The @Oerdin Honorary Political Theatre of The Absurd Thread.


What would Tyler Durden Do
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the things you own end up owning you

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Domestically feral
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United states
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I verified this article. Links to the videos in the article.

Are you one those insanely ignorant people that thinks because original antifa were fascist commies who fought with nazis that makes them heros?

And that now we have indoctrinated radicals just slapping the nazi label on everyone who doesnt think like them to justify domestic terror and violence is as good thing?

Have you ever actually read or listened to anything Hitler has said?

Are you aware of any facts about the 111% ers militia? That they are a diverse militia and also we have a right to form them? Do you even know where they get the name?

Do you know ANYTHING about anything or do you just spitefully parrot whatever your echo chambers are saying?

That crap you just posted is obvious inflammatory propaganda, btw. You can tell in the title its propaganda intended to emotionally manipulate readers.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
A great local news report about a violent Antifa mob who rioted and attacked random people here in San Diego's Pacific Beach community last month. It is sad that the free weekly newspaper The San Diego Weekly Reader seems to be the last place still doing honest journalism in town.

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Factory Bastard
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I verified this article. Links to the videos in the article.

Are you one those insanely ignorant people that thinks because original antifa were fascist commies who fought with nazis that makes them heros?

And that now we have indoctrinated radicals just slapping the nazi label on everyone who doesnt think like them to justify domestic terror and violence is as good thing?

Have you ever actually read or listened to anything Hitler has said?

Are you aware of any facts about the 111% ers militia? That they are a diverse militia and also we have a right to form them? Do you even know where they get the name?

Do you know ANYTHING about anything or do you just spitefully parrot whatever your echo chambers are saying?

That crap you just posted is obvious inflammatory propaganda, btw. You can tell in the title its propaganda intended to emotionally manipulate readers.

Andy Ngo, who also does excellent journalism and who wrote the NYT's best selling book "Antifa: Unmasked", also reported on that event. I have been trying to get my hands on Antifa: Unmasked because of all the great reviews but it is sold out every where. Even Amazon is sold out of copies.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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I verified this article. Links to the videos in the article.

Are you one those insanely ignorant people that thinks because original antifa were fascist commies who fought with nazis that makes them heros?

And that now we have indoctrinated radicals just slapping the nazi label on everyone who doesnt think like them to justify domestic terror and violence is as good thing?

Have you ever actually read or listened to anything Hitler has said?

Are you aware of any facts about the 111% ers militia? That they are a diverse militia and also we have a right to form them? Do you even know where they get the name?

Do you know ANYTHING about anything or do you just spitefully parrot whatever your echo chambers are saying?

That crap you just posted is obvious inflammatory propaganda, btw. You can tell in the title its propaganda intended to emotionally manipulate readers.
You keep trying to reason with this moron when the proper thing to do is piss into his sagging bottom lip like it were a public urinal.

Because it is.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Quoting Hitler, is not just for Late 30's,
early 40's Germany anymore!

You literally have zero problem with domestic terrorism and political violence if it's far left.

Do know that Hilter was a far left socailist?

So are you going to share what the woman said in context or just pretend to care that she quoted Hitler while your whole side of the spectrum actually acts like Hitler?(violence, propaganda, socialism, dehumanizing your opposition...censorship, et)

Holliday Unchained

Quoting Hitler, is not just for Late 30's, early 40's Germany anymore!

Any analysis of the electoral platforms, internal party dynamics and political actions of the Nazis between 1921 and 1945 makes this clear. Perhaps the German Workers Party - the party of around 100 members led by Anton Drexler that preceded the Nazi Party (NSDAP) - might have sought to cobble authoritarian anti-capitalism (which is not the same as socialism) onto biological racism. The early, pre-Nazi party that Hitler joined toyed with forms of market control to benefit small businesses and to halt ostensible "foreign" - that is, Jewish - control over markets. But such dalliances would not last long. Yes, Mussolini had been a socialist early during the First World War, but broke with his comrades to support Italian expansionism, and then formed his fascist party to crush them. As in fascist Italy, Nazi ideas were self-consciously formulated to negate those of the left, not to imitate them. When Hitler took over the party in 1921, he shredded the anti-capitalist parts of the old party's platform.

