Queen Elizabeth II has died


Such is life...
Great Southern Land
We are different on our side... We are comfortable and don't like change for the worse. All people have done is bleed my state. Swamped up by foreigners.

Too bad we didn't stay undiscovered for another billion years.

Great Southern Land!~

I'm in a great mod today huh?
I spent 13 years in Western Australia and loved every bit of it. Unfortunately NSW is where the real money lies. Maybe when I fully retire, I might move back…but further down south. South of Margaret River.

NSW is broke... WA is the only place on the entire earth that made money during the pandemic and YOU my friend are living in the past... NOT the present.
You shouldn’t divide the states like some lousy politician. I have equal fondness for both our states.

Divided we fall…but united we stand!

You put down my state saying we have no money when that is actually WRONG... The only reason NSW wants to be ONE NATION is so they can get their paws on our wealth.. FACT!!! otherwise the ES couldn't give a shit Australia's WA power house as long as we keep feeding the Fed coffers.....

Here... NSW and Vic... two bleeding states. WA has the greatest sports stadium on the planet Optus voted by the UK sports people and we have the MOST modern Hospitals on the planet and we give more money to telepthon than any other place on earth.

What I meant was, that the international import/export markets mostly happen in NSW. The world recognises NSW, Sydney, before any other state or city in the whole of Australia. I’ve been in business long enough to understand this truth without prejudice.

Well we are getting off topic but WA is responsible for 45% of Australia's export. 3 million people are responsible for 45% of exports. You are WAYYY behind what really goes on obviously. Your news misinforms you I am afraid.

I can see it now... ES demanding republicanism for trumped up charges of King Charles, by the nutty Murdoch left media THEN us getting a corrupt president, THEN they'll make a new constitution, invade our mineral wealth... primary produce wealth and fatten themselves on the East Coast. And bugger the little man in Australia... they'll be told shoot up more heroin and crack and die fuckers BECAUSE THAT is what we are headed for...

I dunno if that will be before or after the Choge invasion.

Mining export? 45% of what? I’m in business.

OMG,.. we have coal, gas, iron ore, rare minerals, wheat (we don't get droughts), sheep, lobster, up until recently our own petrol refinery which gave the WHOLE of Australia 20% of its fuel... we have our own veggies and fruit. We don't need your side... You need our side and instead of being grateful, you broke bastards BRAG you are Australia's gateway....lol.. And every time you have natural catastrophe (which is once or twice a year) your side BEGS for charity.

We have 19 PORTS in WA for starters... How many does NSW have in your state have to police? 3? 4?

Please... :Whaa?:

Anyway, @reaper , speaking of charity, King Charles sent us a donation without us asking for anything, when Cyclone Seroja flattened a few towns up our coast last year. I was so proud of him doing that.

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Please stay on topic. HRM.


Such is life...
Great Southern Land
@Omnipotent you know I love you. I am a businessman. It is my business to know the markets love:

The main state of exporter location continues to be New South Wales (13,927 exporters), followed by Victoria (12,568). Together, almost half (47%) of Australian merchandise exporters have a main address in these states.

For most industries, New South Wales is the state where the highest number of merchandise exporters are located. The mining industry is the most notable exception, with mining exporters most commonly located in Western Australia (42%) and Queensland (25%). 27 Apr 2022


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
People respected the Queen…not the big-eared idiot that has become King through succession.

And whose freakin fault is that? The gutter press dragging up BS, that is who... Does the press drag up your depraved sexual acts every other day? They don't. Does King Charles talk about what you do or any other sick journalist's bedroom habits?

Personally, I would have journalists beheaded and that is a fact. Whipped with a 100 lashes first though!~

Its like they dragged up what Clinton did to Monica Lewinsky, over and over and over again. They all should be shot stone dead for annoying the public with their sleaze.


Such is life...
Great Southern Land
People respected the Queen…not the big-eared idiot that has become King through succession.

And whose freakin fault is that? The gutter press dragging up BS, that is who... Does the press drag up your depraved sexual acts every other day? They don't. Does King Charles talk about what you do or any other sick journalist's bedroom habits?

Personally, I would have journalists beheaded and that is a fact. Whipped with a 100 lashes first though!~

Its like they dragged up what Clinton did to Monica Lewinsky, over and over and over again. They all should be shot stone dead for annoying the public with their sleaze.
I haven’t even looked at televised news in all honesty. I select my news through the internet. My brain…my choice. But I think King Charles is a bit of a doofus…a nobody. I think the whole monarchy gig needs to dissolve and become a part of history once and for all. Many people will back me up here. It’s just common sense. Nobody likes freeloaders in any economy, particularly in this day and age.

I have blind faith, that you’ll come around to my seeing of things.



