PURGE @ Bastard Factory 2021


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
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No where you'd like to be......
Fuck - BIG
Kill - Q

I have to address the claims that SGs tos was broken by someone "contacting relatives"

That never happened. Absolutely no one was ever in danger of having another poster cyber stalk them and contact their relatives. And shes talking about me, so I'm gonna clarify this because no matter what anyone has said she just does not get it and she always words it like someone had their family tracked down and contacted by another poster. That is simply is NOT what happened. It's far more nuanced.

I met another poster in real life, and had a real life involvement that went on for about 6 weeks with some real life meet ups. Every bit of personal info I had regarding this poster, i obtained by HIM. OFF the internet. He was trying to persue a real life relationship with me.

To make a long story short, he abandoned a Switch at my in my possession. (He had actually pawned it and deserted it). A few weeks later, for good reasons, i blocked him from contacting me in person.

So this asshole drug the entire situation, which was a real life situation, to the forum to publically fight with me. Going off about how the Switch belonged to his kid....so i was expected to get it out of pawn for 106 dollars and pay to ship it to him, even though it was not my responsibility but HIS. He was refusing to pay for it. And he was demanding and threatening me.

So after several threats and ultimatums, I decided I wasnt going to go out of my way for this prick or spend a penny of my money helping his stupid ass. I was going to take it to the police and leave it there for him to go get it his damn self because he was threatening to report it stolen. But I wanted to make sure it didnt belong to the child before I did....because i didnt want the kid to suffer because his dad is a fuckwad.

So I contacted his EX WIFE, whose name and FB I knew because of HIM, to see if the Switch belonged to her child. She is the one who has custody of the kids.

It did. So I shipped it back to HER so the kid got his Switch back. She was grateful i contacted her and glad it was returned. She warned me that he is an abusive manipulator who is spiteful and will try to get women in trouble when they break things off or do things he doesnt like.

The only thing this had to do with SG was the fact that he decided to rant about it there on the forum. By the time I contacted her, him and I had a real life off board situation that had nothing to do with forums and I did it to return property to the kid. Then in retaliation he contacted my job out of pure fucking spite. As you guys know because he brought it here.

I cannot stand how this gets convoluted. I have never in my life doxxed or stalked anyone ever. I have never "contacted a members family" and I NEVER would. And I'm not trying to thread jack and I'm not gonna say anything further on it. This was a real life situation that was drug to the internet against my fucking will and I dealt with it the best I could. It had fuck all to do with SG or any TOS.

Anyway... yeah back to the topic. I'm just not going to tolerate being accused of "contacting relatives" of another poster when the situation was never that. I have a 13 year history of never using PI or doxxing anyone or being a psycho that contacts outside people and I'm not letting that useless shitbag Pturd and his propaganda smear that for me. That whole SG TOS broken over contacting relatives is just Pooptini propaganda. I would never do that to a person, ever.
I don't have anyone on ignore other than Q and Flynn. Lmao.
23 Hours Into The Purge

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The Q Estate. The largest house in Bastard Factory, and hours still before the purge ends. You'd expect the mansion to be on lock down, but the lights are bright, and more then a dozen cars sit in the long driveway as classical music plays and inside the mansion... around 40 people stand with drinks in their hands as longtime Epstein Island partner Q aka Maxis735 trots down the spiral steps, smiling at the company he has, he raises his drink as his new young lover comes down the stairs and kisses him on the cheek.

"I love you babeeeee, and in a few hours this will all be over".

Q: "You know I reported those images of yours for your own good right?" *side grins stained teeth*

Q and RAVEN raise there glasses as the crowd cheers, the crowd thinking that they're safe here at The Q Estate.

Back at headquarters, the reported posts are stacking up, and going unnoticed, as panic'd posters are panicking. MODS are off playing their new PS5.

On the southside, we're a fly on the wall at the doublewide trailer (paid for) of Lotusbud. She's watching FOX News reruns and complaining about it, she's also complaining about her clothes... censorship and those weird patterns on her couch, as she stands up and walks into the kitchen, emptying the bottle into her glass, she turns, as her head is cut clean off. It rolls along the floor as Biggie Smalls stands there. Cleaning off his machete with her shirt as Flynn slides in behind him, dragging away the body of Lotusbud.

Biggie pulls out a piece of paper... unfolding it and on it are the names of 'Joe' and 'Jeannie'.


Ice, Dove and Mr. Whipple all lounge in their respective homes, packed with popcorn, watching the latest edition of "The Purge Report", relatively safe.