This was a politics forged in the late days of the German revolution, when Hitler began to imagine Germany assailed by a double threat of Jews and Bolsheviks emanating from the Russian east: "Judeo-Bolshevism." This position would undergird the foreign policy aspects of Mein Kampf. Far from supporting anti-colonial movements at the time, as did socialists around the world, he admired the British Empire as a paragon of "Aryan" rule over inferiors, and hoped to cooperate with the British in rescuing Western civilization from Soviet "Asiatic" barbarism.

Under Hitler, the party looked squarely to the middle classes and farmers rather than the working class for a political base. Hitler realigned it to ensure that it was an anti-socialist, anti-liberal, authoritarian, pro-business party - particularly after the failed Beerhall Putsch of 1923. The "socialism" in the name National Socialism was a strategically chosen misnomer designed to attract working class votes where possible, but they refused to take the bait. The vast majority voted for the Communist or Social Democratic parties.

The minority anti-capitalist strand of Nazism (Strasserism) on which van Onselen fastens was eliminated well before 1934, when Gregor Strasser and the Storm Trooper (SA) leader Ernst Roehm were murdered with over eighty others in the "Night of the Long Knives." In fact, Strasserism had already been defeated at the Bamberg Conference of 1926 when the Nazis were polling under 3% of the vote. Here, Hitler brought the dissidents back into line, denouncing them as "communists" and ruling out land expropriations and grassroots decision-making. He heightened the party's alliance with businesses small and large, and insisted on the absolute centralisation of decision-making - the "Fuehrer (leader) Principle."

When the already isolated Strasser brothers tried to reinvigorate their project one last time in 1930, Hitler and Goebbels banded together to force Otto Strasser to leave the party and Gregor Strasser to publicly recant. When the first electoral breakthrough to a popular vote of 18% came in 1930, the Nazi party's anti-capitalist minority were well and truly defeated. The "Night of the Long Knives" purged the old SA, not because they were a hidden vestige of socialism, but because Roehm's army of street thugs were a potential threat to Hitler's personal consolidation of power. A struggle over socialism in the Nazi party played absolutely no role in the purge of 1934.

For their part, businesses welcomed the Nazis' promises to suppress the left. On 20 February 1933, Hitler and Goering met with a large group of industrialists when Hitler declared that democracy and business were incompatible and that the workers needed to be dragged away from socialism. He promised bold action to protect their businesses and property from communism. The industrialists - including leading figures from I.G. Farben, Hoesch, Krupp, Siemens, Allianz and other senior mining and manufacturing groups - then contributed more than two million Reichsmarks to the Nazi election fund, with Goering tellingly suggesting that this would probably be the last election for a hundred years. Business leadership happily jettisoned democracy to rid Germany of socialism and to smash organised labour.

After fighting four elections between 1930 and 1933 on an anti-left and anti-Jewish platform that pledged to slay the mythical beast of "Judeo-Bolshevism," Hitler became Chancellor in 1933 and made good on his promises to business and his voters to destroy socialism in Germany. Most of 1933 was spent persecuting socialists and communists, liquidating their parties, incarcerating and in numerous cases killing their leadership and rank-and-file members.

Trade unions had been in Hitler's sights since a general strike paralysed a right-wing-coup (
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) in 1920. He had witnessed the striking workers and vowed that never again would organised labour prevent the right coming to power. It was the left (trade unions and Jews), after all, that he and others on the right thought had "stabbed" the nation in the back on the home-front to cause the loss of the First World War. By early May 1933, the trade unions had been destroyed. German socialism was in tatters. Not for nothing did Nazis say that the "ideas of 1933" (their national-racial "revolution") had vanquished those of "1789" - namely, the French Revolution and its ideals of equality, fraternity and liberty that have animated the left ever since.

For all the Nazi talk of "four-year plans" and the "guidance of the state," the sanctity of private property and freedom of contract was always preserved under the Nazis, even during the war years. Socialism - in particular, Bolshevism - on the other hand, were pernicious, "Jewish" imports that threatened the vitality of the German Volk.

Liberal fascism?
So if the Nazis were so obviously anti-socialist, and believed so ardently in the virtues of private property and entrepreneurship, and if socialists were among the earliest and hardest hit victims of the Nazi party prior to the Second World War, why is Hitler being proclaimed by some as a socialist?

