SUV mows down people at Christmas Parade in Wisconsin


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Imagine having so much hate for a teen to went to help the community of Kenosha when rioters were destroying it....who had to defend himself because these violent men were chasing him, that you literally mock children and old women killed in a terrorist attack as "karma".

These people are evil incarnate.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Who is this Mary Lemanski, Dovey? Sorry.. I haven't been following this too much . Oh. forget it.. I see . :D Another Lilly :'(

Some democrat shit bag. She isnt the only one either.

This isnt politics it's just fucking evil.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I just don't get how people can be this callous :'(

Me either. But after seeing how dismissive they were over the riots and all the destruction and suffering on regular people .....I mean yeah they arent going to suddenly develop empathy.

They've been so propagandized they are beyond reason. You cant even talk to them. And you see how absurd they've become.

Its hatred. They are possessed with irrational destructive hatred.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Blazor the left has used race to not just divide but to radicalize and incite racist hatred and domestic terror.

And they want to brainwash children into racist hatred.

And they dont even care if children are victims of the terrorist attacks their disgusting ideology incites.

Every single person supporting this movement is a scum bag enemy of regular Americans. Its fucking STUNNING that a politicain called this "Karma".

If the people dont fight....its done. They are turning the country into a violent, hateful place and destroying the working and middle class.

Honey, you are preaching to the choir lol. Believe me I know.

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately (in case you smelled smoke other than pot lol), and I'm having to adjust my way of thinking here and there. I've been having to put emotions aside, and look at who the real villains are. Its not "exactly" the left. Its the media, and their masters. THEY are the ones whipping the left into a frenzy. The Left, become gullible puppets to what THEY want. Just watch how they do, you've seen it.... "hate whitey!". So whitey goes on the defense. Now that whitey has been oppressed so much lately, whitey getting angry, and about to go on the offense, cause they tired of this shit. I feel that is part of THEIR plan. Cause THEY know, when we band together, we become an unstoppable force. Look at how these other countries are doing it, massive protests, all together. So far pretty peaceful. If the overlords dont stop with the tyranny, I feel it wont be peaceful long. If we all simply purged social media and mainstream media, it could all go away to a degree. But the ones at the top need to be held accountable. THEY need to be hanged. THEY have caused all this shit. And all these fuckers that keep doing evil, should be held accountable too, not given free passes.

THEY keep triggering though, and its coming to a boil. I fear that instead of coming together, THEIR plan is gonna work, and we will be fighting each other, instead of who truly caused all this shit.

It's not exactly the left or even kind of the left. And it's not really the media. The media are tools of the corporate masters, and they want this. I have been telling you people this for years. They want they wedge issues to drive the people apart so they can steal everything from under our noses, including our livelihoods, without us noticing. I have said it over and over and over. Blaming the "left" is exactly what they want you to do. Dove is an excellent tool for the corporate masters.

For the most part you are right. But in case you havent noticed, you've become a tool too.

I've been saying the same for 15 years at least. Aryan knows the deal with whats going on.

I've been trying to enlighten anyone who'll listen, both on and offline, since around the mid 2000's.

Initially I was focused on Muslims, but then I became Jew-wise after digging deeper.


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️

You use the term "regular Americans" over and over in your screeds. Can you explain what you mean? Because, I'll be honest here, most Americans I know are highly irregular, to say the least.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

You use the term "regular Americans" over and over in your screeds. Can you explain what you mean? Because, I'll be honest here, most Americans I know are highly irregular, to say the least.


I mean just plain regular ass working/middle class people.

All the residents of Kenosha. Those were regular people. No platforms. No trendy ideology. Just people living their lives the best they can.

You know the places were these riots occur are places where people live and that's the story no one hears. They are not well known. Not political talking heads. All the people who may as well be chopped liver here in the "woke show".


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Blazor the left has used race to not just divide but to radicalize and incite racist hatred and domestic terror.

And they want to brainwash children into racist hatred.

And they dont even care if children are victims of the terrorist attacks their disgusting ideology incites.

Every single person supporting this movement is a scum bag enemy of regular Americans. Its fucking STUNNING that a politicain called this "Karma".

If the people dont fight....its done. They are turning the country into a violent, hateful place and destroying the working and middle class.

Honey, you are preaching to the choir lol. Believe me I know.