Such is life...
Great Southern Land
I think all you republicans should PLEASE go live in a republic and leave Oz alone!~
Just because I spent 21 years of my life living in a republic, doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m naturally a republican in my latter years Caskur. That’s just utterly presumptuous of you, you sparkling virtue of Western Austerity! Xx


Such is life...
Great Southern Land
Goodnight Caskur. I’ll leave you with a nice photograph…


Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
Working as a mechanic during WW2. Shameful that any Brit would be a Neo-Nazi.

Years ago my neighbour worked in the motor pool at Windsor, she said liz would come down in the morning in the roller for a photo shoot then back to Sandringham for lunch. My neighbour was a fucking badass, I miss her, liz I dont care so much for.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Ha... I just saw William Prince of Wales sign something AND he is a Mollydooker....lol

Also his statement about his grandma was fabulous. Really lovely stuff.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Working as a mechanic during WW2. Shameful that any Brit would be a Neo-Nazi.

Years ago my neighbour worked in the motor pool at Windsor, she said liz would come down in the morning in the roller for a photo shoot then back to Sandringham for lunch. My neighbour was a fucking badass, I miss her, liz I dont care so much for.

Your friend was / is a shit stirrer... the Queen did the best she could... she made a pledge and stuck to it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
In case anyone else was Curious.

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Ive seen old letter boxes with GR on instead of ER, George Regina (reins).Some remote stuff never gets changed.
I found 2 bread and butter knives with bone handles in good condition at the tip with On His Magestys Service. They were worth a bit however I think someone knocked them off when they were cleaning up our burned house.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
King Charles underlines his signature and in graphology it means this...


People also ask

What does it mean if you underline your signature?


A simple underline indicates a healthy self-confidence and reaffirmation of the self. It indicates that person has a healthy ego, confidence

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
Site Supporter
TERF Island.
Working as a mechanic during WW2. Shameful that any Brit would be a Neo-Nazi.

Years ago my neighbour worked in the motor pool at Windsor, she said liz would come down in the morning in the roller for a photo shoot then back to Sandringham for lunch. My neighbour was a fucking badass, I miss her, liz I dont care so much for.

Your friend was / is a shit stirrer... the Queen did the best she could... she made a pledge and stuck to it.
My friend was a few years older than the queen which was why she was a WRAC (Womens royal army corps), also learning to be a proper engineer. No way a shit stirrer.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Working as a mechanic during WW2. Shameful that any Brit would be a Neo-Nazi.

Years ago my neighbour worked in the motor pool at Windsor, she said liz would come down in the morning in the roller for a photo shoot then back to Sandringham for lunch. My neighbour was a fucking badass, I miss her, liz I dont care so much for.

Your friend was / is a shit stirrer... the Queen did the best she could... she made a pledge and stuck to it.
My friend was a few years older than the queen which was why she was a WRAC (Womens royal army corps), also learning to be a proper engineer. No way a shit stirrer.

Well I am glad your friend was learning to be a proper engineer... did she give her life 70 yrs of unwavering service to the country like the Queen or just get thingy about a few photos... and shee-it fancy the Queen wanting to eat lunch at lunch time... the scandal that must have caused.

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
Site Supporter
TERF Island.
Working as a mechanic during WW2. Shameful that any Brit would be a Neo-Nazi.

Years ago my neighbour worked in the motor pool at Windsor, she said liz would come down in the morning in the roller for a photo shoot then back to Sandringham for lunch. My neighbour was a fucking badass, I miss her, liz I dont care so much for.

Your friend was / is a shit stirrer... the Queen did the best she could... she made a pledge and stuck to it.
My friend was a few years older than the queen which was why she was a WRAC (Womens royal army corps), also learning to be a proper engineer. No way a shit stirrer.

Well I am glad your friend was learning to be a proper engineer... did she give her life 70 yrs of unwavering service to the country like the Queen or just get thingy about a few photos... and shee-it fancy the Queen wanting to eat lunch at lunch time... the scandal that must have caused.

Well yea she did. You need to get over yourself Royals have long endulged propoganda, thats the reason the title Prince of Wales exists. Hopefully the ginger bastard and his mulatto squaw get the boot from the royal family now.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Working as a mechanic during WW2. Shameful that any Brit would be a Neo-Nazi.

Years ago my neighbour worked in the motor pool at Windsor, she said liz would come down in the morning in the roller for a photo shoot then back to Sandringham for lunch. My neighbour was a fucking badass, I miss her, liz I dont care so much for.

Your friend was / is a shit stirrer... the Queen did the best she could... she made a pledge and stuck to it.
My friend was a few years older than the queen which was why she was a WRAC (Womens royal army corps), also learning to be a proper engineer. No way a shit stirrer.