Peter van Onselen may not equate democratic socialism with national socialism, but his argument makes precisely this association: they are both different "branches" of the same family - "socialism" - thereby making the Jewish Democrat Bernie Sanders an ideological cousin of Adolf Hitler.

If the absurdity of this style of reasoning is all too apparent, it is nonetheless widely believed. Already in 2007 in his book
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, Jonah Goldberg ran the line that "the original fascists were really on the left, and that liberals from Woodrow Wilson to FDR to Hillary Clinton have advocated policies and principles remarkably similar to those of Hitler's National Socialism and Mussolini's Fascism."
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, conservatives charge "liberal fascism" when their views and behaviour are challenged.

The current revisionist bible is Dinesh D'Souza's
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published in the United States last year to predictable applause from the right-wing parallel universe. It inverts the left-wing case that Trumpism is an incipient form of fascism (a view with which neither of us agrees, and that Dirk Moses has
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) to argue that the Democrats and left in general are the true heirs of fascism. Not Trump but Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are Mussolini or Hitler's ideological offspring.

D'Souza stands in the tradition of neo-liberals like the Austrian economist F.A. Hayek, who conflated fascism and communism as forms of collectivism inimical to the market economy and freedom it claims to represent. Peter van Onselen makes a related point by trotting out the venerable theory of totalitarianism to equate fascism and communism as similarly illiberal. In D'Souza's rendering, the American New Deal that rescued millions of Americans from poverty after the Great Depression was a form of fascism because it entailed state intervention. (Was the much greater state economic planning during the war effort that aided Hitler's defeat also a form of socialism/fascism, one wonders?)

Herewith we come to the effect, if not the point, of the revisionist exposition: it is not only to transfer the stigma of the Second World War's genocidal violence from the right to the left, so that criticisms of racialized populism can be dismissed as "leftist fascism." It is also to suggest that the war was a crusade against state collectivism of all types - including the welfare state for which many Westerners, in fact, fought. They reason by means of a simplistic, ahistorical syllogism: since socialism is statism/collectivism (like public health and public transport), and Nazism was statist/collectivist (and promoted public health and public transport), social democratic public health and public transport measures must be fascist.

The war against welfare states
Needless to say, this is a perverse and pernicious misinterpretation of historical facts. The
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, declared by U.S. President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Churchill in 1941, set out the principles of the post-war order, which included the "advancement of social welfare" and working "for a world free of want and fear." A year later, the British
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on social welfare met such popular support that a reluctant cabinet felt
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to accept it. When the war ended, the people promptly replaced Churchill's government with a Labour one to implement its recommendations.

Three years later, the United Nations
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, inspired by the Atlantic Charter, reflected the Zeitgeist in Article 25: "Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and wellbeing of himself and his family including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood." Welfare states were thus established or extended after the war. They have now been under concerted attack since the 1970s. Governments across the Western world are still deregulating, imposing austerity and attacking unions to further increase business profit margins. The emergence of leaders like Trump around the globe signals an intensification of this tendency.

Worried by the popularity among young people of politicians like Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders who oppose these tendencies, however, the corporate and media sponsors of the attacks on the welfare state now seek to discredit the social democratic platform by disparaging it as historically fascist. That is also why they attack reputable sources of news like the ABC, and why they seek at once to discredit universities as "politically correct" and to pervert their mission by inserting into them privatised think thanks espousing Hayakian ideology. So, too, they proffer the perverse thesis of fascism-as-socialism, finding ready adherents in right-wing corners of the twittersphere and in business circles.

The collective ignorance displayed by this revisionist commentariat is proportionally related to the outlandishness of its historical interpretations and its sophomoric ignorance of the recent history of Western civilization.

The revisionists likely neither know nor care that the monument erected to the German strikers who lost their lives confronting the Kapp Putsch was ritually destroyed by the Nazis in 1936. But others do. Whether those who remember the past can confront the slow-motion putsch against welfare states and the historical experiences of the catastrophic twentieth century that spawned them remains an open question.

