. Oh, hey lozer.I've got lots of catlicks in my fam but at least they arent gaytheists. I'd disown any faggit, gaytheist, muhzie, satanist, from my fam IN A FUKIN HEARTBEAT!!! Pretty damn easy to understand why, having known how fucked up and amoral all those cunts are. Faggits and gaytheists are the worst though by far.
I'm so glad to see you.
.We haven't enough posters with absolutely no honor here.
You are a fine addition to that demographic.
Presidential Election
Updated:Dec 29, 2020, 6:07 AM EST|Checking for updates in00:03
Joe Biden
306 electoral votes 81,281,888 popular votes 51.38%
Donald Trump
232 electoral votes 74,223,251 popular votes 46.91%
There's no honour with deep state/nevertrumper/DNC skulduggery...
...try again.
How many time are you gonna strike out DD?
LOL! Lemme know when they're convicted, moron.
Another truth hater. He’ll go down with the orange faced dead man walking. You never answered. Why are you such a sucker?
Semen serious question, your ex wife was Jewish right? Was she religious or an atheist Jew?
You’ll never know amigo. I can tell you she had her own money, and wasn’t afraid to spend it. She was a savage in the rack. Maybe some day you’ll find one.
I was just wondering whether you were as hostile towards Judaism as you are with Christianity? If she was religious, you must have had to respect her faith.
Scouse. In my mind all religion sucks. I follow none of them.
93.5 % turnout in Trump counties - positive proof of Repooplickin voter fraud.Look at the DNC dildo try to explain away a miscarriage of voters rights... lol
OK. How did my thread about the practice of shunning family members turn into a thread about election results?