Secrets of Playboy


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
In which case Hef certainly wasn't the only one @The Prowler. What about Larry Flynt of Hustler Magazine? Or Bob Guccione of Penthouse? They had their porn empires & equivalent Playboy mansions.

Odd they're just targeting Hef.

They oughta be doing an expose on all of em Prowler.

And this is why I say Liar @Joe is a scatterbrained retard.

But yer certainly no genius yer self @The Prowler. You frequently lose forum arguments and need to be corrected by posters here sympathetic to your pov.

And I don't know how you could be a successful business person if you can't even start or moderate threads pertaining to business.

Cripes go get a copy of the Toronto Globe and Mail @The Prowler. They do a wonderful job of explaining key fundamental business concepts you didn't learn in school Prowler

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
But yer certainly no genius yer self @The Prowler. You frequently lose forum arguments and need to be corrected by posters here sympathetic to your pov.

And I don't know how you could be a successful business person if you can't even start or moderate threads you start pertaining to business.

Cripes go get a copy of the Toronto Globe and Mail @The Prowler. They do a wonderful job of explaining key fundamental business concepts you didn't learn in school Prowler

And this is why I call Liar @Joe an airclaiming retard.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
But yer certainly no genius yer self @The Prowler. You frequently lose forum arguments and need to be corrected by posters here sympathetic to your pov.

And I don't know how you could be a successful business person if you can't even start or moderate threads you start pertaining to business.

Cripes go get a copy of the Toronto Globe and Mail @The Prowler. They do a wonderful job of explaining key fundamental business concepts you didn't learn in school Prowler

And this is why I call Liar @Joe an airclaiming retard.

Well I show you examples of past threads to show you in another thread.

I was not terribly impressed with your intellect nor understanding of key business fundamental concepts.

Worse yet they had to be clarified to you by other forum posters.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Well I show you examples of past threads to show you in another thread.

I was not terribly impressed with your intellect nor understanding of key business fundamental concepts.

Worse yet they had to be clarified to you by other forum posters.

This is why I call him Liar @Joe.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Well I show you examples of past threads to show you in another thread.

I was not terribly impressed with your intellect nor understanding of key business fundamental concepts.

Worse yet they had to be clarified to you by other forum posters.

This is why I call him Liar @Joe.

Given what you wrote in the past I wouldn't take any business advice from you @The Prowler.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
FFS, shut up

It took Liar @Joe one post to get you to go off on a tangent.

You have the attention span of a gnat.

But you're not a genius yourself @The Prowler.

He doesn't understand that he isn't in control on this forum. His constant nick picking at everything people say is because he thinks he has a say in what people post, what they say, what they should say, etc.

This isn't about his smarts, though they are dubious, it's about his insecurities.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
You don't know what you're talking about. I know what motivates me. You don't. Joe's comment was just handy in the moment at it addressed religiosity.

Yeah, and Liar @Joe knows what motivates you too, you simpleton.

He dangled one little carrot doughnut for you and you ran after it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
FFS, shut up

It took Liar @Joe one post to get you to go off on a tangent.

You have the attention span of a gnat.

But you're not a genius yourself @The Prowler.

He doesn't understand that he isn't in control on this forum. His constant nick picking at everything people say is because he thinks he has a say in what people post, what they say, what they should say, etc.

This isn't about his smarts, though they are dubious, it's about his insecurities.

Yeah I agree. @The Prowler comes across as a very insecure sniveling and envious man.

Who else would start threads running down the wealthiest state in America? Must be hard for him living in the industrial armpit of Canada where there's snow on the ground til May while folks in the Golden state tan in the beach in January. Lol


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
FFS, shut up

It took Liar @Joe one post to get you to go off on a tangent.

You have the attention span of a gnat.

But you're not a genius yourself @The Prowler.

He doesn't understand that he isn't in control on this forum. His constant nick picking at everything people say is because he thinks he has a say in what people post, what they say, what they should say, etc.

This isn't about his smarts, though they are dubious, it's about his insecurities.

Yeah I agree. @The Prowler comes across as a very insecure sniveling and envious man.

Who else would start threads running down the wealthiest state in America? Must be hard for him living in the industrial armpit of Canada where there's snow on the ground til May while folks in the Golden state tan in the beach in January. Lol

And one of the wealthiest jurisdictions in the world. I don't take his sour grapes personally. We have near 40 million people in this state. We have no need for any of our detractors to come here.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
FFS, shut up

It took Liar @Joe one post to get you to go off on a tangent.

You have the attention span of a gnat.

But you're not a genius yourself @The Prowler.

He doesn't understand that he isn't in control on this forum. His constant nick picking at everything people say is because he thinks he has a say in what people post, what they say, what they should say, etc.

This isn't about his smarts, though they are dubious, it's about his insecurities.

Yeah I agree. @The Prowler comes across as a very insecure sniveling and envious man.

Who else would start threads running down the wealthiest state in America? Must be hard for him living in the industrial armpit of Canada where there's snow on the ground til May while folks in the Golden state tan in the beach in January. Lol

And one of the wealthiest jurisdictions in the world. I don't take his sour grapes personally. We have near 40 million people in this state. We have no need for any of our detractors to come here.

I wouldn't mind living in California again.

Tho it certainly wouldn't be LA, SF or its overpopulated urban centers. Northern Cal seemed just right for me. Think I'll 'snowbird' it there in my retirement. Live there 6 most of the year, sleep in & go ta the beach every day


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Liar @Joe dangles another doughnut for The Leaker and now she is full steam ahead defending California.


