RIP MMPv2.0 I told yous it was a mistake


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I’m not joining Shepards grounds until reaper is unbanned

I’m taking a stand here

Reaper isnt banned.
Yes he is/or was.

I'm quite happy here though to ne honest.Makes a nice change posting with people you've never heard of.Instead of the some old people doing the same old posts on repeat.No offence intended.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I’m not joining Shepards grounds until reaper is unbanned

I’m taking a stand here

Reaper isnt banned.
Yes he is/or was.

I'm quite happy here though to ne honest.Makes a nice change posting with people you've never heard of.Instead of the some old people doing the same old posts on repeat.No offence intended.

Must be a "was" because right are not banned.

Hey as I've said before.....if want to, post, if not....that's cool too lol. It's just a board.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
I’m not joining Shepards grounds until reaper is unbanned

I’m taking a stand here

Reaper isnt banned.
Yes he is/or was.

I'm quite happy here though to ne honest.Makes a nice change posting with people you've never heard of.Instead of the some old people doing the same old posts on repeat.No offence intended.

I banned you for posting major PI. I didn’t know if you were gonna hit all the forums with it so it was better to be safe than sorry.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I’m not joining Shepards grounds until reaper is unbanned

I’m taking a stand here

Reaper isnt banned.
Yes he is/or was.

I'm quite happy here though to ne honest.Makes a nice change posting with people you've never heard of.Instead of the some old people doing the same old posts on repeat.No offence intended.

Must be a "was" because right are not banned.

Hey as I've said before.....if want to, post, if not....that's cool too lol. It's just a board.


Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land
I honestly can’t understand how this kid, @King Martini, ever amounted to anything? In other forums…this placebo wouldn’t stand a change! He’s fuck all but a churning imbecile of complete wank!

Yeah he is around people who have known him for years and enjoy his hysterics.

So he gets tolerated.

I dont really mind either way. He is fine when he isnt leeching onto me.
If I was living in America, I would take a trip to Chicago, watch a few Blues bands, snort some coke…then find him, and chop off his toes with a pair of bolt cutters just to see them pop off! He might really start to poofer then! Lol


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I’m not joining Shepards grounds until reaper is unbanned

I’m taking a stand here

Reaper isnt banned.
Yes he is/or was.

I'm quite happy here though to ne honest.Makes a nice change posting with people you've never heard of.Instead of the some old people doing the same old posts on repeat.No offence intended.

I banned you for posting major PI. I didn’t know if you were gonna hit all the forums with it so it was better to be safe than sorry.
I know why you banned me.

And was well deserved.

Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are
Little history lesson -

Murdock had Biggie create her a forum that was supposed to “404” BFF. They spammed the link in BFF pm and basically tried it. I never said peep and let them try it. None of “my” following left BFF.
That's not corrrect my dear.

The original concept of mmp was that it was be a forum where people could just chill out and have fun.I think at the time the whole Dovey/Poofer episode was in full swing and alot of vitriol was coming out of St.Groundz.And not everyone was down with the constant drama that was going on.Also you were going full anti Murd at the time and she didn't like posting there.So she got snoozeDog to set that place up for her.And was one of the only reasons me and Vitty agreed to help her out.
And things were going fine up until Oak starting making fun of her because St.Groundz had more poster.Poor Murd just couldn't handle the fact that St.Groundz was way more busy and lost the plot.Starting a big recruitment drive and introducing spastic ideas like `guest posting`.It was at that point I gave her an ultimatum `go back to the original concept of the forum,or I'd quit and take the posters with me that I brought there`.She called my bluff and.......... well that was the end of the forum.They lost the vit-reaps tag team thing we had going and the forum died.

True story that .

Yeah she really got into the drama. And then complained about the constant drama.

But then.....she always has to have some drama with someone.

Uhg. Glad all that's over.

