You should color in the books dead animals and bats in the hands of the garbagemen tell them it seems the books sent her over the edge and your now seeking counseling for her
Could even embellish and say shes been reactive to the cat hiding her in boxes and locking kitty in rooms when people come to your place
Just last month I had the "some people are dirty perverts" talk with her about strangers and how no one but mom or the doctor should ever be touching her business.
Now I gotta have the "some people are psychotic pieces of shit" talk with her.
It would have been more preferable for the garbos to carry a 20 or 12 gauge shotgun to be able to put down a feral, rabied, or distressed animal quickly...but they're probably barred by their employer from carrying anything on the job and made do with a bat.
I drove over a major highway through a town and slammed on the breaks over a decade ago because there was a beefy possum that had obviously been vehicle struck and was pacing back and forth.
I had nothing in my vehicle to help it except a fleece picnic blanket. So I tried to corner it away from the road and a street racer car full of Asian kids peaked the hill and slammed down on the possum... they didn't even stop. Already injured possum was properly fucked at that point... it tumbled a hundred feet under the undercarriage and started walking in circles.
So I cornered it again, wanting to save it... but it had an eye out of a socket, was swollen with internal bleeding, and wasn't long for this earth...
I wanted to kill it asap... put it out asap... but some young white guy had pulled over when I had scooped the possum up in the blanket and was gearing up to helicopter swing it onto the pavement.
He insisted he should take it to an emergency vet... I told him time was of an essence and the animal was suffering. He inferred it might be animal abuse if I didn't give it to him to try...
That lump went silent between our discussion and I reckon the fuckwit caused an extra 1-2 minutes of horrible suffering.
I still feel bad for being fearful of legal ramifications. If I had to do it all again, I would have followed through and roundhouse swung the poor soul to the afterlife via concrete impact.... then I would have served whatever sentence in fucked up Australia for doing what was required.
It's one of my top regrets...