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately (in case you smelled smoke other than pot lol), and I'm having to adjust my way of thinking here and there. I've been having to put emotions aside, and look at who the real villains are. Its not "exactly" the left. Its the media, and their masters. THEY are the ones whipping the left into a frenzy. The Left, become gullible puppets to what THEY want. Just watch how they do, you've seen it.... "hate whitey!". So whitey goes on the defense. Now that whitey has been oppressed so much lately, whitey getting angry, and about to go on the offense, cause they tired of this shit. I feel that is part of THEIR plan. Cause THEY know, when we band together, we become an unstoppable force. Look at how these other countries are doing it, massive protests, all together. So far pretty peaceful. If the overlords dont stop with the tyranny, I feel it wont be peaceful long. If we all simply purged social media and mainstream media, it could all go away to a degree. But the ones at the top need to be held accountable. THEY need to be hanged. THEY have caused all this shit. And all these fuckers that keep doing evil, should be held accountable too, not given free passes.

THEY keep triggering though, and its coming to a boil. I fear that instead of coming together, THEIR plan is gonna work, and we will be fighting each other, instead of who truly caused all this shit.

It's not exactly the left or even kind of the left. And it's not really the media. The media are tools of the corporate masters, and they want this. I have been telling you people this for years. They want they wedge issues to drive the people apart so they can steal everything from under our noses, including our livelihoods, without us noticing. I have said it over and over and over. Blaming the "left" is exactly what they want you to do. Dove is an excellent tool for the corporate masters.

For the most part you are right. But in case you havent noticed, you've become a tool too.

I've been saying the same for 15 years at least. Aryan knows the deal with whats going on.

I've been trying to enlighten anyone who'll listen, both on and offline, since around the mid 2000's.

Initially I was focused on Muslims, but then I became Jew-wise after digging deeper.

Same, mid 2000's. For me, I always knew of They and Them, political elites, even before mid 2000s, but it was mid 2000s that I discovered the Jewish connection, the cabal, the Bilderbergs, etc. Before I thought it was Freemason's, but it goes beyond them. Then me and friend started diving into the internet after that 1 video that woke us both up. We spent thousands of hours looking at shit. Once you "put the glasses on", everything becomes pretty clear.

They didnt think Hillary would lose, thought their endgame was nearly complete. After undoing Trump stuff, they are double timing it to catch up, and the people see it, its so obvious. At least most us see it.

We are not slaves enough to these fucks, so they must gain it by nefarious means.

Its why I continue to fly my flag, in defiance to their tyranny. Cause they know, what the South stood for, thus they are trying to get rid of it. Same with Christianity, same with being a MAN. They want us weak and unguided.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Blazor the left has used race to not just divide but to radicalize and incite racist hatred and domestic terror.

And they want to brainwash children into racist hatred.

And they dont even care if children are victims of the terrorist attacks their disgusting ideology incites.

Every single person supporting this movement is a scum bag enemy of regular Americans. Its fucking STUNNING that a politicain called this "Karma".

If the people dont fight....its done. They are turning the country into a violent, hateful place and destroying the working and middle class.

Honey, you are preaching to the choir lol. Believe me I know.

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately (in case you smelled smoke other than pot lol), and I'm having to adjust my way of thinking here and there. I've been having to put emotions aside, and look at who the real villains are. Its not "exactly" the left. Its the media, and their masters. THEY are the ones whipping the left into a frenzy. The Left, become gullible puppets to what THEY want. Just watch how they do, you've seen it.... "hate whitey!". So whitey goes on the defense. Now that whitey has been oppressed so much lately, whitey getting angry, and about to go on the offense, cause they tired of this shit. I feel that is part of THEIR plan. Cause THEY know, when we band together, we become an unstoppable force. Look at how these other countries are doing it, massive protests, all together. So far pretty peaceful. If the overlords dont stop with the tyranny, I feel it wont be peaceful long. If we all simply purged social media and mainstream media, it could all go away to a degree. But the ones at the top need to be held accountable. THEY need to be hanged. THEY have caused all this shit. And all these fuckers that keep doing evil, should be held accountable too, not given free passes.

THEY keep triggering though, and its coming to a boil. I fear that instead of coming together, THEIR plan is gonna work, and we will be fighting each other, instead of who truly caused all this shit.