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is Associate Professor of International History at Flinders University.
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is Professor of Modern History at the University of Sydney, and the author of
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Well, that is a lie. Each branch has membership and vetting processes for new members as well as ranks. Yes, the individual branches/terrorist cells are linked by ideology but each cell is run in a very hierarchical manner. Andy Ngo goes into this in great detail in his book which includes paperwork, manuals, and testimony of former members who have left the terrorist group.

Oh, and they most certainly organize crimes and attacks as well. Again, Andy Ngo covers that quite extensively show pictures of organizing posters, first hand testimony, and video break downs showing how they go about committing their crimes. That they are constantly committing crimes in organized cri.inal events is why they always attack people with cameras unless it is a pro-Antifa propagandist.
Last edited:


What would Tyler Durden Do
Site Supporter ☠️
the things you own end up owning you
Well, that is a lie. Each branch has membership and vetting processes for new members as well as ranks. Yes, the individual branches/terrorist cells are linked by ideology but each cell is run in a very hierarchical manner. Andy Ngo goes into this in great detail in his book which includes paperwork, manuals, and testimony of former members who have left the terrorist group.

Oh, and they most certainly organize crimes and attacks as well. Again, Andy Ngo covers that quite extensively show pictures of organizing posters, first hand testimony, and video break downs showing how they go about committing their crimes. That they are constantly committing crimes in organized cri.inal events is why they always attack people with cameras unless it is a pro-Antifa propagandist.
Put up or shut up, got it?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Well, that is a lie. Each branch has membership and vetting processes for new members as well as ranks. Yes, the individual branches/terrorist cells are linked by ideology but each cell is run in a very hierarchical manner. Andy Ngo goes into this in great detail in his book which includes paperwork, manuals, and testimony of former members who have left the terrorist group.

Oh, and they most certainly organize crimes and attacks as well. Again, Andy Ngo covers that quite extensively show pictures of organizing posters, first hand testimony, and video break downs showing how they go about committing their crimes. That they are constantly committing crimes in organized cri.inal events is why they always attack people with cameras unless it is a pro-Antifa propagandist.
Put up or shut up, got it?

Read anything on the subject. I would suggest Antifa: Unmasked, which I have only seen highlights of as yet as Amazon keeps delaying my shipment order, but there are numerous video reviews and interviews on the subject.

Harry Potter

Reality has a well-known liberal bias
Well, that is a lie. Each branch has membership and vetting processes for new members as well as ranks. Yes, the individual branches/terrorist cells are linked by ideology but each cell is run in a very hierarchical manner. Andy Ngo goes into this in great detail in his book which includes paperwork, manuals, and testimony of former members who have left the terrorist group.

Oh, and they most certainly organize crimes and attacks as well. Again, Andy Ngo covers that quite extensively show pictures of organizing posters, first hand testimony, and video break downs showing how they go about committing their crimes. That they are constantly committing crimes in organized cri.inal events is why they always attack people with cameras unless it is a pro-Antifa propagandist.

Harry Potter

Reality has a well-known liberal bias
Well, that is a lie. Each branch has membership and vetting processes for new members as well as ranks. Yes, the individual branches/terrorist cells are linked by ideology but each cell is run in a very hierarchical manner. Andy Ngo goes into this in great detail in his book which includes paperwork, manuals, and testimony of former members who have left the terrorist group.

Oh, and they most certainly organize crimes and attacks as well. Again, Andy Ngo covers that quite extensively show pictures of organizing posters, first hand testimony, and video break downs showing how they go about committing their crimes. That they are constantly committing crimes in organized cri.inal events is why they always attack people with cameras unless it is a pro-Antifa propagandist.
Put up or shut up, got it?

Read anything on the subject. I would suggest Antifa: Unmasked, which I have only seen highlights of as yet as Amazon keeps delaying my shipment order, but there are numerous video reviews and interviews on the subject.

Lol yeah anyone can write some bullshit book. That doesn't prove anything.

If antifa were real people would've been charged. There is no official source that confirms its existence. Just bullshit conspiracy theorists.


What would Tyler Durden Do
Site Supporter ☠️
the things you own end up owning you
Well, that is a lie. Each branch has membership and vetting processes for new members as well as ranks. Yes, the individual branches/terrorist cells are linked by ideology but each cell is run in a very hierarchical manner. Andy Ngo goes into this in great detail in his book which includes paperwork, manuals, and testimony of former members who have left the terrorist group.

