Setting back your Clocks 50 Years


..and when SCOTUS sets them back 130 years:

Justice Thomas' wife will be his massah..ess
except she'll just mind her place and select pretty curtains,
while the (white) men do massah things.

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Domestically feral
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United states
That was already done when Biden signed away womens sex based rights and protections and removed "woman" as a sex class and turned into an identity.

Now the left forces women to share prison with in tact male rapists and murderers and allows them to invade domestic violence shelters.

You guys are so full of shit its unreal. You dont give a shit about women. You guys have no fucking problem with allowing men to self identify and have access to all our spaces. Women fought for the protections and spaces we have. We dont even have sports anymore.

But NOW you guys pretend to give a fuck about rolling back time. After you've ignored the rape and assault of women and girls as a result of allowing men to say magic words and be "women".


Domestically feral
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United states
They push this fucking bullshit that "woman" isnt even defined and anyone can "identify" as a woman. And when predators attack and assault women they try to cover it up and not say anything.

"In a federal lawsuit filed last week, a Jane Doe inmate at the Logan Correctional Center in central Illinois said that after being sexually assaulted in June 2019, she was coerced by a supervisory officer into denying the attack took place and then punished for filing a “false” complaint under the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)."

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Minor gets anally raped by a boy in a skirt in school and they tried to cover that up. They arrested the FATHER after a trans activist called his daughter a liar and a bitch at a school board meeting

"At the time, Scott Ziegler, who was appointed Loudoun County Public Schools Superintendent in June after serving six months in the position as an interim, assured parents their concerns were unfounded. “We don’t have any record of assaults occurring in our restrooms,” he claimed. “The predator transgender student or person simply does not exist.” Mr Smith became enraged at the Superintendent’s words, which he deemed false. Mr Smith was arrested following a heated exchange with a female progressive activist wearing a rainbow heart shirt who said she she did not believe his daughter’s claim of sexual assault. He was ultimately handed a sentence for disorderly conduct, which will be suspended following a year of good behavior.

Continue reading 2nd Girl Raped in School Restroom by ‘Transgender’ Fellow Student; Furious Dad Arrested | Women Are Human. Read more at:
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And then the 26 year old trans who attacked a 10 year old little girl in a Dennys bathroom who was sentenced to a JUVENILE detention center with minor girls.

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And of course all the women who are speaking out and defending our actual RIGHTS are labeled "terfs" and ruthlessly attacked, doxxed, fired, and threats of violence are use against them

You know like the WiSpa pervert who was showing his semi hard dick to women and a little girl in the nude area of a female spa? Who wouldn't leave? Who was a convicted sex offender?

Here is the mom of the child telling what happened

Notice how shes afraid to show who she is? Because she knows she will be harrassed and attacked for speaking out.

And when women went to protest for our RIGHTS, protections and our dignity? Antifa showed up to harrass and use violence an dd's intimidation. Against women. Speaking out for our rights.

So basically we being told that men can be women, woman is just an idenity, and we must endure rape and assault and being harrassed by predatory men. And endure it quietly....or else.

So dont prance over here and pretend you give any single shits about women and girls. And don't fucking tell ME shit. You are a hyper partisan misogynist who wouldnt give a fuck if women and girls were being openly sold as long as YOUR party was doing it....youd support it.


Domestically feral
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United states
Look at this. Now even elderly women in assisted living are forced to room with men

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Fuck your safety and dignity, says the left. All women are for is fucking and abortions.


Domestically feral
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United states
US — Salt Lake City, Utah. A transgender activist is facing the two first-degree felonies of Aggravated Sexual Extortion and Forcible Sodomy in six counts, as well as the three second-degree felonies of Forcible Sexual Abuse in three counts, Enticing a Minor, and Sexual Exploitation Of A Minor in five counts. Carlos Arturo Aparicio Hernandez admitted to having posed as a teen girl on social media to lure an underage child, documents presented to the Third District Court show. The 36-year-old, who is male, identifies as a woman named Raiza Daniela Aparicio Hernandez. In January 2016, Mr Aparicio Hernandez accepted a job for the Asociación ASPIDH Arcoiris Trans (Trans Rainbow Association), which has the stated focus of demanding “justice from the Salvadoran State for the unpunished murders against our LGBT populations, the barbaric femicides of our trans women.” In March 2020, he was a scheduled speaker at the University of South Carolina’s Gould School of Law‘s Saks Institute Spring Symposium 2020 to discuss the topic of “Asylum, Disability and Mental Health.” An agenda for the conference labeled Aparicio Hernandez an “Activist and Defender of Human and LGBTQ and Rights.”

Continue reading Male, ‘Transgender’ Adult Posed as Teen Girl to Lure, Rape Underage Victim | Women Are Human. Read more at:
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The forward.

The past is stagnant.
.Conservatives love the past. Believe it only to be the present and always.