It's not exactly the left or even kind of the left. And it's not really the media. The media are tools of the corporate masters, and they want this. I have been telling you people this for years. They want they wedge issues to drive the people apart so they can steal everything from under our noses, including our livelihoods, without us noticing. I have said it over and over and over. Blaming the "left" is exactly what they want you to do. Dove is an excellent tool for the corporate masters.

For the most part you are right. But in case you havent noticed, you've become a tool too.

I've been saying the same for 15 years at least. Aryan knows the deal with whats going on.

I've been trying to enlighten anyone who'll listen, both on and offline, since around the mid 2000's.

Initially I was focused on Muslims, but then I became Jew-wise after digging deeper.

Same, mid 2000's. For me, I always knew of They and Them, political elites, even before mid 2000s, but it was mid 2000s that I discovered the Jewish connection, the cabal, the Bilderbergs, etc. Before I thought it was Freemason's, but it goes beyond them. Then me and friend started diving into the internet after that 1 video that woke us both up. We spent thousands of hours looking at shit. Once you "put the glasses on", everything becomes pretty clear.

They didnt think Hillary would lose, thought their endgame was nearly complete. After undoing Trump stuff, they are double timing it to catch up, and the people see it, its so obvious. At least most us see it.

We are not slaves enough to these fucks, so they must gain it by nefarious means.

Its why I continue to fly my flag, in defiance to their tyranny. Cause they know, what the South stood for, thus they are trying to get rid of it. Same with Christianity, same with being a MAN. They want us weak and unguided.

Have you read about transhumanism yet?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.

I think you relish these types of tragedies. You clearly use it as porn.

He's clearly got some sort of unhealthy obsession with this shit.

I don't know how he can perform all the jobs he claims to have when he spends 18 hours a day "researching" these insane incidents and "covering" them here for us. I hope BF is paying him well for all his hard work.

The more you qhine the more I am posting. It is nice to see you foaming at the mouth upset that truthful on topic information is being shared. Suck it up, snowflake.

You are the most boring person at this forum. You make Joe look exciting. Do you know how hard that is?

This coming from the most hated person ever.

I've logged in this morning to over 40 notifications, mostly all neg reps from you.

LMAO, has your seething butthurt settled down yet or are you still causing tremors in your ghetto hood by furiously hopping up and down on the spot?

You want to cry, I gave you something to cry about. Keep crying, you little bitch.


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️

You use the term "regular Americans" over and over in your screeds. Can you explain what you mean? Because, I'll be honest here, most Americans I know are highly irregular, to say the least.


I mean just plain regular ass working/middle class people.

So, "regular Americans" don't include those living in poverty or those who are wealthy?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Just remember one thing. Liberal scum will always try to tell you your own eyes are lying to you when the facts are right there in black and white

I ain't seen no facts in black & white just yet, but I drop in here and you tards, led by @Oerdin's [highly dubious as a matter of record] twitter feed, have already ID'd the driver and know what he had for supper the day before. How is this possible when the cops ain't charged anyone yet, and there are rumors that the driver was fleeing from a crime scene and took a wrong turn cause he was stupid?

He was fleeing from the crime scene where there was some sort of knife attack. Which is what the tweets said. Why are you claiming the reports were "highly dubious"? Are you claiming he was not a black supremacist and BLM supporter? Do those facts some how upset you? Why deny it unless that is true?

The tweets, you thick headed no reading simp, are not authoritative ways to learn FACTS. "Facts" as the term is used in courts are determined by juries or by judges. There are no facts until then, only allegations.

And if YOU ***ARE*** claiming he's a black supremacist and BLM supporter as though it actually has jack shit to do with his bloody drive downtown, you have a lot of PROVING to do. I'm not saying either way because as I've been telling you for months now, I do not have enough solid information ...and neither do you.

Exactly, who this guy may or may not be has nothing to do with mowing down the people at the parade.

Are you fucking retarded?

So a black supremacist mowing down a bunch of white people at a parade isn't potentially a racially motivated attack, especially given how much the MSM has been conditioning blacks to hate whitey?

Would you say the same thing if a neo-Nazi killed a load of blacks? Of course you wouldn't.

It isn't a racially proven attack, idiot, until we have evidence. It's been reported that he was FLEEING another crime, stupid.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.

You use the term "regular Americans" over and over in your screeds. Can you explain what you mean? Because, I'll be honest here, most Americans I know are highly irregular, to say the least.


