel. He doesnt have access to anyones IP. Or anything. You guys are bringing the drama claiming he "destroyed several forums" because you think it makes the tantrum more "rational".

Fash is allowed to decide what happens on her board and if she wants Big to help mod the politcs section, that's her decision. Shes known Big for years and she capable of forming her own views about him. You guys have a really bad habit of expecting other people to dislike who you dislike and just believe what you say about them. Then if they usually get mad at them and start blaming them for bullshit.

Like how Poopturd was over here blaming Fash and calling her stupid because she doesnt jump onto this Big hysteria.

You guys really have no self awareness or any clue how obvious your manipulation tactics truly are.
Two Facts: Stubby was administrator of 2 different forums as they were driven off cliffs, do the math.
Three facts: SG and BF were busy as hell until you should up with your idiotic partisan spamming. You registered at BC and spammed every thread on the main board with TDS memes until Fash restricted you to Rejected. Of course you ran away from those awful visible minority conservatives and back to the safety of your white geriatric tranny knitting circle at CBT.

Fourth fact: you're a forum wrecking cancer.
And fat oaks personal pet too!

If you got your rabies shot, you maybe could be my pet too.

Stop auditioning to be my pet. Rabies shots first!
Bitch, if I were your pet, Id chew your eyeballs out in your sleep.
You are so butch, could I see a pic of your oiled up bicep?