Jesus said: I am the Way (the truth and the life).
. The Way is Forward.
Life is Evolving (change).

Evil is all that impedes Human Evolution....aka conservatism.
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Put your glasses on!
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Yes, Im glad to see the Lib's Revolution being set back a few decades.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Domestically feral
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United states
The forward.

The past is stagnant.
.Conservatives love the past. Believe it only to be the present and always.

Jesus said: I am the Way (the truth and the life).
. The Way is Forward.
Life is Evolving (change).

Evil is all that impedes Human Evolution....aka conservatism.

See you dont give a shit about women and girls. Just your politcs.

You are pushing bullshit common propaganda that ignores 50 years of medical progress and knowledge and pretending we dont know anymore about pregnancy, life in utero and abortion than we did when Norma McCorvy was used by activist attorneys.

And as far as turning the clock back on womens rights.....the left has taken away our sex based rights and spaces. Our safety and privacy.

Women will now start avoiding public bathrooms again. Women are driven out of domestic violence shelters that now accommodate men. Women are forced to share prison cells with rapists and murderers.

And just like how the church or fundi groups would know women and girls were being abused.....they turned their head and said nothing because they didnt want to cause trouble. So the girl was blamed.....that's exactly what you people are doing TODAY.

You can pretend all day "conservatives" are turning back the clock but the reality is, it's you people. You've taken everything women fought for. Sports and opportunities, our single sex spaces. Even our language to describe ourselves. You have a justice that wont even define a woman.

Again if your side stripped all our rights and started selling us you would defend it and bitch about conservatives not really believe in a "free market" after all. That's how sick and depraved you are.


Domestically feral
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United states
Oh boy, the lib racism is revealing itself

They are obsessed with it. Obsessed. They are on socail media calling Clarence Thomas a "n*gger" and hysterically claiming civil rights are "next".

I seriously wish we could push a button and these hate infected tyrants would disappear. They are the only ones bringing racism to the table.


Domestically feral
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United states
"We should take the focus off the parents and put it on the professional organizations, the practitioners, the government officials, demanding evidence reviews and the best evidence-based care for our kids. And we should stop making unsupported and unscientific claims about gender-affirming care for minors." ~ by Lisa Selin Davis, author of Tomboy: The Surprising History and Future of Girls Who Dare to Be Different

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The lefts idea of forward is not only bringing BACK intensely rigid sexist stereotypes, but pushing a dogmatic religious cult that demands there be no feminine men or masculine women. They are all trans.

And gay people are no longer accepted as homosexuals. They have to be willing to date and have sex with opposite partners based on gender cult ideology that "transwomen are women! Trans men are men!" and you can say no to any partner...but if you say no because they are trans, its transphobia and you are a sexual racist and genital fetishist.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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All the sudden, they care about real women. That’s why I can’t with these people.

The same motherfuckers who were forcing us to get vaccines, now they care about our right to choose what’s best for our body. Go to hell
The hypocrisy is never ending with these filthy vermin cocksuckers


Domestically feral
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United states
All the sudden, they care about real women. That’s why I can’t with these people.

The same motherfuckers who were forcing us to get vaccines, now they care about our right to choose what’s best for our body. Go to hell

Here is the feminist stance on the parties


Of course real feminists think abortion should remain legal for completely different reasons than the leftwing shitlibs. They also recognize that abortion is used by men to control women and get out of being a father and being responsible.

They view every abortion as a tragedy that harms women and ends a human life. But they view it as a nessesary thing for the health and safety of women....I disagree here, but you can disagree with these women without them attacking you(given you are a woman lol).


Domestically feral
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United states
All the sudden, they care about real women. That’s why I can’t with these people.

The same motherfuckers who were forcing us to get vaccines, now they care about our right to choose what’s best for our body. Go to hell
Vaccines protect everybody in the tribe, Rocket Surgeon. Your pregnancy decisions do not.

Except they DONT. The covid vaccine doesnt stop you from getting infected and infecting others.

The benefit of the vaccine is directly to the one getting it. It simply stops people from getting deathly ill and dying.

We can talk about the reasons why the government should not coerce or force medical interventions......but the real issue here is YOU are supporting that coercion for reasons that do not exist.

This is why you people shouldnt get make these choices for everyone. You wont listen to facts or consider the risks you are forcing others to take.

The reason YOU think justified mandates isnt even real.

Every person with the covid vaccine CAN and DOES still spread Covid.

But even if the covid vaccine worked as our MMRs and TDaPs and herpes vaccines you still have no right mandating it.


Domestically feral
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United states
You go to hell too.
Why can't Trumptards maintain civility during discussions?

"Everyone who disagrees with me is a trumptard!"

When you are patronizing people and not listening to them, it's not civil.

You guys dont debate either. You bark your one sided opinions at people as if you know all already and they are idiots. And no matter how well they back their stance with facts and still refuse to discuss the issue. None of you take in any information that may contradict your stance. You just try to manipulate around it.