I mean just plain regular ass working/middle class people.

So, "regular Americans" don't include those living in poverty or those who are wealthy?

She a fucking idiot. Figure that out.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

You use the term "regular Americans" over and over in your screeds. Can you explain what you mean? Because, I'll be honest here, most Americans I know are highly irregular, to say the least.


I mean just plain regular ass working/middle class people.

So, "regular Americans" don't include those living in poverty or those who are wealthy?

They do. And the poor I usually include in "working" because many work.

The very wealthy have their own interests, Blurt. And they have platforms and resources most dont.

I would actually love see the gated latte lefty communities and uni campuses get to host all the riots. Since all of this drama in the country revolves all around them.....they should be the ones to deal with the damage, experience the "inevitable deaths", and agree to not defend themselves when they get attacked.

I don't see why this has to be the problems of the poor and working, moreover since their voices on this arent even listened too.

Remember how we pointed out the pharmacies were destroyed and the elderly depended on them? And the local shops? These are not people that can just call uber's. And peoples businesses that they relied on for their livelihood? No insurance does not fix that. Their lives are devastated.

But to address it is called "sanctimonious" right? And judgemental? That's what we call caring about what happens to people now.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I can only ponder how many of these alleged "Victims" were hiding something ugly in their past?

Maybe Secoriea Turner pushed another kid in kindergarten, right? That dumb little supposed "victim".

I hate you people with ever fucking fiber of my being. I'm done trying to pretend you guys anything less than selfish, evil bags of fucking shit who arent even decent enough to think children shouldnt be murdered. Politics is no excuse for any of you.

I cant wait for true karma.


I'm in jail, send hamberders
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
I can only ponder how many of these alleged "Victims" were hiding something ugly in their past?

Maybe Secoriea Turner pushed another kid in kindergarten, right? That dumb little supposed "victim".

I hate you people with ever fucking fiber of my being. I'm done trying to pretend you guys anything less than selfish, evil bags of fucking shit who arent even decent enough to think children shouldnt be murdered. Politics is no excuse for any of you.

I cant wait for true karma.
Isn't it a wee bit early in the day to be shit face drunk already?


I'm in jail, send hamberders
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.

You use the term "regular Americans" over and over in your screeds. Can you explain what you mean? Because, I'll be honest here, most Americans I know are highly irregular, to say the least.


I mean just plain regular ass working/middle class people.

So, "regular Americans" don't include those living in poverty or those who are wealthy?

They do. And the poor I usually include in "working" because many work.

The very wealthy have their own interests, Blurt. And they have platforms and resources most dont.

I would actually love see the gated latte lefty communities and uni campuses get to host all the riots. Since all of this drama in the country revolves all around them.....they should be the ones to deal with the damage, experience the "inevitable deaths", and agree to not defend themselves when they get attacked.

I don't see why this has to be the problems of the poor and working, moreover since their voices on this arent even listened too.

Remember how we pointed out the pharmacies were destroyed and the elderly depended on them? And the local shops? These are not people that can just call uber's. And peoples businesses that they relied on for their livelihood? No insurance does not fix that. Their lives are devastated.

But to address it is called "sanctimonious" right? And judgemental? That's what we call caring about what happens to people now.
Do I need to cite your posts railing about the shady pasts of Little Kyle's body stack, You dizzy airhead?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I can only ponder how many of these alleged "Victims" were hiding something ugly in their past?

Maybe Secoriea Turner pushed another kid in kindergarten, right? That dumb little supposed "victim".

I hate you people with ever fucking fiber of my being. I'm done trying to pretend you guys anything less than selfish, evil bags of fucking shit who arent even decent enough to think children shouldnt be murdered. Politics is no excuse for any of you.

I cant wait for true karma.
Isn't it a wee bit early in the day to be shit face drunk already?

I'm stone cold sober.

If I were drunk, I'd be numb to seeing sociopaths mocking murder of children as "karma" and dismissing deaths of innocent people as supposed "victims"

You guys are sociopaths. Plain and simple.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Blazor the left has used race to not just divide but to radicalize and incite racist hatred and domestic terror.

And they want to brainwash children into racist hatred.

And they dont even care if children are victims of the terrorist attacks their disgusting ideology incites.