I remember trying to smooth things over in between you guys without getting directly involved and she does NOT listen to anyone.
Deep down she really wanted you,snooze and her to run mmp.She got that in the end but it never worked out as you and snooze were more intersted in St.Groundz.I think it peed her right off that both of you never really put the effort in to help her out.Not saying that snooze didn't do alot for mmp because he did but it was always the tec stuff and not actually helping by posting much etc etc.

He created the forum. Just like he tech created SG. Yet It was up to me to make it poppin. That’s what it all boiled down to.
$G seems to work. S.G. also.

Shit I'm deformed, I quoted the wrong person. Nevermind.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
$G and BF were friends before.

Why change that?

What a fucking bummer. Wouldnt BF here like a place were he can bullshit and not have to herd angry cats or respond to 29 Oak tags? Whatever.

Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are
I had more actual posters on BFF today than it does here.

Unless you are counting bots.....lulz.

Every other post I read from you is cheerleading BFF... why are you here?

Really? Can you quote those?

So I cant mock Poofers stupid BFF meltdown or its "cheer leading"?

So do you feel that everyone who enjoys posting on BFF should leave here? Are we only supposed to post here if we sign up here?
Hey fucktard, who’s melting down?

Making a thread that says a trophy forum in my honor is a mistake with the underlying take that a forum that was created on my hard work popping back up without me is stupid.

You are the one here bleating on like a sheep who had its legs ran over and trying desperately to recruit ppl from here who don’t want to relive shit that happened four years ago.

Why are you crying here and not at my trophy forum?
Dude…you should resign from forums. Every time you insult a female, I want to foot-stomp your fucking skull into the dirt. You’re one of the most hated people around this social platform and others. Get that through your thick and ugly fucking headpiece!

Pretty sure he suffers with downs syndrome.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I had more actual posters on BFF today than it does here.

Unless you are counting bots.....lulz.

Every other post I read from you is cheerleading BFF... why are you here?

Really? Can you quote those?

So I cant mock Poofers stupid BFF meltdown or its "cheer leading"?

So do you feel that everyone who enjoys posting on BFF should leave here? Are we only supposed to post here if we sign up here?
Hey fucktard, who’s melting down?

Making a thread that says a trophy forum in my honor is a mistake with the underlying take that a forum that was created on my hard work popping back up without me is stupid.

You are the one here bleating on like a sheep who had its legs ran over and trying desperately to recruit ppl from here who don’t want to relive shit that happened four years ago.

Why are you crying here and not at my trophy forum?
Dude…you should resign from forums. Every time you insult a female, I want to foot-stomp your fucking skull into the dirt. You’re one of the most hated people around this social platform and others. Get that through your thick and ugly fucking headpiece!

Pretty sure he suffers with downs syndrome.

You think I'd fuck a retard?

I mean dont answer that. It's like the only thing I feel actual shame over lol.


Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land
I had more actual posters on BFF today than it does here.

Unless you are counting bots.....lulz.

Every other post I read from you is cheerleading BFF... why are you here?

Really? Can you quote those?

So I cant mock Poofers stupid BFF meltdown or its "cheer leading"?

So do you feel that everyone who enjoys posting on BFF should leave here? Are we only supposed to post here if we sign up here?
Hey fucktard, who’s melting down?

Making a thread that says a trophy forum in my honor is a mistake with the underlying take that a forum that was created on my hard work popping back up without me is stupid.

You are the one here bleating on like a sheep who had its legs ran over and trying desperately to recruit ppl from here who don’t want to relive shit that happened four years ago.

Why are you crying here and not at my trophy forum?
Dude…you should resign from forums. Every time you insult a female, I want to foot-stomp your fucking skull into the dirt. You’re one of the most hated people around this social platform and others. Get that through your thick and ugly fucking headpiece!

Pretty sure he suffers with downs syndrome.
And this cat has the hide to call himself a “flamer”???
He’s apparently launching a “podcast” tomorrow…but I wouldn’t hold my breath! Löl

Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are
I had more actual posters on BFF today than it does here.

Unless you are counting bots.....lulz.

Every other post I read from you is cheerleading BFF... why are you here?

Really? Can you quote those?