Oh, and they most certainly organize crimes and attacks as well. Again, Andy Ngo covers that quite extensively show pictures of organizing posters, first hand testimony, and video break downs showing how they go about committing their crimes. That they are constantly committing crimes in organized cri.inal events is why they always attack people with cameras unless it is a pro-Antifa propagandist.
Put up or shut up, got it?

Read anything on the subject. I would suggest Antifa: Unmasked, which I have only seen highlights of as yet as Amazon keeps delaying my shipment order, but there are numerous video reviews and interviews on the subject.
I remember one time in high school, I had this big time crush on this very sweet, very pretty girl, who had the demeanor of a Princess or maybe a Sunday School teacher or some shit....for me she seemed out of reach, a girl for my dreams and aspirations only....well one day, I had to take a dump real bad, something I preferred not to do at school, for various reasons, but I had to I sit down on the john and waiting for you know....and there scratched into the door right in front of me it was writ she fucks like a race horse. I was very disappointed in her, I'd had such high expectations of her. Sad!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Quoting Hitler, is not just for Late 30's, early 40's Germany anymore!

Any analysis of the electoral platforms, internal party dynamics and political actions of the Nazis between 1921 and 1945 makes this clear. Perhaps the German Workers Party - the party of around 100 members led by Anton Drexler that preceded the Nazi Party (NSDAP) - might have sought to cobble authoritarian anti-capitalism (which is not the same as socialism) onto biological racism. The early, pre-Nazi party that Hitler joined toyed with forms of market control to benefit small businesses and to halt ostensible "foreign" - that is, Jewish - control over markets. But such dalliances would not last long. Yes, Mussolini had been a socialist early during the First World War, but broke with his comrades to support Italian expansionism, and then formed his fascist party to crush them. As in fascist Italy, Nazi ideas were self-consciously formulated to negate those of the left, not to imitate them. When Hitler took over the party in 1921, he shredded the anti-capitalist parts of the old party's platform.

This was a politics forged in the late days of the German revolution, when Hitler began to imagine Germany assailed by a double threat of Jews and Bolsheviks emanating from the Russian east: "Judeo-Bolshevism." This position would undergird the foreign policy aspects of Mein Kampf. Far from supporting anti-colonial movements at the time, as did socialists around the world, he admired the British Empire as a paragon of "Aryan" rule over inferiors, and hoped to cooperate with the British in rescuing Western civilization from Soviet "Asiatic" barbarism.

Under Hitler, the party looked squarely to the middle classes and farmers rather than the working class for a political base. Hitler realigned it to ensure that it was an anti-socialist, anti-liberal, authoritarian, pro-business party - particularly after the failed Beerhall Putsch of 1923. The "socialism" in the name National Socialism was a strategically chosen misnomer designed to attract working class votes where possible, but they refused to take the bait. The vast majority voted for the Communist or Social Democratic parties.

The minority anti-capitalist strand of Nazism (Strasserism) on which van Onselen fastens was eliminated well before 1934, when Gregor Strasser and the Storm Trooper (SA) leader Ernst Roehm were murdered with over eighty others in the "Night of the Long Knives." In fact, Strasserism had already been defeated at the Bamberg Conference of 1926 when the Nazis were polling under 3% of the vote. Here, Hitler brought the dissidents back into line, denouncing them as "communists" and ruling out land expropriations and grassroots decision-making. He heightened the party's alliance with businesses small and large, and insisted on the absolute centralisation of decision-making - the "Fuehrer (leader) Principle."

When the already isolated Strasser brothers tried to reinvigorate their project one last time in 1930, Hitler and Goebbels banded together to force Otto Strasser to leave the party and Gregor Strasser to publicly recant. When the first electoral breakthrough to a popular vote of 18% came in 1930, the Nazi party's anti-capitalist minority were well and truly defeated. The "Night of the Long Knives" purged the old SA, not because they were a hidden vestige of socialism, but because Roehm's army of street thugs were a potential threat to Hitler's personal consolidation of power. A struggle over socialism in the Nazi party played absolutely no role in the purge of 1934.

For their part, businesses welcomed the Nazis' promises to suppress the left. On 20 February 1933, Hitler and Goering met with a large group of industrialists when Hitler declared that democracy and business were incompatible and that the workers needed to be dragged away from socialism. He promised bold action to protect their businesses and property from communism. The industrialists - including leading figures from I.G. Farben, Hoesch, Krupp, Siemens, Allianz and other senior mining and manufacturing groups - then contributed more than two million Reichsmarks to the Nazi election fund, with Goering tellingly suggesting that this would probably be the last election for a hundred years. Business leadership happily jettisoned democracy to rid Germany of socialism and to smash organised labour.

After fighting four elections between 1930 and 1933 on an anti-left and anti-Jewish platform that pledged to slay the mythical beast of "Judeo-Bolshevism," Hitler became Chancellor in 1933 and made good on his promises to business and his voters to destroy socialism in Germany. Most of 1933 was spent persecuting socialists and communists, liquidating their parties, incarcerating and in numerous cases killing their leadership and rank-and-file members.

Trade unions had been in Hitler's sights since a general strike paralysed a right-wing-coup (
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) in 1920. He had witnessed the striking workers and vowed that never again would organised labour prevent the right coming to power. It was the left (trade unions and Jews), after all, that he and others on the right thought had "stabbed" the nation in the back on the home-front to cause the loss of the First World War. By early May 1933, the trade unions had been destroyed. German socialism was in tatters. Not for nothing did Nazis say that the "ideas of 1933" (their national-racial "revolution") had vanquished those of "1789" - namely, the French Revolution and its ideals of equality, fraternity and liberty that have animated the left ever since.

For all the Nazi talk of "four-year plans" and the "guidance of the state," the sanctity of private property and freedom of contract was always preserved under the Nazis, even during the war years. Socialism - in particular, Bolshevism - on the other hand, were pernicious, "Jewish" imports that threatened the vitality of the German Volk.

Liberal fascism?
So if the Nazis were so obviously anti-socialist, and believed so ardently in the virtues of private property and entrepreneurship, and if socialists were among the earliest and hardest hit victims of the Nazi party prior to the Second World War, why is Hitler being proclaimed by some as a socialist?

Peter van Onselen may not equate democratic socialism with national socialism, but his argument makes precisely this association: they are both different "branches" of the same family - "socialism" - thereby making the Jewish Democrat Bernie Sanders an ideological cousin of Adolf Hitler.

If the absurdity of this style of reasoning is all too apparent, it is nonetheless widely believed. Already in 2007 in his book
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, Jonah Goldberg ran the line that "the original fascists were really on the left, and that liberals from Woodrow Wilson to FDR to Hillary Clinton have advocated policies and principles remarkably similar to those of Hitler's National Socialism and Mussolini's Fascism."
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, conservatives charge "liberal fascism" when their views and behaviour are challenged.

The current revisionist bible is Dinesh D'Souza's
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published in the United States last year to predictable applause from the right-wing parallel universe. It inverts the left-wing case that Trumpism is an incipient form of fascism (a view with which neither of us agrees, and that Dirk Moses has
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) to argue that the Democrats and left in general are the true heirs of fascism. Not Trump but Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are Mussolini or Hitler's ideological offspring.

D'Souza stands in the tradition of neo-liberals like the Austrian economist F.A. Hayek, who conflated fascism and communism as forms of collectivism inimical to the market economy and freedom it claims to represent. Peter van Onselen makes a related point by trotting out the venerable theory of totalitarianism to equate fascism and communism as similarly illiberal. In D'Souza's rendering, the American New Deal that rescued millions of Americans from poverty after the Great Depression was a form of fascism because it entailed state intervention. (Was the much greater state economic planning during the war effort that aided Hitler's defeat also a form of socialism/fascism, one wonders?)

Herewith we come to the effect, if not the point, of the revisionist exposition: it is not only to transfer the stigma of the Second World War's genocidal violence from the right to the left, so that criticisms of racialized populism can be dismissed as "leftist fascism." It is also to suggest that the war was a crusade against state collectivism of all types - including the welfare state for which many Westerners, in fact, fought. They reason by means of a simplistic, ahistorical syllogism: since socialism is statism/collectivism (like public health and public transport), and Nazism was statist/collectivist (and promoted public health and public transport), social democratic public health and public transport measures must be fascist.

