I've got lots of catlicks in my fam but at least they arent gaytheists. I'd disown any faggit, gaytheist, muhzie, satanist, from my fam IN A FUKIN HEARTBEAT!!! Pretty damn easy to understand why, having known how fucked up and amoral all those cunts are. Faggits and gaytheists are the worst though by far.
. Oh, hey lozer.
I'm so glad to see you.
.We haven't enough posters with absolutely no honor here.
You are a fine addition to that demographic.
Presidential Election
Updated:Dec 29, 2020, 6:07 AM EST|Checking for updates in00:03
Joe Biden
306 electoral votes 81,281,888 popular votes 51.38%
Donald Trump
232 electoral votes 74,223,251 popular votes 46.91%