Every single person supporting this movement is a scum bag enemy of regular Americans. Its fucking STUNNING that a politicain called this "Karma".

If the people dont fight....its done. They are turning the country into a violent, hateful place and destroying the working and middle class.

Honey, you are preaching to the choir lol. Believe me I know.

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately (in case you smelled smoke other than pot lol), and I'm having to adjust my way of thinking here and there. I've been having to put emotions aside, and look at who the real villains are. Its not "exactly" the left. Its the media, and their masters. THEY are the ones whipping the left into a frenzy. The Left, become gullible puppets to what THEY want. Just watch how they do, you've seen it.... "hate whitey!". So whitey goes on the defense. Now that whitey has been oppressed so much lately, whitey getting angry, and about to go on the offense, cause they tired of this shit. I feel that is part of THEIR plan. Cause THEY know, when we band together, we become an unstoppable force. Look at how these other countries are doing it, massive protests, all together. So far pretty peaceful. If the overlords dont stop with the tyranny, I feel it wont be peaceful long. If we all simply purged social media and mainstream media, it could all go away to a degree. But the ones at the top need to be held accountable. THEY need to be hanged. THEY have caused all this shit. And all these fuckers that keep doing evil, should be held accountable too, not given free passes.

THEY keep triggering though, and its coming to a boil. I fear that instead of coming together, THEIR plan is gonna work, and we will be fighting each other, instead of who truly caused all this shit.

It's not exactly the left or even kind of the left. And it's not really the media. The media are tools of the corporate masters, and they want this. I have been telling you people this for years. They want they wedge issues to drive the people apart so they can steal everything from under our noses, including our livelihoods, without us noticing. I have said it over and over and over. Blaming the "left" is exactly what they want you to do. Dove is an excellent tool for the corporate masters.

For the most part you are right. But in case you havent noticed, you've become a tool too.

I've been saying the same for 15 years at least. Aryan knows the deal with whats going on.

I've been trying to enlighten anyone who'll listen, both on and offline, since around the mid 2000's.

Initially I was focused on Muslims, but then I became Jew-wise after digging deeper.

Same, mid 2000's. For me, I always knew of They and Them, political elites, even before mid 2000s, but it was mid 2000s that I discovered the Jewish connection, the cabal, the Bilderbergs, etc. Before I thought it was Freemason's, but it goes beyond them. Then me and friend started diving into the internet after that 1 video that woke us both up. We spent thousands of hours looking at shit. Once you "put the glasses on", everything becomes pretty clear.

They didnt think Hillary would lose, thought their endgame was nearly complete. After undoing Trump stuff, they are double timing it to catch up, and the people see it, its so obvious. At least most us see it.

We are not slaves enough to these fucks, so they must gain it by nefarious means.

Its why I continue to fly my flag, in defiance to their tyranny. Cause they know, what the South stood for, thus they are trying to get rid of it. Same with Christianity, same with being a MAN. They want us weak and unguided.

Have you read about transhumanism yet?

Sadly yes.

It aint natural. And I dont like the idea one bit.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

You use the term "regular Americans" over and over in your screeds. Can you explain what you mean? Because, I'll be honest here, most Americans I know are highly irregular, to say the least.


I mean just plain regular ass working/middle class people.

So, "regular Americans" don't include those living in poverty or those who are wealthy?

They do. And the poor I usually include in "working" because many work.

The very wealthy have their own interests, Blurt. And they have platforms and resources most dont.

I would actually love see the gated latte lefty communities and uni campuses get to host all the riots. Since all of this drama in the country revolves all around them.....they should be the ones to deal with the damage, experience the "inevitable deaths", and agree to not defend themselves when they get attacked.

I don't see why this has to be the problems of the poor and working, moreover since their voices on this arent even listened too.

Remember how we pointed out the pharmacies were destroyed and the elderly depended on them? And the local shops? These are not people that can just call uber's. And peoples businesses that they relied on for their livelihood? No insurance does not fix that. Their lives are devastated.

But to address it is called "sanctimonious" right? And judgemental? That's what we call caring about what happens to people now.
Do I need to cite your posts railing about the shady pasts of Little Kyle's body stack, You dizzy airhead?

Do what you gotta do, Admin.

I dont expect sociopaths to know the difference between mothers and children at a holiday parade and established felons as a riot actively attacking an innocent person.

So go ahead.