The war against welfare states
Needless to say, this is a perverse and pernicious misinterpretation of historical facts. The
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, declared by U.S. President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Churchill in 1941, set out the principles of the post-war order, which included the "advancement of social welfare" and working "for a world free of want and fear." A year later, the British
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on social welfare met such popular support that a reluctant cabinet felt
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to accept it. When the war ended, the people promptly replaced Churchill's government with a Labour one to implement its recommendations.

Three years later, the United Nations
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, inspired by the Atlantic Charter, reflected the Zeitgeist in Article 25: "Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and wellbeing of himself and his family including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood." Welfare states were thus established or extended after the war. They have now been under concerted attack since the 1970s. Governments across the Western world are still deregulating, imposing austerity and attacking unions to further increase business profit margins. The emergence of leaders like Trump around the globe signals an intensification of this tendency.

Worried by the popularity among young people of politicians like Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders who oppose these tendencies, however, the corporate and media sponsors of the attacks on the welfare state now seek to discredit the social democratic platform by disparaging it as historically fascist. That is also why they attack reputable sources of news like the ABC, and why they seek at once to discredit universities as "politically correct" and to pervert their mission by inserting into them privatised think thanks espousing Hayakian ideology. So, too, they proffer the perverse thesis of fascism-as-socialism, finding ready adherents in right-wing corners of the twittersphere and in business circles.

The collective ignorance displayed by this revisionist commentariat is proportionally related to the outlandishness of its historical interpretations and its sophomoric ignorance of the recent history of Western civilization.

The revisionists likely neither know nor care that the monument erected to the German strikers who lost their lives confronting the Kapp Putsch was ritually destroyed by the Nazis in 1936. But others do. Whether those who remember the past can confront the slow-motion putsch against welfare states and the historical experiences of the catastrophic twentieth century that spawned them remains an open question.

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is Associate Professor of International History at Flinders University.
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is Professor of Modern History at the University of Sydney, and the author of
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The nazis were a socailist party

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You got some revisionist shit there. My grandma who raised me was a Rosie during WW2. It was very important to her that I understood this topic.

Considering you though 1984 was about Trump and are attaching all the far left totalitarianism to the right, tells me you are a partisan hack who is incapable of objectively criticizing anything.

You like to manipulate topics to confirm your biases.

Kinda hard to take someone seriously who calls other Americans "putanists" because we dont support the establishment.

Holliday Unchained

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The imagery and language of George Orwell’s novel
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has long been used as a rote stand-in descriptor for the right for the moments when they feel slighted, or as a way to point out a perceived overreach of power by the government (or, in these cases, private businesses).
And it’s equally clear that they don’t know what they’re talking about.
There’s an irony here: that the rhetoric invoking Orwell’s imagery is coming from a political movement that is essentially putting its head in the sand and denying actual reality. I’ve heard plenty of people talking about how it’s an established fact that climate change is a hoax, how the Democrats are secretly trafficking children, the left stole the election for Biden, or that the entirety of the political right is being silenced because of a cabal of tech companies conspiring against it.

And those beliefs are supported by a larger media ecosystem of TV networks, talk radio, alt-right blogs, and social media platforms, all of which have convinced a large segment of the population that reality isn’t really what it seems—and that it doesn’t matter. Remember: A prominent member of this party once championed the phrase “alternative facts” with a straight face.

Now that’s Orwellian.

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Trump simply failed in his attempt to establish BigBrother. Not for lack of trying.
Just ineptitude.
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Domestically feral
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United states
Good gawd.

Ask the Ministry of Truth who the 1984 shit is coming from. That's what you did.

I dont need left wing propaganda sources. I read the book and I have non partisan eyes.

You guys call centrists far right nazis. Is it because they went farther right? No.It's not.

So Slate, TheGaurdian and other leftwing sources know the valid 1984 comparisons and are damage controlling lol.

Obama established big brother, btw. And I'm not sure what you think "contact tracing" is for because its scientifically useless in a pandemic and even Vox let Snowden point that out.

You got Biden talking about "domestic terror laws" ....expanding the Patriot act. Because of the bunk Capitol narrative. Most paying attention realize we have more one party than 2.

You have no objectivity or grasp on what it was about. Showing me how the left leaning ministry of truth told you they arent the bad guys just proves my point.