A few blocks away, Rukia Kuchiki chases after Weeg for his pizza, as Weeg hides inside a cheap motel. Kicking in a first floor door Weeg finds something even more terrifying! It's Succubus pegging Zanick#2 in full leather! Weeg slooooowly backs out of the room and closes the door. Rukia Kuchiki is now in the Lobby yelling Weegs name. Attacking anyone and everyone, a total of 4 innocent lurkers. Gone.

Weeg barricades the laundry room door and waits, "praying to Lord Jesus" as Rukia Kuchiki breaks windows and smashes doors screaming about a Pokémon God.

You wrote a story about Biggie murdering me? Wow, dude. And you get all hysterical over political posts? SMDH

Its called a sense of humor, imagination, and a bit of fun. Just enjoy the show, dont take it personal lol.

Yeah. I don't find that to be funny. Especially since Biggie is a real hater. I have a great sense of humor. It's just not evil.

I find that people who can't think of anything funny if it doesn't include violence and degradation to be unimaginative.

I take it you dont like Stephen King style books, or horror movies?

I think King is a hack and I never watch horror movies. I detest them. And King doesn't write comedy.

I got ya, so some things are simply not your cup of tea. King does have some comedy lightly mixed in, but its usually twisted humor lol.

King is THA MAN!!!! Lol. My favorite novelist and I love movies based on his books. "The Shining" is my favorite.

The movies are never the same lol. I have not read the Shining yet though! I have soooooo many of his books lol. I send you a pic lol.

King's style changed though, after that van nearly killed him. His earlier stuff was best. This is evident in his Dark Tower series. I LOVE Dark Tower. The first 3, awesome as fuck all. He then didnt continue for over a decade or so. The later ones are ok, but nowhere near as good as the first 3. My other faves by him are The Stand, and IT.

I read The Shining, and it was waaaaaayyyy better than the movie. They fucked up that movie. The book was scary because the dad was nice most of the time, and then suddenly he'd turn into a monster, but only for awhile. It made the whole thing much more interesting and scary.

King is still a total hack, though.

I also read The Stand, and liked it. But he writes like crap.

I think there are 2 versions of The Shining. The older one has Jack Nicholson in it and the other one is a newer version with different actors. I didn't care too much for the version with Jack Nicholson in it but the newer version was bomb. I gotta look it up and see the difference in release dates and the year the movies were made but I'm sure there are 2 versions.


Factory Bastard
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Factory Bastard
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That's what's wrong with the right... They let celebrities crush free speech.. spread lies.. and then like dumb asses.. go out and support them :/ ... pffft..


Put your glasses on!
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Fuck - BIG
Kill - Q

I have to address the claims that SGs tos was broken by someone "contacting relatives"

That never happened. Absolutely no one was ever in danger of having another poster cyber stalk them and contact their relatives. And shes talking about me, so I'm gonna clarify this because no matter what anyone has said she just does not get it and she always words it like someone had their family tracked down and contacted by another poster. That is simply is NOT what happened. It's far more nuanced.

I met another poster in real life, and had a real life involvement that went on for about 6 weeks with some real life meet ups. Every bit of personal info I had regarding this poster, i obtained by HIM. OFF the internet. He was trying to persue a real life relationship with me.

To make a long story short, he abandoned a Switch at my in my possession. (He had actually pawned it and deserted it). A few weeks later, for good reasons, i blocked him from contacting me in person.

So this asshole drug the entire situation, which was a real life situation, to the forum to publically fight with me. Going off about how the Switch belonged to his kid....so i was expected to get it out of pawn for 106 dollars and pay to ship it to him, even though it was not my responsibility but HIS. He was refusing to pay for it. And he was demanding and threatening me.

So after several threats and ultimatums, I decided I wasnt going to go out of my way for this prick or spend a penny of my money helping his stupid ass. I was going to take it to the police and leave it there for him to go get it his damn self because he was threatening to report it stolen. But I wanted to make sure it didnt belong to the child before I did....because i didnt want the kid to suffer because his dad is a fuckwad.

So I contacted his EX WIFE, whose name and FB I knew because of HIM, to see if the Switch belonged to her child. She is the one who has custody of the kids.

It did. So I shipped it back to HER so the kid got his Switch back. She was grateful i contacted her and glad it was returned. She warned me that he is an abusive manipulator who is spiteful and will try to get women in trouble when they break things off or do things he doesnt like.