Go get to work back ground checking the little girls and dancing grannies murdered by a criminal child trafficker. It's not like you fucking understand the difference anyway.

Look how rotted out their brains are. These people cant tell the difference between murdering innocent people who are at a parade and fucking defending yourself from attackers.

These bags of corrosive shit are either too stupid or too evil (or both) too see ANY difference between attacking and killing innocent people and having to kill attackers.

EVERY normal thinking and empathetic understands why the established criminal past of the men rioting and attacking an innocent person matters as it relates to their behaviour. But NOT the sociopathic demonic leftards who think ANOTHER leftist shit bag criminal child trafficker plowing down children at a parade is like....the same thing Kyle did.

You cant make this up. So fucking stupid and evil they are an actual fucking threat to people.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Just remember one thing. Liberal scum will always try to tell you your own eyes are lying to you when the facts are right there in black and white

I ain't seen no facts in black & white just yet, but I drop in here and you tards, led by @Oerdin's [highly dubious as a matter of record] twitter feed, have already ID'd the driver and know what he had for supper the day before. How is this possible when the cops ain't charged anyone yet, and there are rumors that the driver was fleeing from a crime scene and took a wrong turn cause he was stupid?

He was fleeing from the crime scene where there was some sort of knife attack. Which is what the tweets said. Why are you claiming the reports were "highly dubious"? Are you claiming he was not a black supremacist and BLM supporter? Do those facts some how upset you? Why deny it unless that is true?

The tweets, you thick headed no reading simp, are not authoritative ways to learn FACTS. "Facts" as the term is used in courts are determined by juries or by judges. There are no facts until then, only allegations.

And if YOU ***ARE*** claiming he's a black supremacist and BLM supporter as though it actually has jack shit to do with his bloody drive downtown, you have a lot of PROVING to do. I'm not saying either way because as I've been telling you for months now, I do not have enough solid information ...and neither do you.

Exactly, who this guy may or may not be has nothing to do with mowing down the people at the parade.

Are you fucking retarded?

So a black supremacist mowing down a bunch of white people at a parade isn't potentially a racially motivated attack, especially given how much the MSM has been conditioning blacks to hate whitey?

Would you say the same thing if a neo-Nazi killed a load of blacks? Of course you wouldn't.

It isn't a racially proven attack, idiot, until we have evidence. It's been reported that he was FLEEING another crime, stupid.

Evidence has already been reported in this thread. As well as the idea he was fleeing has been debunked. Media lied to ya, sucker.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Just remember one thing. Liberal scum will always try to tell you your own eyes are lying to you when the facts are right there in black and white

I ain't seen no facts in black & white just yet, but I drop in here and you tards, led by @Oerdin's [highly dubious as a matter of record] twitter feed, have already ID'd the driver and know what he had for supper the day before. How is this possible when the cops ain't charged anyone yet, and there are rumors that the driver was fleeing from a crime scene and took a wrong turn cause he was stupid?

He was fleeing from the crime scene where there was some sort of knife attack. Which is what the tweets said. Why are you claiming the reports were "highly dubious"? Are you claiming he was not a black supremacist and BLM supporter? Do those facts some how upset you? Why deny it unless that is true?

The tweets, you thick headed no reading simp, are not authoritative ways to learn FACTS. "Facts" as the term is used in courts are determined by juries or by judges. There are no facts until then, only allegations.

And if YOU ***ARE*** claiming he's a black supremacist and BLM supporter as though it actually has jack shit to do with his bloody drive downtown, you have a lot of PROVING to do. I'm not saying either way because as I've been telling you for months now, I do not have enough solid information ...and neither do you.

Exactly, who this guy may or may not be has nothing to do with mowing down the people at the parade.

Are you fucking retarded?

So a black supremacist mowing down a bunch of white people at a parade isn't potentially a racially motivated attack, especially given how much the MSM has been conditioning blacks to hate whitey?

Would you say the same thing if a neo-Nazi killed a load of blacks? Of course you wouldn't.

It isn't a racially proven attack, idiot, until we have evidence. It's been reported that he was FLEEING another crime, stupid.

Evidence has already been reported in this thread. As well as the idea he was fleeing has been debunked. Media lied to ya, sucker.

Evidence from what the Neo-Nazi Daily?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I hate you people with every fucking fiber of my being. I'm done trying to pretend you guys are anything less than selfish, evil bags of fucking shit.