You guys wont even admit antifa is a thing, and the reason if that Ministry of Truth didnt confirm it to you.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I'll drop this in here.

Some leftist with a democrat think tank guy there to prop up the bias made a video outright saying that its Republicans that have moved further right and are extremists and "off the rails" and Freedomtoons shredded it. I mean the whole spectrum has shifted left and only see that are the partisan hacks shilling for the left.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
My cousin is a survivalist/prepper type and he made it clear to me 20 years ago that you shouldnt live in a large city and you should be prepared with a months supply of food and weaponry at the bare minimum. The antifa and other leftist skags will burn civilization down when the SHTF which will rid us of a shit ton of white libtards.

Unfortunately, this talk of getting the left to recognize their folly is a total waste. Prepare to protect your own life. Prepare to turn your back on any leftist relatives, they'll only wind up getting you killed too.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
My cousin is a survivalist/prepper type and he made it clear to me 20 years ago that you shouldnt live in a large city and you should be prepared with a months supply of food and weaponry at the bare minimum. The antifa and other leftist skags will burn civilization down when the SHTF which will rid us of a shit ton of white libtards.

Unfortunately, this talk of getting the left to recognize their folly is a total waste. Prepare to protect your own life. Prepare to turn your back on any leftist relatives, they'll only wind up getting you killed too.

I dont have any leftist relatives.

I got some wacky Qers.....but I'd rather deal with them.

Murdock was one of my only "leftist" friends and she suddenly flipped script on me pretty viciously. Suddenly, too. It kinda started a bit with phone calls but she legit just turned. It's the most fucked up thing I've seen but its happened to others I know with some their friends/family. If you have someone in your life that's all BLM and woke AF....just cut them off and save yourself a sudden viscious episode. They cannot stand on the merits on their position so they attack you on a personal level.

So this isnt a problem I have to worry about. I have people who are leftists I associate with but no "inner circle".

They are completely unaware of how vapid and unreasonable they have become. I have watched entire personalities completely change for the worst. It's scary times.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
My cousin is a survivalist/prepper type and he made it clear to me 20 years ago that you shouldnt live in a large city and you should be prepared with a months supply of food and weaponry at the bare minimum. The antifa and other leftist skags will burn civilization down when the SHTF which will rid us of a shit ton of white libtards.

Unfortunately, this talk of getting the left to recognize their folly is a total waste. Prepare to protect your own life. Prepare to turn your back on any leftist relatives, they'll only wind up getting you killed too.

I dont have any leftist relatives.

I got some wacky Qers.....but I'd rather deal with them.

Murdock was one of my only "leftist" friends and she suddenly flipped script on me pretty viciously.

So this isnt a problem I have to worry about. I have people who are leftists I associate with but no "inner circle".

They are completely unaware of how vapid and unreasonable they have become. I have watched entire personalities completely change for the worst. It's scary times.
Everyone gets ugly in these situations. Its a sorry situation. I'm not about to take on the white guilt and self hatred the left is pushing and I wont let my kids either.

My wife was a lib in her early days. She went to college and was successfully indoctrinated to accept that racism only comes from white people and it cannot come from any POC. That was in the late 80's and early 90's. So we've had 30 years + of that kind of indoctrination. How do you deprogram that kind of shit? Ya dont!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Meanwhile in France: French Antifa claimed responsibility for two arson attacks on a French telecommunications company. They had previously clai.ed attacks on a French radio station as well as police stations and a firefighting station.

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Holliday Unchained

Meanwhile in France: French Antifa claimed responsibility for two arson attacks on a French telecommunications company. They had previously clai.ed attacks on a French radio station as well as police stations and a firefighting station.

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Far-Left anarchists?
Even a complete retard like you should appreciate what a contradiction of terms that is. :LMAO:

LoLz at Oderstink


Factory Bastard
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You can see pictures of posters organizing riots ahead of time and the words used which make it clear a riot is planned. All of their riots and terrorist activities are openly organized online.

Holliday Unchained

Oh, and another PS:
..anyone who was alive, alert, and old enough to understand in the 60's and 70's
will inform you that the country has been moving steadily to the right for the past 50 years.
..though thankfully, it appears the most recent surge in right-wingism is its death-throws
before spiritual evolution prevails over the darkness of conservatism.