The ex Head Cracka' says we need to take time to remember Floyd


Factory Bastard
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Yeah I said Cracka', cause I dont like Obama's White half either!

Cause a bunch of kids who never committed crimes died, but ol' thuggish George gotta be thought about some too!

Lets remember, shall we......



Murder is murder. Are you saying George deserved to be murdered in the street? Looks like justice was served. Sorry.
You're forgetting the Confederate Slave Economy was totally not at all Racist! Only the non slave dependent Northerners were racists!

And you're forgetting, that at the time the South seceded, there were more slaves in the North than the South. Not all worked the plantation. But thats totally not racist at all of you! lol

I admit I forgot about this meaningless message^^^^ Eggs. What’s it got to do with the price of eggs or George Floyd?

Blame ya boy Admin, he does this shit all the time.

He’s on the $$$ too

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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I see seamong is busy producing some very salient and cogent points again

Told ya he'd be a good fit as Chief Content Officer around here

and with brilliant ideas such as making politics neutral somehow who knows where this site could have gone if @Bastard Factory had taken him as serious as I'm taking him

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I dunno about any of you, but the revelation about all them fake twitter follower accounts has me thinking that maybe Biden really did get more votes than any president in US history.


Domestically feral
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United states
Why was what Trump said a problem? Is Trump not supposed to talk about Floyd?

You know.....just because people say we shouldnt holding Floyd up as some hero or martyr, that doesnt mean anyone is saying he deserved to die. That's just more extreme thinking.

You never see anyone speaking about the innocent people who were forced to pay the price of those "protests". Or who was killed because of the riots. Secoriea Turner gets NO recognition. She was just as black as Floyd and she was just executed for no fucking reason.

In your opinion perhaps. Who else gives a fuck? No one.

See you guys not only larp that you are the ONLY people in the country, you think your feelings and opinions are some authority.

After literally watching the kind of shit you APPROVE of? Like that vile display of partisan theater Beto fucking pulled at the expense of grieving families and dead kids? This is just another fucking joke. Another round of the very selective bullshit you guys are known for.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Orange Turd can't even fucking read.

So many wars did Trump declare that the WH had to walk back on? Isnt Biden up to TWO?

Why arent you bothered by shit that actually impacts the country?

You are criticizing Trump for some shit a notorious left wing bias rag painted about him? I'm willing to bet it's not even like the way they present it, and if I fished out the whole clip a different picture would emerge.

And I'm not betting that because I DECIDED at some point "ya yanno....I'm team Trump because i like it better, so I'm gonna go to bat no matter wut!" .....I'd bet that because that's EXACTLY what these media sources have done. Over and over. Shamelessly. They distort the truth for the purpose of smearing opposition to the political "side" they are PRing for.

If you are unwilling to criticize Beto busting into Abotts press conference that was being held because a psychopath murdered children in an elementary school, and spewing his disgusting bullshit for the sole purpose of getting politcal brownie points? You can shove your petty complaints about Trump up your ass, truly. This has no credibility with anyone outside your hate cult.

Why do I fucking bother :StaleStory: