The Breakdown Has Been Going on For A While

The Prowler

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
How often do you watch your collection of HFB VIDEOS?

Those videos were posted to YouTube 14 years ago for Flame Domination.

YouTube does not delete them.

In your pea-brain you think that is somehow on the same level as @Alticus grabbing random screenshots of my posts and storing them for days. Weeks. Months. Years.

But anyone with a basic understanding of human behaviour will realize what @Alticus is doing is weird and obsessive.

TLDR: Quit embarrassing yourself, you dumb fuck.


Mr. Excitement
Moderator ☠️
Those videos were posted to YouTube 14 years ago for Flame Domination.

YouTube does not delete them.

In your pea-brain you think that is somehow on the same level as @Alticus grabbing random screenshots of my posts and storing them for days. Weeks. Months. Years.

But anyone with a basic understanding of human behaviour will realize what @Alticus is doing is weird and obsessive.

TLDR: Quit embarrassing yourself, you dumb fuck.

You're in fine form tonight Pinocchio! You're an absolute wrecking ball. I respect you so much.



Site Supporter
Those videos were posted to YouTube 14 years ago for Flame Domination.

YouTube does not delete them.

In your pea-brain you think that is somehow on the same level as @Alticus grabbing random screenshots of my posts and storing them for days. Weeks. Months. Years.

But anyone with a basic understanding of human behaviour will realize what @Alticus is doing is weird and obsessive.

TLDR: Quit embarrassing yourself, you dumb fuck.
Weird and obsessive?? Like a bald weirdo following Lily all over the forum why what ever do you mean


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
You’re the biggest brown-noser on this entire forum, and yet seem to be perfectly comfortable with that???



Mr. Excitement
Moderator ☠️
Why is Fat @Lily always posting in my threads?
I'm going to give a serious answer to a dumbass sarcastic question, and before you accuse me of judging you or not looking at my own faults before highlighting yours, I admit to my faults which are many, and admit when I'm wrong. Also, when you go around the forum contributing nothing but not very well thought out, insulting and trite posts you invite this kind of response.

Why is Lily always posting in your threads? Mainly boredom I'd say. Once she reads the content of the other threads that aren't trite and lame, your threads are the only ones left. On top of that you tag her incessantly with questions and remarks that provoke a response. I have noticed over time that the bulk of your content is mainly devoted to Lily and I think I know why.

There are many members on this forum that you don't insult and troll, not because you like them really, but more because you know that they have your number and will make you look like an even bigger chump than you already are if you start up with them. If memory serves Breakfall stood up for you when I accused you of always using fat jokes by bringing up all of the jokes I and others made about your balding head. These bald accusations only are only a response to the fat jokes and other insults you dish out.

I've been on the internet a while and have encountered many people like you that call themselves trolls but in fact are just simply assholes with severe low self-esteem issues. You appear to like being insulted but in fact you and I both know that irl they sadden you. When people insult you in response to your drivel you hit the road most times and go cry in a corner until you can think up a witty retort and return. I've also noticed that in most, but not all cases, you begin your tsunami of insults only when your cheering section such as No One for example, are on.

I only talk this way to people that I don't like at all. I know this is a troll board, but you're not a troll. With the way you treat people here by attacking them about problematic things in their lives that they can't help or are ashamed of you don't deserve kind responses or support. Every hateful word from me about your wife or lack of new hair growth are all products of your lying, hateful bitch ass.

Here's the part where you go to your daily positive affirmations folder, read some, instill a little confidence in yourself and pretend to laugh at my words and tell yourself they aren't true. How could they be after all? You have at least two or three fans here so I must be wrong right?
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
I'm going to give a serious answer to a dumbass sarcastic question, and before you accuse me of judging you or not looking at my own faults before highlighting yours, I admit to my faults which are many, and admit when I'm wrong. Also, when you go around the forum contributing nothing but not very well thought out, insulting and trite posts you invite this kind of response.

Why is Lily always posting in your threads? Mainly boredom I'd say. Once she reads the content of the other threads that aren't trite and lame, your threads are the only ones left. On top of that you tag her incessantly with questions and remarks that provoke a response. I have noticed over time that the bulk of your content is mainly devoted to Lily and I think I know why.

There are many members on this forum that you don't insult and troll, not because you like them really, but more because you know that they have your number and will make you look like an even bigger chump than you already are if you start up with them. If memory serves Breakfall stood up for you when I accused you of always using fat jokes by bringing up all of the jokes I and others made about your balding head. These bald accusations only are only a response to the fat jokes and other insults you dish out.