So I cant mock Poofers stupid BFF meltdown or its "cheer leading"?

So do you feel that everyone who enjoys posting on BFF should leave here? Are we only supposed to post here if we sign up here?
Hey fucktard, who’s melting down?

Making a thread that says a trophy forum in my honor is a mistake with the underlying take that a forum that was created on my hard work popping back up without me is stupid.

You are the one here bleating on like a sheep who had its legs ran over and trying desperately to recruit ppl from here who don’t want to relive shit that happened four years ago.

Why are you crying here and not at my trophy forum?
Dude…you should resign from forums. Every time you insult a female, I want to foot-stomp your fucking skull into the dirt. You’re one of the most hated people around this social platform and others. Get that through your thick and ugly fucking headpiece!

Pretty sure he suffers with downs syndrome.

You think I'd fuck a retard?

I mean dont answer that. It's like the only thing I feel actual shame over lol.

Bwahahaha, ya gotta admit he does have the retarded downy look. :LOL3:


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
$G and BF were friends before.

Why change that?

What a fucking bummer.
It's that bloated gasbag's fault, sowing seeds of division, well poisoning and trying his hand at the age old divide and conquer routine.

Unfortunately, his clumsy efforts have been somewhat successful so far.

I agree. Scrotini loves to turn people on eachother.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I had more actual posters on BFF today than it does here.

Unless you are counting bots.....lulz.

Every other post I read from you is cheerleading BFF... why are you here?

Really? Can you quote those?

So I cant mock Poofers stupid BFF meltdown or its "cheer leading"?

So do you feel that everyone who enjoys posting on BFF should leave here? Are we only supposed to post here if we sign up here?
Hey fucktard, who’s melting down?

Making a thread that says a trophy forum in my honor is a mistake with the underlying take that a forum that was created on my hard work popping back up without me is stupid.

You are the one here bleating on like a sheep who had its legs ran over and trying desperately to recruit ppl from here who don’t want to relive shit that happened four years ago.

Why are you crying here and not at my trophy forum?
Dude…you should resign from forums. Every time you insult a female, I want to foot-stomp your fucking skull into the dirt. You’re one of the most hated people around this social platform and others. Get that through your thick and ugly fucking headpiece!

Pretty sure he suffers with downs syndrome.

You think I'd fuck a retard?

I mean dont answer that. It's like the only thing I feel actual shame over lol.

Bwahahaha, ya gotta admit he does have the retarded downy look. :LOL3:

I cum with my eyes closed.

Especially if I have to work that hard.

Uhg.....the shame. You know the way you gross men feel after you've watched some FUCKED up porn?

That's how I feel over this.


Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land
@Dove …when he was sporting that pic of himself as his avatar, squinting up at the camera and looking like his headpiece was 5 feet from the pavement, with that silly pubic hair around his chin and upper lip…I showed my missus, and she said, “ oh my…he’s thinning on the top!” Lol…I was still laughing at his mug when I showed my missus and then laughed at her reply at the same time.
Suffice to say that I nearly pissed myself!



Mutants Rule!
Factory Bastard
Redneckistan, USA
And you didn't see the irony in changing one word you perceived as racist to another racist word.You leftists sure do live in a weird world.I'm truly sorry words like `nigger` hurt your feelz :LOL3:

At the time I still had hopes of inviting people from other forums/SocMed but couldn't with that kind of racist nonsense flying around. You had and obviously still have plenty of 'safe spaces' to choose from for that kind of crap but that forum wasn't one of them. You chose being able to type "nigger" over being an active member of the forum and that's your prerogative... just as stifling it was mine.

That's all it boils down to really; being able to sling racial pejoratives at will was more important to you than posting at that forum. No worries at all, actually. We're all adults and make our own decisions.

BTW: "Redneck" isn't a race. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
@Dove …when he was sporting that pic of himself as his avatar, squinting up at the camera and looking like his headpiece was 5 feet from the pavement, with that silly pubic hair around his chin and upper lip…I showed my missus, and she said, “ oh my…he’s thinning on the top!” Lol…I was still laughing at his mug when I showed my missus and then laughed at her reply at the same time.
Suffice to say that I nearly pissed myself!