Hey linear thinker, do you ever talk to real people?

Real people meander through conversations all the time, often they come back to previous topics. That's what real people do.

You should talk to people in real life. Don't stomp your feet when they go off on a tangent's really poor form.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
You mean in the Drug fueled World of Movies and Rock and Roll in the 60'sand 70's, White Men in America took advantage of young girls? I'm shocked!

What is sad here is that Hefner was played up as a success story by the media for many years.

I see a man who loved women. I don’t think there is anything wrong with looking at beautiful naked women and a true feminist will argue that they were exploited. I see a business man who created opportunities for these women to earn.

We shall see how I feel when I’m done watching. I had to buy it on apple because we stream everything. I’m holding my phone like a crack head right now watching it lol

Neither of us watch much tv and the kids are too busy with homework and commitments for either of us to find it necessary to shell out $150+month. As it stands, I’m paying about $60 for HBO, Netflix, Hulu, Prime, Disney, and Peacock~which is free with my unlimited phone plan.

I can remember when I was a little girl and all you needed was an antenna on the roof of your house.

I think he was always a pig.

As for cable rates and live streaming costs. I have all of those too. Yeah, I miss the days of no cost for entertainment.

And you girls including @Dove possibly might realize that Hugh Hefner didn't invent porn, right?



It was around long efore he was born I suspect.

He jst ripped the idea off from the French.

I’m pretty sure people have been making porn for as long as film has been around.

mr. beans great great great grandfather was a pioneer in it



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
FFS, shut up

It took Liar @Joe one post to get you to go off on a tangent.

You have the attention span of a gnat.

But you're not a genius yourself @The Prowler.

He doesn't understand that he isn't in control on this forum. His constant nick picking at everything people say is because he thinks he has a say in what people post, what they say, what they should say, etc.

This isn't about his smarts, though they are dubious, it's about his insecurities.

Yeah I agree. @The Prowler comes across as a very insecure sniveling and envious man.

Who else would start threads running down the wealthiest state in America? Must be hard for him living in the industrial armpit of Canada where there's snow on the ground til May while folks in the Golden state tan in the beach in January. Lol

And one of the wealthiest jurisdictions in the world. I don't take his sour grapes personally. We have near 40 million people in this state. We have no need for any of our detractors to come here.

I wouldn't mind living in California again.

Tho it certainly wouldn't be LA, SF or its overpopulated urban centers. Northern Cal seemed just right for me. Think I'll 'snowbird' it there in my retirement. Live there 6 most of the year, sleep in & go ta the beach every day

Northern California beaches are beautiful, but the beaches can be cold. Of course there are warm and hot days at the beach, but Central CA might be warmer. Maybe from about Morro Bay to about San Luis Obispo or Pismo Beach.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Liar @Joe dangles another doughnut for The Leaker and now she is full steam ahead defending California.


You couldn't afford to live in California and it's too far, the airfare is to expensive for you on a regular basis @The Prowler.

Heck I live less than 600 miles away from the California coastline eh?

That's like a drive form Vancouver to Calgary eh. Or Ontario to Quebec.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Liar @Joe dangles another doughnut for The Leaker and now she is full steam ahead defending California.


You couldn't afford to live in California and it's too far, the airfare is to expensive for you on a regular basis @The Prowler.

Heck I live less than 600 miles away from the California coastline eh?

That's like a drive form Vancouver to Calgary eh. Or Ontario to Quebec.

Floriduh is more his speed anyway.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Hey linear thinker, do you ever talk to real people?

Real people meander through conversations all the time, often they come back to previous topics. That's what real people do.

You should talk to people in real life. Don't stomp your feet when they go off on a tangent's really poor form.

The Leaker has the attention span of a gnat.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Hey linear thinker, do you ever talk to real people?

Real people meander through conversations all the time, often they come back to previous topics. That's what real people do.

You should talk to people in real life. Don't stomp your feet when they go off on a tangent's really poor form.

The Leaker has the attention span of a gnat.

That's what I thought. A non-answer from a Zero thinker.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
FFS, shut up

It took Liar @Joe one post to get you to go off on a tangent.

You have the attention span of a gnat.

But you're not a genius yourself @The Prowler.

He doesn't understand that he isn't in control on this forum. His constant nick picking at everything people say is because he thinks he has a say in what people post, what they say, what they should say, etc.

This isn't about his smarts, though they are dubious, it's about his insecurities.

Yeah I agree. @The Prowler comes across as a very insecure sniveling and envious man.

Who else would start threads running down the wealthiest state in America? Must be hard for him living in the industrial armpit of Canada where there's snow on the ground til May while folks in the Golden state tan in the beach in January. Lol

And one of the wealthiest jurisdictions in the world. I don't take his sour grapes personally. We have near 40 million people in this state. We have no need for any of our detractors to come here.

I wouldn't mind living in California again.

Tho it certainly wouldn't be LA, SF or its overpopulated urban centers. Northern Cal seemed just right for me. Think I'll 'snowbird' it there in my retirement. Live there 6 most of the year, sleep in & go ta the beach every day

Northern California beaches are beautiful, but the beaches can be cold. Of course there are warm and hot days at the beach, but Central CA might be warmer. Maybe from about Morro Bay to about San Luis Obispo or Pismo Beach.

I'm used to the cold weather.

Northern Cal is still a lot warmer than Vancouver or Seattle and far less wet/rainy.

As long as there's a beach with fresh clean air that's all that matters.

I credit the fresh ocean air from preventing me from getting covid.

Yknow a walk along the beach blows away all the germs cleans the system body out.