The only thing this had to do with SG was the fact that he decided to rant about it there on the forum. By the time I contacted her, him and I had a real life off board situation that had nothing to do with forums and I did it to return property to the kid. Then in retaliation he contacted my job out of pure fucking spite. As you guys know because he brought it here.

I cannot stand how this gets convoluted. I have never in my life doxxed or stalked anyone ever. I have never "contacted a members family" and I NEVER would. And I'm not trying to thread jack and I'm not gonna say anything further on it. This was a real life situation that was drug to the internet against my fucking will and I dealt with it the best I could. It had fuck all to do with SG or any TOS.

Anyway... yeah back to the topic. I'm just not going to tolerate being accused of "contacting relatives" of another poster when the situation was never that. I have a 13 year history of never using PI or doxxing anyone or being a psycho that contacts outside people and I'm not letting that useless shitbag Pturd and his propaganda smear that for me. That whole SG TOS broken over contacting relatives is just Pooptini propaganda. I would never do that to a person, ever.
I don't have anyone on ignore other than Q and Flynn. Lmao.
23 Hours Into The Purge

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The Q Estate. The largest house in Bastard Factory, and hours still before the purge ends. You'd expect the mansion to be on lock down, but the lights are bright, and more then a dozen cars sit in the long driveway as classical music plays and inside the mansion... around 40 people stand with drinks in their hands as longtime Epstein Island partner Q aka Maxis735 trots down the spiral steps, smiling at the company he has, he raises his drink as his new young lover comes down the stairs and kisses him on the cheek.

"I love you babeeeee, and in a few hours this will all be over".

Q: "You know I reported those images of yours for your own good right?" *side grins stained teeth*

Q and RAVEN raise there glasses as the crowd cheers, the crowd thinking that they're safe here at The Q Estate.

Back at headquarters, the reported posts are stacking up, and going unnoticed, as panic'd posters are panicking. MODS are off playing their new PS5.

On the southside, we're a fly on the wall at the doublewide trailer (paid for) of Lotusbud. She's watching FOX News reruns and complaining about it, she's also complaining about her clothes... censorship and those weird patterns on her couch, as she stands up and walks into the kitchen, emptying the bottle into her glass, she turns, as her head is cut clean off. It rolls along the floor as Biggie Smalls stands there. Cleaning off his machete with her shirt as Flynn slides in behind him, dragging away the body of Lotusbud.

Biggie pulls out a piece of paper... unfolding it and on it are the names of 'Joe' and 'Jeannie'.


Ice, Dove and Mr. Whipple all lounge in their respective homes, packed with popcorn, watching the latest edition of "The Purge Report", relatively safe.

A few blocks away, Rukia Kuchiki chases after Weeg for his pizza, as Weeg hides inside a cheap motel. Kicking in a first floor door Weeg finds something even more terrifying! It's Succubus pegging Zanick#2 in full leather! Weeg slooooowly backs out of the room and closes the door. Rukia Kuchiki is now in the Lobby yelling Weegs name. Attacking anyone and everyone, a total of 4 innocent lurkers. Gone.

Weeg barricades the laundry room door and waits, "praying to Lord Jesus" as Rukia Kuchiki breaks windows and smashes doors screaming about a Pokémon God.

You wrote a story about Biggie murdering me? Wow, dude. And you get all hysterical over political posts? SMDH

Its called a sense of humor, imagination, and a bit of fun. Just enjoy the show, dont take it personal lol.

Yeah. I don't find that to be funny. Especially since Biggie is a real hater. I have a great sense of humor. It's just not evil.

I find that people who can't think of anything funny if it doesn't include violence and degradation to be unimaginative.

I take it you dont like Stephen King style books, or horror movies?

I think King is a hack and I never watch horror movies. I detest them. And King doesn't write comedy.

I got ya, so some things are simply not your cup of tea. King does have some comedy lightly mixed in, but its usually twisted humor lol.

King is THA MAN!!!! Lol. My favorite novelist and I love movies based on his books. "The Shining" is my favorite.

The movies are never the same lol. I have not read the Shining yet though! I have soooooo many of his books lol. I send you a pic lol.

King's style changed though, after that van nearly killed him. His earlier stuff was best. This is evident in his Dark Tower series. I LOVE Dark Tower. The first 3, awesome as fuck all. He then didnt continue for over a decade or so. The later ones are ok, but nowhere near as good as the first 3. My other faves by him are The Stand, and IT.

I read The Shining, and it was waaaaaayyyy better than the movie. They fucked up that movie. The book was scary because the dad was nice most of the time, and then suddenly he'd turn into a monster, but only for awhile. It made the whole thing much more interesting and scary.