Another Sunday at the Church of Dove.

Oh, well.

Should I have waited to schedule it so the day of rejoicing the "karma" was all Oaks, Admins and these other guys?

Normally I would but I fucking hate them all, so I dont care. ;)

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Just remember one thing. Liberal scum will always try to tell you your own eyes are lying to you when the facts are right there in black and white

I ain't seen no facts in black & white just yet, but I drop in here and you tards, led by @Oerdin's [highly dubious as a matter of record] twitter feed, have already ID'd the driver and know what he had for supper the day before. How is this possible when the cops ain't charged anyone yet, and there are rumors that the driver was fleeing from a crime scene and took a wrong turn cause he was stupid?

He was fleeing from the crime scene where there was some sort of knife attack. Which is what the tweets said. Why are you claiming the reports were "highly dubious"? Are you claiming he was not a black supremacist and BLM supporter? Do those facts some how upset you? Why deny it unless that is true?

The tweets, you thick headed no reading simp, are not authoritative ways to learn FACTS. "Facts" as the term is used in courts are determined by juries or by judges. There are no facts until then, only allegations.

And if YOU ***ARE*** claiming he's a black supremacist and BLM supporter as though it actually has jack shit to do with his bloody drive downtown, you have a lot of PROVING to do. I'm not saying either way because as I've been telling you for months now, I do not have enough solid information ...and neither do you.

Exactly, who this guy may or may not be has nothing to do with mowing down the people at the parade.

Are you fucking retarded?

So a black supremacist mowing down a bunch of white people at a parade isn't potentially a racially motivated attack, especially given how much the MSM has been conditioning blacks to hate whitey?

Would you say the same thing if a neo-Nazi killed a load of blacks? Of course you wouldn't.

It isn't a racially proven attack, idiot, until we have evidence. It's been reported that he was FLEEING another crime, stupid.

Evidence has already been reported in this thread. As well as the idea he was fleeing has been debunked. Media lied to ya, sucker.
Pig is a CNN lemming. What do you expect?


I'm in jail, send hamberders
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
Just remember one thing. Liberal scum will always try to tell you your own eyes are lying to you when the facts are right there in black and white

I ain't seen no facts in black & white just yet, but I drop in here and you tards, led by @Oerdin's [highly dubious as a matter of record] twitter feed, have already ID'd the driver and know what he had for supper the day before. How is this possible when the cops ain't charged anyone yet, and there are rumors that the driver was fleeing from a crime scene and took a wrong turn cause he was stupid?

He was fleeing from the crime scene where there was some sort of knife attack. Which is what the tweets said. Why are you claiming the reports were "highly dubious"? Are you claiming he was not a black supremacist and BLM supporter? Do those facts some how upset you? Why deny it unless that is true?

The tweets, you thick headed no reading simp, are not authoritative ways to learn FACTS. "Facts" as the term is used in courts are determined by juries or by judges. There are no facts until then, only allegations.

And if YOU ***ARE*** claiming he's a black supremacist and BLM supporter as though it actually has jack shit to do with his bloody drive downtown, you have a lot of PROVING to do. I'm not saying either way because as I've been telling you for months now, I do not have enough solid information ...and neither do you.

Exactly, who this guy may or may not be has nothing to do with mowing down the people at the parade.

Are you fucking retarded?

So a black supremacist mowing down a bunch of white people at a parade isn't potentially a racially motivated attack, especially given how much the MSM has been conditioning blacks to hate whitey?

Would you say the same thing if a neo-Nazi killed a load of blacks? Of course you wouldn't.

It isn't a racially proven attack, idiot, until we have evidence. It's been reported that he was FLEEING another crime, stupid.

Evidence has already been reported in this thread. As well as the idea he was fleeing has been debunked. Media lied to ya, sucker.
I think I missed that Moldovan Troll Farm Tweet.


I'm in jail, send hamberders
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
I hate you people with every fucking fiber of my being. I'm done trying to pretend you guys are anything less than selfish, evil bags of fucking shit.

Another Sunday at the Church of Dove.

Oh, well.

Should I have waited to schedule it so the day of rejoicing the "karma" was all Oaks, Admins and these other guys?

Normally I would but I fucking hate them all, so I dont care. ;)
How Trumptard Christian of you.