No, actually. The picture he showed me wasnt bad. He is larger in real life.

I was originally attracted to him because he was funny as fuck. And like most NPDs..
.very easy to talk to. At first.

I was in really bad place at the time. On the outs with my husband and generally feeling like total shit. It was welcome first.

Definately not something I'll ever repeat lol.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
And you didn't see the irony in changing one word you perceived as racist to another racist word.You leftists sure do live in a weird world.I'm truly sorry words like `nigger` hurt your feelz :LOL3:

BTW: "Redneck" isn't a race. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
Maybe but it's still a derogatively term meant to insult white people.And that was the entire premise in my use of that nasty hurty word `nigger` lulz that got your panties in such a fluster.If you can't understand that then,whatever,I really don't give two hoots about some forum I wasn't supposedly banned from five plus years ago lulz.
Are you trying to troll up a bit of drama Vitty boi.

Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are
And you didn't see the irony in changing one word you perceived as racist to another racist word.You leftists sure do live in a weird world.I'm truly sorry words like `nigger` hurt your feelz :LOL3:

At the time I still had hopes of inviting people from other forums/SocMed but couldn't with that kind of racist nonsense flying around. You had and obviously still have plenty of 'safe spaces' to choose from for that kind of crap but that forum wasn't one of them. You chose being able to type "nigger" over being an active member of the forum and that's your prerogative... just as stifling it was mine.

That's all it boils down to really; being able to sling racial pejoratives at will was more important to you than posting at that forum. No worries at all, actually. We're all adults and make our own decisions.

BTW: "Redneck" isn't a race. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
Amazing how triggered American liberals get over the "N" word.

Quite pathetic in all honesty.


Mutants Rule!
Factory Bastard
Redneckistan, USA
Are you trying to troll up a bit of drama Vitty boi.

Of course not.
I'm allergic to drama- you know that.

Just trying to... now how did the Hillary bots phrase it... oh yeah!
Correct The Record.

Except I'm using facts and not attempting to rehabilitate the image of one of the worst people on the planet.

Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are
And you didn't see the irony in changing one word you perceived as racist to another racist word.You leftists sure do live in a weird world.I'm truly sorry words like `nigger` hurt your feelz :LOL3:

BTW: "Redneck" isn't a race. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
Maybe but it's still a derogatively term meant to insult white people.And that was the entire premise in my use of that nasty hurty word `nigger` lulz that got your panties in such a fluster.If you can't understand that then,whatever,I really don't give two hoots about some forum I wasn't supposedly banned from five plus years ago lulz.
Are you trying to troll up a bit of drama Vitty boi.
It's my understanding that "redneck" is in reference to rural white southerners in the US.

The clue is in the name, given the fact only white people go red in the sun.

As you say, it's a term often used by blacks, jews and libtards as a way of disrespecting rural white folks.


Mutants Rule!
Factory Bastard
Redneckistan, USA
It's my understanding that "redneck" is in reference to rural white southerners in the US.

Then run with that definition, Ary.
Put it in your breast pocket close to your heart and bring it out for a bit of comfort petting whenever you start feeling boxed in by all the "wokeness" sloshing around in the world. Kiss it. Rub it. Call it your bestest buddy.

You'll still be wrong. /shrug


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Are you trying to troll up a bit of drama Vitty boi.

Of course not.
I'm allergic to drama- you know that.

Just trying to... now how did the Hillary bots phrase it... oh yeah!
Correct The Record.

Except I'm using facts and not attempting to rehabilitate the image of one of the worst people on the planet.
The thing is old pal you're not doing a very good job of it.

I'd go as far as saying you're making yourself look like a bit of a hysterical tardling.Please carrying on though explaining how words hit you right in the feelz and you have to banish the nasty men that say them lulz.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
We absolutely have some black red necks over here.

They cook tons of the best comfort food in the world lol.