I've been on the internet a while and have encountered many people like you that call themselves trolls but in fact are just simply assholes with severe low self-esteem issues. You appear to like being insulted but in fact you and I both know that irl they sadden you. When people insult you in response to your drivel you hit the road most times and go cry in a corner until you can think up a witty retort and return. I've also noticed that in most, but not all cases, you begin your tsunami of insults only when your cheering section such as No One for example, are on.

I only talk this way to people that I don't like at all. I know this is a troll board, but you're not a troll. With the way you treat people here by attacking them about problematic things in their lives that they can't help or are ashamed of you don't deserve kind responses or support. Every hateful word from me about your wife or lack of new hair growth are all products of your lying, hateful bitch ass.

Here's the part where you go to your daily positive affirmations folder, read some, instill a little confidence in yourself and pretend to laugh at my words and tell yourself they aren't true. How could they be after all? You have at least two or three fans here so I must be wrong right?
I also can't stand bullies. He throws his weight around like he's intimidating. He's a one-trick repetitive pony.

At most he's like fruit flies in your kitchen...pests.


Louie the Love Nugget’s Mom
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☠️Private Forum Access
La La Land
I'm serious too, he's not unique by any means. lol

It’s the same shit over and over and over…. year after year…. decade after decade… how shitty and miserable their lives are to have lost all hope and show up to do this daily :SadFace:


Louie the Love Nugget’s Mom
Site Supporter
☠️Private Forum Access
La La Land
I also can't stand bullies. He throws his weight around like he's intimidating. He's a one-trick repetitive pony.

At most he's like fruit flies in your kitchen...pests.

The delusion this is intimidating to anyone is beyond my comprehension.

It’s cringe worthy at best.
The Prowler

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I'm going to give a serious answer to a dumbass sarcastic question, and before you accuse me of judging you or not looking at my own faults before highlighting yours, I admit to my faults which are many, and admit when I'm wrong. Also, when you go around the forum contributing nothing but not very well thought out, insulting and trite posts you invite this kind of response.


That is kinda scary.

I am not even sure that I want to read on.....but, fuck it! I so curious....

Why is Lily always posting in your threads? Mainly boredom I'd say. Once she reads the content of the other threads that aren't trite and lame, your threads are the only ones left. On top of that you tag her incessantly with questions and remarks that provoke a response. I have noticed over time that the bulk of your content is mainly devoted to Lily and I think I know why.

So my threads are the best.

Got it.

There are many members on this forum that you don't insult and troll, not because you like them really, but more because you know that they have your number and will make you look like an even bigger chump than you already are if you start up with them. If memory serves Breakfall stood up for you when I accused you of always using fat jokes by bringing up all of the jokes I and others made about your balding head. These bald accusations only are only a response to the fat jokes and other insults you dish out.

You kinda lost your train of thought there. You were suggesting some people here "have my number"...then went off on a tangent and talked about Breakfall explaining about fat jokes.

Is your brain broken? Seriously. You might have some kind of brain issue when you cannot finish a thought. Fat jokes are funny unless you are fat. Have I mentioned that I own a C8 Corvette? I play baseball.

I've been on the internet a while and have encountered many people like you that call themselves trolls but in fact are just simply assholes with severe low self-esteem issues. You appear to like being insulted but in fact you and I both know that irl they sadden you. When people insult you in response to your drivel you hit the road most times and go cry in a corner until you can think up a witty retort and return. I've also noticed that in most, but not all cases, you begin your tsunami of insults only when your cheering section such as No One for example, are on.

You are imagining things. I have a busy life and have to take off to do real life things.

You severely overestimate your importance in my life.


I only talk this way to people that I don't like at all. I know this is a troll board, but you're not a troll. With the way you treat people here by attacking them about problematic things in their lives that they can't help or are ashamed of you don't deserve kind responses or support. Every hateful word from me about your wife or lack of new hair growth are all products of your lying, hateful bitch ass.

I am very comfortable about my hair loss. My wife is awesome. I have a good sized cock. I am way, way, way smarter than you.

If anything, you should criticize me for picking a fight that I cannot lose. It is not very sporting of me....

Here's the part where you go to your daily positive affirmations folder, read some, instill a little confidence in yourself and pretend to laugh at my words and tell yourself they aren't true. How could they be after all? You have at least two or three fans here so I must be wrong right?

I have at least four.


Site Supporter
Holy fuck

Alticus is worth all that effort in your mind BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

I bet if I had a corvette I’d be to busy being cool to worry about what a retard says on the internet