Well I am glad your friend was learning to be a proper engineer... did she give her life 70 yrs of unwavering service to the country like the Queen or just get thingy about a few photos... and shee-it fancy the Queen wanting to eat lunch at lunch time... the scandal that must have caused.

Well yea she did. You need to get over yourself Royals have long endulged propoganda, thats the reason the title Prince of Wales exists. Hopefully the ginger bastard and his mulatto squaw get the boot from the royal family now.

I cannot stand those two.

Once they go back to the USA I hope the poor English people don't have to see those two lying shits ever again.

The WHOLE thing going on in UK IS ON ALL our channels 24 hours a day so I am getting to see EVERYTHING or at least 80% of it.
I have accepted King Charles. I like him... Kurt likes him.. I just hope he does the right thing... he has a BIG JOB and he ain't getting any fresher...lol


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
70 yrs of unwavering service to the country
I have heard this a lot lately.

My wife is pro-monarchy too.

What exactly did the Queen do for the UK? Give a few speeches every year...what else?

We live under a Constitutional Monarchy. That means she is HEAD OF BOTH/ALL OUR GOVERNMENTS. The governments work for her, (NOW the King will head the government/s).

The people vote for the government they want in and then the government leader, (lefties or righties) ask permission to govern on her behalf which she grants because that was the will of her subjects, her people.

As head of the government and ALL the commonwealth's governments she has to be informed of EVERYONE'S governing well being and progress.

NO ONE in the commonwealth can move a military person to war UNLESS the Queen signes/d off on it. That makes the Crowns HEAD (the Monarch) THE MOST POWERFUL person on the planet. People THINK they are just figureheads, NOTHING could be more wrong. Nothing could be more further from the truth.

So that woman had to read, write, take calls, entertain dignitaries, from across the world daily for 70 years.

You and I have more freedom than the Queen ever did. She was a public servant AND she did live in nice surroundings but those surroundings belong to THE CROWN.

You know what, that dumb bitch Markle didn't get it. She thought it was like a Hollywood set. You did your act and spent the rest of the time kicking up your heels holidaying on the Switzerland ski slopes. Or using tax funded holidays to baby showers in NY. It is about order, not sitting on your arse doing nothing, posing for cameras. You have to curtsey the Queen whether a camera is on you or not. Markle has to curtsey the children of William as well...lol She didn't like that one bit.

Monarchs are TRAINED from babyhood to SERVE the people, it's an INHERITED obligation, (which they can also refuse to do). Unlike Presidents and Prime Ministers even, who are in it for power and the perks alone, Monarchs serve God and the public.

Prime Ministers and Presidents do their time and AFTER they leave or loose their seats, still cost tax payers (up until the bastards die) 6 figure yearly pensions. Monarchs are a better bang for your bucks.

The Queen was a humble Christian with moderate habits, VERY MODERATE habits. She raised 4 beautiful children with nanny help... so I guess she was spoiled there but the order in the, or I should say, 'our' system has had a pretty successful post war period, don't you think?

The Crown is the keeper of the UK great arts and architecture and during her reign Charles alone used to raise 2 billion pounds per annum for Charity... Good luck trying to raise that if you aren't a monarch because you cannot. No one wants a picture of you or I shaking our hands as they handover those big checks!!! ;)

And while I write this, if the Queen was still alive here reading, I am SURE she would fill in the work she did that I or you do not know about.

See if you can do their job...lol


Factory Bastard
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I heard Meghan Merkel’s podcast was what did her in

Yeah.. she revealed covid lockdowns was the time she was building her BUSINESS. lol Omitted Not her charity.

The other lie she keeps claiming was she got letters from Hilary Clinton and someone else to stop some commercial about "women all over America using some dishsoap" her FATHER wrote the letters and signed them falsely to ENCOURAGE her because she had been waiting and waiting for a reply... He has publicly come out and TOLD everyone what he did and she keeps blathering the same false story.

LOL... her admitting she never knew racism until she married Harry was also telling. MeAgain Markle lived in a while middle class neighbourhood She went to a mixed race school and her father paid for her college tuition... He said he has the bank statements to prove it. Her father and her teachers all said MeAgain did NOT experience any racism at all.

The UK public turned their backs on her after the Oprah Winfrey interview ... The video in its entirety was taken off the net. She got busted for lying on the Winfrey interview when Harry came on and straight out contradicted her about the discussion.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I am never going to get over the fact the Harkles wedding cost 43 million pounds.

To me that is criminal.

MeAgain was wearing $5,000 or more ill fitting outfits at the same time the new Princess of Wales Catherine wore dresses costing $180... MeAgain is trying to be a Princess Diana mark II right down to faking suicidal thoughts.

HRH Catherine also wears her cloths more than once. One outfit she wore 3 times.