King is still a total hack, though.

I also read The Stand, and liked it. But he writes like crap.

I heard Shining, the book, was way better.

By hack, do you mean you think someone else is writing for him?

No, not at all. I mean he churns them out and doesn't bother to rewrite and make them less sloppy. He's a sloppy ass writer. Among the worst.

You know, Britney Spears was very popular with the masses. Justin Beiber. Doesn't make them good musicians. Get my drift? King is a cheesy hack.

I started reading King in Middle school. I've tried reading other stuff, but wasnt interested. I also like Tolkien, and Clive Barker.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
That's what's wrong with the right... They let celebrities crush free speech.. spread lies.. and then like dumb asses.. go out and support them :/ ... pffft..

So, you think I should refuse to read or listen to anything created by a rightie?


Factory Bastard
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If they are HORRIBLE propaganda spreaders and choose to stick their noses into the political realm ... Yes.. It's a personal choice.


Factory Bastard
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If they are HORRIBLE propaganda spreaders and choose to stick their noses into the political realm ... Yes.. It's a personal choice.
You should be reported for making this thread political. You don't have free speech here, you know.

@Bastard Factory

Oh, wait. I forgot. You're a rightie, so it's fine. Only my posts are out of line. Never mind.


Factory Bastard
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If they are HORRIBLE propaganda spreaders and choose to stick their noses into the political realm ... Yes.. It's a personal choice.
You should be reported for making this thread political. You don't have free speech here, you know.

@Bastard Factory

Oh, wait. I forgot. You're a rightie, so it's fine. Only my posts are out of line. Never mind.
You asked me a question, cunt.. and I answered it... Go fuck off...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
That's what's wrong with the right... They let celebrities crush free speech.. spread lies.. and then like dumb asses.. go out and support them :/ ... pffft..

So, you think I should refuse to read or listen to anything created by a rightie?
Your question... THAT I ANSWERED.... Fuck right off!!! Putrid sack of shit!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
If they are HORRIBLE propaganda spreaders and choose to stick their noses into the political realm ... Yes.. It's a personal choice.
You should be reported for making this thread political. You don't have free speech here, you know.

@Bastard Factory

Oh, wait. I forgot. You're a rightie, so it's fine. Only my posts are out of line. Never mind.
You asked me a question, cunt.. and I answered it... Go fuck off...

Yeah, go back further in the thread, cunt. You started it.


Factory Bastard
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I thought you were leaving because you couldn't stand Breakfall? Don't let the door hit you in that fat ass of yours :D :D :D :D byeeeee :D


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I thought you were leaving because you couldn't stand Breakfall? Don't let the door hit you in that fat ass of yours :D :D :D :D byeeeee :D

Good comeback, twat. Well reasoned argument that convinced me it wasn't YOU who introduced politics into this thread.


Factory Bastard
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We were talking about Stephan King.. I gave my opinion on WHY I won't support him... simple.. :/ So uh?? When you leaving? :)


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
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No where you'd like to be......
Stephan King can go suck a donkey dick... It's not that I don't enjoy that genre.. It's because I don't read or watch celebrities that spread lies..He was the WORST political hack on twitter against Trump...I would never give one god damn dime to that mother fucker because of it... That's my reason for hating this man. :D

I was unaware of that. I don't like his political views.


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
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No where you'd like to be......


Put your glasses on!
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Stephan King can go suck a donkey dick...

I dont like his political views :SadFace:
He was horrible to Trump.. spread every leftist lie there was.. Fuck celebrities that are political. I won't support it..

Agreed. Same with Jim Carrey, use to love him, not anymore.

Not Jim!!! He is a lefty?? He is sooo damn funny! I love his movies.

Yup, unfortunately.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
If they are HORRIBLE propaganda spreaders and choose to stick their noses into the political realm ... Yes.. It's a personal choice.
You should be reported for making this thread political. You don't have free speech here, you know.

@Bastard Factory

Oh, wait. I forgot. You're a rightie, so it's fine. Only my posts are out of line. Never mind.
You asked me a question, cunt.. and I answered it... Go fuck off...

Yeah, go back further in the thread, cunt. You started it.
big baby


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
If they are HORRIBLE propaganda spreaders and choose to stick their noses into the political realm ... Yes.. It's a personal choice.
You should be reported for making this thread political. You don't have free speech here, you know.

@Bastard Factory

Oh, wait. I forgot. You're a rightie, so it's fine. Only my posts are out of line. Never mind.
Shut it you fucking mole!


Put your glasses on!
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